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柚木野螟雌雄蛹鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述一种准确快速鉴定柚木野螟(Pyrausta machaeralis)雌雄蛹的方法。观察285头柚木野螟蛹的形态特征发现:雌蛹,腹部末端分节不明显,在第八腹节腹面上部有一纵裂缝,连接第七腹节与第九腹节,裂缝两侧平坦,无突起,与肛裂缝之间的距离显著大于雄蛹;雄蛹,腹部末端分节明显,第八腹节无裂缝,第九腹节有一黑色裂缝,连接第十腹节。  相似文献   

描述了绿翅绢野螟Diaphania angustalis(Snellen)蛹和成虫的雌雄鉴定特征。雌蛹第8腹节腹面中间有1纵裂缝,连接第7腹节与第9腹节,裂缝两侧平坦无突起,第8,9,10节腹面节间呈两个"八"字形凹陷,腹部末端具有7根毛钩,分节明显;雄蛹第8腹节没有裂缝,第9腹节有1纵裂,两侧各有1半圆形瘤状突起,与肛门裂缝间距远小于雌蛹,腹部末端具有8根毛钩,分节较雌蛹不明显。  相似文献   

描述了红树林植物白骨壤Avicennia marina重要害虫广州小斑螟Oligochroa cantonella Caradja幼虫、蛹和成虫的雌雄形态鉴别方法。结果表明:第5腹节背面有气泡突的幼虫为雄幼虫;无气泡突的为雌幼虫。蛹为被蛹,雌蛹腹部末端分节较明显,第8腹节腹面有一纵裂,两侧边缘平坦,无突起;雄蛹腹部末端分节不明显,第8腹节无裂缝,第9腹节中央有一短纵裂缝,两侧各有一半球形瘤状突起。雌成虫腹部末端呈圆筒状,较粗壮,可见产卵瓣,个体较雄成虫大;雄性成虫腹部末端呈短钳状,较瘦小。  相似文献   

描述了一种快速、简单鉴定凤凰木夜蛾Pericyma cruegeri Butler蛹和成虫雌雄性别的方法。雌蛹腹部末端分节不明显,第8腹节有生殖孔和产卵孔连接形成的裂缝,两侧平坦无突起;雄蛹腹部末端分节较为明显,第8腹节无裂缝,第9腹节中央有一纵裂缝,裂缝两侧各有一个瘤状半圆突起。根据羽化后成虫性别鉴定结果,该方法的准确率达100%。羽化后雌成虫腹部末端粗壮,呈圆筒状,并有一明显纵向裂缝,雄虫腹部末端狭长,呈鱼尾状。  相似文献   

描述了微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella幼虫、蛹和成虫雌雄形态识别方法。3~5龄雄性幼虫第5腹节背面紫褐色,与相邻体节形成明显区别。雌蛹腹部第8~10腹节节间缝不明显,第8,9腹节的生殖孔连接成长条裂缝状,裂缝两侧微凹或平坦。雄蛹腹部第8~10腹节节间缝较明显,生殖孔位于第9腹节近后缘,纵裂状。生殖孔两侧各有一半球形瘤状。雌成虫触角丝状,密被短绒毛,腹部末端粗壮,圆筒形。雄成虫触角锯齿状,锯齿上密被长毛,腹部末端尖削,呈长钳状。  相似文献   

朱红毛斑蛾Phauda flammans主要为害榕树Ficus microcarpa。为了迅速准确鉴别蛹和成虫性别,通过体视显微镜进行观察。结果表明,雌蛹第8腹节有1纵裂缝,两侧平坦,第9腹节和第10腹节分节不明显;雄蛹第9腹节有1明显生殖孔裂缝,略微突起,第9腹节和第10腹节分节明显。雄虫体型较雌虫略小,雌虫触角鞭节白色,雄虫黑色;雌虫腹面体毛黑色,雄虫腹面体毛灰白色。雌虫腹部末端有明显的产卵器,轻挤腹部末端,伸出1黄色囊状腺体;雄成虫腹部末端有1对黑色尾须,轻挤腹部末端,抱握器分开,阳具外突。朱红毛斑蛾雌成虫的生殖系统包括1对卵巢、卵巢管、1根中输卵管、2根侧输卵管、受精囊、受精囊腺、阴道支囊、导精管、交尾囊、1对附腺、产卵器;雄成虫的生殖系统包括1个睾丸、1对输精管、1对附腺、双精管、单精管、阳茎和抱握器。  相似文献   

肉桂双瓣卷蛾Polylopha cassiicola是一种严重危害肉桂Cinnamomum cassia和樟C. canphora的害虫。本研究在樟树梢上采集肉桂双瓣卷蛾幼虫,将其室内饲养至化蛹和成虫羽化,观察肉桂双瓣卷蛾蛹和成虫的形态特征。结果发现,雌蛹末端分节不明显,无瘤状突起,生殖孔和排泄孔距离较远;雄蛹在第9腹节有纵裂缝,裂缝较雌蛹长,且两边均呈半球形瘤状突起,生殖孔和排泄孔距离较近;雌蛾腹部末端饱满浑圆,腹部末端有对称黄色长毛簇;雄蛾腹部细长,尾部有整齐棕色短毛簇。以此为标准建立肉桂双瓣卷蛾蛹和成虫雌、雄形态鉴定方法,可准确辨别性比,可以为肉桂双瓣卷蛾种群动态预测和化学生态学研究开展提供参考。  相似文献   

提出了1种依据外观形态特征,迅速准确鉴别迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia sp.蛹和成虫雌雄性别的方法。雌蛹的第8腹节末端中央有2个大小相同并列排布的圆形突起;雄蛹第8腹节末端有呈三角形排布的3个圆形突起,其中中间的圆形突起较两边的圆形突起略小,区分较为明显。成虫雌性体积明显比雄性大,雄虫腹部末端宽大,有2个呈对称排布的抱握足,向内弯曲;雌虫腹部中部粗大,向端部渐细而尖,腹端具一阴道叉。准确区分雌雄性别对于了解迟眼蕈蚊田间性比,研究其生物学特性、种群动态及开展预测预报等具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

一种分辨重阳木锦斑蛾雌雄蛹的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察发现重阳木锦斑蛾Histia rhodope Cramer雌蛹第8腹节腹面有一长纵裂缝,裂缝两侧光滑;而雄蛹第8腹节腹面的纵裂缝周围有一沟缝包围.因此,可根据蛹的外部形态特征,准确、迅速分辨雌雄个体.  相似文献   

一、前言柚木(Tectona grandis Linn.f.)原产东南亚,是著名的热带珍贵用材树种之一。我国热带、南亚热带地区已有多年引种栽培历史。广东省尖峰岭林业局大面积柚木已郁闭成林。柚木野螟(Pyrausta machaeralis Walker)属鳞翅目野螟亚科(Pyraustinae),在柚木原产地是柚木的一种主要食叶害虫。我国柚木引种地区业已普遍发现为害。据调查,尖峰岭林业局的柚木林植株被害率轻度达45.2%,中等至严重被害占28.6%。该虫发生量大、世代多、为害期长,虫口高峰期正值柚木生长季节,因此,严重影响植物光合作用,致使柚木生长减慢。关于柚木野螟在我国的研究资料,以前未见报导。鉴于柚木的优良特性及重要用途和造林面积的不断扩大,为能及时防治该虫为害,以利于为社会主义建设更多更快地提供优质木材,我们于1973—1976年在海南岛尖峰岭地区对该虫生物学特性及其防治进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

椰心叶甲是棕榈科植物的一种危险性入侵害虫,属国家检疫林业有害生物,2005年在河口县首次发现.为了有效防治该害虫,2005~2006年在河口县观察研究了该虫的生物学特性.结果表明,该虫在河口县1 a发生6代,无明显越冬期,卵期3~10 d,幼虫期17 ~73 d,蛹期5~8d,成虫产卵前期9~30 d.完成一个世代需34~121 d,夏季历期较短,冬季历期较长.通过防治试验,提出椰甲清粉剂挂包法、树干打孔注药法、喷雾防治法、生物防治法等防治措施.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区杨小舟蛾生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007-2009年研究了洞庭湖地区杨树主要食叶害虫杨小舟蛾的生物学特性.该虫在洞庭湖地区一年发生7~8代,以蛹在地面枯枝落叶层、疏松浅土层或缝隙中越冬.第1~7代平均历期分别为39 d、28 d、26 d、23 d、25 d、29 d、32 d.4月上中旬、5月中旬、6月上中旬、7月上中旬、8月上旬、8月下旬、9月中...  相似文献   

Effect of photoperiod on emergence rhythm of adult Spodoptera littoralis Bolsd. (Lep., Noctuidae) Adult emergence ofSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. from pupae, reared since the egg stage at different photoperiodic conditions was studied. The photoperiods tested were: 8 hours light and 16 hours darkness (8L:16D), 10L:14D, 12L:12D, 16L:8D together with continuous light (24L:0D) and complete darkness (0L:24D), In the shortest day-length (8L:16D) all adults emerged at night, while in the longest one (16L:8D) 40%) only emerged during the dark period of the day. In the intermediate photoperiods, the percentage of the light-emerging moths increased with the prolongation of the photophase, thus at the photoperiods of 10L:14D, 12L:12D and 14L:10D such percentages were 9, 13 and 28 respectively. In cases where insects were reared in continuous light (24L:0D) or complete darkness (0L:24D), emergence took place at random and the rhythmicity disappeared. By transferring newly formed pupae, reared in complete darkness, to photoperiod of 12L:12D, adults emerged mainly during the dark phase (90%). On the other hand, when pupae reared in 12L:12D were transferred to complete darkness emergence took place at random (arrhythmic emergence). This indicates that the pupal stage is the sensitive one to phase regulation and not the larval stage.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on the influence of parasites on fluctuations ofCephalcia abietis during continous breedings in Lower Austria (Waldviertel). The efficiency of parasite insects on the mortality of the False Spruce Webworm was stated in certain years in the high percentages of entomophagous insects, ready for swarming, related on pronymphs and pupae ofCephalcia abietis, developing to emerging adults. It could be observed, that frequently incertain localities cocoons of parasites exceeded the present pronymphs and pupae of the False Spruce Webworm. On the contrary, the participation of parasite cocoons, with some exceptions, was of inferior importance on the whole larvae and pupae of this Tenthredinid, collected per sqm. Larger appearance of entomophages, existing always in connection with intensive swarming of adults of Cephalcia abietis, has supposed a physiological synchronisation of parasites and hosts, due to a hormonal control of parasite development. It could be stated, that the entomofauna was consisting especially of Ichneumonids (9 species). Tachinids were present only in a negligible extent.  相似文献   

The effect of prey-based and combination prey and plant-based diets [Tenebrio molitor pupae alone; T. molitor pupae and Eucalyptus cloeziana plants; T. molitor pupae and Eucalyptus urophylla plants; and T. molitor pupae and Psidium guajava (guava) plants] on the morphometry of the ovary of Brontocoris tabidus (Signoret) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was analyzed in the field. Females fed on T. molitor pupae without plants presented with smaller ovarioles. The number of oocytes per ovary was higher for B. tabidus females fed on a combination diet of E. urophylla and T. molitor pupae when compared to females fed only on prey. In addition to diet, the number of oocytes in the ovariole was shown to vary with the age of B. tabidus. The 21-day-old B. tabidus females were found to have a higher number of oocytes per ovariole than the 15-day-old females in all diet conditions. The 15-day-old females exhibited more developed oocytes when fed on diets containing both prey and eucalypts plants and less developed oocytes when fed with a combination diet containing guava plants or T. molitor pupae alone. The 21-one-day-old B. tabidus females which were fed with a diet without plants had smaller oocytes than those fed with plants. Herbivory improves the morphology of the ovary of B. tabidus, affecting the size of the reproductive structures and the oogenesis of this natural enemy in the field.  相似文献   

Bactrocera minax is a major citrus pest in China, Bhutan, and India. It is univoltine and exhibits pupal diapause during winter. To better understand pupal diapause in this pest, we investigated pupal survival and pupal developmental duration under field and laboratory conditions. Specifically, we tested if pupal chilling was required for diapause development and termination. Nearly all mature larvae collected at the end of the citrus season entered pupal diapause. For pupae exposed in the field, natural chilling for less than 3 months resulted in more than 70 % mortality. However, exposure to winter conditions for 3 months or more both decreased pupal mortality and developmental duration when pupae were returned to the laboratory and held under constant temperature (25 °C). When pupae were gathered from the field in November and exposed to different chilling regimes in the laboratory, the chilling duration (30 vs 60 days) had significantly more impact on pupal survival than the specific chilling temperature (6, 8, 10, or 12 °C constant). However, both chilling duration and chilling temperature impacted on the pupal developmental duration, with longer chilling duration and higher temperatures decreasing pupal developmental duration. In conclusion, we demonstrated that pupal diapause development and termination in B. minax is strongly influenced by chilling conditions. Increasing cold exposure led to significantly and consistently faster adult eclosion and improved synchronization of adult emergence. This knowledge will help with the laboratory rearing of B. minax, an essential step in the long-term management of this pest.  相似文献   

以5年生马尾松、湿地松为寄主材料,通过室内饲养和野外观察,对微红梢斑螟与桃蛀螟2种害虫的蛹期生物学特性进行了比较研究.结果表明:2种害虫化蛹的一些行为学特性、蛹的历期和羽化时辰节律存在一定差异,而蛹体长、蛹最宽、翅芽最宽、翅芽最窄等蛹的形态特征无显著差异(P>0.05);微红梢斑螟羽化高峰期出现在晚上(18:00~24...  相似文献   

A series of investigations have been carried out on the effect of the entomopathogenic fungusBeauveria bassiana on the various developmental stages ofPhthorimaea operculella. Both first and second insatar larvae were more susceptible than the third or fourth instars. The infected prepupae and pupae resulted in marked decrease in the emergence, longevity of moths, deposited eggs and their egg hatchability. An obvious increase in the pupal duration was observed and the resulting malformed adults were also recorded. The latent effects were markedly obvious, specially in high doses ofBeauveria bassiana.  相似文献   

Cameraria ohridella was recorded first in 1985 in Macedonia. It gradually expanded to north and west and at present it is a serious pest of Horse ChestnutAesculus hippocastanum in the Czech Republic, having been established at about 80 localities. There are 4–5 overlapping generations with sizes of the larvae of 0.4–4.0 mm. The larva develops inside the leaf tissue in the upper parenchym layer of the leaflet and causes a mine, the size of which is broadened with growing larva. First adults start to fly at the end of April. After mating the females lay single eggs on the leaves. Larval development lasts 25–30 days followed by the prepupa I and II. The latter spins a cocoon in which the pupa of the last generation hibernates. The development from L4 to the prepupa lasts for 3–6 days at 22°C. During the summer it is possible to find all larval and prepupal stages in attacked leaves. FourAesculus species:A. parviflora Walk,A. carnea Haey.,A. glabra Walk andA. indica J. Hobb. were found to be resistent toC. obridella. A. lutea H. J. was liftle andA. pavia L. was heavily attacked. The parasitization ofC. o. larvae was very low. Only 2 parasites were found in 1500 mines in the first and second generation ofC. o., and 40 parasites in 1000 mines of the fourth and fifth generation. The highest mortality takes place in moths, eggs and young larvae. It was found in all 4 generation that there were i. m. 50 eggs/leaflet from which i. m. 3 hibernating pupae resulted. Supposing 2 moths (1♀, 1♂)/leaflet emerged in spring which produced 50 eggs (75 eggs/♀—33% moth mortality), the density of eggs in the first generation after hibernating being the same as in the last (fourth) generation before hibernating. As to the whole populations density in this case we can calculate as following: 3 pupae/leaflet on the tree=3000 pupae/leaflets pro m2 on the soil=2000 emerging moths pro m2=50,000 moths (25,000 ♀♀) pro tree (namely 25 m2 projecting area of the tree crown×2000 moths).   相似文献   

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