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Meat company, OSI, says it is on track to be one of China's largest poultry producers and food processors.  相似文献   

Lately, Cargill, one of the world's top 4 food conglomerates, inaugurated an integrated poultry operation in China. As it's known that this broiler production project in An'hui is the biggest single investment of Cargill in China (US$2,500 million) and also its first animal protein project in China. Full processing capacity of this plant in a year can reach 60 million birds meanwhile covering the whole industrial chain from feed manufacture, broiler raising to slaughtering and processing.  相似文献   

Japan announced on January 30 that it will release inspection on China's 26 feed products producers about the melamine contain effective as of January 30, 2009, according to the Related Measures against China's Melamine Tainted Feed issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.  相似文献   

General Manager of Feed Department of COFCO, Vice-President of China Association, Liu Xiaoyu, states that the feed output in China will be over 150 million ton this year and the rigid demand for corn will also increase with it. This may rise up corn's price, and the growth will be greater and greater. News from Media, on Oct. 19, 2010.  相似文献   

Chinese feed machinery company, Muyang, has expressed interest in partnering with the Bungoma County government in Kenya, inthe building of an animal feed processing company in region. Muyang Company, based in Yangzhou China, intends to set up the feed plant in the area at a cost of KES 165 million (US$1.9 million), which will make use of sugarcane and maize waste products that are abundant in the region, if they are able to strike a deal with the county government. If the feed plant gets of the ground, it is expected to created an estimated 2,000jobs in the region, according to Bencher Yi, Muyang's Deputy President. Muyang intends to provide the feed machinery to set up the animal feed mill, along with providing technical support, training and guaranteeing 2 years of maintenance for all machinery. The company has been set up in Africa since 2008 and has extensive operations in Africa, with similar companies in Tanzania, South Africa and Mozambique. It plans to extend the same to Kenya and Bungoma is among one of the three selected County's together with Kiambu and Murang'a Counties.  相似文献   

China's exponential economic growth over the last decade has been accompanied by a sharp increase in consumption of animal products. Today, China is the world's largest livestock producer and consumer.  相似文献   

China's Ruibang Farming Development Co and Dutch pig genetics supplier Topigs have signed an agreement to establishbreeding farms and genetic centres in North China's Hebei Province. Ruibang, based in the provincial capital of Zhangjiakou, plans to invest more than USD 33 million to establish pig breeding and propagation centres with up to 2,500 sows each.  相似文献   

China's livestock industry, vital to the nation's food security, has become a growing pollution and public health headache in some rural areas.
In Santang Township in south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, farmers simply dump the carcasses of their animals without any treatment, according to Liu, a local villager.  相似文献   

China's marine fishery industry has embraced its growth during the last few decades, but problems including over-fishing and declines in the number of willing workers have come to threaten resources and arouse concern over the industry's future.  相似文献   

It was in 2008 that China's feed industry overcame various difficulties and gained big achievement in 2008. It experienced natural disasters like snowstorm in Southern China, Sichuan earthquake and so on, and overcame difficulties of fluctuation in the price of feed raw materials and increment of production cost.  相似文献   

According to a latest research report by Chinese Academy of Engineering released on 6th Sept. in Beijing, China's breeding line including animal husbandry and fishery is expected to surpass crop p largest as well lantation and become the as leading strategic part in the country's agriculture sector at around the year of 2015.  相似文献   

The Want Want Group,as the biggest rice crackers manufacturer in the world,entered the mainland China’s biscuit market and established its first factory in Hunan 1994.Rice Crackers are widely welcomed by Chinese consumers;however,in this decade it remained a stable company share with a very little decline in China’s biscuit market.In order to maintain sustainable development,it is worthy to consider the competitive environment and distinguish the opportunities and challenges,analysis strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

China's meat consumption is expected to rise by 35 percent by 2020 while rice and flour consumption will fall by five percent each.  相似文献   

With the developing of the economy as well as the increasing of people's living standards in China, the industrial production of China's feed industry is expanding at the growth rate of 7%-8% annually. As a result, the feed additive sector is advancing vigorously. As a leader in the animal nutrition and the Methionine production in the world, Adissseo is the complex supplier of solid and liquid Methionine, vitamin and the enzyme. In Jan.,2006, China National Bluestar carried out the buying-out of French Adisseo, which promoted the French company development in China. Particularly in 2008, the decision of establishing a plant in Tianjin showed its attention to the market in China and the Asia-pacific regions. As the opening of Beijing VIV, Chert Guangpeng, chief-editor of Feed Industry Magazine, talked to Adisseo CEO, Mr. Gerard Deman on this issue.  相似文献   

State Council said that China will increase imports of beef and lamb. The country's high tariffs for both beef and lamb haveresulted in smuggling and food safety concerns, especially for beef, as demand continues to grow.  相似文献   

The holiday season is approaching in China, and shoppers and retailers alike are brimming with visions of pork and increasingly, of US pork.
As the January lunar New Year approaches and the seasonal winter meat consumption period gets underway, the US Meat Export Federation's (USMEF) efforts to raise the visibility of US pork and its quality, safety and value are moving into high gear, said Joel Haggard, USMEF's senior vice president over the Asia-Pacific region before the peak season.  相似文献   

China's consumer prices increased at a slower pace in April as the cost of fresh vegetables and pork both declined, official data showed recently.  相似文献   

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the country's grain output rose 2.9 percent yearon-year in 2010 to 546.41 million tons. This marked the seventh consecutive year of growth for China's grain output.  相似文献   

A recent online promotion for US pork conducted with China's leading business-to-consumer platform, Tmall.com, drew rave reviews from Chinese consumers and strong results for US pork suppliers.  相似文献   

CHINA- Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre has officially opened its new Hezhoubei Research Station in the Guangdong Province, China. The new station becomes Skretting' s main research facility for shrimp and Asian fish species.  相似文献   

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