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农业产业链管理在茶叶产业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王阳  漆雁斌 《茶叶》2005,31(3):174-177
农业产业链管理是供应链管理理论在农业领域的具体应用,是市场农业发展到一定阶段的必然产物。本文以名山茶叶产业为例,尝试把农业产业链管理理论应用于茶叶产业之中,在对名山茶叶产业链运行的现状进行调查和客观分析的基础上,用农业产业链的系统集成思想,对名山茶叶产业的组织链、价值链、物流链和信启、链进行整合,以此增强名山茶叶产业的市场竞争力,拉动当地经济的发展。  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - The process of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission processes is substantially affected by soil factors. Here, an intensive experiment was conducted to observe the effects of...  相似文献   

Much of the focus of agricultural improvement efforts in recent decades has been on modifying crops’ genetic potential more than on improving cropping practices and production systems. Certainly, this genocentric approach has made significant contributions to food production in certain parts of the world under the banner of “the Green Revolution.” Yields have been raised substantially through varietal improvements and the increased use of inputs, including energy, agrochemicals, and delivering more water to crops through irrigation technology. In the past two decades, however, gains from this strategy have decelerated, with increasing economic and environmental costs of this input-dependent approach. Accordingly, there is reason to consider what can be accomplished by making optimizing changes in crops’ growing environments both above ground and, especially, below ground. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar has been showing that, by modifying crop, soil, water and nutrient management, it can under most of the circumstances evaluated thus far raise of the productivity of land, water, seeds, capital, and labor used for irrigated rice production. This article summarizes and reflects on the evidence provided in the preceding articles in this special issue. It draws on the scientific evaluations and field experience from Asia, Africa, and Latin America to offer some conclusions about the methodology known as SRI. Since this methodology is still evolving, no final assessment is possible. Much more research and evaluation remain to be done, and there will be further modifications and refinements since making adaptations to local conditions is regarded as intrinsic to the methodology. Further improvements in SRI will come from both researchers and farmers, with the latter considered as partners rather than simply adopters. This is consistent with SRI’s representing a paradigm shift more than a fixed technology. The article identifies a number of areas for additional research that can probably improve factor productivity still further.  相似文献   

The effect of air temperature increase from meteorological data on thermal microenvironment of irrigated paddy field is simulated using energy balance model. Statistical test was used to determine the existence of the trend in temperature change of data from meteorological stations in Indonesia. The temperature was tested to have positive trend, and it was used to generate future and past increase of temperature for the simulation. According to the simulation, the change in energy balance occurs following additional heat contributed by the increase of air temperature. The results show that irrigated paddy field seems to have function of decreasing effect of temperature increase whereas, evapotranspiration increases. However, increasing air temperature also increases temperature in paddy system, but seems to be more moderate than in nonpaddy field.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Most of the lands of the southern coastal zone of Bangladesh are protected from tidal flooding and storm surges by embankments constructed during the 1960s and 1970s,...  相似文献   

Saltwater wedge intrusion often renders the quality of water from the Shinkawa River in the city of Niigata (Japan) unsuitable for agricultural use. To determine an effective and economic strategy to limit this intrusion and prevent irrigation water from contamination by seawater, we propose a countermeasure, pushing the saltwater layer outside the river through submerged flow generated by sluice gates near the river mouth. To demonstrate this effect, an in situ experiment was conducted. During that experiment, longitudinal and vertical distributions of the saltwater wedge were observed by an acoustic profiling system and electrical conductivity meters. As a result, elevation of the density interface between freshwater and saltwater was reduced by 1.04 m on average and the longitudinal extent of the saltwater wedge was withdrawn by 1.08 km seawards over about 4 h. With the intrusion extent shortened and the density interface lowered, three of five intake pumping stations could operate without risk of saltwater mixture into irrigation water, and the risk to two other intake pumping stations was reduced. We conclude that the use of the sluice gates to generate submerged flow underneath them is an effective countermeasure to limit the saltwater wedge intrusion along the Shinkawa River and preserve the agricultural water quality during irrigation season. This method may be used in other estuaries suffering from saltwater wedge intrusion.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the possible causes for inconsistent performances of upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties in uplands and lowlands, while identifying important determinants in grain yield under deficient soil moisture. We compared the growth and yield of NERICA 1 and NERICA 5 to those of Yumenohatamochi, a Japanese upland variety, and Hinohikari, a Japanese lowland variety, subjected to different water management regimes (continually flooded, supplementary irrigation, and non-irrigation). Under conditions of deficient soil moisture, panicle number per square meter, spikelet number per panicle, and 1000-grain weight of NERICAs decreased, whereas the panicle number of the Japanese varieties experienced little change. In contrast, the grain filling ratio was unaffected by water management, irrespective of variety. The primary source of yield reduction under low soil water conditions was a decrease in spikelet number per panicle, and water stress intensity was the primary factor for the degree of this reduction. Variation in the abortion of secondary rachis-branches caused differences between NERICAs in their spikelet number response to soil moisture deficiency. The inconsistency in NERICA performance across uplands vs. lowlands can be partially attributed to variation in yield response to low soil water conditions. Moreover, water stress intensity and the presence of a water gradient along the vertical soil profile may combine to affect the fluctuation in NERICA performance under upland conditions.  相似文献   

Changing climate has increasingly exacerbated droughts and floods in Taiwan; therefore, it is important to understand the actual demand of transferring Taiwan’s agricultural water. This estimation model could help the water resource agencies to develop appropriate mechanisms for transferring agricultural water, as well as bargaining tools for water-related negotiations. In this study, an inverse demand function estimation model for transferring agricultural water was established, and the water usage statistics derived from the water charge agreements, covering the period from January 1989 to December 2006 and including drought and non-drought periods, regarding the charging of water management fees and water usage fees, was applied to the estimation model in our empirical research. The agreements were made between irrigation associations and water companies, industrial water users, and science and industrial parks, for the purposes of strengthening irrigation management, building usage, and disposal of remaining water. The empirical research was conducted to estimate the demand for transferring agricultural water using double-log regression model for panel data, and analyzed with random effects models for regular conditions and drought periods. The results showed that the inverse demand function developed in this study was able to pass Largrange multiplier test, and adjusted R 2 for the regression were high, fitting the random effects model showing good compatibility with the sample selection. From the results, we can verify the estimation models to forecasting models. The significant results not only prove that the model could provide important market information for the commercialization of water resources, but water resource agencies could also make use of this important information to develop suitable mechanisms for transferring agricultural water, as well as bargaining tools for negotiation of water transactions.  相似文献   

农务短信系统,通过电脑自动化实现了农务信息传递管理的最基本功能,其中包括从砍蔗票证的发放、报运、派车、过磅再到蔗款结算实现一条龙短信服务和手机短信查询功能.  相似文献   

农产品及产地环境中微量元素高效、准确检测是农产品政府监管、保障消费安全、促进粮油产业高质量发展的重要手段。本文评述了近几年农产品及产地环境中微量元素的检测技术,比较分析了光谱、质谱、色谱和电化学等方法的原理和特点,及其在微量元素检测实际应用中的优缺点,以期为农产品及产地环境中微量元素检测技术研究提供参考,为粮油产业高质量发展与农产品质量安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Since predicted changes in climate will modify temperature and rainfall patterns, there are concerns about the potential impacts of these changes on agricultural drought and agricultural water resources management. An agricultural drought is influenced by several factors such as rainfall, soil characteristics, crops, and reservoir water supply and may be defined as the imbalance of water circulation in paddy and water environments. In particular, soil moisture and water supply for reservoir demand are the most direct and important indicators of agricultural drought events. In the past, conventional drought management approaches based on climatic and meteorological observations have been the primary tools used for measuring drought severity. Because of the spatial and temporal variability and multiple impacts of drought, it is necessary to improve tools to determine the onset, severity, spatial extent, and end of the drought conditions. Improved and available data for mapping and monitoring of this phenomenon are also needed. Effective and efficient drought management can be achieved through drought monitoring based on the ability to assess current conditions and provide improved tools to adapt and mitigate the impacts of future changes. In this article, a methodology is developed to support the risk-based decision-making process involved in agricultural drought management using the following four strategies: drought assessment and monitoring, drought forecast and outlook, drought countermeasures, and drought records management.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of crop evapotranspiration(ETc) and soil water balance, which is vital for optimizing water management strategy in crop production, can be performed by simulation. But existing software has many deficiencies, including complex operation, limited scalability, lack of batch processing, and a single ETc model. Here we present simET, an open-source software package written in the R programming language. Many concepts involved in crop ETc simulation are condensed into functions in...  相似文献   

The main problem facing farmers in the Nile Delta is water shortages at the ends of irrigation networks and canals. These problems have worsened as water demands have increased. Egypt’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation is currently trying to avoid water deficits by returning agricultural drainage water to the irrigation canals. In the Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, some canals have an oversupply in some months and deficits in others. Ministry officials started a project by constructing culverts connected canal ends with the main drain (Bhr Nashrat) to provide supplemental agricultural drainage backflows (SADB) channeled through these culverts. However, this return is not controlled, and flows are based only on differences in the hydraulic head. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of SADB to counteract water shortages when the water supply from head regulators (WSHR) is insufficient. Our analysis considered the adequacy of the water supply and indicators of dependability and equity of supply. We tested two water supply conditions: (1) WSHR only and (2) WSHR plus SADB. During the summer (May–September) of 2008, SADB significantly improved the system’s ability to meet the irrigation water requirements (IWR) in some months. Adequacy and dependability, therefore, improved from “fair” to “good.” During the following winter (October–April), SADB improved adequacy and equity only in March and April, since water availability was generally sufficient under WSHR.  相似文献   

Human activities, which affect ecosystem dynamics, pose a continuous challenge to individuals and communities trying to survive in arid and semi-arid regions. The development of a method to employ rainwater harvesting (RWH) in the management of agricultural drought in arid and semi-arid regions comprised two phases: (i) detection of agricultural drought in Egypt’s El-Beheira governorate using a normalized difference vegetation index differencing technique and (ii) the delineation of RWH locations potentially suitable for the management of agricultural drought in the region using a GIS decision support system (DSS). Temporal vegetation cover analysis showed significant spatio-temporal changes that have occurred in the last 40 years: a general decrease in vegetation cover reflecting a trend towards ecosystem degradation, contrasted by a greening trend in some pockets within the region. Potentially suitable rainwater harvesting areas for agricultural drought management and attendant vegetation recovery were delineated in the region using DSS. The model generated a RWH map with five categories of suitability: excellent, good, moderate, poor and unsuitable. On average, 10.9 % (1104.17 km2) and 12 % (1215 km2) of the study area was classified as excellent and good for RWH, respectively, while 11.7 % (1185.21 km2), 15.4 % (1560 km2) and 50 % (5065 km2) of the area were classified as moderate, unsuitable and poor, respectively. Most of the areas with excellent to good suitability predominantly lie in areas which faced severe drought between 2010 and 2014. To successfully implement the drought management plan, a number of RWH sites within the excellent areas must be developed.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Rice production is one of the largest consumer of water in agriculture. In general, the irrigation water productivity (WPI) is low in paddy fields. In order to improve...  相似文献   

In this study, the demand function for the transferring agricultural water to industrial water during non-drought period covering from January 1998 to December 2008 in Taiwan was estimated, and the water usage statistics derived from the short-term water charge agreements, regarding the charging of water management fees and water usage fees from the irrigation associations, were applied to the estimation in the empirical model. The results of the research are presented as follows: (a) the demand for transferring agricultural water into industrial water is non-elastic; the price elasticity is −0.368; (b) the transferred water volume decreases when the water price rises; (c) the transferred water volume also decreases when the wholesale price index of domestic products rises; (d) the buyer’s industry classification was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (e) the different title of transferred water including: “building utilization cost” or that in “costs for enhanced irrigation management” was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (f) type of repository of irrigation association for transferred water was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (g) whether irrigation association enhances irrigation management was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (h) the source of transferred water was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (i) the method for water transfer was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand; (j) more water transferred by the industry when the total population of Taiwan increases; (k) the transferred water volume rises when the groundwater level of the water transferred area rises; and (l) the areas for water transferred was the significant factor influencing the transfer water demand.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method combining the orthogonal array design and the numerical simulation is proposed to optimize the geometry parameters of the solution blowing nozzles. The centerline velocity is used to evaluate the performance of the nozzle and the characteristics of airflow fields are calculated. Three geometry parameters of the nozzle: the protrusion length of needle, the diameter of needle and the diameter of nozzle are investigated. The results show that smaller needle diameter and larger nozzle diameter will result in a higher centerline velocity, which is beneficial to fiber attenuation, whereas the effect of needle protrusion length is insignificant. The optimal geometry parameters of the nozzle achieved in this study are that the protrusion length of needle of 5 mm, the diameter of needle of 0.8 mm, and the diameter of nozzle of 4 mm. Furthermore, chitosan/PEO nanofibers are manufactured and studied with different geometry nozzles. This work can provide a better understanding of the controllable fabrication of solution blown nanofibers.  相似文献   

气候条件与茶园管理关键技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文在研究分析了气温、降水和冻土等主要气候条件的基础上,结合山东茶区的茶叶生产实践经验,提出了营造防护林网、蓄水灌溉或茶园行间铺草、茶树修剪与鲜叶采摘、施肥、病虫害防治和越冬管理技术等北方茶园管理关键技术。  相似文献   

微生物菌肥在农业生产中的应用潜力   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Based on an experimental field study in Japan, a model was developed to simulate dissolved nitrogen in water ponded in a paddy field. As input data, the model uses meteorological data, water balance in the field, nitrogen concentration in inlet water, and the nitrogen contribution of applied fertilizer. Five model parameters need calibration. A practical application of the model is the simulation of NH4-N and NO2+3-N concentrations in water ponded in a paddy field. The model improves our understanding of the interactions between forms of dissolved nitrogen in ponded water and can explain the complex changes in dissolved nitrogen concentrations in water ponded on a paddy field.  相似文献   

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