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The serological response and protection conferred against Brucella ovis by the Rev 1 vaccine was evaluated in both adult (experiment 1) and young rams (experiment 2) vaccinated either subcutaneously or conjunctivally. In experiment 1 the Rev 1 vaccine protected 55.5 per cent and 100 per cent, respectively, of subcutaneously and conjunctivally vaccinated rams against three consecutive challenges that infected 100 per cent of unvaccinated controls. In experiment 2, Rev 1 protected 100 per cent of rams vaccinated subcutaneously and 70 per cent of those vaccinated conjunctivally against a challenge dose able to infect all the unvaccinated controls. The serological response after vaccination was significantly lower in rams vaccinated conjunctivally than in those vaccinated subcutaneously.  相似文献   

Summary In Kuwait, approximately 12,000 diary cows were vaccinated with a reduced dose of 3×109 Brucella abortus strain 19 and approximately 350,000 sexually mature sheep and goats with a reduced dose of 107B.melitensis strain Rev. 1. Using the criteria of prevaccinal and postvaccinal incidences of antibodies, abortions, and human cases of brucellosis, the programme was very successful. Widespread vaccination of adult animals is the most effective method of controlling brucellosis among cattle, sheep and goats in many countries.
Resumen En Kuwait, se vacunaron aproximadament 12,000 vacas lecheras con una dosis reducida de 3×109 organismos deBrucella abortus cepa 19 y approximadament 350,000 ovejas y cabras sexualmente maduras fueron vacunadas con una dosis reducida de 107 organismos deB. melitensis opa Rev. 1. Utilizando los criterios prevacunales de incidencia de anticuerpos, abortos, y casos humanos de brucelosis, el programa fuvo gran exito. Ef método mas efectivo de control de la brucelosis bovina, ovina y caprina an numerosas paises es la amplia utilización de vacuna en animales adultos.

Résumé Au Kuwait, environ 12,000 vaches laitiěres ont été vaccinées avec une dose réduite de souche 19Brucella abortus (3×109) et environ 350,000 moutons et chevres qui étaient matures sexuellement, one été vaccinés avec une dose réduite de soucheB. melitensis Rev. 1 (107). Basé sur la présence d'anticorps, sur le nombre d'avortements et de cas de brucellose chez les humains avant et aprés vaccination, le programme a été un succěs. La méthode la plus effective pour contr?ler la brucellose chez les bovins, les ovins et les caprins dans beaucoup de pays et de vacciner sans exception tous les animaux adultes.

布鲁氏菌病(布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种重要的人畜共患病,对公共卫生有着巨大的威胁。布鲁氏菌Rev.1疫苗研制于上世纪50年代中期,并在欧洲、中东和蒙古等地区被广泛应用于小反刍动物布病的防控,一度被认为是防控小反刍动物布病最为有效的疫苗。但是,由于Rev.1疫苗存在毒力偏强及毒力不稳定等现象,其安全性仍值得关注。本文主要从Rev.1疫苗背景及其菌株的生物学特性、疫苗使用情况以及存在的不足等几个方面进行阐述,以期为Rev.1疫苗的应用和布鲁氏菌相关疫苗的开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Circumstantial evidence is presented for the occurrence of a variant of a vaccine strain of B. melitensis Rev 1, designated "FSA" (foreign South African). FSA resembles Rev 1 in its reactions to penicillin and streptomycin but reacts closer to a field strain of B. melitensis as regards dye (thionine and basic fuchsin) sensitivity and colony size. Although colonies of Rev 1 were consistently smaller than other B. melitensis strains, their size was 0,75 mm as opposed to the 1-2 mm reported in the literature, while B. melitensis 16M colonies were 1,25-1,5 mm as opposed to the 3-4 mm previously reported. Rev 1 was found to be urease positive, unless a test of low sensitivity was applied.  相似文献   

A field study to evaluate the serological response and the safety of different doses and administration routes of the Rev. 1 vaccine was carried out on two Churra breed flocks. Reduced doses of 2.3 × 106 and 3 × 107 live organisms were administered by the subcutaneous or the conjunctival route, respectively. In those animals which were seropositive before vaccination, the percentage of positive sera declined progressively in a similar way in all groups over the 36 weeks that the study lasted; the antibody titers also dropped continuously in the group vaccinated by the conjunctival route with the lower dose, while in the remaining three groups there was a transitory increase in the 4th week after vaccination. In those animals which were serologically negative prior to vaccination, the percentage of positive sera and the antibody titers generally reached their peak in the 4th week after vaccination, followed by a progressive decline in succeeding weeks. Similarly, titers were higher in animals vaccinated subcutaneously than in those vaccinated by the conjunctival route. The differences between the frequencies of positive sera and the levels of antibodies were important when routes were compared. Animals receiving a dose of 2.3 × 106 CFU subcutaneously had a satisfactory serological response, with a more rapid decline in their level of antibodies than in the animals which were vaccinated with 3 × 107 CFU by the same route. No cases of abortion were reported in the 461 vaccinated ewes.  相似文献   

The efficacy of Brucella Melitensis Rev 1 vaccine (Rev 1) for the prophylaxis of Brucella ovis ram epididymitis was evaluated. Twenty-nine 3-month-old rams were vaccinated with 2 X 10(9) Rev 1 and 14 were revaccinated with 5 X 10(8) at 14 months of age. Six rams remained unvaccinated as a control group. All rams were challenged with 5 X 10(8) B. ovis at 21 months of age. Before being slaughtered 8 weeks later, only one vaccinated ram developed epididymitis while four of the six control rams developed testicular alterations. Genital and selected extragenital organs and lymph nodes were removed at slaughter and inoculated on selective media. B. ovis was isolated from 26.6% of the vaccinated rams, 21.4% of the revaccinated rams and 100% of control rams. Portions of epididymis, testes and vesicular glands were also used for pathological studies. More severe lesions were observed in control rams than in vaccinated ones. In conclusion, these results show that vaccination of young lambs, followed or not by revaccination, is a suitable method for the prophylaxis of B. ovis infection of rams.  相似文献   

为促进布鲁菌病Rev.1疫苗及相关疫苗的研发, 该研究提取Rev.1疫苗株核酸, 应用PacBio平台进行全基因序列测定与分析。结果表明, Rev.1疫苗株基因组大小约3 299 187 bp, G+C含量为57.2%, 组装为染色体1、染色体2两条环状基因组, 大小分别为2 121 370、1 177 817 bp, G+C含量分别为57.2%、57.3%。将其EryBLSVirB10基因序列与9株GenBank上发表的布鲁菌参考菌株的EryBLSVirB10基因序列进行比较分析, 存在不同程度的差异, 同源性为97.4%~100%。  相似文献   

Brucella melitensis Rev 1 organisms were salt-extracted and the cell surface proteins (BCSPs) were found to be mainly 39-42 kDa (group 2 porin proteins) in addition to 31.6, 32.5, 58.5 and 14.7 kDa proteins. DEAE-Sephadex anion-exchange column chromatography of BCSPs yielded fraction 1, which contained one major protein (39.8-42.0 kDa) and a minor protein (31.6 kDa). All these proteins were found to be immunogenic by Western blotting. Fraction 1 along with monophosphoryl lipid A and trehalose dicorynomycolate adjuvants as well as BCSPs alone induced significant (p < or = 0.05) protection in BALB/c mice. Both these immunizing agents produced almost equivalent protection to live B. melitensis Rev 1 vaccine at 15 and 30 days post challenge. Lymphocyte stimulation test as well as delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction revealed that both these preparations induced cell-mediated immune response. These preparations also induced humoral immune response as indicated by indirect ELISA. Neither of the immune responses was significantly less (p < or = 0.05) than that with live B. melitensis Rev 1 vaccine, except that their duration was short.  相似文献   

为探究马传染性贫血病毒(EIAV)附属蛋白Rev负调控Tripartite motif-containing protein 5α(TRIM5α)介导的AP-1信号通路的机制,本研究将pEIAV-Rev-HA和pcDNA3.1质粒分别与含TRIM5α基因的质粒及pGL3-AP-1-Luc(AP-1报告质粒)共转染HEK 293T细胞,采用荧光素酶试验检测Rev对TRIM5α激活的AP-1信号通路的影响;将pEIAV-Rev-HA和pcDNA3.1质粒分别与含TAK1、TAB2、P38和c-Jun基因的质粒及pGL3-AP-1-Luc共转染HEK 293T细胞,采用荧光素酶试验检测Rev对TRIM5α下游转导分子(TAK1、TAB2、P38、c-Jun)激活的AP-1信号通路的影响;将pEIAV-Rev-HA和pcDNA3.1质粒分别与含TAK1、TAB2、P38基因的质粒共转染HEK293T细胞,利用western blot试验分别检测TAK1、TAB2、P38的表达水平;将pEIAV-Rev-HA和pcDNA3.1质粒分别与含P38基因的质粒共转染HEK 293T细胞后加入蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132,利用western blot检测P38蛋白的表达情况。结果显示,共转染EIAV-Rev-HA实验组中TRIM5α对AP-1的激活倍数为0.4,而共转染pcDNA3.1对照组中相应的激活倍数为26.0;共转染pEIAV-Rev-HA实验组中,TAK1、TAB2、P38和c-Jun对AP-1信号通路的激活倍数分别为7.7、0.1、0.6、9.8,而共转染pcDNA3.1对照组中对AP-1信号通路的激活倍数分别为60.0、1.5、6.3、12.0;转染pEIAV-Rev-HA+pP38-Flag组与转染pcDNA3.1+pP38-Flag组相比,前者P38蛋白的表达量显著降低;加入蛋白酶体抑制剂组则恢复了P38蛋白的表达。上述结果表明,EIAV Rev显著下调eqTRIM5α及其下游转导分子TAK1、TAB2、P38激活的AP-1信号通路,但不显著下调c-Jun激活的AP-1信号通路;EIAV Rev通过蛋白酶体途径降解P38蛋白的表达而抑制eqTRIM5α激活的AP-1信号通路。本研究结果为理解EIAV与宿主蛋白相互作用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In recent years it has become clear that cell-mediated immunity is playing a role in the control of lentivirus infections. In particular, cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses have been associated with improved outcome of infection, especially those directed against the regulatory proteins like Rev and Tat, which are expressed early after infection. Therefore, there is considerable interest in lentiviral vaccine candidates that can induce these types of immune responses. In the present study, we describe the construction and characterisation of expression vectors based on recombinant Semliki Forest virus system and modified vaccinia virus Ankara for the expression of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) accessory proteins Rev and OrfA. These recombinant viral vectors were used to immunize cats using a prime-boost regimen and the protective efficacy of this vaccination strategy was assessed after challenge infection of immunized cats with FIV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency and duration of feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) vaccine-induced interference with fecal parvovirus diagnostic testing in cats. DESIGN: Prospective controlled study. ANIMALS: Sixty-four 8- to 10-week-old specific-pathogen-free kittens. PROCEDURES: Kittens were inoculated once with 1 of 8 commercial multivalent vaccines containing modified-live virus (MLV) or inactivated FPV by the SC or intranasal routes. Feces were tested for parvovirus antigen immediately prior to vaccination, then daily for 14 days with 3 tests designed for detection of canine parvovirus. Serum anti-FPV antibody titers were determined by use of hemagglutination inhibition prior to vaccination and 14 days later. RESULTS: All fecal parvovirus test results were negative prior to vaccination. After vaccination, 1 kitten had positive test results with test 1, 4 kittens had positive results with test 2, and 13 kittens had positive results with test 3. Only 1 kitten had positive results with all 3 tests, and only 2 of those tests were subjectively considered to have strongly positive results. At 14 days after vaccination, 31% of kittens receiving inactivated vaccines had protective FPV titers, whereas 85% of kittens receiving MLV vaccines had protective titers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Animal shelter veterinarians should select fecal tests for parvovirus detection that have high sensitivity for FPV and low frequency of vaccine-related test interference. Positive parvovirus test results should be interpreted in light of clinical signs, vaccination history, and results of confirmatory testing. Despite the possibility of test interference, the benefit provided by universal MLV FPV vaccination of cats in high-risk environments such as shelters outweighs the impact on diagnostic test accuracy.  相似文献   

为建立一种羊种布鲁氏菌Rev.1疫苗株PCR-RFLP鉴定方法,利用羊种布鲁氏菌Rev.1具有链霉素抗性的特性,选取与链霉素抗性相关编码核糖体蛋白S12的rps L基因为模板设计引物,经PCR扩增后,将产物进行Nci I酶切,发现羊种布鲁氏菌疫苗株Rev.1出现约500 bp条带,而不具有链霉素抗性的羊种布鲁氏菌株16M则出现384 bp条带。结果表明,PCR-RFLP方法能够用于羊种布鲁氏菌Rev.1疫苗株的鉴定,这为今后区分羊种布鲁氏菌疫苗株Rev.1免疫与野株感染提供了基础。  相似文献   

The immune response and protection from challenge afforded to adult pigeons by four different vaccination schedules were assessed. Intravenous challenge with a field pigeon isolate was done four weeks after the second of two doses of vaccine given four weeks apart. Little difference in protection was seen between two 0.25 ml and two 0.5 ml doses of oil emulsion vaccine, although the latter produced a slightly higher immune response. In both cases one of 10 challenged pigeons became sick and died. One dose of Newcastle disease virus B1 live vaccine followed four weeks later by 0.5 ml oil emulsion vaccine gave a comparable immune response to two 0.25 ml doses of oil emulsion but only six birds survived challenge. Two doses of Newcastle disease virus B1 vaccine gave a poor immune response and little protection from challenge; all 10 birds became sick and eight died. Assessment of the onset of protection following one dose of either 0.5 ml oil emulsion vaccine or Newcastle disease virus B1 indicated some partial protection in the latter group as early as five days after vaccination. Both groups showed protection at 10 days but by 21 days, although protection was sustained in the oil emulsion group, birds receiving live vaccine were fully susceptible. Measurement of the duration of protection in pigeons given two 0.5 ml doses of oil emulsion vaccine indicated that protection had begun to wane by 40 weeks after the first dose.  相似文献   

Brucellosis vaccines are essential elements in control programs. Since first developed in the mid-1950s, the Brucella melitensis vaccine strain Rev.1 has been used worldwide and its significant value in protecting sheep and goats in endemic areas recognized. This review provides historical background on the development of the vaccine, its use and field complications arising in Israel following changes in the strain’s pathogenicity. The urgent need for resolving cases of vaccine strain excretion in the milk, horizontal transfer and a unique case of human infection has led to identification of an atypical B. melitensis biovar 1 strain that resembles strain Rev.1 in susceptibility to penicillin and dyes. An omp2 based PCR method has been developed that traced the lineage of Israeli B. melitensis biovar 1 strains. This locus serves as an epidemiological tag for the Rev.1 vaccine strain. Despite the rapid development of new approaches in the field of vaccination, it is anticipated that in the near future the Rev.1 vaccine would remain the only accepted vaccine in national control programs.  相似文献   

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