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《饲料广角》杂志21期所刊登的胡文辉先生大作《预混料企业需要尽快转型》,文章固然精彩,然而,预混料企业真的需要转型吗?笔者认为.尚需商榷。 相似文献
近10余年,预混料行业发展迅速。截至2005年,企业数量已达3064家,为饲料企业总数的19.7%。同时,产量上升也很快,2001年才228.6万t,2005年就有了473.8万t,平均年增幅约20%,并且势头不减(表1)。相比同期配合饲料(6.1%)、浓缩饲料(15.1%)的表现,其风光远盖过后者。表12001-2005年预 相似文献
为完善伊维菌素预混剂质量标准,对伊维菌素预混剂按质量标准中的薄层色谱鉴别方法进行了研究。结果发现:该鉴别方法存在缺陷,不能正确评价产品的质量。经过实验研究分析,对该标准提出修改意见,以使更加科学客观,可操作性更强。 相似文献
为了建立那西肽预混剂组分测定的高效液相检查法,采用十八烷基键合硅胶为填充剂,以0.025%磷酸水溶液-乙腈(50:50)为流动相,检测波长为241 nm,并以该色谱条件对来自7个厂家的14批不同规格的那西肽预混剂进行了测定。综合结果给出组分的建议限度为:那西肽组分A的峰面积不得少于那西肽组分A与组分B峰面积之和的88.0%。该方法具有专属性强、耐用性好、操作简便等优点。 相似文献
《The Professional Animal Scientist》2002,18(1):90-92
The objective of this study was to examine fermentation characteristics and the quality of corn silage in response to top-dressing with NaCl after ensiling. Two bunker silos were divided into six sections each. Three alternate sections per silo had salt applied at a rate of 22.5 kg/121-m2 section. The other three sections were not treated. The silos were covered with black plastic sheeting and secured with tire sidewalls. Four weeks after covering, seven silage samples were taken from the top layer of each of the sections, composited, and analyzed for DM, pH, NDF, ADF, acetic acid, lactic acid, mold, yeast, total aerobic bacteria, clostridia, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone. The silage samples from the salt-treated sections exhibited several properties that indicated improved fermentation and reduced spoilage, including trends for reduced pH, NDF content, zearalenone concentrations, and total aerobic bacteria counts, when compared with the unsalted silage. Adding salt to the top layer of corn silage is an economically feasible way of reducing top layer spoilage and may reduce silage waste. 相似文献
将240只AA商品代肉用仔鸡随机分为两组,每组设两个重复,按肉用仔鸡生产系统设计主要环节,8周饲养.建立营养供给模型,准确模拟试验组肉鸡实际生长以调整营养供给水平,对照组按NRC标准配制日粮.实验结果表明:3、6、8周龄,试验组平均体重(274.34±37.42g,1095.93±104.50g,1688.46±112.80g)与对照组(213.26±18.46g,916.34±37.32g,1516.92±78.09g)相比差异极显著.试验组饲料转化率(2.19:1),高于对照组(2.40:1).鸡只纯收益(1.74元)高于对照组(1.49元).根据肉用仔鸡实际生长情况调整营养供给水平,能进一步挖掘肉鸡饲养效益. 相似文献
奶牛的产奶量、乳品质受遗传、营养、环境及自身激素调节等多种因素的影响。抗氧化微量养分硒、锌、铜及VE、VA、β-胡萝卜素等对延长奶牛泌乳高峰、抗应激、增强免疫与繁殖机能起着十分重要的作用,且随着其他微量元素如钴、锰及VB12、烟酸、叶酸等B族维生素对泌乳性能影响研究的不断深入,使人们在实际生产中对不同泌乳阶段奶牛精料补充必需维生素与微量元素的作用日渐重视。本试验旨在对两种不同水平维生素、微量元素预混料对泌乳高峰期乳牛的泌乳性能及经济性能的影响做进一步探讨。一、材料与方法1.试验动物的选择与分组:从白… 相似文献
在应用GB/T13885—92方法测定预混料中微量元素铜、锌时,通过减少样品取样量,降低试液稀释倍数,样品前处理方法基本不变.测定结果与对照纽比较,差异不显著。在实际检验工作应用此改进方法.可减少人力物力,减轻废液对环境的污染. 相似文献
<正>为稳定国内生猪生产,保障猪肉市场供给,缓解猪肉价格上涨,2007年中央出台了一系列政策扶持生猪生产,生猪良种补贴项目是其中之一,即在全国25个省(区、市)、3个农垦选择200个生猪主产县, 相似文献
The supply of zinc to ruminants as influenced by and depending upon the geological origin of soils was investigated using the hair test and the technique of indicator plants. A total of 1276 samples of red meadow clover and 3022 samples of red field clover and 4184 hair specimens from cows were analyzed. The following statistically well-established results were obtained which appear to be generalizable: Red meadow clover contained significantly more Zn than red field clover (48 ppm/38 ppm). Red meadow clover and field clover grown on loamy soils (59%), weathered soils of less (59%), red sandstone (57%) basalt (53%), shell limestone (47%) and Keuper (41%) contained only 59%-41% of the amount of Zn found in indicator plants that were grown in locations were the highest Zn level (weathered soils of porphyry). Zn concentrations in red meadow and field clover grown on soils of the same geological origin correlated with r = 0.87. A positive correlation (B = 0.53) was found to exit between the relative proportions of Zn contained in indicator plants grown on a particular soil and the proportions of Zn contained in hair specimens from Zn-deficient cows (less than 100 ppm of Zn). The largest number of hair specimens containing less than 100 ppm of Zn were found in cows from areas with soils of basalt (17%), and loess (18%), areas with loamy soils (24%), and sandy diluvial soils (25%), or with alluvial pastures (23%), or with soils of Keuper (27%), shell limestone (22%) or red sandstone (29%). Ruminants in these areas are liable to suffer from Zn deficiencies. 相似文献
基于RFID可追溯系统的畜产品供应链安全控制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的显著提高,食品市场上畜产品的需求越来越大,但频繁发生的动物疫情极大地影响了畜产品的消费需求,畜产品的质量安全问题受到了消费者的质疑。因此,如何实现畜产品高效、优质且安全的生产、运输与保存,让老百姓吃上"放心肉",已经成为亟待解决的问题。本文考虑利用RFID技术建立一个畜产品供应链的可追溯安全控制系统,通过在畜产品供应链上的养殖场、市境道口、屠宰场、批发市场、超市等关键节点上设置监管子系统,记录和比对各个关键节点上的信息,来实现对畜产品的追踪与溯源,对畜产品物流安全进行有效控制,从而保证畜产品的质量安全。 相似文献