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为探索破损种蛋的再利用,我们进行了破损种蛋修补后用于孵化的试验。一、实验方法 (一)种蛋分组:设Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ为试验组,分别用三种不同材料修补,每组破损种蛋150个,共计450个;设Ⅳ、Ⅴ为对照组,分别为合格种蛋和破损种蛋各150个.再将以上各试验组和各对照组又分为A、B、C三种消毒处理。 (二)修补方法:把需要修补的破损种蛋,逐个放在验蛋器上.观察其破损部位,根据破损面积大小,选用相应大小的修补材料修补。修补前将蛋壳破损局部用酒精棉球擦拭消毒,然后将试验Ⅰ组用普通尼龙透明胶布修补;试验Ⅱ组用普通擦镜头纸沾  相似文献   

破损种蛋一般认为不能用于孵化,而被废弃。笔者对三种较为简单易行的修补破损种蛋的方法进行了试验,证明了破损种蛋通过修补可与正常种蛋一样用于常规孵化。将破损种蛋按不同破损程度和形状、不同修补时间、不同修补材料、破损蛋与完好蛋、破损蛋修补与不修补分成五组进行对比试验,每组重复三次。经修补的破损种蛋,孵化率为80.15%,与正常种蛋孵化率(87.14%)差异不显著(P>0.05)。修补的破损种蛋孵化率显著高于未修补的破损种蛋孵化率,分别为81.24%和33.91%。用胶水、浆糊、透明胶带修补的破损种蛋孵化率分别为81.01%、80.16%、68.98%。将破损种蛋分成第二天修补、第四天修补、第六天修补三类,同时入孵,结果为第二天、第四天、第六天修补的孵化率分别为81.06%、76.28%、62.54%。由此可见,破损种蛋在内壳膜没有破裂的情况下,完全可以用来孵化。  相似文献   

种蛋的破损率一般在6%-8%左右,种蛋一旦破损就失去了利用价值。因此,对没有流出蛋清的损种蛋,将蛋壳破损修补完好,减少水分蒸发,就能像正常一样孵化出,笔者在相同的孵化条件下,分别作了五种不同情况的对比试验,从而筛选出了最有效,最便利的修补方法,山孵率达61.59%-81.34%。  相似文献   

裂纹种蛋修补后用于孵化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择艾维菌裂纹400枚,均分为两组,Ⅰ组裂纹蛋未经处理,Ⅱ组用胶带粘贴裂纹,正常蛋200枚,为第Ⅲ组,同机孵化。结果表明:Ⅰ、Ⅱ组Ⅲ组孵化率分别为34.8%、84.72%和87.5%,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组孵化率明显高于Ⅰ组(P<0.01),Ⅱ、Ⅲ组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

修水黄羽乌鸡种蛋孵化效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了掌握修水黄羽乌鸡的种质特性,本文统计、分析了15批次种蛋的孵化性能,并进行各项指标之间的相关性分析和前、中、后期性能差异显著性分析.结果表明:在正常情况下,修水黄羽乌鸡种蛋的受精率平均为94.43%;平均入孵蛋孵化率为81.15%;平均受精蛋孵化率为85.91%;健雏率为平均97.46%.受精率与孵化率和健雏率、孵化率与健雏率均有较强的正相关.受精率、孵化率和健雏率均是中期最高,对应的受精率差异不显著,孵化率和健雏率差异显著.修水黄羽乌鸡种蛋的受精率和健雏率已达较高水平,孵化率有待提高.  相似文献   

番鸭是优良的瘦肉型禽种,具有生长快、体重大、瘦肉率高、产肝性能好等特点。因此番鸭在现代养禽业中具有特殊的价值和地位,被认为是最有发展前途的禽种,近年来国内外都十分重视番鸭生产,孵化是番鸭生产中的重要环节,孵化率的高低不仅影响出雏数量,而且直接影响雏鸭的生长发育及孵化场的经济效益。本试验主要研究翻蛋角度、喷水凉蛋对番鸭孵化效果的影响。1材料和方法1.1试验时间和地点2001年5~8月在本站孵化场进行。1.2试验材料试验种蛋选自本站从福建农大引进的法国父母代番鸭所产的合格种蛋,孵化机为安徽蚌埠生产的…  相似文献   

种蛋收集、选择、消毒、贮存、运输、保存,每个环节都对孵化率有重要影响,只有抓好管理中的各个细节,才能保证种蛋孵化率。1收集种蛋收集必须及时,可减少破损和污染,又可避免污物污染对胚胎造成不利影响。生产中,工作人员  相似文献   

乌骨鸡蛋形指数对孵化率的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
将乌骨鸡种蛋按蛋形指数分为A(≤ 72 0 % )、B(72 1 %~ 74 0 % )、C(74 1 %~76 0 % )、D(76 1 %~ 78 0 % )、E(≥ 78 1 % ) 5组进行孵化 ,结果表明 :5组乌骨鸡的受精蛋孵化率分别为 82 6%、86 1 %、90 2 %、87 2 %、82 5% ,C组显著高于A、B、D、E各组 (P <0 0 5) ,并极显著地高于A组和E组 (P <0 0 1 ) ,蛋形指数为 74 1 %~ 76 0 %的乌骨鸡种蛋孵化效果最佳  相似文献   

乌骨鸡蛋形指数对孵化率的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将乌骨鸡种蛋按蛋形指数分为A(≤72.0%)、B(72.1%-74.0%)、C(74.1%-76.0%)、D(76.1%-78.0%)、E(≥78.1%)五组进行孵化,结果表明:五组包骨 受精蛋孵化率分别为82.6%、86.1%、90.2%、87.2%、82.5%、C组显著高于A、B、D、E各组(P〈0.05),并极显著地高于A组和E组(P〈0.01),蛋形指数为74.1%-76.0%的乌骨鸡种蛋孵化效果最佳。  相似文献   

自然环境下种蛋保存条件对孵化性能影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾汝敏  黄伟霖 《中国家禽》2004,26(13):13-16
在自然环境条件下(平均温度20.8℃,相对湿度89.9%),根据种蛋的保存时间(1~3天,4~6天,7~9天,10~12天)、放置方式(锐端向上,锐端向下)、翻蛋与否,将入孵蛋分为16个处理组,与大批量的种蛋同机孵化。试验结果表明:保存时间对种蛋孵化率起决定性影响,保存期一周内孵化率最佳,超过一周则孵化率明显下降。翻不翻蛋对种蛋孵化率的影响不显著,但显著影响早期和中后期胚胎死亡率。放置方式对保存期在10天以内的种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率、胚胎早期死亡率、胚胎中后期死亡率没有影响;种蛋保存期超过10天时。锐端向下存放可提高孵化率。  相似文献   

用卵黄提取液检测9种常见禽病抗体,评估种蛋质量取得良好效果。  相似文献   

Breeder flocks and commercial hatcheries represent an early contamination point for Salmonella entry into commercial integrated poultry operations. Utilizing effective antimicrobial treatments for hatching eggs is a critical part of reducing the incidence of Salmonella-colonized chicks on the farm. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bactericidal effect of several chemicals on Salmonella-contaminated hatching eggs. Four replications (n = 10/treatment per replicate) were conducted to determine the efficacy of 7 commercially available compounds. The compounds tested were as follows: 1) hydrogen peroxide, 2) water-oil emulsion droplets stabilized by detergent, 3) peroxyacetic acid, 4) 4 quaternary ammonium compounds attached to a polymer, 5) 2 quaternary ammonium compounds, 1 biguanide compound and bronopol attached to a polymer, 6) N-alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and stabilized urea, and 7) polyhexamethylenebiguanide hydrochloride. A naladixic acid-resistant Salmonella serovar Typhimurium was inoculated (103 cfu/mL) onto fertile hatching eggs by drip-inoculation. Controls included a positive control (no spray application) and a water control (spray containing water to take into account rinsing effects). Compounds 5 and 7 had a 100% reduction, and both of these chemicals included a biguanide. Compounds 4 and 3 were also effective with a 95 and 93.5% reduction, respectively. Compounds 6 and 2 were the least effective of all chemicals, with a reduction of 47.5 and 40%, respectively. Hydrogen peroxide (compound 1), which has been used by the poultry industry, had a 70% reduction, and the water control produced a 10% reduction due to the rinsing effect. Several antimicrobials tested were more effective than hydrogen peroxide. More detailed studies will be required to adequately evaluate these antimicrobials.  相似文献   

动物卫生监督所执法人员对曾某经营未经检疫的种蛋违法案件进行行政处罚,曾某不服先后向江西省宁都县人民法院和赣州市中级人民法院上诉,辩称其孵化的种蛋不属于《动物防疫法》规定的检疫对象,执法人员没有出示官方兽医证件,不属官方兽医,不具备实施动物、动物产品检疫监督执法的资格。二审法院审理认为宁都县动物卫生监督所作出的行政处罚事实清楚,证据充分,程序得当,适用法律准确,最终判决曾某败诉。本案中曾某二次上诉的原因,是其对有关法律法规条款有误读,此案例可为执法人员提供参考。  相似文献   

金属聚氨酯夹芯板对蚕种孵化率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金属聚氨酯夹芯板是一种新型建筑材料,保温性能好,在蚕种冷藏中有高效、节能的优点,经孵化试验对蚕种孵化率没有不良影响.  相似文献   

通过对山东大蔡牧业集团有限公司种鸡场(2008年5月至2009年4月)孵化生产记录数据进行整理、归纳和汇总,对种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率和健雏率3个指标进行相关统计分析,计算两两之间的相关系数,并建立回归方程.结果发现:种蛋受精率和受精蛋孵化率的相关系数r=0.9223(P<0.01);种蛋受精率和健雏率的相关系数r=0.4097(P<0.05);受精蛋孵化率和健雏率的相关系数为r=0.3980(P<0.05).  相似文献   

This paper was aimed to study the impact of hatching egg weights and egg shape indexs on hatching of Zi goose,and then sum up the best scheme for hatching eggs screening,so as to provide scientific reference for the selection and retention of Zi goose individuals and family hatching eggs,as well as the breeding and incubation production.2469 hatching eggs of Zi geese of the second year were chosen with the weight range of 94.8 to 154.4 g and an average weight of (123.3±9.5) g;the egg shape index range was 1.24~1.63 and the average index was 1.45±0.05.Using 2 factors 4 levels test design,the weight and the shape index of eggs were divided into four levels and all the eggs were separated into 16 hatching groups.The weight and the shape index were measured and labeled on eggshells.Two hatching experiments were conducted in the same instrument and the hatching conditions were same.The results showed that:① Egg fertility rate was the highest in egg weight <118.0 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;Hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest in >131.9 g group,followed by 125.0~131.9 g group,and the hatchability of fertilized eggs increased along with the increase of egg weight;The highest healthy chick rate of breeding egg hatching lay in 125.0~131.9 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;The highest breeding egg hatching gosling birth weight lay in >131.9 group.② When egg shape index was between 1.47 to 1.51,the egg fertility rate and healthy chick rate were the highest,followed by >1.51 group;In the group 1.47 to 1.51,hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest,followed by 1.42 to 1.46 group.In conclusion,hatching egg weight of Zi goose had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight (P<0.05),and the egg weight of Zi goose between 125.0~154.4 g was advisable;on the other hand,egg shape index also had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs and healthy chick rate (P<0.05),but had no impact on gosling birth weight (P>0.05),and the egg shape index between 1.47 to 1.51 was appropriate.Egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight were affected by interaction of egg weight and shape index.Compared with the weight of eggs,the egg shape index had greater influence on healthy geese rate.The egg shape index had no direct impact on birth weight of young geese,but it could be influenced by the interaction between the egg shape index and the weight.Thus it was not very scientific to take either the weight or the index as the only basis for choosing qualified hatching eggs.  相似文献   

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