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在不同自然生态条件下对编号为Ms-3,Ms-7,Ms-8,Ms-9的4份水稻温敏不育系分期播种,进行育性观察、差异性分析及稳定性研究,从而鉴定水稻温敏不育系育性转换是否彻底以及育性是否稳定.结果表明:4份水稻温敏不育系在元江可以繁殖,同期播种品种间育性差异不显著,不同播期对育性的影响较大,以3月8日播种水稻温敏不育系自交结实率最高;建水不同播期对水稻温敏不育系育性影响不大,但品种间育性差异显著,除Ms-7外,其它几个温敏不育系在不同播期不育度达99%以上,育性转换彻底,自交结实率的变异系数小,不育性稳定,可以制种.  相似文献   

水稻光温敏核不育系GD-5S和GD-9S育性特性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对两个水稻光温敏核不育系GD5S和GD9S的周年播始天数的变化动态、育性转换规律、光温临界值和开花习性等进行了观察。结果显示 :(1 )GD5S和GD9S为典型的早熟核不育系;从他们播始天数变化看,它们的穗分化感温性较强,感光性弱。 (2 )GD5S在广州自然条件下的稳定不育期长达146天,比培矮64S长21天,而GD9S为122天,比培矮64S少3天。 (3)GD9S经人工气候鉴定结果为 :雄性不育临界光温指标为13.5~14.5h/24℃左右,比较适合在日照较长的稻区制种应用。(4)GD5S和GD9S均具有较好的开花习性和较高异交结实特性……  相似文献   

两个新籼稻光温敏核不育系的育性转换特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究新育成的水稻光温敏雄性不育系H61S、H69S的育性转换特性,于2005~2006年在湛江进行了分期播种试验和人工控制光温试验,结果表明:(1)温度是引起两个光温敏不育系育性转换的最主要的原因,光照时数对不育系育性影响不显著。(2)H61S、H69S的育性温度敏感期分别为抽穗前19~10d和20~10d,最敏感期均为抽穗前17~13d,与对照培矮64相似。(3)当不育系由不育转为可育,可育花粉率达1%时,H61S、H69S和对照培矮64S的育性转换临界温度分别为24.2℃、25.3℃、26.1℃。(4)两个不育系在湛江自然播种条件下都有较长的稳定不育期和较高的自交结实率,育性转换期均比对照培矮64S短,可以安全制种,也可繁殖,但适宜繁殖的抽穗期范围窄。  相似文献   

水稻光温敏核不育系奥龙1S的育性特征特性与利用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
奥龙1S具有早熟,综合农艺性状优良,抗稻瘟病,不育性稳定彻底,不育起点温度低,一般配合力强,可繁性好,异交结实高等优势性状,2006年11月通过福建省科技成果鉴定,鉴定号为闽科鉴字[2006]第160号。本文简述了奥龙1S的育性与特征特性表现,并对奥龙1S的利用前景进行探讨。 关键词:水稻;核不育系;奥龙1S;光温敏;特征特性  相似文献   

丁军  余显权 《种子》2016,(5):115-117
为增加水稻三系不育系的多样性,同时为优良不育系的合理利用提供参考资料,2014年在海南省三亚市对贵州大学水稻研究所新育成稳定的10个水稻新育三系不育系田间特征特性进行了调查,并对所观测性状进行了相关性分析.结果表明:新育成的10个水稻三系不育系播始历期为77~84 d,抽穗历期6~8 d,主茎叶数均为13片,株高为56.33~69.00 cm.单株颖花数最多为504 A,最少为510 A;不育系单株颖花数与有效分蘖数呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.909*,与单穗颖花数呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.598*.  相似文献   

2004年度登陆浙江的4个台风"云娜"(RANANIM)、"艾利"(AERE)、"桑达"(SONGDA)、"海马"(HAIMA)产生不同程度的降温效应,"桑达"和"海马"导致杭州日平均最低温度低于25℃,并持续数天,对水稻温敏不育系育性产生了明显影响.台风侵扰期间在杭州自然条件下观察攀定了11个温敏不育系花粉育性的转换特性.在持续<25℃的低温2 d下,不育系育性并无影响,但日平均温度和日最低温度<25℃持续4 d以上时,则会导致不育系育性转换.台风到达后10~12 d,多数温敏不育系会出现正常花粉比率高峰,将对两系法杂交水稻种子生产有严重影响.  相似文献   

刘圣全  邬玉成 《种子》1999,(4):76-77
通过对5088s育性转换情况观察得出:5088s在8月份花期不育性较为稳定,根据本地气候特点,该不育系应在4月底至5月初播种,花期安排在8月10日左右为宜。  相似文献   

琼香-1S是海南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所利用国外优质旱稻资源选育出来的优质籼型香稻光温敏核不育系。琼香-1S在海南稳定的不育期较长,从5月至10月下旬具有稳定的不育期,制种安全可靠,繁殖敏感转换期适宜在11月中旬至3月上旬。  相似文献   

为揭示温敏不育系PK3-12S育性转换机制,本研究以白菜型冬油菜温敏不育系PK3-12花药为材料,采用2-DE和LC-MS/MS质谱鉴定等差异蛋白组学方法,分离鉴定了PK3-12在不育/可育条件下花药差异表达蛋白质,并对差异表达蛋白进行了生物信息学分析;进而采用RT-PCR检测了PK3-12在不育/可育条件下花蕾发育进程中差异蛋白编码基因表达量变化。结果表明,高温不育条件下, PK3-12花药形态瘪小,药室有少量败育花粉,育性转换受1对隐性基因控制,表达变化量在2倍以上差异蛋白质点31个,其中增量表达蛋白质点6个,减量表达蛋白质点11个,表达完全抑制蛋白点12个,不育花药特异表达蛋白点2个。质谱鉴定出15个差异蛋白质,参与信号转导通路、二羧基乙醛酸代谢、糖酵解代谢、次生合成代谢、氨基酸生物合成、分支酸生物合成、碳代谢途径等细胞过程。Rubisco亚基连接蛋白编码基因BrrbcL开放读码框(open reading frame, ORF)长度为1095 bp,编码364个氨基酸;与可育花蕾相比,发育进程中不育花蕾BrrbcL基因、膜联蛋白基因(ANN)、BetVI过敏原家族基因(BetV...  相似文献   

光温敏核不育水稻的育性光温敏感度对两系杂交水稻的繁殖与制种有重要影响。为了定位影响温敏核不育水稻育性转换的低温敏感度QTL,以冷繁结实率存在明显差异的2个温敏核不育水稻N38S和N727S为亲本构建的F2群体为作图群体,利用人工气候箱的低温处理和SSR标记技术,结合Mapmaker 3.0及WinQTLCart 2.5软件分析,检测低温敏感度QTL位点。结果显示,共检测到3个低温敏感度QTL,其中QTL1位于水稻第1染色体的PSM12与RM583之间,QTL2和QTL3分别位于第4染色体的PSM194与RM273之间和RM273与PSM103之间,它们加性效应均为负值,对育性转换的贡献率分别为7%,16%,3%。基于分子标记的位置信息可知,3个QTL位点与已定位的光温敏核不育水稻育性相关基因不等位。综上,QTL1、QTL2和QTL3可能是新基因位点,N727S携带的等位基因起到提高繁种产量的作用,在利用分子标记辅助选择时,应选择N727S的标记类型。这3个低温敏感度QTLs的定位可能对于温敏核不育水稻进行易于转育繁种的分子标记辅助选择具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to develop new stable thermo‐sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) rice lines in intermated progenies (IMPs) of TGMS lines by using an anther clearing technique. The results indicate that both pre‐ and post‐meiotic genetic systems operate during anther development for the expression of sterility in TGMS lines. In all the TGMS lines, sterile anthers were small with empty pollen grains of irregular shape, except for TS 16, which showed pollen‐free anthers. This indicates that the sensitive stage of TS 16 is around stage IV (stamen and pistil primordia) of panicle development. Distinct differences were observed between sterile and fertile phases with respect to anther size, shape and colour of the pollen grains in TS 18 and TS 29. The pollen grains at the sterile phase were small and irregular in shape while in the fertile phase they were plump and larger with a yellow colour, establishing that the occurrence of sterility in TS 18 and TS 29 is post‐meiotic. Three distinct classes of pollen fertility percentage viz. <20%, 50‐70% and >90% were observed in IMPs. Anther clearing in IMPs showed distinct developmental patterns of pollen production with respect to distinct classes of pollen fertility. Less than 20% pollen fertility was observed in hybrids such as TS 15 × TS 16, TS 15 × Co 47, TS 18 × TS 16 and TS 18 × Co 47 which hold promise for developing new TGMS lines with a good plant type and acceptable quality.  相似文献   

The thermosensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) system has great potential for revolutionizing hybrid rice production through simple, less expensive and more efficient seed production technology. For the successful utilization of this novel male sterility system, knowledge of the breeding and fertility behaviour of a TGMS line is essential. In this study, the fertility transformation behaviour, the critical fertility and sterility temperatures and the mode of inheritance of male sterility were studied for a new TGMS line, TS6, identified at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. The pollen and spikelet fertilities recorded on plants raised at fortnightly intervals revealed that this line was completely sterile for 78 consecutive days (35/22 to 32/23°C, maximum/minimum temperatures) and reverted to fertile when the temperature was 30/18°C. It remained fertile continuously for 69 days and the maximum pollen and spikelet fertilities recorded were 75 and 70%, respectively. The fertility was highly influenced by daily maximum temperature followed by average and minimum temperatures. It was not influenced by relative humidity, sunshine hours or photoperiod. The critical temperature inducing sterility and fertility was 26.7 and 25.5°C, respectively. The male sterility in TS6 was inherited as a monogenic recessive in the F2 and BC1 populations of TS6 × MRST9 as well as TS6 × IR68281B. Using bulked segregant analysis on an F2 population of TS6 × MRST9, an RAPD marker, OPC052962, was identified to be associated with TGMS in TS6.  相似文献   

M.T. Lopez  S.S. Virmani 《Euphytica》2000,114(3):211-215
A breeding program was initiated at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in 1990 to develop thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice lines for developing two-line rice hybrids for the tropics. The TGMS trait was transferred from a temperate japonica TGMS mutant, Norin PL 12, to indica and tropical japonica rice varieties using the pedigree selection procedure. Six new TGMS rice lines adapted to tropical conditions were developed which showed complete pollen and spikelet sterility when maximum temperature was higher than 30 °C 1–2 week after panicle initiation. However, up to 85.5% spikelet fertility was observed when these lines were exposed to 26–29 °C during the critical stage. Using two of these TGMS lines, some heterotic rice hybrids showing 1–1.6 t/ha higher grain yield than the inbred check varieties were identified in unreplicated observational yield trial conducted at IRRI. Two of the six two-line hybrids yielded significantly higher than the check variety in a replicated preliminary yield trial. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out with the objective to validate the molecular markers, which have been previously reported to be linked to fertility restorer (Rf) gene(s) for WA-CMS lines of rice. Two mapping populations involving fertility restorer lines for WA-cytoplasm, viz., (i) an F2 population derived from the cross IR58025A/KMR3R consisting of 347 plants and (ii) a BC1F1 population derived from the cross IR62829A/IR10198R//IR62829A consisting of 130 plants were analyzed. Nine SSR and three CAPS markers reported to be linked to Rf genes along with two previously unreported SSR markers were analyzed in the mapping populations. In both the populations studied, the trait of fertility restoration was observed to be under digenic control. Eight SSR markers (RM6100, RM228, RM171, RM216, RM474, RM311, MRG4456 and pRf1&2) showed polymorphism between the parents of the F2 population, while the SSR markers RM6100 and RM474 showed polymorphism between the parents of both the F2 and BC1F1 populations. Only one CAPS marker, RG146FL/RL was polymorphic between the parents of the BC1F1 population. RM6100 was observed to be closely segregating with fertility restoration in both the mapping populations and was located at a distance of ~1.2 cM. The largest phenotypic variation was accounted for the region located between RM311 and RM6100. Using the marker-trait segregation data derived from analysis of both the mapping populations, a local linkage map of the genomic region around Rf-4, a major fertility restoration locus on Chromosome 10 was constructed, and RM6100 was observed to be very close to the gene at a distance of 1.2 cM. The accuracy of the marker RM6100 in predicting fertility restoration was validated in 21 restorers and 18 maintainers. RM6100 amplified the Rf-4 linked allele in a majority of the restorers with a selection accuracy of 94.87%. Through the present study, we have established the usefulness of the marker RM6100 in marker-assisted selection for fertility restoration in segregating populations and identification of restorers while screening rice germplasm for their fertility restoration ability.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - The identification of fertility restoration and genetic diversity of drought-tolerant breeding lines will be useful for the development of promising...  相似文献   

不同水稻品种(系)有机栽培产量差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于高产品种和高产栽培技术的推广,我国水稻单产居世界先进行列,但伴随着水稻产量的提高,物能投入迅速加大,特别是氮肥和农药的使用量在许多地方已到了滥用的程度,施纯氮超过水稻一生氮素需求量的1倍以上,667m2用农药量为世界之最。大量氮肥和农药的投入,引起稻株对氮素和农药的富集,导致稻米品质和卫生质量下降,同时过剩的氮素和农药流入水体,流入自然生态系统,污染环境。本文在彻底禁止使用化学合成肥料、农药和药品的水稻有机栽培条件下,研究不同水稻品种(系)对有机栽培产量的影响,为发展水稻有机栽培生产提供优良品种(系)和理论…  相似文献   

长穗颈温敏核不育水稻双低培eS遗传特性的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
双低培eS是由双低S通过辐射诱变选育出的长穗颈温敏核不育水稻,其穗颈伸出长度比双低S增长17 cm。用双低培eS与9311杂交,F1表现为正常半矮秆,但比培矮64S/9311(两优培九)穗颈伸出长度增加2.7 cm,且不包颈。从F2群体中分离出的正常半矮秆与长穗颈高秆比例经χ2测验符合3∶1分离规律,说明该突变的长穗颈性状为一对隐性基  相似文献   

杂交籼稻恢复系稻米淀粉RVA谱特征相关及聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定早造种植收获的42个恢复系和7个不同蒸煮及食味对照稻米淀粉RVA谱特征值,对其进行了相关分析和系统聚类分析。结果表明如下:(1)恢复系RVA谱特征值变异系数最大是SBV,依次是BDV,CSV,CPV,HPV,最小是PKV。(2)各RVA谱特征值表现较好相关性。RVA谱特征值3个基本粘度间,只有HPV与CPV表现极显著正相关。PKV与BDV呈极显著正相关,与SBV和CSV均分别呈极显著负相关;HPV、CPV与BDV分别呈显著、极显著负相关,HPV、CPV分别与SBV和CSV均呈极显著正相关。BDV、SBV和CSV均分别呈极显著负相关,而SBV和CSV呈极显著正相关。(3)RVA谱特征值可分为3大类型,三类型区分主要依据SBV,Ⅰ类型SBV最高(37.4RVU~156.8RVU),Ⅱ类型SBV最低(-141.2RVU~-86.0RVU),而Ⅲ类型SBV介于两者之间(-83.6RVU~23.7RVU);在两极端类型Ⅰ类型和Ⅱ类型之间区分还可依据BDV和CSV指标。Ⅰ类型亚类间区分主要依据PKV和CPV,Ⅱ类型亚类区分依据PKV,Ⅲ类型亚类区分则比较复杂,依据PKV、HPV、BDV、SBV和CSV指标组合。  相似文献   

土壤耕作和水分管理对水稻土壤肥力性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曾可  江立庚 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):234-237
为了探讨耕作方式和水分管理对水稻土壤肥力性状的影响,以金优253为材料进行大田试验,设置常耕、免耕二种土壤耕作方式,浅水层灌溉、交替灌溉、水气平衡灌溉三种水分管理方式,然后在水稻成熟期测定分析土壤肥力因子的变化。结果表明,土壤碱解氮含量以浅水层灌溉最高,水气平衡灌溉次之,交替灌溉的最低,土壤有效磷含量从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、交替灌溉、浅水层灌溉;土壤速效钾含量从高到低分别为交替灌溉、水气平衡灌溉、浅水层灌溉;土壤有机质含量从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、浅水层灌溉、交替灌溉;土壤pH值从高到低分别为水气平衡灌溉、交替灌溉、浅水层灌溉。三种灌溉方式下常耕稻田土壤碱解氮、有效磷和有机质含量含量高于免耕稻田,免耕稻田pH值、土壤速效钾含量却高于常耕稻田。水分管理对土壤肥力的影响比耕作方式的影响更大。  相似文献   

水稻光温敏核不育系的ISSR和SSR遗传分析比较   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本研究应用ISSR和SSR技术建立了24个水稻光温敏核不育系的DNA指纹图谱,利用13个ISSR引物和20对SSR引物,分别获得174个多态性片段和62个多态性片段,平均每个ISSR引物检测到13.38个多态性片段,远远高于SSR引物的检测率。根据遗传距离进行的聚类分析表明,利用这两种标记所得的聚类结果十分相似,24个材料被聚为粳型,偏籼型和籼型三个类群,在籼型不育系类群内,又可明显的分成三个亚类群,其中7个安农S-1衍生的不育系聚为一类,与农垦58S衍生的不育系有明显的遗传差异。根据两种标记计算的遗传距离及其遗传关系,所得的结果仍有一些差异,但总体趋势是一致。研究结果表明,ISSR和SSR标记适用于构建DNA指纹图谱,进行分类鉴定和遗传分析。  相似文献   

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