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1.?The advantages and disadvantages of various housing systems for laying hens were compared as a pilot study for work in commercial conditions.

2.?At 16 weeks of age, 284 hens were introduced into one of 6 housing systems: two types of conventional cages (small: SC; large: LC), furnished cages (small: SF; large: LF), and non-cage systems (single-tiered aviary: SA; free-range: FR).

3.?We evaluated the welfare, egg production, and immune response of the birds in these housing systems, built in the same location, for 18 months. For welfare evaluation, we examined their ethology, physiology, anatomy, production, and physical condition.

4.?The non-cage systems, especially FR, had a low score for freedom from pain, injury, and disease, together with other disadvantages, such as pale eggs and increased feed intake for production. However, the score for freedom to express normal behaviour was high and immune response was good in the non-cage systems.

5.?In the furnished cages, behaviour was more diverse in SF than in LF, and in SF immune response was comparable with the non-cage systems.

6.?For freedom from fear and distress, the non-cage systems had high scores for some indicators such as TI duration, H/L ratio and claw length, while aggressive pecking and feather pecking was worse in the housing systems with large group sizes.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated when and where body weight and flock‐uniformity should be determined in an aviary system by using automatic weighing systems.

2. An Individual Poultry Weighing System (IPWS) was developed to record time, duration, location and body weight of visits of individual hens to 4 weighing scales.

3. The number of hens that visited the weighing scales per 3 h period varied from less than 10 during the dark‐period to more than 60 during the light‐period.

4. The average number of visits per individual hen was 1–4 and the average number of successful weighings per hen was 0–6 during the light‐period.

5. Body weight showed a diurnal rhythm: the difference between the maximum body weight at night and the minimum body weight in the morning was 63 g.

6. The location of the scales influenced number of visits, number of weighings, mean body weight, flock‐uniformity and duration of visits.

7. Body weight per 3 h period did not differ between hens which were individually recognised and those which were not.

8. Flock‐uniformity was 2–6% higher during the light‐period if it was based on weighings of identified hen visits.

9. The average duration of the visits to the scales in the middle of the feeding tier during the light‐period was 63 s.

10. Of all the hens that visited the scales during a 24 h period, 54% visited them only once.

11. Automatic weighing systems without individual hen recognition can deliver reliable management information on mean body weight and flock‐uniformity in aviary systems if the weighing scales are located on the feeding tier in the middle of the house and if they are used during the light‐period.  相似文献   

Walking and bouts of wing movement performed by 61-week-old ISA brown laying hens which had been taken from one batch of eggs and then kept in three different housing systems which allowed a gradation in spatial freedom, were recorded. After slaughter the breaking strengths of the humerus and tibia of birds from each system were measured. Birds from battery cages exhibited the fewest limb movements and had the weakest bones, their humeri having only 54 per cent of the strength of those of birds from a perchery. Birds from the Elson terrace system were heavier and had a stronger tibia than cage birds. Compared with perchery birds, terrace birds had weaker humeri and also performed fewer wing movements. The results indicate that the amount of movement possible for laying hens in battery cages was insufficient to avoid levels of osteopenia and consequent bone fragility much greater than in birds kept in the perchery and Elson terrace systems.  相似文献   

As eggs represent now as ever the most important source for Salmonella infection in human beings and because of the currently occurring shift in housing conditions for laying hens from conventional cages to alternative systems it was studied whether the Salmonella prevalence in layers is influenced by the housing system. Following systems were considered: organic farming with free range management systems, floor management systems with free range, floor management systems without free range, conventional cages. 453 pooled faecal samples as single or double examination per herd from 329 flocks in different housing systems for table egg production from three Federal Lander were examined bacteriologically. The share of layer flocks which were Salmonella positive at least once independently of the housing system amounted to 32.2%. Analysis of the Salmonella findings in the single housing systems revealed that the share of Salmonella positive flocks was higher in conventional cage systems (46.3%) than in alternative housing systems (32.996% in organic farming with free range management systems, 21.9% in floor management systems with free range, 23.4% in floor management systems without free range).The results of the study clearly show that Salmonella Enteritidis (mostly phage type 4, other phage types rarely) presents with a share of 78% the dominant serovar in laying hens.The total number of all other serovars (apart from Salmonella Enteritidis and subspecies I rough) reached a share of ca. 14%, however, no other single serovar was dominant. As Salmonella Enteritidis is the predominant serovar in laying hens it is strongly recommended to use Salmonella Enteritidis vaccines for immunisation programmes of chickens during the rearing period. Because of the high prevalence of Salmonella organisms in the different housing systems, detailed information on the epidemiology of Salmonella in laying hens are needed to introduce effective control measures. Of particular interest is the question whether the Salmonella findings in laying flocks are the result of multiplication of already existing Salmonella organisms in the animals or whether the bacteria are introduced only during the laying period.  相似文献   

The survival time of NDV (LaSota) in the excrement of layers was in summer (winter) 22 and 18 days (26 and 36 days) in two cage houses, 14 and 18 days (36 and 33 days) in two floor-pen houses, as well as 8 days (54 and 68 days) in two dropping store places. By one week staying in battery cages and following the storage in dropping store place after 47 or 50 days NDV (LaSota) could not be reisolated. Besides environment factors, temperature, pH and dry matter was the thermic effect very significant. The comparison of the tenacity of NDV (LaSota) in different housing systems was besides of the quantitative determination of survival time supported through the application of a life time distribution test.  相似文献   

The bacterial eggshell contamination of eating eggs in different commercial housing systems; two conventional cages, one organic aviary system and one barn production, were compared. The total counts of aerobic bacteria and the total counts of Gram-negative bacteria on the shell were used to detect key points where contamination occurred and to study the progress of contamination in the egg collection and transportation chains. The key points in the chain were those where eggs accumulated on a short conveyor belt, initial shell contamination in the alternative housing systems and extra nest-boxes placed on the ground. The high bacterial load of floor eggs (>6.3 log CFU total aerobic flora/eggshell) explains why they cannot be used for eating. On average higher initial shell contamination with total counts of aerobic bacteria was found for eggs from the alternative housing systems compared to the conventional systems; respectively 5.46 compared to 5.08 log CFU/eggshell. However, initial contamination with total counts of Gram-negative bacteria on the shells was less in the alternative systems: 3.31 compared to 3.85 log CFU/shell. Initial bacterial shell contamination tended to correlate positively with the concentration of bacteria in the air of the poultry houses. Storing shell eggs, whether temporarily refrigerated or not, for 9 d or more, resulted in a decrease in bacterial eggshell contamination for both bacterial variables.  相似文献   

1. Endotoxins as components of organic dust may have adverse effects on the respiratory health of workers in poultry buildings. The move towards more welfare-friendly housing systems for layers may increase worker exposure to air contaminants due to the use of litter.

2. The endotoxin concentrations in the inhalable fraction of airborne dust (below 100?µm) from cage and alternative system houses (on-floor, free range and aviaries) were compared under both experimental and commercial conditions.

3. The endotoxin concentration was higher in experimental aviaries (median: 565?EU/m3, range: 362-1491?EU/m3) than in cage housing (98?EU/m3 (51-470)).

4. In field conditions, the endotoxin concentration in the air of 13 alternative houses was higher (35 to 3156?EU/m3) than in cage system buildings (n?=?8, 78-576?EU/m3). It was correlated to the respirable dust concentration (fraction below 5?µm) and to the temperature inside the hen house but no seasonal variation was observed.

5. The present study emphasises that considerable worker exposure to endotoxins may occur in laying houses, especially in alternative systems.  相似文献   

The influence of housing system on the initial bacterial contamination of the eggshell was studied. Two long-term experiments were performed. Bacterial eggshell contamination, as expressed by total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria, was periodically analysed for eggs from a conventional cage, a furnished cage with nest boxes containing artificial turf or grids as nest-floor material and an aviary housing system. Results were log-transformed prior to statistical analyses. For both experiments no systematic differences were found between the conventional cage and furnished cage. The type of nest-floor material in the nest boxes of the furnished cages also did not systematically influence the bacterial contamination. A possible seasonal influence on contamination with a decrease in the winter period (up to > 0.5 log cfu/eggshell) of total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria was observed in the first experiment. The contamination with total aerobic flora was higher (more than 1.0 log) on eggs from the aviary housing system compared to the conventional and the furnished cage systems. For Gram-negative bacteria this was not the case. During the entire period of both experiments, independent of housing system, shell contamination was not influenced by age of hens or period since placing the birds in the houses. For the total count of aerobic bacteria a restricted positive correlation (r2 = 0.66) was found between the concentration of total bacteria in the air of the poultry houses and initial shell contamination.  相似文献   

Several species of intestinal spirochaetes, Brachyspira (B.) alvinipulli, B. intermedia and B. pilosicoli, may cause reduced egg production and faecal staining of eggshells in chickens. The aim of this study was to characterize potentially pathogenic and presumably non-pathogenic Brachyspira spp. from commercial laying hens. Selective culture, phenotyping, PCR and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were used and clinical data were collected. Phenotypic profiles were obtained for 489 isolates and 351 isolates obtained after subculture, and 30 isolates were selected for molecular characterization. Seven isolates were positive by a B. intermedia-specific PCR based on the nox gene, and two were positive in a B. hyodysenteriae-specific 23S rRNA gene based PCR. By comparative phylogenetic analysis in combination with PCR and phenotyping, seven isolates were identified as B. intermedia, eight isolates as B. innocens, five as B. murdochii, and three isolates each as B. alvinipulli and "B. pulli". The remaining four isolates could not be assigned to any presently recognized species. Co-infection with several species or genetic variants of Brachyspira spp. were detected in some flocks and samples, suggesting a high level of diversity. Organic flocks with access to outdoor areas were at higher risk (RR=2.3; 95% CI 1.5-3.6) for being colonized than chickens in other housing systems. No significant differences between colonized and non-colonized flocks were found regarding clinical parameters, i.e. mortality, egg production, faecally contaminated eggshells, and wet litter. Our results show that a combination of traditional laboratory diagnostics, molecular tests and phylogeny is needed for identification of Brachyspira sp. from chickens.  相似文献   

Foot pad health was examined in a total of 648 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) in two trials and in 216 Lohmann Brown (LB) laying hens in one trial kept in small group housing systems and furnished cages. The effects of housing system, strain, month of laying period, rearing method, group size and body weight were tested for significance by using analysis of variance. The assessment of foot pads was performed each three months during the laying period. The alterations of foot pads were classified in severity on a scale from 1 (no hyperkeratosis, no epithelial lesions, no swelling of foot pads) to 5 (severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads). In addition to the macroscopic findings, foot pads were histologically examined. Pathological alterations of foot pads were found in 86.1% of the laying hens, whereas 57.4% of the examined animals showed mild hyperkeratosis (degree 2). Modest hyperkeratosis and/or superficial lesions of the epithelium (degree 3) were detected in 21.0% of the laying hens examined. Severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep epithelial lesions and/or mild swelling of the foot pads (degree 4) as well as very severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads (degree 5) occurred with frequencies of 5.9% and 1.9% respectively. LB laying hens' food pads were more frequently affected by hyperkeratosis, whereas epithelial lesions were more frequently found in LSL laying hens. The prevalence of pathological alterations in foot pads was significantly influenced by housing system and month of laying period. The results of this study showed that laying hens kept in small group housing systems and furnished cages develop proliferative hyperkeratosis in foot pads due to increased mechanical compression load, caused by the use of perches and staying on wire floor.  相似文献   

(1) Ten domestic hens (Lohmann Brown) were video-recorded while moving between perches at a horizontal distance of 0.6, 0.8 or 1.15 m apart. The take-off perch was either 0.2 m above or below the landing perch. (2) Weight and wing area of the hens were measured at the end of the experiment. The same measures where taken from 10 jungle fowls. (3) Clumsy or missed landings were observed on some downward flights over 0.8 and 1.15 m. (4) Hens' trajectories on take-off were closely related to the position of the target perch, and variation in take-off trajectory decreased as the distance between perches increased. (5) The standard deviation of the horizontal distance between head and perch, at the point when the feet first contacted the perch, did not vary with flight distance, suggesting that timing of foot extension was equally accurate at all distances. (6) The standard deviation of the vertical distance between head and perch, at the point when the feet first contacted the perch, did increase with distance, suggesting increasing difficulty in controlling the height of the flight trajectory above the landing perch. (7) Wing loading of the hens (mean 213 N/m2) was approximately twice that of the jungle fowl (mean 111 N/m2). (8) Loss of accuracy in hens' landings at greater distances can be attributed specifically to the effects of high wing loading on the ability to generate and control lift.  相似文献   

Stress and feather pecking in laying hens in relation to housing conditions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Possible association between high rates of feather pecking and increased stress were investigated in laying hens. 2. From week 19 to week 30 after hatching, 16 groups of 11 hens (white Lohman Selected Leghorn hybrids) were kept in pens with or without long-cut straw as foraging material and provided with food in the form of pellets or mash. 3. Stress was assessed by egg production, weight gain, tonic immobility (TI), heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio and antibody titres to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), tetanus toxoid (TT) and human serum albumin (HSA). 4. Provision of foraging material and food form influenced feather pecking. Rates of feather pecking were highest in groups housed without straw and fed on pellets. 5. Egg production was reduced in pens without straw but not affected by food form. Both the duration of TI and H/L ratios were influenced by provision of foraging material and food form. TI was longer and H/L ratios were increased in hens housed without straw and in those fed on pellets. Antibody titers to SRBC and TT were lower in pens without straw than with straw but not influenced by food form. 6. In conclusion, foraging material and food form affected both feather pecking and indicators of stress, suggesting that feather pecking in laying hens is associated with stress.  相似文献   

1. Foot pad health was determined macroscopically and histologically in two trials with Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL, white layer strain) and Lohmann Brown (LB) laying hens kept in a small group housing system (40 and 60 hens) and two types of furnished cages (10 and 20 hens). 2. A total of 864 foot pads (648 LSL and 216 LB) were examined macroscopically and classified according to severity of pathological alterations; of these, 180 metatarsal pads and 180 toe pads were also examined histologically for hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, elongation of rete folds, development of secondary papillae, erosion, ulceration, cellular infiltration and bacterial colonisation of the epidermal surface. 3. As for the macroscopic examinations, pathological alterations of foot pads were found in 86.1% of the hens, while 57.4% of the birds examined showed mild hyperkeratosis. Macroscopically moderate hyperkeratosis and/or superficial lesions of the epithelium were detected in 21% of the laying hens examined. Severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep epithelial lesions and/or mild swelling of the foot pads were found in 5.9% of the hens, and very severe hyperkeratosis and/or deep and large epithelial lesions and/or moderate or high-grade swelling of foot pads were found in 1.9%. 4. The histopathological examinations showed that the macroscopically determined thickening of the epidermis was due not only to hyperkeratosis, but also often to acanthosis. In addition, perivascular infiltrations of lymphocytes were also detected. Furthermore, the degree of hyperkeratosis in metatarsal pads was shown to correlate with the other histopathological traits except for ulceration, and the degree of hyperkeratosis in toe pads was related to the development of secondary papillae and cellular infiltration with lymphocytes. 5. The results of the macroscopic and histological examinations showed that the use of perches and the grasping of wire floor may have resulted in a permanent increased mechanical compression load leading to proliferative hyperkeratosis.  相似文献   

The influence of different housing systems on adiposis of liver, abdomen and heart was evaluated in 670 Lohmann Silver (LS) and 240 Lohmann Tradition (LT) laying hens during two trials. Examinations took place in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th laying month. In addition, serum concentration of triglycerides (TRI) was analysed. Housing systems included in this study were a furnished cage system (Aviplus (AP)), a small group housing system (Eurovent 625a-EU (EV)), with perches on the same (first trial) and on different levels (second trial, MEV), and an aviary system (Voliere Natura (AV)). In both trials, a significantly lower fat status of abdomen and liver could be observed in hens housed in AV. Consistently in both trials, body weight and housing system had the largest influence on fat status of liver, abdomen and heart. Scores of fat status of liver and abdomen in EV and MEV were in between of those observed in AV and AP, while heart fat status did not differ among housing systems. With an increasing macroscopic fat status of the liver, liver weight and TRI concentration significantly increased. Different perch positions in MEV did not have a significant influence on fat status in layers.  相似文献   

After multiple infections with S. enteritidis in humans and demonstration of S. enteritidis in egg products, S. enteritidis (lysotype 6, plasmid profile 40) could be isolated from organs of hens, anal swab tests of chicken, liquid manure, egg shells and non pasteurized egg contents. Because of the largeness of the hen farm prophylactic vaccinations seemed to be advisable additionally to improvement of the management and hygiene. A vaccine registered in 1987 for use in pigeons and water fowl "Zoosal oral Dessau" was used. As a test three were vaccinated three times and artificially infected. Cross immunity against S. enteritidis could be demonstrated. In October 1987 all chicken of the farm were vaccinated three times at the age of 4, 6 and 7 weeks; random samples were tested for immunity and cross immunity. Until the end of the laying period immunity against S. typhimurium could be proven in 98% of the hens, against S. enteritidis in 95%.  相似文献   

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