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According to the economy theory, plants should preferentially allocate photosynthate to acquire below-ground resources under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) but decrease below-ground C allocation when nitrogen (N) is sufficient for plant growth. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) represent a critical mechanism of below-ground nutrient acquisition for plants. The dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could therefore reflect the response of plant C allocation under eCO2 and N addition. We examined the responses of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) to eCO2 (approximately 700 μmol mol−1 CO2) and/or N addition (100 kg N ha−1 yr−1 as NH4NO3) in a modeled subtropical forest to better understand its potential influence on soil C storage. We hypothesized that GRSP would increase under eCO2 and decrease under N addition. Furthermore, the positive effects of eCO2 on GRSP would be offset by extra N addition, and GRSP would remain unchanged under combined eCO2 and N addition. Our results showed that the mean concentrations of easily extractable GRSP (EE-GRSP) and total GRSP (T-GRSP) were 0.35 ± 0.05 and 0.72 ± 0.13 mg C cm−3, respectively, which accounted for 2.76 ± 0.53% and 5.67 ± 0.92% of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the 0–10 cm soil layer. Elevated CO2 significantly increased T-GRSP by 35.02% but decreased EE-GRSP by 5.09% in the top 10 cm soil layer. The opposite responses of T-GRSP and EE-GRSP to eCO2 might result from an unchanged photosynthate investment to AMF with possible changes in their decomposition rates. The effect of N on GRSP was contrary to our hypothesis, i.e., there was a 1.72%–48.49% increase in T-GRSP and a slightly increase in EE-GRSP. Both EE-GRSP and T-GRSP concentrations increased under the combination of eCO2 and N addition, which was inconsistent with our hypothesis. The significant increase of EE-GRSP under the combination of eCO2 and N addition was partly caused by more rapid plant growth and reduced microbial diversity, and the marginal increase of T-GRSP indicated that the interaction between eCO2 and N addition offset their independent effects. In addition, the relatively higher accumulation ratios of GRSP (22.6 ± 13.6%) compared with SOC (15.9 ± 9.4%) indicated that more rapid GRSP deposition in the soil might accelerate SOC accumulation under eCO2 and N addition. Our results will improve the understanding of the functioning of GRSP in soil C sequestration under global environmental change scenarios.  相似文献   

In SW China, acid deposition has been associated with forest damage such as defoliation and mortality due to serious soil acidification. These effects may be exacerbated by ongoing climate change. Understanding the integrated effects of climate change and acid deposition on soil chemistry of forest ecosystems is the key to alleviate forest damage and recover forest health. In particular, the long‐term development of integrated effects is unclear and, thus, prevents setting up cost‐effective controls of atmospheric deposition for improved forest‐health management. We employed the Nutrient Cycling Model (NuCM) to predict the changes of soil chemistry in a Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) forest at Tie‐Shan‐Ping (nearby Chongqing, the biggest city in SW China) under two scenarios of climate change and five scenarios of atmospheric deposition. Field‐monitoring data were used to calibrate and validate the NuCM model. It is shown that the maintaining of current acid deposition both in its quantity and composition would not enhance soil acidification although it would take further 20 years to reach a steady state with higher SO$ _4^{2-} $ and Ca2+ concentrations in soil solution. This simulated trend is in contradiction to the decrease of soil pH observed in field during last several decades. The possible reason of this may be the obviously elevated deposition of Ca2+, which may help to raise the pH of soil solution but occurred only in recent several years following the rapid increase of local construction industry. However, this enhanced Ca2+ input may not be maintained for long time. A decreased S input would lead to some positive effects on soil chemistry such as the increase of soil base saturation. A high N deposition has implicated the forest ecosystem to be saturated with N, and increased N input will further aggravate soil acidification and nutrient imbalances. The future climate change projected by IPCC, i.e., the increase of temperature and rainfall may slightly enhance the negative effect of increased N input. The integrated effect of climate change and N‐deposition increase may counteract the positive effects of decreased S input to a considerable degree. This supports the need for a rigorous implementation of new technology to decrease the emission of both S and N.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated nitrogen (N)deposition on soil exchangeable cations were studied in three forest types of subtropical China. Four N treatments with three replications were designed for the monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (mature forest):control (0 kg N ha-1 year-1), low N (50 kg N ha-1 year-1), medium N (100 kg N ha-1 year-1)and high N (150 kg N ha-1 year-1), and only three treatments (i.e., control, low N, medium N)were established for the pine and mixed forests. Nitrogen had been applied continuously for 26 months before the measurement. The mature forest responded more rapidly and intensively to N additions than the pine and mixed forests, and exhibited some significant negative symptoms, e.g., soil acidification, Al mobilization and leaching of base cations from soil. The pine and mixed forests responded slowly to N additions and exhibited no significant response of soil cations. Response of soil exchangeable cations to N deposition varied in the forests of subtropical China, depending on soil N status and land-use history.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient content of soil aggregates can vary spatially and temporally, and for different soil types and cropping systems. We assessed SOC and nutrient levels within water‐stable aggregates in ridges with no tillage (RNT) and also under conventional tillage (CT) for a subtropical rice soil in order to determine relationships between tillage, cation concentrations and soil organic matter. Surface soil (0–15 cm) was fractionated into aggregate sizes (>4.76 mm, 4.76–2.00 mm, 2.00–1.00 mm, 1.00–0.25 mm, 0.25–0.053 mm, <0.053 mm) under two tillage regimes. Tillage significantly reduced the proportion of macroaggregate fractions (>2.00 mm) and thus aggregate stability was reduced by 35% compared with RNT, indicating that tillage practices led to soil structural change for this subtropical soil. The patterns in SOC, total N, exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and total exchangeable bases (TEB) were similar between tillage regimes, but concentrations were significantly higher under RNT than CT. This suggests that RNT in subtropical rice soils may be a better way to enhance soil productivity and improve soil C sequestration potential than CT. The highest SOC was in the 1.00–0.25 mm fraction (35.7 and 30.4 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively), while the lowest SOC was in microaggregate (<0.025 mm) and silt + clay (<0.053 mm) fractions (19.5 and 15.7 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively). Tillage did not influence the patterns in SOC across aggregates but did change the aggregate‐size distribution, indicating that tillage affected soil fertility primarily by changing soil structure.  相似文献   

A field-scale experiment arranged in a complete randomized block design with three N addition treatments including a control (no addition of N), a low N (5 g m^-2 year^-1), and a medium N (10 g m^-2 year^-1) was performed in each of the three typical forests, a pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) forest (PF), a pine-broadleaf mixed forest (MF) and a mature monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (MEBF), of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in subtropical China to study the response of soil fauna community to additions of N. Higher NH4^+ and NO3^- concentrations and a lower soil pH occurred in the medium N treatment of MEBF, whereas the NO3^- concentration was the lowest in PF after the additions of N. The response of the density, group abundance and diversity index of soil fauna to addition of N varied with the forest type, and all these variables decreased with increasing N under MEBF but the trend was opposite under PF. The N treatments had no significant effects on these variables under MF. Compared with the control plots, the medium N treatment had significant negative effect on soil fauna under MEBF. The group abundance of soil fauna increased significantly with additions of higher N rates under PF. These results suggested that the response of soil fauna to N deposition varied with the forest type and N deposition rate, and soil N status is one of the important factors affecting the response of soil fauna to N deposition.  相似文献   

不同有机物料对苏打盐化土有机碳和活性碳组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】在大同盆地苏打盐化土上,研究不同有机物料对春玉米产量、土壤有机碳及活性碳组分的影响,明确土壤有机碳及活性碳组分与主要盐碱指标的相关关系,为苏打盐化土改良及有机物料资源化利用提供理论支撑。【方法】2016-2017年在山西省北部怀仁县开展田间定位试验,设对照(CK)、风化煤、生物炭、牛粪和秸秆5个处理,各处理有机物料施用量按照每年9000 kg/hm^2等有机碳投入量折算,收获时对春玉米进行测产。2017年春玉米收获后,采集土壤样品测定土壤有机碳总量(SOC)和水溶性有机碳(WSOC)、易氧化有机碳(EOC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)含量,分析土壤活性碳组分占有机碳的比例、土壤有机碳及活性碳组分与盐碱指标之间的关系。【结果】与CK相比,生物炭和秸秆处理春玉米产量无明显差异,而风化煤和牛粪处理春玉米产量则分别显著提高30.2%和30.3%。添加有机物料促进了0-20 cm土层SOC累积,其中以风化煤和牛粪处理效果最佳,较CK分别提高47.6%和36.1%。在有机碳组分方面,风化煤和牛粪处理提高WSOC、EOC含量的效果显著高于生物炭、秸秆处理;风化煤、牛粪和秸秆处理的LFOC含量显著高于生物炭处理。四类有机物料处理的WSOC占总有机碳的比例差异不显著,牛粪处理的占比显著高于CK。EOC占总有机碳的比例以牛粪处理最高,风化煤次之,且二者均显著高于CK处理;LFOC占总有机碳的比例则表现为秸秆、牛粪>风化煤、生物炭> CK。此外,添加有机物料能有效降低0-20 cm土层土壤pH、电导率(EC)和碱化度(ESP),其中以风化煤和牛粪处理降幅最大。相关分析表明,土壤SOC与pH、EC和ESP呈显著负相关。【结论】通过有机物料改良效果比较,发现牛粪和风化煤处理能促进苏打盐化土有机碳累积,提高可溶性、易氧化态及轻组有机碳组分在总有机碳中的占比,降低土壤pH、EC和ESP,明显提高春玉米产量。因此,风化煤和牛粪是山西北部苏打盐化土良好的改良剂。  相似文献   

为深入揭示陆地生态系统碳固定对大气氮沉降增加的响应机理,基于海北高寒草甸多形态(NH4Cl、(NH4)2SO4、KNO3)、低剂量(N 0、10、20、40 kg hm-2a-1)的增氮控制试验平台,采集各处理水平下不同深度土壤样品,利用颗粒分组法分离测定总土壤有机碳(SOC)以及各粒径组分的碳含量和δ13C值。研究结果表明:低氮显著增加了土壤粗颗粒态有机碳(Macro POC)和矿质结合态有机碳(MAOC)的含量,而高氮处理正好相反。施氮一致降低土壤细颗粒态有机碳(Micro POC)含量。此外,添加硝态氮肥对SOC各组分含量和δ13C值的影响显著高于铵态氮肥。总体而言,低氮导致地表30 cm层SOC储量增加了4.5%,而中氮和高氮导致SOC储量分别下降了5.4%和8.8%。低氮处理时新增的碳以Macro POC为主,而高氮处理时损失的碳主要是Micro POC。连续5 a施氮促进了颗粒态有机碳(POC)组分的分解,进而导致SOC稳定组分的比例增加。可以认为,大气氮沉降或低剂量施氮(10 kg hm-2a-1)短期内有利于青藏高原高寒草甸土壤碳截留,硝态氮较铵态氮输入对土壤碳储量增加更为有益。  相似文献   

为深入揭示陆地生态系统碳固定对大气氮沉降增加的响应机理,基于海北高寒草甸多形态(NH4Cl、(NH4)2SO4、KNO3)、低剂量(N 0、10、20、40 kg hm-2 a-1)的增氮控制试验平台,采集各处理不同深度土壤样品,利用颗粒分组法分离测定总土壤有机碳(SOC)以及各粒径组分的碳含量和δ13C值。研究结果表明:低氮显著增加了土壤粗颗粒态有机碳(MacroPOC)和矿质结合态有机碳(MAOC)的含量,而高氮处理正好相反。施氮一致降低土壤细颗粒有机碳(MicroPOC)含量。此外,添加硝态氮肥对SOC各组分含量和δ13C值的影响显著高于铵态氮肥。总体而言,低氮导致表层30 cm层SOC储量增加了4.5%,而中氮和高氮导致SOC储量分别下降了5.4%和8.8%。低氮处理新增的碳以MacroPOC为主,而高氮处理损失的碳主要是MicroPOC。连续5 a施氮促进了颗粒有机碳(POC)组分的分解,进而导致SOC稳定组分的比例增加。可以认为,大气氮沉降或低剂量施氮(10 kg hm-2 a-1)短期内有利于青藏高原高寒草甸土壤碳截留,硝态氮较铵态氮输入对土壤储量增加更为有益。  相似文献   

Landuse can alter soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions by affecting carbon inflows and outflows. This study evaluated changes in SOC fractions in response to different landuses under variable rainfalls. We compared cropland, grassland and forest soils in high rainfall (Islamabad ~1142 mm) and low rainfall (Chakwal ~667 mm) areas of Pothwar dryland, Pakistan. Forest soils in both rainfall areas had highest SOC (11.32 g kg?1), particulate organic carbon (POC, 1.70 g kg?1), mineral-associated organic carbon (MOC, 7.17 g kg?1) and aggregate-associated organic carbon (AOC, 7.86 g kg?1). However, in rangeland and cropland soils, these varied with rainfall. Under high rainfall, SOC and MOC were 12% and 17% higher in rangeland than in cropland while POC and AOC were equal. Under low rainfall, SOC and MOC were higher in rangeland than in cropland by 7.21 and 1.79 g kg?1 at 0–15 cm and equal at 15–30 cm depth. POC and AOC were higher in rangeland than in cropland, in both depths. Averagely, SOC, POC, MOC and AOC were 26%, 68%, 76% and 30% higher in high rainfall than in low rainfall soils. Sensitivity of SOC fractions to landuses observed under different rainfalls could provide useful information for soil management in subtropical drylands.  相似文献   

施氮水平对黄土旱塬区小麦产量和土壤有机碳、氮的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
施用氮肥是雨养农业区提高作物产量和土壤有机碳(SOC)、氮[TSN(Total soil N)]含量的重要养分管理措施。利用长期田间试验(1984~2007),定量评价了常规耕作条件下5个施氮水平N 0(N0)、45(N45)、90(N90)、135(N135)和180(N180)kg/hm2处理下,小麦子粒产量、SOC、TSN和氮肥利用效率的变化。研究了施氮水平对黄土旱塬区旱地小麦产量、SOC和TSN积累的影响。结果表明,1984~2007年期间,N0、N45、N90、N135和N180处理小麦产量的平均值依次为1.2、2.4、2.9、3.2和3.4 t/hm2;N0处理的小麦产量随试验年限而降低,年降低幅度达67 kg/hm2(P0.001);但增施氮肥后降低趋势得到显著控制,当施氮水平提高到N 90 kg/hm2时,产量随年限呈现出缓慢升高的趋势。随着施氮水平的提高,地上部氮肥利用率由40%(N45处理)降低到28%(N180)。不同施氮水平条件下,SOC含量随年限呈缓慢升高趋势。23年后(2007年),N0、N45、N90、N135和N180处理下,0—20 cm土层SOC储量依次为16.9、18.2、18.7、19.0和19.1 t/hm2;TSN储量依次为2.03、2.16 、2.24 、2.34和2.37 t/hm2。施氮水平与产量呈显著的抛物线关系(R2=0.993)。产量与SOC存在着极显著的线性相关关系(R2=0.997)。增施N 1 kg/hm2,小麦产量可提高29 kg/hm2,SOC提高1.2 kg/hm2,TSN提高0.13 kg/hm2。根茬还田量的增加是导致黄土旱塬区SOC和TSN提高的主要因素。  相似文献   

浙江南部亚热带森林土壤植硅体碳的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植硅体封存有机碳(Phytolith-occluded organic carbon,Phyt OC)是一种稳定的有机碳形态。它由植物自身硅化作用产生,在植物死亡或凋落后归还于土壤,从而影响森林生态系统稳定性碳库的储量。本文以浙江庆元县5种不同亚热带典型森林立地土壤为研究对象,利用不同土层深度(0~10 cm、10~30 cm、30~60 cm和60~100 cm)土壤样品,分析土壤植硅体含量和植硅体碳含量,并估算土壤中植硅体碳储量。结果表明,毛竹林、杉木林、针阔混交林、阔叶林和马尾松林土壤植硅体含量(土壤剖面平均值)变化范围在8.14~19.74 g kg-1,其中毛竹林土壤植硅体含量最高。而植硅体中Phyt OC平均含量最高的为马尾松林(24.31 g kg-1),最低的为针阔混交林(13.06 g kg-1)。土壤Phyt OC/TOC比值随土层深度增加而急剧增加。统计分析表明,不同林分下土壤硅含量与土壤植硅体含量呈极显著相关关系(p0.01),与土壤Phyt OC含量之间呈显著的正相关关系(p0.05)。我国亚热带毛竹林、杉木林、马尾松林、阔叶林和针阔混交林1 m土体Phyt OC总储量分别为1.988×107、4.025×107、2.575×107、2.542×107和0.340×107 t。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对潮土有机氮组分和有机碳的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用河南封丘潮土的13年长期施肥试验,采用Bremner法研究了潮土耕层有机氮组成的变化,分析了长期施肥对土壤有机氮组份和有机碳含量的影响。与不施肥和单施化肥相比,施有机肥或有机肥与化肥配施显著提高了土壤全氮、酸解有机氮、酸解铵态氮、氨基酸态氮、非酸解有机氮和有机碳的含量。有机氮主要由酸解铵态氮和氨基酸态氮组成,其次为酸解未知态氮和非酸解有机氮,氨基糖态氮含量最小。施有机肥尤其利于氨基酸态氮和非酸解有机氮的形成。施肥处理的酸解有机氮占全氮的比例减小,主要是由氨基酸态氮、酸解铵态氮占全氮的比例减小所致。与1989年试验开始时的土壤初始值相比,施有机肥能提高土壤全氮含量和有机质含量。在供应等氮磷钾的情况下,有机无机配施增加了土壤供氮能力、有机质含量和作物产量,是维持土壤肥力和保护环境最优的施肥方式。  相似文献   

低温季节西南亚高山森林土壤轻组分有机碳动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦纪洪  武艳镯  孙辉  马丽红 《土壤》2012,44(3):413-420
轻组分有机碳(LFOC)易受短期土地利用方式和环境变化的影响而被用作土壤有机碳短期环境效应的特征指标。通过西南亚高山均质化土壤在不同覆盖情形(裸土除雪BNS、裸土覆雪BS、凋落物除雪LNS、凋落物覆雪Control)下低温季节原位培养,对0~10 cm和10~20 cm深度LFOC影响的动态分析,结果发现:西南亚高山土壤LFOC平均占该土层总有机碳比例为15.5%;经过一个低温季节,不同处理下的LFOC比例变幅介于13.6%~21.1%;土壤0~10 cm和10~20 cm的LFOC在低温季节波动剧烈且含量高,甚至高于生长季节初期和末期,显示亚高山森林土壤碳动态在低温季节仍然极活跃;0~10 cm土壤中在低温季节凋落物覆雪处理土壤LFOC最低,而其余3个处理裸土除雪、裸土覆雪、凋落物除雪处理下LFOC含量和波动幅度均高于凋落物覆雪处理,表明土壤表面的凋落物和积雪覆盖及其组合显著影响0~10 cm土壤LFOC动态和含量;10~20cm土层LFOC时间动态也存在处理效应,显示地表覆盖同样影响下层土壤的LFOC过程;效应分析显示凋落物、积雪、采样时间、土壤深度及其交互作用对土壤LFOC含量的主效应和交互作用达到显著水平,特别是凋落物和积雪同时存在时抑制土壤LFOC形成而有助于维持土壤有机碳的稳定,而凋落物和/或积雪的消失均导致低温季节土壤LFOC升高。因此,在西南亚高山低温季节地表凋落物和积雪覆盖及其组合变化,将会影响亚高山森林土壤碳的库容量和稳定性。  相似文献   

不同秸秆还田模式对土壤有机碳及其活性组分的影响   总被引:34,自引:9,他引:34  
为了探讨不同秸秆还田模式对土壤有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)及活性碳组分的影响,设置了秸秆不还田(CK)、秸秆直接还田(CS)、秸秆转化为食用菌基质,出蘑后菌渣还田(CMS)和秸秆过腹还田(CGS)4种还田模式。通过田间小区试验,研究了不同秸秆还田模式下,土壤有机碳及活性组分的变化规律。结果表明不同秸秆还田模式均提高了土壤有机碳含量,但不同还田模式下土壤有机碳含量差异不显著(P0.05),和CK相比,CS、CMS和CGS处理下,土壤有机碳质量分数分别增加9.0%、23.9%和26.7%。不同秸秆还田模式也提高了土壤活性碳组分含量。在不同秸秆还田模式下,土壤溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)含量表现为CSCMSCGSCK,且不同处理间差异显著(P0.01)。和CK相比,CS、CMS和CGS处理下,土壤DOC质量分数分别增加64.6%、29.4%和8.9%。土壤微生物量碳(microbial biomass carbon,MBC)含量表现为CMSCGSCSCK,且差异显著(P0.05)。和CK相比,CS、CMS和CGS处理下,土壤MBC质量分数分别增加28.9%、84.7%和59.3%。土壤易氧化态碳(easily oxidizable carbon,EOC)含量表现为CMSCSCGSCK,且差异显著(P0.01)。和CK相比,CS、CMS和CGS处理下,土壤EOC质量分数分别增加24.1%、55.7%、和9.3%。不同秸秆还田模式显著影响土壤活性碳组分在总有机碳中占的比例,改变土壤有机碳质量。在不同秸秆还田模式下,DOC/TOC表现为CSCMSCKCGS、MBC/TOC表现为CMSCGSCSCK、EOC/TOC表现为CMSCSCKCGS,且不同处理间均差异显著(P0.01)。从提高土壤质量角度,推荐秸秆-菌渣还田模式,在该模式下,土壤MBC/TOC和EOC/TOC均最大,土壤碳素有效性高、易于被微生物利用,有利于作物生长。从提高土壤固碳角度,推荐秸秆过腹还田模式,在该模式下,土壤DOC/TOC最小,且土壤有机碳含量最高,有利于碳的固定和保存。该研究结果可为秸秆合理高效利用、改善农业土壤碳库质量提供参考。  相似文献   

以黄土丘陵区柠条人工林为研究对象,采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,探讨柠条生长过程中土壤有机碳储量的变化规律。结果表明:1)土壤有机碳主要分布在0~20 cm土层,占0~50 cm土层总储量的49%~63%;2)相对于对照地,柠条林地土壤有机碳储量随柠条生长年限的增加先减小再升高最后趋于稳定,10、26、40、50 a柠条林地土壤总有机碳储量分别为1.555、3.236、2.775、2.444 kg/m2,26 a林地土壤有机碳储量最高,随林龄增大其变化趋于稳定;3)相关性分析结果表明,土壤有机碳质量分数与土壤密度之间呈显著负相关关系,各林地土壤密度随柠条生长年限的增加而减小,说明柠条可以通过改变土壤性质间接增加土壤总有机碳储量,土壤有机碳质量分数与根系生物量、土壤全氮质量分数之间呈极显著正相关关系,说明柠条的根系生长和固氮特性有助于有机碳的积累。  相似文献   

耕作方式对华北农田土壤固碳效应的影响   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:15  
研究不同耕作方式对华北农田土壤固碳及碳库管理指数的影响,可为探寻有利于农田固碳的耕作方式提供科学依据。该研究在中国农业大学吴桥实验站进行,试验于2008年设置了免耕秸秆不还田(NT0)、翻耕秸秆不还田(CT0)、免耕秸秆还田(NT)、翻耕秸秆还田(CT)和旋耕秸秆还田(RT)5个处理。研究测定分析了土壤容重、有机碳、易氧化有机碳含量及不同耕作方式下的碳库管理指数。通过对不同耕作方式下0~110cm土壤的分析,结果表明,随着土层的加深,土壤有机碳含量不断下降,NT显著增加了表层(0~10cm)土壤有机碳含量,而>10~50cm有机碳含量较其他处理(NT0除外)有所下降,深层(>50~110cm)处理间差异不明显;土壤容重与有机碳含量呈显著的负相关关系(P<0.01);0~30cm土层有机碳储量以NT最高,CT与其无明显差异,二者较CT0分别高出13.1%和11.0%,而至0~50cm土层,CT的碳储量最高,但与NT无显著差异(P<0.05);与CT0相比,NT0降低了各层土壤易氧化有机碳含量,而NT则在0~10cm土层表现为增加;RT、CT分别显著增加了0~10、>10~30cm土层的碳库管理指数。结果表明,秸秆还田可改善土壤质量,提高农田碳库管理指数,同时碳库管理指数受耕作方式的影响也较大,尤其是CT和RT;NT通过减少土壤扰动、增加有机质的输入,可提高上层土壤有机碳的储量。  相似文献   

马尾松-麻栎混交林土壤溶解性有机碳、氮空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河南省驻马店西部低山丘陵区马尾松—麻栎混交林为研究对象,分析土壤有机碳(SOC)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)和溶解性有机氮(DON)储量及其对坡向、土层深度(0—10cm和10—20cm)及胸高断面积的响应规律。结果表明:坡向和胸高断面积显著影响SOC和DOC储量(p0.05),且不同坡向土壤中SOC、DOC和DON的影响因素不同。阳坡SOC储量主要限制性因素是速效钾,阴坡是全氮;阳坡与阴坡土壤DOC和DON储量主要受全氮的影响。另外,土层深度亦对SOC、DOC和DON储量有显著影响(p0.05),且随土层加深而降低,呈表层富集的现象。相关性分析表明,SOC、DOC和DON储量与土壤物理性质即土壤湿度、紧实度及土壤中颗粒组成存在显著的相关性。SOC、DOC和DON两两之间呈显著正相关关系,并均与土壤全氮、有效氮(铵态氮、硝态氮和碱解氮)、速效磷和速效钾等含量也存在显著的相关性(p0.01),表明土壤养分含量是影响马尾松—麻栎混交林土壤有机碳储量及溶解性有机碳、氮空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic dispersion is a prevalent tool for soil fractionation. It is widely ignored that variation in ultrasonic power might lead to significantly different dispersion. We evaluated the effect of power variation with constant energy on the fine fraction mass, its organic C content and quality. All parameters increased significantly with power. The term “stable aggregates” as used in fractionation schemes cannot be defined by ultrasonic energy alone but power needs to be standardized, too.  相似文献   

Carbon fractions in soils apparently vary not only in space, but also over time. A lack of knowledge on the seasonal variability of labile carbon fractions under arable land hampers the reliability and comparability of soil organic carbon(SOC) surveys from different studies. Therefore, we studied the seasonal variability of two SOC fractions, particulate organic matter(POM) and dissolved organic carbon(DOC), under maize cropping: POM was determined as the SOC content in particle-size fractions, and DOC was measured as the water-extractable SOC(WESOC) of air-dried soil. Ammonium, nitrate, and water-extractable nitrogen were measured as potential regulating factors of WESOC formation because carbon and nitrogen cycles in soils are strongly connected. There was a significant annual variation of WESOC(coefficient of variation(CV) = 30%). Temporal variations of SOC in particle-size fractions were smaller than those of WESOC. The stocks of SOC in particle-size fractions decreased with decreasing particle sizes, exhibiting a CV of 20%for the coarse sand-size fraction(250–2 000 μm), of 9% for the fine sand-size fraction(50–250 μm), and of 5% for the silt-size fraction(20–50 μm). The WESOC and SOC in particle-size fractions both peaked in March and reached the minimum in May/June and August, respectively. These results indicate the importance of the time of soil sampling during the course of a year, especially when investigating WESOC.  相似文献   

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