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The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of forest humus forms as indicators of soil C storage. To this purpose, Mediterranean forest soils in Southern and Central Italy were examined. Sites differed for elevation, climate, parent material and vegetation conditions, while summer drought was the common ecological factor. A morpho-functional criterion, based on holorganic layers thickness and A horizon properties, was used to classify humus forms, which ranged from Dysmoder to Eumull. Such variability allowed understanding of factors influencing organic matter storage. The relations between carbon stock and humus form were investigated for the topsoil layer (0–20 cm), which was supposed to contain the soil C pools most sensitive to climate change. We found that humus forms can be grouped in statistically different populations, with respect to topsoil C stocks. The use of A horizon structure was the main diagnostic criterion and represented the most effective approach to humus classification in Mediterranean conditions. It appears that humus forms have a clear potential as indicators of organic carbon status in Mediterranean forest soils.  相似文献   

The concepts and classifications of humus forms developed since the time of scientific pedology formation are critically discussed. The concept of humus forms (types) relates to the classification of a set of topsoil organic and organomineral horizons, which reflects morphologically distinct phases of plant litter and soil organic matter decomposition, but not to the fractions of soil organic matter. Humus forms reflect various types of transformation and accumulation of organic matter in the soil. The stages of development and modern classifications of humus forms abroad are described. The taxonomy of humus forms in Russian literature and its application for the mapping and evaluation of forest soils are considered, as well as its use for the mathematical simulation of soil organic matter mineralization and humification. Prospects for the development of the classification of humus forms in combination with the basic soil classification of European Russia are discussed. A call for an understanding and a common language in soil science at the international level is underlined.  相似文献   

Topsoil carbon (C) stocks are known to decrease as a consequence of the conversion of natural ecosystems to plantations or croplands; however, the effect of land use change on subsoil C remains unknown. Here, we hypothesized that the effect of land use change on labile subsoil organic C may be even stronger than for topsoil due to upward concentration of plantations and crops root systems. We evaluated soil labile organic C fractions, including particulate organic carbon (POC) and its components [coarse POC and fine POC], light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), readily oxidizable organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and microbial biomass down to 100 cm soil depth from four typical land use systems in subtropical China. Decrease in fine root biomass was more pronounced below 20 cm than in the overlying topsoil (70% vs. 56% for plantation and 62% vs. 37% for orchard. respectively) driving a reduction in subsoil labile organic C stocks. Land use changes from natural forest to Chinese fir plantation, Chinese chestnut orchard, or sloping tillage reduced soil organic C stocks and that of its labile fractions both in top and subsoil (20–100 cm). POC reduction was mainly driven by a decrease in fine POC in topsoil, while DOC was mainly reduced in subsoil. Fine POC, LFOC and microbial biomass can be useful early indicators of changes in topsoil organic C. In contrast, LFOC and DOC are useful indicators for subsoil. Reduced proportions of fine POC, LFOC, DOC and microbial biomass to soil organic C reflected the decline in soil organic C quality caused by land use changes. We conclude that land use changes decrease C sequestration both in topsoil and subsoil, which is initially indicated by the labile soil organic C fractions.  相似文献   

The definition of humusforms from soils under cultivation. II. Quantity and quality of soil organic matter In the new edition of the German textbook “Practical Studies in Soil Science” the authors presented a proposal of mapping humusforms in arable soils in order to characterize soil and site ecology (Schlichting et al., 1995). This proposal was developed from the definitions “Ochric”, “Mollic” and “Umbric” of the Soil Taxonomy and the FAO classification. The characterization of humusforms in 45 arable surface soils was carried out according to this proposal while soil organic matter (SOM) composition was investigated by means of wet chemistry and CPMAS 13C-NMR spectroscopy. “Mollic” in contrast to “Umbric” humusforms could be characterized by a higher carbonyl/carboxyl carbon content probably deriving from proteins, polysaccharides and humic substances. In addition the mollic epipedon contains 10% more litter compounds, whereas in the umbric epipedon humic acids are of major importance. The humin fraction in the mollic epipedon is thought to be raised by the formation of Ca-humates. Our data suggest, that with regard to microbial decomposition a surplus of available organic matter is present in the mollic horizons. The ochric-like epipedon has a much lower humus content compared to “Mollic” and “Umbric” horizons and exhibits the highest amounts of soluble organic matter as well as aromatic and carboxylic C-compounds in the humic fraction. Our data suggest, that SOM quantity and quality of the mollic, umbric and ochric epipedons differ substantially. These findings suggest that the proposal of Schlichting et al. (1995), which was extended by Blume & Beyer (1996), should be regarded as a useful basis to discuss the development of humusforms in soils under cultivation and facilitate soil survey in order to improve site characterization.  相似文献   

Lead sorption and effect of lead pollution on biological activity of different types of humus forms Effects of Pb(NO3)2 on biological activity (e. g. respiration and enzyme activity) of mull, moder and mor soils were investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Lead sorption capacity of investigated humus forms decreased in the order mull > moder > mor. Soil respiration was inhibited after addition of 10 mg Pb/g soil at lead concentrations > 1 μg Pb/ml of soil solutions of the mor and moder profiles. Highly significant positive regression coefficients were obtained for decreases in soil respiration and decreases in dehydrogenase-, phosphatase- and arylsulfatase activities of O-horizons. It is assumed that minor enzymatic acitivities after lead addition result from its effect on enzyme producing organisms. After additions of 200 mg Pb/g soil biological activities of investigated humus layers were also affected by a marked increase of acidity of soil solutions. This ?secondary”? effect was also obtained using Ca(NO3)2 in pollution experiments.  相似文献   

Humus‐balancing methods are simple tools for the assessment of interactions between agricultural land use and soil organic matter (SOM). Aside from this commonality, approaches for humus balancing differ considerably with regard to their specific aim, scope, and methodical approach. The term “humus balance” covers both simple models to quantify SOM change in arable soils, or soil organic C (SOC) change in particular, and models that refer to the optimization of soil productivity in arable soils by calculating organic‐fertilizer demand, without quantifying SOM or SOC change. This situation naturally has caused much discussion and misunderstandings. Against this background, the aim of this review is to systematically explore the different methodical approaches to humus balancing in order to contribute to a more sophisticated discussion of this model family, its opportunities, and limitations. As humus balancing has long history as well as special actual relevance in Germany, and, lately Switzerland, we focus on these countries and discuss the different approaches that are presently available and applied there. We argue that humus balances can be roughly categorized into “ecological” and “agronomical” approaches based on their specific concepts and methodology. Ecological humus balances comprise a strong link to quantitative SOM change, while humus balances of the agronomical family refer to the maintenance of soil productivity without a quantitative link to SOM change. Lately, some models have been presented that link the two concepts. However, we identify that humus‐balancing methods often are insufficiently validated, partly because the validation of agronomical humus balances is not easily possible without a very comprehensive field‐experimental basis. Further, the comparability of different approaches even within the two concept families is low at present, indicating the need for a comparative model evaluation for a proper assessment of the methods.  相似文献   

Abstract. Topsoil (0–20 cm) and subsoil (60–100 cm) properties are compared at agricultural and nearby natural vegetation sites in São Paulo State. Differences are related to land use and climate, in order to estimate soil carbon storage under various ecosystems and also to study the effects of high-input agriculture on the chemical composition of soils with low activity clays. Within each land use, organic carbon in the topsoil is most strongly related to clay + silt content. This relationship is stronger for cropped, short savannah (cerrado) and tall savannah (cerradão) sites than for semi-deciduous and evergreen forest sites. Losses of topsoil carbon with cropping can be predicted if the initial carbon and the clay+silt contents are known. The greatest carbon losses after long term cultivation occurred in forest mineral topsoils, ranging from 6% for perudic clayey soils to 37% for ustic sandy soils. No significant difference in carbon content was found between the paired savannah-cultivated sites. In most of the originally less fertile soils cation exchange capacity was greater in the cultivated topsoil (Ap) than in the topsoil under savannah or forest (A1), probably because of liming and phosphate fertilization. Most subsoils at agricultural sites show increases in exchangeable bases (mainly Ca) and base saturation, but no significant change in pH.  相似文献   

Adsorption of selenite on different types of forest humus In the present investigation the adsorption of selenite selenium on L-, O-, and A-horizons of the humus forms mull, moder, and mor was studied. Selenite adsorption decreased in the order mull > moder > mor. The organic layers adsorbed nearly the same amount of selenium as the underlying A-horizons. Among the L- and O-layers selenadsorption increased with increasing pH. Amounts of organic carbon, “free” oxides did not influence the adsorption capacity. The Freundlich equation was valid to describe selenite adsorption of all layers under investigation. Additionally the Langmuir equation fitted the adsorption curves of the mull soil and the moder L-horizon. Adsorption experiments using perfusion apparatuses showed microorganismus to incorporate high amounts of selenite under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Humus changes after introduction of beech and oak into Scots‐pine monocultures Medium‐ and long‐term (16 to 83 years) effects of an introduction of broadleaf‐tree species (Common beech [Fagus sylvatica] and European‐Sessile Oak [Quercus robur/petraea]) into mature Scots‐pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands on humus type and chemical properties of the Oh layer (pH value, base saturation, C : N ratio) were studied on 16 sites in Bavaria/Germany. The sites investigated covered a large range with respect to elevation, climate, parent material, and soil type. At most sites, the introduction of beech resulted in a significant change of the soil humus type from biologically inactive humus types to more active ones. The strongest changes occurred on the poorest sites, where forest floors under pure pine were particularly biologically inactive. In most cases, the changes in humus type were accompanied by significant increases in the pH value and the base saturation and significant decreases in the C : N ratio of the Oh layer. However, the latter effect was not noticed at most sites with initial C : N ratios higher than 30. In contrast to beech, the introduction of oak did not result in a systematic change of the humus type, the pH value, or the base saturation of the Oh layer. In spite of the considerable change of humus type under beech to biologically more active types, the introduction of broadleaf trees did not result in a systematic change of the thickness or the mass of the forest floor. A decrease in the mass of the Of layer was compensated by an increase of the Oh‐layer mass. All studied sites considered, the introduction of broadleaf trees into Scots‐pine monocultures resulted on average in an 8% decrease of the total amount of organic carbon (Corg) in the forest floor; the Corg amount in the uppermost 10 cm mineral soil increased by 9%. At 35% of all investigated sites, broadleaf tree introduction resulted in increased (+5% to +18%) topsoil (forest floor and uppermost 10 cm mineral soil) Corg stocks. At 30% of the sites, the stock changes were less than ±5%, and on 35% of all sites, soil Corg stocks decreased by –5% to –36%. The average change in the topsoil Corg stock for all studied sites was –5%. The introduction of beech into Scots‐pine monocultures resulted in an ecologically desired translocation of soil organic matter from the forest floor into the mineral topsoil. It is an effective and sustainable silvicultural measure to restore and revitalize acidified, nutrient‐depleted topsoils with biologically inactive humus types.  相似文献   

The biological activity of humic substances (HS) has been elucidated in the last 40 years. Growth enhancement from HS has been demonstrated in several plants in the laboratory and the field. Morphogenesis effects have also been investigated and include induction of lateral root formation and root hair initiation in intact plants and stimulation of root and shoot development in treated cell calluses. HS enhance nutrient use efficiency, aiding assimilation of both macro and microelements and promoting plant growth by the induction of carbon, nitrogen, and secondary metabolism. The review aims are to: (1) shed light on the mechanism by which plants “talk” with soil through humic substances, (2) elucidate the plant responses to the stimulatory effects of HS, the regulatory circuits that allow plants to cope with humus, and the feedback between plant community structures, and (3) show (in light of recent debate about the alkaline extraction of soil humic substances) the plant capability to acquire biologically active substances from soil. It will be shown that plants modify soils, creating and maintaining favorable habitats for growth and survival. Therefore, organic substances exuded by roots are not a wasteful loss of carbon and energy. They represent an evolved strategy by which plants “talk” to the soil. The mobilization of bioactive organic/humic substances from bulk soil or bulk humus is critical to plant and soil health.  相似文献   

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils of the Münster (Westfalia) irrigation fields From 1901 to 1975 municipal sewage waters with a daily amount of finally about 40.000 m3 were seeped in the irrigation fields of the city of Münster (Westfalia). Soil samples of former seeped sites and non-seeped neighbour sites have been examined with regard to 6 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of the German “drinking water regulation”. The irrigation caused an enrichment of PAH in the topsoils of the former irrigation basins up to an average concentration of 0,57 mg PAH/kg soil, while the topsoils outside of the irrigation fields show an average concentration of only 0,14 mg PAH/kg soil. Significant correlations between different soil properties, e.g. the organic matter content, and the concentration of PAHs are not evident. After termination the irrigation of sewage water, single irrigation bassins were filled with substratum, which is contaminated with scoriaceous materials. The average PAH concentration of such an area amounts to 7 mg PAH/kg topsoil. The PAH distribution in a soil profile shows a decreasing concentration by depth but a clear enrichment in oxidized gleyic horizons (Go) of different age. Probably the PAHs were leached under recent conditions by chemical bond to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and finally adsorbed by Fe oxides. Since the end of irrigation Fluoranthene, the most mobile PAH compound, was leached down to 110 cm depth. A contamination of the superficial groundwater at such sites cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Influence of Soil Properties on the Release of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) from the Topsoil A percolation experiment over a period of three month with small monoliths from forest and grassland soils varying in their anthropogenic changes was carried out to identify, to weigh and to quantify important soil properties for DOM release from the topsoil. Quality of soil organic matter determines the amount of DOM released from the topsoil if the soils have a low ability to adsorb and to precipitate DOM. Favorable conditions for high DOC concentrations in the soil solution are wide C/N ratios in the soil and in the hot water soluble fraction, a high soil content of hot water soluble organic carbon and a high portion of hot water soluble organic carbon in the total organic carbon content. Anthropogenic changes of the soils are effective to DOM release via changing quality of soil organic matter. Long dry periods and large water fluxes can further increase DOM release. The effects of soil organic matter can be disguised in soils with a high DOM retention capacity (high CEC, high content of exchangeable bases, Feox and Fed). Then adsorption and precipitation determine DOM release from the topsoil and contribute to a decrease of DOM release.  相似文献   

Influence of temporary stockpiling on the initial development of restored topsoils Due to increasing construction and open‐cast mining activities on fertile agricultural land, excavation, stockpiling, and restoration of soils have become important issues in soil protection. In this study, we performed a restoration experiment to investigate how the conditions during stockpiling may influence initial soil development and plant growth on a restored site. Four topsoils, which originated from two depths (with uninhibited and inhibited aeration) of a nontrafficked and a trafficked topsoil deposit, were repacked in strips and sown with three meadow‐seed mixtures in strips perpendicular to the soil strips. During stockpiling as well as during the first 2 years after restoration, we assessed the physical and mechanical properties of the topsoils and (after restoration) also plant growth. None of the investigated properties of the topsoils was influenced by the depth in the deposit. In contrast, the coarse porosity and compression index were lower, whereas the bulk density and precompression stress were higher in the trafficked than in the nontrafficked topsoil deposit. However, these differences largely disappeared already in the course of soil restoration. Contrary to our expectations, the plants grew better on the soil of the trafficked topsoil deposit than on the soil of the nontrafficked topsoil deposit in the year of restoration. This might be attributed to the extremely dry and hot summer of that year. In the course of the 2 years following restoration, also the differences in plant growth tended to disappear. The remaining differences in bulk density and plant growth could not be attributed to differences in stockpiling conditions. The results suggest a re‐examination of current soil restoration guidelines. The maximum permitted stockpiling heights for topsoils might be increased in order to reduce the areas required for temporary stockpiling.  相似文献   

土壤动物在土壤有机质形成中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
董炜华  李晓强  宋扬 《土壤》2016,48(2):211-218
作为土壤生态系统重要组成部分的土壤动物,在土壤元素循环转化和迁移过程中发挥着重要的作用。土壤动物是凋落物分解的"微型粉碎机",通过体内"特殊转换器",影响土壤有机质的转化、腐殖质的形成。本文从土壤动物对地表枯落物分解入手,分析了影响土壤动物对凋落物分解的因素,土壤动物通过刺激土壤酶活性,与土壤微生物群落一起,加快土壤有机物的分解,促进土壤腐殖质的转化。旨在拓宽土壤动物生态功能,丰富土壤腐殖质形成机理学说,对保护土壤生物多样性、提高土壤地力、保障粮食安全具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

集约经营下南方竹园土壤酸化特征与缓冲容量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高强度集约经营下竹园土壤质量退化是制约竹笋持续丰产高效的主要障碍因素。通过研究集约经营雷竹林典型土壤剖面的酸度特征、养分变化以及土壤酸碱缓冲容量,以期探明集约经营下雷竹林衰退的可能因素。结果表明,雷竹种植后,表层土壤呈现明显的酸化现象,表土的最低pHH2O值达到了3.75;表土的有机质和速效磷含量明显提高,表土(0~20 cm)速效磷含量最高可达350 mg kg-1;竹林土壤铝的形态分析表明,有机配合态铝在表土中的含量较高,并随剖面深度的降低而降低;土壤交换态铝含量与pHH2O和pHKCl呈极显著负相关,有机配合态铝含量与有机质和速效磷含量呈极显著正相关;竹园土壤的酸碱缓冲容量在8.58~14.31 mmol kg-1之间,有机质含量是影响竹园土壤缓冲容量的主要因素。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对土壤腐殖质含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以潮土、旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土为研究对象 ,探讨了长期施肥对土壤腐殖质含量的影响。结果表明 ,长期施用 NPK化肥、有机肥或有机无机肥配施均能提高潮土、旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土耕层的有机质、腐殖质和活性腐殖质含量 ,其中胡敏酸、富里酸也相应地增加 ,但以有机无机肥配施的效果最好。施有机肥或有机无机肥配施还能提高土壤腐殖质的胡 /富比值。施肥对土壤有机质的影响不仅局限于土壤耕层 (0~ 2 0 m) ,而且影响耕层以下层次 ,但以 0~ 6 0 cm土层的效果显著 ,且以潮土的效果明显  相似文献   

Mika Rty 《Pedobiologia》2004,48(4):321-328
A laboratory experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis that the earthworms Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa are able to maintain their populations and reproduce in the acid forest soil of a deciduous forest where no lumbricids were found in the field. The experiment was conducted in 45-l containers in which layers of mineral subsoil, humus and organic topsoil collected from the site were established. Both species survived and at least L. terrestris reproduced during the 60 weeks’ incubation. Burrows and middens of L. terrestris were recorded and quantities of litter were consumed. The presence of lumbricids increased the organic matter content of humus, reduced the acidity of the topsoil and humus layers, and suppressed the population of the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum. A dense population of Enchytraeus albidus was found in L. terrestris middens. It is concluded that edaphic factors do not explain the absence of earthworms, but isolation from cultural landscapes and lack of opportunity to colonize the site from the surroundings is the decisive factor.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a complex heterogeneous mixture formed through decomposition and organo-mineral interactions, and characterization of its composition and biogeochemical stability is challenging. From this perspective, Rock-Eval® is a rapid and efficient thermal analytical method that combines the quantitative and qualitative information of SOM, including several parameters related to thermal stability. This approach has already been used to monitor changes in organic matter (OM) properties at the landscape, cropland, and soil profile scales. This study was aimed to assess the stability of SOM pools by characterizing the grain size fractions from forest litters and topsoils using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis. Litter (organic) and topsoil samples were collected from a beech forest in Normandy (France), whose management in the last 200 years has been documented. Fractionation by wet sieving was used to separate large debris (> 2 000 μm) and coarse (200-2 000 μm) and fine particulate OM (POM) (50-200 μm) in the organic samples as well as coarse (200-2 000 μm), medium (50-200 μm), and fine (< 50 μm) fractions of the topsoil samples. Rock-Eval® was able to provide thermal parameters sensitive enough to study fine-scale soil processes. In the organic layers, quantitative and qualitative changes were explained by the progressive decomposition of labile organic compounds from plant debris to the finest organic particles. Meanwhile, the grain size fractions of topsoils presented different characteristics. The coarse organo-mineral fractions showed higher C contents, albeit with a different composition, higher thermal stability, and greater decomposition degree than the plant debris forming the organic layer. These results are consistent with those of previous studies that microbial activity is more effective in this fraction. The finest fractions of topsoils showed low C contents, the highest thermal stability, and low decomposition degree, which can be explained by the stronger interactions with the mineral matrix. Therefore, it is suggested that the dynamics of OM in the different size fractions be interpreted in the light of a plant-microbe-soil continuum. Finally, three distinct thermostable C pools were highlighted through the grain size heterogeneity of SOM:free coarse OM (large debris and coarse and fine particles), weakly protected OM in (bio)aggregates (coarse fraction of topsoil), and stabilized OM in the fine fractions of topsoil, which resulted from the interactions within organo-mineral complexes. Therefore, Rock-Eval® thermal parameters can be used to empirically illustrate the conceptual models emphasizing the roles of drivers played by the gradual decomposition and protection of the most thermally labile organic constituents.  相似文献   

An interlayer clay-organic complex has been isolated from a near-surface horizon of a recent Spodosol from New Zealand. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide selectively removed the organic material attached to external clay surfaces. The radiocarbon age of the treated complex, determined by accelerator mass spectrometry, was 6716 ± 524 years B.P. Since this value refers to the interlayer organic species which has been completely protected against microbial attack, and contamination by “young” carbon, it may be regarded as the “true” age of the soil, that is, the starting point of humus formation and pedogenesis. The interlayer organic carbon comprised approximately 13 percent of the total carbon in the soil horizon. We propose that a biologically inert organic matter (IOM) fraction may be isolated from most soils as this fraction is commonly associated with clay-size particles. Evidence is also accumulating to indicate that IOM is dominantly composed of polymethylenic structures, probably derived from natural waxes, and aliphatic biopolymers present in protective layers of vascular plants.  相似文献   

Mull, moder, and mor humus profiles were investigated for their total lipid contents and the behaviour of lipid-phosphorus and of five neutral lipid classes identified by HPTLC. The quantitative distribution of total and neutral lipids among the humus types is, besides by natural differences between the various parent litter materials, mainly controlled by soil physicochemical properties. In particular strongly acidic conditions, i.e. conditions corresponding to a reduced biological activity, inhibit significantly the decomposition of lipid compounds in (moder and) mor humus. A feature of the lipid depth functions is the input of microbial and root litter-derived lipid material in the fermentation layers and a considerable lipid accumulation in the A horizons, probably at least partly due to mechanical transport processes. Phospholipids show no distinct variation dependent on the humus type, as far as the organic layers are concerned. But obviously, lipid-P in the mineral, soil is closely correlated with, and therefore is a valuable measure for, the overall biological activity increasing from mor to moder and mull humus.  相似文献   

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