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Summary A -d-(13)-linked glucan has been isolated from compression wood of tamarack [Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch]. The polysaccharide, which had []D + 17.6°, consumed 0.17 mole of periodate per glucose residue and gave a methyl derivative which consisted of 115 2,4,6-tri- and 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-d-glucose residues in a ratio of 17.8:1. Partial acid hydrolysis yielded a series of -d-(13)-linked oligosaccharides, while enzymic hydrolysis with a -1,3-glucanase afforded glucose, laminaribiose, and laminaritriose. The glucan occurred in amounts varying from 2 to 4% in compression wood of this and other conifer species and was present in the wall of both tracheids and ray cells. It is proposed that this structural polysaccharide be designated as laricinan to distinguish it from callose and the various -1,3-glucans in lower plants.  相似文献   

Summary Present development of forestry entomology in the SSRThis article gives an outline on the occurrence of the more important harmful forest insects in the SSR in the year 1950–1962 and on the results of their study. The Norway spruce suffered from the year 1954 notably byIps typographus L. The control was based on insecticides, studies included optimal density of natural regeneration at the mass propagation etc. It was found, for instance, that typical density borings in bark (151–300 borings per 1 sq.m. of bark) shows variation in the shortest distance between borings from 54–70 mm. Relation between density of borings and their distance indicates function y = a.x–b, (constant a = 476,9 and constant b= 0,38). It was further found thatIps typographus L. shows even sister generations twice in a year (about 60%, eventually even 30% females of the preceding population). Sister laying is conditioned mainly climatically, i.e. also by the forest stand elevation above sea level. A secure control of further harmful species of Norway spruce,Trypodendron lineatum (Ol.) was carried out by extirpation of wintering beetles in soil, eventually by treating of round wood by emulsions on the HCH + DDT basis.Cephaleia abietis L. shows two diapause periods in a larval stage. For this reason, the development of this species lasts prevailingly two years (90% population). Swarming imagines are controlled by chemical aerosols (10% DDT in the dosis 4–8 kg/ha). On obtained from eggsTrichogramma cephalciae Hochm. et Mart. which cannot be grown on eggs of butterflies. Investigations found that the clean eating ofZeiraphera diniana Guen. begins at the density of 300 caterpillars per one meter of long branch. Chemical control (aerosol 10 l/ha) is recommended when feeding is repeated for three years. The mass propagation ofBupalus piniarinus L. appeared on the Scotch pine. The critical number amounts 400 caterpillars per one kg of needles.Hylobius abletis L. is controlled by insecticides in trap barks and by underground traps for concentration of egg laying. Oak was injuried mostly by the rollerTortrix viridana. The critical number is one caterpillar per one bud. Other, in the SSR new harmful insect of oakArchips crataegana (Hb.) showed the critical number 100 egg heaps on the stem to the height of 2 m. The eggs of the above mentioned species showedTrichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., which can easily be grown on butterfly eggs. Oak 60–200 years old was attacked byApethymus biaccatus (Gmel.) andA. abdominalis (Lep.). Silver fir was harmed mainly by the rollerChoristoneura murinana (Hb.). Also the critical number was found. Egg rearing gaveTrichogramma minutum Ril. Ash indicates new type of bark injuries caused probably by a representative of the genusLestes (Fig. 1.). Poplars are damaged by the species of the familyCerambycidae, further byCryptorrhynchus lapathi L. and by the species of the familyAegeridae. Saperda carcharias L. has in the Czechoslovak conditions a generation of three years. Eggs overwinter.Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. has in the southern Moravia mostly (70% population) one year generation, the rest shows a generation of two years. Beech and hornbeaum were harmfully attacked byErannis aurantiaria Hb.) andColotois pennaria (L.). It is obvious that in the year 1950–1962 several species (Alchips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.),A. abdominalis (Lep.) on oak,Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) andColotois pennaria (L.) on. hornbeam and oak,Pachynematus scutellatus Htg. on Norway spruce etc.) previously not known as important forest injurious insect, appeared as calamity species. Further it is obvious that some harmful insects probably under the influence of changed structure and also forest stand microclimate are retreating whereas other species show mass outbreak. For this reason it is necessary to study the lawfulness of the propagation of the individual species.
Résumé Les plus récentes expériences de l'entomologie en TchécoslovaquieLe travail contient un aperçu concernant la présence d'insectes nuisibles forestiers de certaine importance en Tchécoslovaquie au cours des années 1950–1962 ainsi que le résultat de leur recherche. Jusqu'à 1954 l'épicéa a été assaili surtout par l'Ips typogiaphus L. On cherche une solution de la défense au moyen des insecticides, la densité optimale d'attaque en cas de la reproduction excessive etc. Par exemple il a été constaté que lors de la densité typique de forage de l'écorce (151–300 forages par mètre carré d'écorce) leur distance ré ciproque varie de 54 à 70 mm. Le rapport entre la densité de forage et de leurs distances présente la forme de fonction y = a.x–b, où la constante a = 476,9 et la constante b = 0,38. Ensuite il a été constaté qu'en ce qui concerne l'Ips typogiaphus L. existent même deux gé nérations-soeurs au cours de l'année (environ 60 % respectivement encore 30 % des femelles de la population pécédente). La production de pondaisonsoeur est soumis surtout au facteurs climatiques, c'est à dire même á l'altitude des peuplements. Contre un antre parasite de l'épicéa, leTrypodendron lineatum (Ol.), une certaine défense fut élaborée par l'extermination d'imagos hivernant dans le sol ou par le traitement de rondin par des émulsions sur la base HCH + DDT. En ce qui conceme laCephaleia abietis L. on a constaté deux phases de diapause en état de larve. C'est pourquoi le développement duparasite est en majorité biennal (90% de la population). II a été introduit une lutte chimique contre l'essaimage d'imagos par des aerosols (10% de DDT dans une dose de 4 à 8 kg par ha). On a réussi à faire sortir des oeufs de laTrichogramma cephalciae Hochm. et Mart. que l'on ne peut pas cultiver sur les oeufs de papillons. En ce qui concerne laZeiraphera diniana Guen. il fut constaté que la défoliation compléte a lieu par 300 chenilles sur une branche d'un métre de longueur. La lutte chimique est recommandée en cas d'attaque repétée au cours de trois ans. Sur des pins il fut constaté la multiplication de masse duBupalus piniarius L. où le chiffre critique et atteint par 400 chenilles sur un kg d'aiguilles. En ce qui concerne l'Hylobius abietis L. on élabora une manière de défense en utilisant des insecticides dans des pièges d'écorce et des pièges souterrains pour saisir les pondaisons. Sur le chêne c'était laTortrix viridana qui a causé les plus grands dé gâts. Le chiffre critique est exprimé par une chenille pour un bourgeon. En ce qui concerne l'ulté rieur parasite de chêne nouvellement apparu en Tchécoslovaquie, l'Archips crataegana (Hb.), le chiffre critique fut fixé par 100 agglomérations ovulaires sur le tronc jusqu'à 2 mètres de hauteur. On a obtenu laTrichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., qui peut être facilement cultivée sur les oeufs de papillons. Sur les chênes d'un âge de 60 à 200 sont apparus ensuite comme parasite desApethymus braccatus (Gmel.) et desApethymus abdominalis (Lep.). Sur le sapin apparaît surtout laChoristoneura murinana (Hb.). Un chiffre critique fut fixé. On a obtenu à partir des oeufs laTrichogramma minutum Ril. On a découvert sur le frêne un nouveau type de lésion de l'é corce provoqué vraisemblablement par la libellule g.Lestes (Fig. 1). Les capricornes, leCryptorrhynchus et lesSesia spp. sont nuisibles aux peupliers. En Tchécoslovaquie laSaperda carcharias L. a une géneration triennale. Les oeufs hivernent. LeCryptorrhynchus lapathi L. a en Moravie du Sud en majorité (70% de la population) une génération annuelle, le restant, biennale. Ensuite sur le hêtre et sur le charme a eu lieu l'apparition désastreuse de la chenille arpenteuseErannis aurantiaria (Hb.) et de laColotois pennaria (L.). Il en ressort donc qu'au cours des années 1950–52 plusieurs espèces ont fait une apparition désastreuse:Archips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus biaccatus (Gmel.),Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.) sur le chêne,Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) etColotois pennaria (L.) sur le charme et le hêtre, lePachynematus scutellatus Htg. sur l'épicéa et d'autres qui é taíent auparavent inconnus comme parasites considérables de la forêt.On peut en déduire qu'évidemment sous l'influence de la structure transformée et par consé quent du microclima des peuplements, certains parasites tendent à disparaître, tandis que d'autres insectes deviennent parasites désastreux. C'est pourquoi une recherche approfondie des lois de la reproduction en masse des différentes espèces est nécéssaire.

- 1950–1962. . 1954. Ips typographus L. , , . . , (151–300 1 2 ) 54 70 . y = a x–b, a = 476,9 b = 0,38. , Ips typographus L. ( 60%, 30% ). , . . . Trypodendron lineatum (01.) , HCH + DDT. Cephalia abietis (L.) , (90% ). (10% 4–8 (). Trichogramma cephalciae Hochhm. & Mart., . Zeiraphera diniana Guen. 300 1 . . . ( 10 /) . Bupalus piniarius L., 1 400 . Hylobius abietis L. . Tortrix viridana L. 1 1 . , ,Archips crataegana (Hb.) 100 2 . Trichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., . 60–200 Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.) Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.). Choristoneura murinana (Hb.). . Trichogramma minutum Ril. - Lestes (. 1). , .Saperda carcharias L. . .Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. (70% ) , . Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) Colotois pennaria (L.). , 1950–1962. (Archips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.),Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.), Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) Colotois pennaria (L.), Pachynematus scutellatus Htg. . .), . , , . .

Herrn Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. A. Pfeffer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Reflexionen zu dem offenen Problem, inwieweit Imagines necrophager Dipteren, — deren Maden im Zentralnervensystem von an Tollwut(Lyssa) verendeten Wirbeltieren zur Entwicklung gelangten —, logischerweise als eventuelle direkte (durch Kontakt-Infektion) oder indirekte (z. B. als Beute von Fledermäusen) Vektoren dieser Virose verdächtigt werden könnten —?
Summary Reflections belonging the open problem, how far imagines of necrophagous dipters, — if theirs maggots developed in the nervecentre-system of such vertebrats, which succumbed by lyssa —, logically are suspected, perhaps to be vectors of this virose, either directly (by contact-infection) or indirectly (for example to be prey to the bats) —?

Résumé Rèflexions à ce propos de discuter le problème ouvert, jusqu'à quel point les individues volants des diptères necrophages, — dont mites se developpaient au milieu du système nerveux central de vertébrés, succombés par lyssa —, sont soupçonnés logiquement d'être peut-être des vectors de cette virose, ou directement (par mettre en contact infectieux) ou indirectement (par exemple d'être butin des chirotères) —?

, , (Imagines), —, , (Lyssa) — ( ) ( ) .

Sugi (Cryptomeria japonlca D. Don) wood powder was carbonized at varying temperatures by a onestep process up to 1000C and a two-step process using wood charcoal as the raw material up to 1600C. This study was conducted to evaluate the adsorptive properties of wood charcoal and discuss the mechanism of its adsorptive function in relation to the physical and anatomical characteristics of wood after carbonization. Anatomical characteristics of carbonized wood materials were directly observed under heating using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM); the cell wall structures were analyzed by high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The largest weight losses were observed at the highest temperatures, in both the one-step and twostep processes but leveled off above 800C. Shrinkages in the tangential, radial, and longitudinal directions increased with carbonization temperature, peaking at 1000C. Direct observations by ESEM showed distinct shrinkage at around 400C. The first trial observations by HRTEM on the changes in the ultrastructure of cell walls of wood charcoals were done, and it was assumed to affect the formation of micropores. Adsorption was found to follow the Langmuir isotherm model. With the one-step carbonization process, the iodine adsorption capacities of the carbonized wood powders increased with increasing carbonization temperature, peaking at 800C, but decreased at higher temperatures. The wood powder carbonized at 1000C with the two-step process showed the highest capacity, but further heating up to 1400C drastically decreased the adsorption. The shrinkage of cells was related to the increases and decreases in its specific surface area. Specific surface area and total pore volume were evidently related to the adsorptive properties.Part of this paper was presented at the Second International Wood Science Seminar, Indonesia, November 6–7, 1998  相似文献   

Cortes  Pilar  Espelta  Josep Maria  Savé  Robert  Biel  Carme 《New Forests》2004,28(1):79-88
The use of an enriched CO2 atmosphere in tree nurseries has been envisaged as a promising technique to increase productivity and to obtain seedlings with a higher root/shoot ratio, an essential trait to respond to water stress in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In that framework, we have analyzed the effects of three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (350, 500 and 700ppm) on the germination rate, growth and morphology of seedlings of two Mediterranean oaks used in reforestation programs: the evergreen Quercus ilex L. and the deciduous Quercus cerrioides Wilk. et Costa. CO2 enrichment increased the germination rate of Q. cerrioides (from 70±7 to 81±3%) while it decreased that of Q. ilex (from 71±10 to 41±12%). Seedlings of both species increased approximately 60% their total biomass in response to CO2 enrichment but at two different CO2 concentrations: 500ppm for Q. cerrioides and 700ppm for Q. ilex. This increase in seedlings biomass was entirely due to an augmentation of root biomass. Considering germination and biomass partitioning, an enriched CO2 atmosphere might not be appropriate for growing Mediterranean evergreen oaks, such as Q. ilex, since it reduces acorn germination and the only gains in root biomass occur at a high concentration (700ppm). On the other hand, a moderate CO2 enrichment (500ppm) appears as a promising nursery technique to stimulate the germination, growth and root/shoot ratio of deciduous oaks, such as Q. cerrioides.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dem für die Besonderheiten der Kiefernrindenwanze konstruierten Olfaktometer, wurden die Chemotaxie des Schädlings auf die Terpenoide aus ätherischen Ölen der Gemeinen Kiefer untersucht. Es wurden dabei Terpenoide mit vorwiegend anlockender und abschreckender Wirkung isoliert. Einige Terpenoide (-Pinen und Limonen) verwandeln bei einer Änderung ihrer Konzentration ihre anlockenden Eigenschaften in abschreckende. Bei der Verdampfung von der Oberfläche der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer bilden die Terpenoide eine Schutzwolke — ein äußeres Schutzsystem (R-System). Bei Überwiegen der anlockenden Stoffe wird in den Dä mpfen der wirksamen Stoffe das System lockend (A-System). Es wurde ein Modell des äußeren Systems aufgebaut und ihre ungefähre mathematische Erklärung gebracht, die erlaubt, die Anlockung der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer für die Rindenwanze nach den Ergebnissen der chromatographischen Analyse der atherischen Öle zu ermitteln. Das äußere Schutzsystem der Kiefer ist eines von den Systemkomplexen, welches als Schutzfunktion die Widerstandfähigkeit der Kiefer gegen Schadinsekten erfüllt und gewährleistet.
, , .- , . /-, / . , , , /R- /, /A-/. , . .

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Intensität der Harzausscheidung ist kein sicheres Kriterium bei der vergleichenden Diagnose der Widerstandsfähigkeit verschiedener Kiefern-Arten gegen Schadinsekten. In dem Widerstandsmechanismus der Kiefer spielt nicht die Quantität des Harzes, sondern die Qualität eine Rolle und unbedingt seine biologische Aktivität.2. Kiefeinharz ist ein natürliches Schutzmittel des Baumes gegen. Insektenschäden. Verschiedene Kiefern-Arten enthalten Harz von qualitativ verschiedener biologischer Aktivität für Insekten. Das bezieht sich auch auf das Harz ein- und derselben Kiefernart bei unterschiedlichem physiologischen Zustand. Das Harz der geschwächten Kiefernbäume verliert seine Schutzeigenschaften und sein Geruch wirkt auf Insekten als ein Zeichen der Eignung des Baumes für ihre Ernährung und Entwicklung.3. Die biologische Aktivität des Harzes ist durch die in ihm vorhandenen ätherischen Öle, die auis Terpenoiden bestehen, bestimmt. Die Terpenoide besitzen für die Insekten verschiedene biologische Aktivitä t, welche von ihrer Menge, ihren Eigenschaften, den Beziehungen der Komponenten untereinander und optischen Isomeren abhängen, die insgesamt ihre Qualität als natürliche Schutzstoffe des Nadelbaumes bestimmen und den Widerstand gegen Insektenschäden in bestimmtem Maße bewirken.
1. . , , .2. . . , . , .3. , . , , , , , .

The density (), dynamic Young's modulus (E), loss tangent (tanL) in the longitudinal (L) direction, and the dynamic shear modulus (G), loss tangent (tanS) in the LT or LR (T, tangential; R, radial) plane of woods and cane (Arundo donax L.) in air-dried and wet conditions were measured. The acoustic converting efficiency (ACE), expressed by E/3/tanL, and the factors of anisotropy, expressed byE/G and tanS/tanL, of woods were compared with those of the canes. Low-density coniferous woods had higher ACE values and were of a more anisotropic nature than the cane. These woods seemed appropriate for clarinet reed owing to their homogeneous cellular structure. The stability in vibrational properties and the anticreep properties of the woods were enhanced by the acetylation treatment. Professional clarinet players suggested that acetylated Glehn's spruce and sitka spruce were suitable for clarinet reeds.Part of this report was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Shizuoka, April 1998  相似文献   

Summary During the years 1959–1961 the number of generations was followed in Spinach Leaf Miner (Pegomyia hyoscyami betae Curt.) in central Bohemia at 310 m above sea level and in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia at 450 m. The larvae and the eggs were studied on the leaves at regular 10–14 days' intervals by controlling each plant and images by means of a sweeping method. There have been acertained two generations in the year 1959 and three generations in the year 1961 in central Bohemia and two generations in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia. The occurence of every generation of larvae on the suggar-beet was separate and the previous and the consecutive generation did not overlop.The origin of the erroneous date on 6–7 generations of this species (Rambousek, Neuwirth, 1931) has been also cleared up in this article. This statement has been taken over by Sorauer (1953) from the Review of Applied Entomology (1931) and has been lately mentioned by many authors. F. Neuwirth gave a personal information, that the statement on 6–7 generations occurence of Spinach Leaf Miner has been found on the basis of theoretical calculation (from the lenght of one generation in spring and not on the basis of the facts found in natural conditions).
Résumé En 1959–1961 le nombre des générations de la mouche de la betterave a été observé dans la Bohème Centrale á l'altitude de 310 m audessus de la mer et en 1961 dans le Sud de la Bohème á l'altitude de 450 m. Les larves et les oeufs ont été observé sur les feuilles dans les intervalles de 10–14 jours regulierement effectués sur chaque plante et imagines en particulier par le filet fauchior. En 1959 deux générations et en 1960 et 1961 trios géné rations dans la Bohéme Centrale, ainsi que en 1961 deux générations dans le Sud de la Boheme ont été constates. La prence de chaque génération des larves sur la betterave aété separée et les générations consecutives ne malaient pas presque jamais avec les précedents.Dans cet travail l'auteur a clarifié comment une donnée fautive sur 6–7 générations de cette espéce est survenu (Rambousek et Neuwirth, 1931). Cette donnée orginante de Review of Applied Entomology [1931] a été reprise par Sorauer (1953) et elle a été ensuite récemment mentionée par d'autres auteurs. Selon une déclaration personelle de Mr. F. Neuwirth les donées des 6–7 générations de la mouche de la betterave en Tschécoslovaquie ent été acquis par une évaluation théoretique (se basant sur la durée de la génération du printemps et non sur les resultats des observations réelles dans les conditions naturelles.

1959–61 . (310 . ) 1961 . (450 . ). 10–14 , . 1959 . 2 , 1960 . — 3, 1961 . — 2 . , . , 6–7 (Rambousek, Neuwirth 1931). . . 6–7 , , .

Little information is available on the effect of root cutting by the collar pre-insertion technique on soil respiration. In this study, we found that soil respiration rates decreased with increasing depth of collar insertion in both the with live roots intact and with live roots severed treatments, but the rate of decrease was substantially higher in the former. The cutting of roots, especially fine roots, may be responsible for this result.  相似文献   

Presented here are results of rooting studies using hedges established from juvenile seedlings of blue and green foliaged bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) from Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California. Rootability, averaged over all clones and all setting dates, was 88%. The average time for 50% of the cuttings to root was 6 months. In general, cuttings began to root rapidly in late winter/early spring. The time of year when cuttings were set determined how soon they began a phase of rapid rooting, with cuttings set in winter and early spring beginning faster than other setting dates. The period of rapid rooting lasted 2–3 months until mid/late summer, beyond which time, rooting was slow. Population and family differences in rooting were not significant; differences in rooting among clones, however, were large and significant. Analyses of clones in two experiments indicated that rooting was heritable.  相似文献   

Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and physicochemical parameters were monitored for one year in a mangrove tidal creek near Bragança, North Brazil, to determine their tidally induced and seasonal variations and the main parameters controlling the concentration of these cations. On a daily basis, cation concentrations showed a strong tidal rhythm due to the mixing of estuarine and mangrove waters. Mean concentrations were highest at the end of the dry season (December 1996) and lowest (April 1997) towards the end of the rainy season. Average values over one year were: Na+ = 329± 118mM, K+ = 6.9±2.5mM, Mg++=37 ±14 mM and Ca++= 6.9±2.4mM. Dissolved oxygen concentration was higher during the dry season due to enhanced aquatic primary production, with a maximum daily average value of 8.5mg/L in July 1996, and a minimum value of 4mg/L in June 1997. Cation concentrations were transformed relating them to the respective average values in standard seawater at salinity 35. Although cation concentrations and salinity tightly correlated, this standardization showed that the concentrations of K+, Ca++ and Mg++ did not depend solely on salinity and reflected the seasonal variation in aquatic primary production. It also allowed the discrimination of their sources (marine, riverine and groundwater). Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations indicate that phytoplankton may be regulating the concentration of these cations in the water column indirectly by inducing precipitation through pH increase and directly through metabolic uptake.  相似文献   

An in vitro propagation protocol is described for western hemlock, an important forestry species in Canada. For shoot bud induction, embryonic explants were placed initially on one-third strength Schenk and Hildebrandt medium containing 5 M N6-benzyladenine (BA) or 5 M BA in combination with either 5 M kinetin or 5 M 2-isopentenyl adenine for 14 days. The explants were transferred to basal medium without cytokinins for 3 weeks, and then to basal medium containing 0.05% activated charcoal. Elongating shoots were subcultured every 4 weeks on charcoal medium. Shoots, 10 mm in stem height, were rooted either in agar or sterilized peat/perlite (1:1). Up to 70% of the shoots formed roots when they were transferred to the latter, moistened with 1/2 strength Gresshoff and Doy medium containing 5 M -naphthaleneacetic acid. About 90% of the plantlets survived transfer to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung DurchRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP infizierte Maikäfer-Engerlinge wandern während des Spätherbstes und Winters im Freiland absterbend auf die Erdoberfläche. Als Begleitarten inMelolontha Larvenpopulationen kamen im Gebiet vor:Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) undMaladera brunnea (L.). MitR. melolonthae künstlich infiziert, zeigten sie im Orientierungsversuch die gleiche Aufwanderungstendenz wie kranke Maikäferengerlinge, am deutlichsten die vonM. brunnea. Auf dem Waldboden fanden sich kranke Larven dieser Art in einigen Fällen.
Summary Larvae ofMelolontha spp. infested withRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP move during October– January to the top of the soil where they eventually die. Larvae ofAmphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) andMaladera brunnea (L.) are susceptible forR. melolonthae, too. In experiments, artificially infested individuals showed a similar tendency to move upward. This was most pronounced inM. brunnea, of which some infested larvae were found on the forest floor.

Résumé Larves du hanneton, infectées parRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP, se rendent à la surface de la terre au fin de l'automme et dans l'hivers. Comme espèces accompagnant les populations larvaires deMelolontha nous avons trouvés:Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) etMaladera brunnea (L.). Ils out démonstré, après une infection artificielle avecR. melolonthae, la mème tendence dans les essais d'orientation comme les vers blancs malades deMelolontha. Le phé nomène etait le plus prononcé parmi les larves deMaladera. De cette espèce nous avons trouvés plusieurs larves malades à la surface de la terre en plein champs.

Rickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) Philip Melolontha- . . Melolontha- :Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (De G.) Maladera brunnea (L.). R. melolonthae , Melolontha-, M. brunnea. .

Six wood species were carbonized under various carbonization temperatures and nonoxygen conditions to obtained charcoal. The effects of wood species, rate of temperature rise, and carbonization temperature on the electromagnetic shielding efficiency (ESE) of the electric field were investigated. The wood species used in this study were Japanese cedar, China fir, western hemlock, red oak, fortune paulownia, and Taiwan acacia. Tested materials were carbonized in a high-temperature oven under the following conditions: rate of temperature rise 1°–5°C/min; carbonization temperature 500°–1100°C, with temperature intervals of 100°C; maximum temperature maintained for 1h; and flow rate of nitrogen 300ml/min. The electromagnetic insulation strength system was used to detect the ESE of the electric field of charcoal. It was found that western hemlock and fortune paulownia charcoal showed maximum ESE values of of 36 and 61dB generated at a carbonization temperature of 1000°C. The charcoals derived from four other wood species showed maximum ESE values of 28dB for Japanese cedar, 23dB for China fir, 32dB for red oak, and 38dB for Taiwan acacia, respectively, at a carbonization temperature of 1100°C. The ESE value for fortune paulownia charcoal was similar to those of metal nets. The relations between ESE and logarithmic values of resistivity (log) could be represented by a negatively exponential formula.Part of this report was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April 2000  相似文献   

Summary Larvae ofErnobius spp. and adults ofBrachyderes incanus were serious pests of shoots ofPinus silvestris andP. contorta at several localities of Rhine valley and near Meppen/Ems.In the same areas aphids(Lachninae) and their predators were very abundant.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. became very harmful on young pines in experiment field cages where predators had been excluded.Pineus sp. was frequent in the field cages and in young pine plantations near Meppen.
Résumé En divers endroits de la vallée du Rhin et près de Meppen/Emsland, des larves d'Ernobius spp. et des adultes deBrachydeles incanus furent observés comme étant de sérieux pour les jeunes pousses dePinus silvestris et deP. contorta.Dans les mêmes régions des pucerons(Lachninae) et leurs prédateurs étaient très abondants.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. divint très nuisible aux jeunes pins placés dans des cages expérimentales où les prédateurs avaient été enfermés.Pineus sp. é tait aussi abondant dans cages expérimentales et dans les plantations de jeunes pins près de Meppen.

Meppen/Emsland Eronobius spp. Brachyderes incanus, Pinus silvestris P. contorta. (Lachninae) Protolachnus agilis Kltb. , - .Pineus sp. - Meppen.

Zusammenfassung Die Zentren des Schadauftretens verschiedener untersuchter forstschädlicher Insekten dürften nach zahlreichen Testungen Reizzonen umfassen, welche wieder als eine Kombination von elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern und durch diese freigelegte Metalleffekte erscheinen. Untersuchungen zur möglichen Wirksamkeit dieser Komponenten auf Vitalität und Fertilität vonLymantria monacha führten zu folgenden Ergebnissen. Es erscheint möglich, daß innerhalb von Reizzonen Sterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeit vonLymantria monacha auch von niederfrequenten elektromagnetischen oder auch konstanten magnetischen oder elektrostatischen Feldern beeinflußt werden, die direkt oder auch über die Pflanze auf die Lebenskraft der Nonne von Wirksamkeit sind. Reizzonenbereich und Normalbereich zeigten hinsichtlich der Mortalität der Versuchstiere gegensätzliche Verhältnisse. Die Anfangsmortalität innerhalb von Reizzonen war gegenüber jener der Zuchten im Normalbereich erniedrigt, die Endmortalität vielfach erhöht. Futter aus Normalbereichen setzte in den Reizzonen, Reizzonenfutter im Normalbereich die Sterblichkeit herab und erhöhte im Normalbereich die Fruchtbarkeit. Im Normalbereich mit Normalfutter gezogene Nonnen wiesen die geringsten Zahlen an abgelegten Eiern auf, was sich besonders bei an Pflanzen eingebeutelten Tieren deutlich zeigte. Die wesentlich höhere Fruchtbarkeit von Nonnen an Pflanzen im Reizzonenbereich mag zusammen mit der hier erniedrigten Anfangsmortalität eine Erklärung zum gehäuften Auftreten vonLymantria monacha innerhalb von Reizzonen geben. Freigesetzte Metalleffekte könnten innerhalb von Reizzonen die Sterblichkeit aber auch die Fruchtbarkeit erhöhen.
Summary The centres of damages by different forest insects, examined in this research, seem to be in zones of Earth radiations (Reizzonen), which again seem to be combinations of magnetic or electric fields and metal effects, set free by them. Examinations for possible influences of these components on vitality and fecundity ofLymantria monacha showed the following results: It seems possible, that inside of zones of earth radiations mortality and fecundity of this butterfly could be directed from magnetic or electric fields also of low frequency or electrostatic, which either directly or indirectly by the nutrients (plants) influence the vital power ofLymantria monacha. Zones of Earth radiations and normal zones showed different conditions in respect of the mortality. Mortality of larvae of first developmental stages inside of zones of Earth radiations was decreased, such of late stages increased contrary to larvae in normal zones. Plant-food of normal zones decreased the mortality of larvae in zones of Earth radiations and food of zones of Earth radiations decreased the mortality of those of normal zones and increased fecundity in the latter cases. Female butterflies reared in normal zones showed the lowest number of developed eggs, especially when reared encaged on living plants (spruce). The essentially higher fecundity ofLymantria monacha reared on plants inside of zones of Earth radiations together with the decreased mortality of first instar larvae there, may give an explantation for the increased population ofLymantria monacha inside of zones of Earth radiations. Metal effects set free inside of zones of Earth radiations could increase there the mortality but also the fecundity.

Herrn Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. ERWIN SCHIMITSCHEK zum 75. Geburtstag.

A 1130 Wien XIII, Fasangasse 5-7, 1/8  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged smoke-heating treatments on wood quality were investigated. Six Japanese softwoods were smoke-heated for 100 and 200h at a temperature of 75° ± 5°C, which was recorded inside the log. After smoke heating, wood quality, including moisture content, amounts of chemical components, relative degree of crystallinity (RDC) of cellulose, and sapwood color were examined. Moisture content decreased as a result of smoke heating, especially in sapwood, leading to a uniform distribution of moisture content within a log. Almost no difference was found in the amounts of chemical components between the control woods and the woods that were smoke-heated for 100h. However, in the wood that was smoke-heated for 200h, the amounts of holocellulose decreased, suggesting that thermal deterioration and/or degradation of hemicelluloses had occurred. We assume that the increase in RDC was caused by smoke heating with the crystallization of cellulose and/or thermal degradation of hemicelluloses. Almost no differences were found in sapwood color between the control woods and the woods that were smoke-heated for 100h. In the wood that was smoke-heated for 200h, however, L*decreased, whereas a* and b* increased. As a result, E*ab, showing the total color change, increased, resulting in a deeper color. These results suggest that thermal degradation of hemicelluloses was caused by smoke heating for over 100h. Therefore, smoke heating of softwood logs using a commercial-scale kiln should not exceed 100h.  相似文献   

To obtain high-strength phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated compressed wood at low pressing pressure, the effects of resin content, preheating temperature, pressing temperature, and pressing speed on the compressive deformation of oven-dried low molecular weight PF resin-impregnated wood was investigated. With an increase of PF resin content, the Youngs modulus of the cell wall perpendicular to the fiber direction decreases, and collapse-initiating pressure decreases linearly with the Youngs modulus. This indicates that the occurrence of cell wall collapse is strain-dependent. By increasing preheating temperatures, the collapse-initiating pressure increases due to the increment of the Youngs modulus of the cell wall. An increase in pressing temperature results in the thermal softening of the cell wall and causes collapse at a lower pressure. The wood is compressed effectively despite accelerated resin curing. The pressing speed significantly affects the viscoelastic deformation of the cell wall and the wood is well deformed with decreasing pressing speed, although the differences in density and mechanical properties are relatively small after a pressure-holding period of 30min. In all the parameters examined in this study, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increase with increasing density.  相似文献   

Summary Characteristic features of wood deformation under loading at changing moisture contents (temperature) are discussed on the basis of results from rheological tests with hardwood. General laws of deformation in wood as a result of various cyclic effects of loading as well as of temperature and moisture content have been established. These laws have been used to solve the problem of the plane stress state in lumber when dried by using the method of finite elements. To control internal stresses and for an effective drying process, it is suggested that differential shrinkage should be measured, i.e. the difference between the displacements of points on Both verges of the board's edge and in the centre of the edge.Presented at the Meeting of the European-African Group of IAWS with the topic Structure and Utilization of hardwoods, Banska Bystrica, CSSR, September 9–11, 1975.  相似文献   

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