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This review provides current state of the art of compound‐specific stable‐isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry (δ13C) and gives an overview on innovative applications in soil science. After a short introduction on the background of stable C isotopes and their ecological significance, different techniques for compound‐specific stable‐isotope analysis are compared. Analogous to the δ13C analysis in bulk samples, by means of elemental analyzer–isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry, physical fractions such as particle‐size fractions, soil microbial biomass, and water‐soluble organic C can be analyzed. The main focus of this review is, however, to discuss the isotope composition of chemical fractions (so‐called molecular markers) indicating plant‐ (pentoses, long‐chain n‐alkanes, lignin phenols) and microbial‐derived residues (phospholipid fatty acids, hexoses, amino sugars, and short‐chain n‐alkanes) as well as other interesting soil constituents such as “black carbon” and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. For this purpose, innovative techniques such as pyrolysis–gas chromatography–combustion–isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry, gas chromatography–combustion–isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry, or liquid chromatography–combustion–isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry were compared. These techniques can be used in general for two purposes, (1) to quantify sequestration and turnover of specific organic compounds in the environment and (2) to trace the origin of organic substances. Turnover times of physical (sand < silt < clay) and chemical fractions (lignin < phospholipid fatty acids < amino sugars ≈ sugars) are generally shorter compared to bulk soil and increase in the order given in brackets. Tracing the origin of organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is difficult when more than two sources are involved and isotope difference of different sources is small. Therefore, this application is preferentially used when natural (e.g., C3‐to‐C4 plant conversion) or artificial (positive or negative) 13C labeling is used.  相似文献   

Salinisation of land resources is a major impediment to their optimal utilisation in many arid and semi‐arid regions of the world including Iran. Estimates suggest that about 34 million ha, including 4·1 million ha of the irrigated land, are salt‐affected in Iran as the consequence of naturally occurring phenomena and anthropogenic activities. The annual economic losses due to salinisation in the country are more than US$ 1 billion. With variable levels of success, different approaches—salt leaching and drainage interventions, crop‐based management, chemical amendments and fertilisers and integrated application of these approaches—have been used to enhance the productivity of salt‐affected soils in the Country. From sustainable management perspective, it is revealed from the past research that integrated salinity management and mitigation approaches have the potential to successfully address the complex problems of salt‐induced land degradation in Iran. As the growing need to produce more food and fibre for the expanding Iranian population necessitates the increased use of salt‐affected land resources in the foreseeable future, there is an urgent need to develop and implement a pertinent National Strategic Plan. In addition to establishing networks for monitoring spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity and water quality, this plan should integrate the management of salt‐affected environments into the overall management of land and water resources in the country. It should also address different management aspects of salt‐affected land resources in a holistic manner by considering the biophysical and environmental conditions of the target areas as well as livelihoods of the affected communities. The involvement of the communities will facilitate in developing a greater understanding about the potential uses and markets of the agricultural products produced from salt‐affected areas. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long‐term monoculture of watermelon results in inhibited growth and decreased crop yields, possibly because of imbalance in microbial ecology caused by accumulation of the pathogen in soil. This results in serious problems in the economics of watermelon production. We investigated the build‐up of Fusarium in soil under watermelon cultivation and changes over 3 yr of fallow in a microcosm. We focused on changes in the microbial community of Fusarium‐infected soil, including the diversity of the microfloral species composition, and species abundance. Long‐term monoculture of watermelon leads to changes in microbial diversity and community structure. The microbes most readily cultured from infested soil were suppressed by watermelon wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (FON). Of 52 isolated and identified culturable microbes, 83.3% of bacteria, 85.7% of actinomycetes, 31.6% of fungi and 20.0% of Fusarium sp. were inhibited by FON on bioassay plates. Prior to fallowing, infested soil was a transformed ‘fungus‐type’ soil. After 3 yr of fallow, the infested soil had remediated naturally, and soil microbial diversity recovered considerably. Abundance of dominant bacterial populations was increased by 118–177%, actinomycetes, fungi and FON were decreased by 23–32, 33–37 and 50%, respectively. The ratio of bacteria: actnomycetes: fungus: Fusarium sp. in infested soil changed from 24 000:100:4:1 prior to fallow to 57 000:100:3.5:1 after fallowing, nearer to the 560 000:400:8:1 ratio of healthy soil not used for watermelon cultivation. This suggests the ‘fungus‐type’ soil was converting to ‘bacteria‐type’ soil and that disrupted microbial communities in infested soil were restored during fallow.  相似文献   

Adsorption, desorption, and precipitation reactions at environmental interfaces govern the bioavailability, mobility, and fate of organic phosphates in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Glycerophosphate (GP) is a common environmental organic phosphate, however, surface adsorption reactions of GP on soil minerals have not been well understood. The adsorption characteristics of GP on goethite were studied using batch adsorption experiments, zeta (ζ) potential measurements, and in situ attenuated total reflectance‐Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR‐FTIR). GP exhibited fast initial adsorption kinetics on goethite, followed by a slow adsorption. The maximum adsorption densities of GP on goethite were 2.00, 1.95, and 1.44 μmol m?2 at pH 3, 5, and 7, respectively. Batch experiments showed decreased adsorption of GP with increasing pH from 3 to 10. Zeta potential measurements showed a remarkable decrease in the goethite isoelectric point upon GP adsorption (from 9.2 to 5.5), suggesting the formation of inner‐sphere surface complexes. In addition, the ATR‐FTIR spectra of GP sorbed on goethite were different from those of free GP at various pH values. These results suggested that GP was bound to goethite through the phosphate group by forming inner‐sphere surface complexes.  相似文献   

Plant fine roots are subject to continual turnover, i.e., old roots die during the plant life cycle and are quickly replaced by new roots. New roots grow partly into undepleted soil areas and can take up nutrients at a higher rate than old roots. This is one possible advantage of root turnover. It has been shown that root turnover of several plant species increases when P and/or K supply is limited, indicating an efficiency mechanism. The objective of this study was to assess the maximum benefit for nutrient uptake by root turnover and to determine which soil or plant properties influence this process. Based on a data set of field‐grown faba beans, a sensitivity analysis with a transport and uptake model was performed, i.e., several input parameters were systematically varied to assess their importance for nutrient uptake of a root system with and without fine‐root turnover. The calculations were based on the assumptions that all new roots grow into undepleted soil areas and that no inter‐root competition occurs. Model calculations indicated that a root system with a high but realistic turnover rate can take up twice the amount of P or K compared to a stable root system without any turnover. This benefit on uptake is higher at low concentrations of these nutrients in soil solution, low soil water content, or high maximum inflow. However, measured uptake under poor conditions of nutrient supply is often higher than calculated uptake, even when root turnover is taken into account. This indicates that root turnover might be an efficiency mechanism, but not the only one.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis whether organic matter in subsoils is a large contributor to organic carbon (OC) in terrestrial ecosystems and if survival of organic matter in subsoils is the result of an association with the soil mineral matrix. We approached this by analyzing two forest soil profiles, a Haplic Podzol and a Dystric Cambisol, for the depth distribution of OC, its distribution among density and particle‐size fractions, and the extractability of OC after destruction of the mineral phase by treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF). The results were related to indicators of the soil mineralogy and the specific surface area. Finally, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (SEM‐EDX) was used to visualize the location of OC at mineral surfaces and associations with elements of mineral phases. The subsoils (B and C horizons) contained 40—50% of the soil OC including the organic forest floor layers. With increasing depth of soil profiles (1) the radiocarbon ages increased, and (2) increasing portions of OC were either HF‐soluble, or located in the density fraction d >1.6 g cm—3, or in the clay fraction. The proportions of OC in the density fraction d >1.6 g cm—3 were closely correlated to the contents of oxalate and dithionite‐citrate‐bicarbonate‐extractable Fe (r2 = 0.93 and 0.88, P <0.001). SEM‐EDX analyses suggested associations of OC with aluminum whereas silicon‐enriched regions were poor in OC. The specific surface area and the microporosity of the soil mineral matrix after destruction of organic matter were less closely correlated to OC than the extractable iron fractions. This is possibly due to variable surface loadings, depending on different OC inputs with depth. Our results imply that subsoils are important for the storage of OC in terrestrial ecosystems because of intimate association of organic matter with secondary hydrous aluminum and iron phases leading to stabilization against biological degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of K fertilization on microstructural soil stability is rarely analyzed until now although the ambiguous impact on bulk soil structure was reported quite often, e.g., with regard to higher erodibility on the one hand and higher water storage on the other. Soil material from different long‐term fertilization trials in Germany was examined rheologically by means of an amplitude sweep test where the samples were subjected to oscillating shearing with increasing deflection. The resulting shear stress was recorded, and the maximum stress denoted the maximum shear strength of the sample. Results showed an ambiguous influence of K which depends strongly on the soil properties. On the one hand, an increased ion concentration in the soil solution leads to increasing attractive forces as defined by the DLVO theory and therefore higher shear resistance. With increasing desiccation, K+ like other salts can precipitate at the contact areas between particles and lead to cementation. On the other hand, K+ as a monovalent ion impedes covalent and ionic bonding between clay minerals which holds true for most of the examined soil types while only sandy soils showed an increase in soil strength due to K fertilization. Potassium depletion further resulted in increased interaction of fertilization with other impact factors, e.g., climate and soil properties. Thus, the destabilizing effect of K+ was more pronounced under liming as without liming. Subsequent modeling with selected soil parameters confirmed the high influence of matric potential. The modeling also revealed the interactions with other soil parameters, e.g., pH, oxides, texture, exchangeable cations as well as lack or surplus of K in relation to recommended K content. In conclusion, microstructural stability of soil depends on several soil parameters and requires the inclusion of many chemical and physical soil properties.  相似文献   

The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil is widely used for agricultural assessment as a measure of fertility and an indicator of structural stability; however, its measurement is time‐consuming. Although geostatistical methods have been used, a large number of samples must be collected. Using pedometric methods and incorporating easy‐to‐measure ancillary data into models have improved the efficiency of spatial prediction of soil CEC. However, mapping uncertainty has not been evaluated. In this study, we use an error budget procedure to quantify the relative contributions that model, input and covariate error make to prediction error of a digital map of CEC using gamma‐ray (γ‐ray) spectrometry and apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data. The error budget uses empirical best linear unbiased prediction (E‐BLUP) and conditional simulation to produce numerous realizations of the data and their underlying errors. Linear mixed models (LMMs) estimated by residual maximum likelihood (REML) are used to create the prediction models. The combined error of model [5.07 cmol(+)/kg] and input error [12.88 cmol(+)/kg] is ~12.93 cmol(+)/kg, which is twice as large as the standard deviation of CEC [6.8 cmol(+)/kg]. The individual covariate errors caused by the γ‐ray [9.64 cmol(+)/kg] and EM error [8.55 cmol(+)/kg] were large. Preprocessing techniques to improve the quality of the γ‐ray data could be considered, whereas the EM error could be reduced by the use of a smaller sampling interval in particular near the edges of the study area and at pedoderm boundaries.  相似文献   

In this study, salt‐induced changes in the growth rate of maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated during the first phase of salt stress. Leaf growth was reduced in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, and effects were more pronounced for the salt‐sensitive cv. Pioneer 3906 in comparison to the hybrid SR03. While hydrolytic activity of plasma membrane remained unaffected, H+‐pumping activity was reduced by 47% in Pioneer 3906, but was unchanged in SR03. Changes in apoplastic pH were detected by ratiometric fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent dye fluorescein isothiocyanate‐dextran (50 mM). Pioneer 3906 responded with an increase of 0.2 pH units in contrast to SR03 for which no apoplastic alkalization was found. With respect to the hypothesis that the apoplastic pH is influenced by salinity, it is suggested that salt resistance is partly achieved due to efficient H+‐ATPase proton pumping, which results in cell‐wall acidification and loosening.  相似文献   

Microbial‐community structure is closely associated with plant‐community composition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of depth and revegetation time on the microbial‐community structure of restored grassland soils of the Loess Plateau of China. Microbial‐community structure at 0–10 cm (depth 1) and 10–20 cm (depth 2) of eight sites of a grassland chronosequence with revegetation time ranging from 1 to 78 y was determined using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Except for the youngest site microbial‐community structure at the two depths varied distinctly with actinomycetes and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza as the most important discriminators. Total PLFA content decreased with depth and increased with revegetation time. Protozoa were the only functional group whose proportion did not change with depth. Their relative abundance tended to decrease with increasing revegetation time. The microbial community at all sites was bacteria‐dominated with Gram‐negative bacteria representing the largest proportion. Principal‐component and cluster analysis revealed that microbial‐community structure in the surface soil (depth 1) of the older sites (23–78 y of revegetation) was rather similar which may be due to only small effects of the plant species present on the soil environment. Differences in microbial‐community composition at 0–20 cm depth of the eight sites were partly related to variations in the physico‐chemical characteristics. Relations to organic C, alkali‐extractable N, pH, and available P were found. Revegetation of former agricultural sites on the Loess Plateau improves the soil status and leads to shifts in microbial‐community structure more pronounced with depth than time.  相似文献   

Field plot experiments were established for studying the influence of growth regulators MLU 208, MLU 2081 [various mixtures of 2,3‐dichloroisobutyric acid (DCiB) with chlormequat chloride (CCC)] and CCC on length of shoot axis, susceptibility to lodging and grain yield of oat (Avena sativa L.) and oil seed rape (Brassica napus L.). Apart from this, oat grains were analysed for residues of both agents. With the lodging‐resistant oat varieties ‘Alfred‘ and ‘Solidor‘, MLU 208 and MLU 208L caused stem reductions of 10% and yield increases up to 6.5% despite the fact that the untreated controls showed hardly any lodging. CCC, applied as comparative treatments, had no yield‐increasing effect although a stem reduction of approx. 8% was recorded. Tests with ‘Samantra‘, a variety of poor culm stability, gave culm reductions of 10%, prevented lodging and increased grain yields by 7—9.5%. Applying preparation MLU 2081 to winter oil seed rape prior to flowering shortened the stem by 8—11% and contributed to a grain yield increase of about 5—8%. In case of early (EC 31/32) and also late (EC 45) application of the preparations MLU 208 and MLU 208L detectable DCiB‐residues of about 0.1 mg·kg−1 were measured consistently. CCC residues increased with increasing dosage to 0.36 mg·kg−1, in case of later application up to 0.43 mg·kg−1. Less CCC residues were recorded in times of high precipitation or intensive irrigation. The permitted maximum concentration of 5 mg·kg−1 CCC residues in the grain were reached in no case.  相似文献   

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