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Eggleton et al. (Reports, 8 December 2006, p. 1580) reported on a deep-mixing mechanism in low-mass stars caused by a Rayleigh-Taylor instability that destroys all of the helium isotope 3He produced during the star's lifetime. Observations of 3He in planetary nebulae, however, indicate that some stars produce prodigious amounts of 3He. This is inconsistent with the claim that all low-mass stars should destroy 3He.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of ruthenium (Ru) in individual presolar silicon carbide (SiC) stardust grains bears the signature of s-process nucleosynthesis in asymptotic giant branch stars, plus an anomaly in 99Ru that is explained by the in situ decay of technetium isotope 99Tc in the grains. This finding, coupled with the observation of Tc spectral lines in certain stars, shows that the majority of presolar SiC grains come from low-mass asymptotic giant branch stars, and that the amount of 99Tc produced in such stars is insufficient to have left a detectable 99Ru anomaly in early solar system materials.  相似文献   

In the current cosmological model, only the three lightest elements were created in the first few minutes after the Big Bang; all other elements were produced later in stars. To date, however, heavy elements have been observed in all astrophysical environments. We report the detection of two gas clouds with no discernible elements heavier than hydrogen. These systems exhibit the lowest heavy-element abundance in the early universe, and thus are potential fuel for the most metal-poor halo stars. The detection of deuterium in one system at the level predicted by primordial nucleosynthesis provides a direct confirmation of the standard cosmological model. The composition of these clouds further implies that the transport of heavy elements from galaxies to their surroundings is highly inhomogeneous.  相似文献   

美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》是一部美国国内家喻户晓的幽默力作,尤其在青少年观众群体中受到了热烈的追捧。近年来,随着他在世界范围的热播,在各国观众中也都得到了热烈反响。作为一部情景喜剧,言语和情景幽默是该剧主要表现形式和表现手段,而他在我国能得以广泛传播并且反响热烈,这与汉语字幕组对其言语幽默的成功翻译是分不开的。  相似文献   

Experiments on thermal convection in a rotating, differentially heated hemispherical shell with a radial buoyancy force were conducted in an orbiting microgravity laboratory. A variety of convective structures, or planforms, were observed, depending on the magnitude of the rotation and the nature of the imposed heating distribution. The results are compared with numerical simulations that can be conducted at the more modest heating rates, and suggest possible regimes of motion in rotating planets and stars.  相似文献   

Nearly all of the heavier elements seem to have been assembled by successive neutron captures occurring in two distinct processes: the s (slow) process refers to neutron capture at a rate which is slow compared to the intervening beta-decay; the r (rapid) process refers to neutron capture at a rate which is rapid compared to the beta process. It is becoming increasingly apparent that simple models for galactic r-process nucleosynthesis are inadequate. Modern astronomical observations, which indicate that the bulk of r-process synthesis may have occurred early in the life of the galaxy, cannot be ignored. Recent data on the fissiogenic xenon in whitlockite from the St. Severin meteorite also place stringent conditions on permissible models for element synthesis. It appears that neither sudden nor continuous models for element formation are consistent with isotopic data now available. I propose a more complex model for the synthesis of solar system material in which the r-process is allowed to occur in three distinct modes: a "prompt" synthesis early in the history of the galaxy, a "continuous" synthesis whereby r-process products are continuously added to the galactic mix, and a "last-minute" synthesis which enriches the solar nebula with r-process material shortly before the formation of the solar system. Calculations based on the present abundances of uranium-235, uranium-238, and thorium-232 and the measured abundances of iodine-129 and plutonium-244 present when meteorites began to retain xenon indicate that the galactic age is between 8.0 and 8.8 billion years, with the initial "prompt" synthesis accounting for 81 to 89 percent of the total r-process material ever produced, the "last-minute" synthesis contributing between 11 and 13 percent, and 0 to 8 percent occurring in the continuous mode. The time interval between the isolation of the solar nebula from galactic r-process and the onset of xenon retention in meteorites lies between 176 and 179 million years.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional helium-3 (3He) provides a simple model for the experimental investigation of the emergence of quantum complexity in a strongly correlated Fermi system. We have observed two-dimensional, two-band heavy-fermion behavior in bilayer films of 3He atoms when adsorbed on the surface of graphite preplated by a solid bilayer of 4He. Thermodynamic measurements on this system showed that the relevant control parameter is the total density of the 3He film. The 3He bilayer system can be driven toward a quantum critical point at which the effective mass appears to diverge, interband coupling vanishes, and a local-moment state appears. It opens a new testing ground for theories of quantum criticality in heavy-fermion materials.  相似文献   

通过试验,摸索总结出适应于干旱风沙区的"高杆-大穴-深埋-围栏"四位一体造林配套技术.该技术的应用有利于保墒和根系的恢复与再生;提高造林成活率;解决林牧矛盾,既经济又方便.  相似文献   

The neutron buildup processes of heavy-element synthesis in stars have left us a number of tantalizing nuclear clues to the early history of solarsystem material. Considerable illumination of our past history has been achieved through studying the correlations between abundance and neutroncapture cross section. Measurement of these cross sections required the development of new techniques for measuring time of flight of pulsed neutron beams. A clear conclusion is that many of our heavy elements were produced inside stars, which can be thought of as giant fast reactors. Extensions of these capture studies have given a clearer picture of additional. violent processes which produced some heavy elements, particularly thorium and uranium. In addition, the correlations have been used for obtaining an independent measure of the time that has elapsed since the solar-system material was synthesized. Finally, data on capture cross section relative to abundance will enable us to determine rather accurately the solar-system abundances of gaseous, volatile, and highly segregated elements.  相似文献   

Radio pulsars in binary orbits often have short millisecond spin periods as a result of mass transfer from their companion stars. They therefore act as very precise, stable, moving clocks that allow us to investigate a large set of otherwise inaccessible astrophysical problems. The orbital parameters derived from high-precision binary pulsar timing provide constraints on binary evolution, characteristics of the binary pulsar population, and the masses of neutron stars with different mass-transfer histories. These binary systems also test gravitational theories, setting strong limits on deviations from general relativity. Surveys for new pulsars yield new binary systems that increase our understanding of all these fields and may open up whole new areas of physics, as most spectacularly evidenced by the recent discovery of an extremely relativistic double-pulsar system.  相似文献   

An olivine nephelinite from the lower part of a thick alkalic ultrabasic and mafic sequence of volcanic rocks of the northeastern part of the Siberian flood basalt province (SFBP) yielded a (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau age of 253.3 +/- 2.6 million years, distinctly older than the main tholeiitic pulse of the SFBP at 250.0 million years. Olivine phenocrysts of this rock showed (3)He/(4)He ratios up to 12.7 times the atmospheric ratio; these values suggest a lower mantle plume origin. The neodymium and strontium isotopes, rare earth element concentration patterns, and cerium/lead ratios of the associated rocks were also consistent with their derivation from a near-chondritic, primitive plume. Geochemical data from the 250-million-year-old volcanic rocks higher up in the sequence indicate interaction of this high-(3)He SFBP plume with a suboceanic-type upper mantle beneath Siberia.  相似文献   

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Although the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi does not regularly transmit the MAV isolate of barley yellow drawf virus from singly infected oats, it often transmits MAV, together with the serologically unrelated RPV isolate, from plants doubly infected by MAV and RPV. Vector specificity of the virus isolates appears to be a function of the virus capsid. Some MAV nucleic acid becomes coated with RPV capsid protein during simultaneous synthesis of the two isolates in the doubly infected plant.  相似文献   

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