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Summary A greenhouse minituber production system involving low inputs of in vitro potato plantlets and propagation media is described, in vitro plantlets of six potato cultivars were sectioned into nodal cuttings and separately planted into moist peat based growing medium in shallow plastic trays. Cultivar differences were evident with respect to node viability, shoot regrowth and minituber yields. Nodal viability for shoot regrowth varied between 80–100%. Maximum shoot heights were recorded with whole in vitro plantlets (WIP) and the terminal Node-5 cluster. All cuttings produced minitubers. The terminal Node-5 cutting and WIP produced significantly larger minitubers >3.0 g as compared to single node cuttings. Greater numbers of minitubers were produced by the cvs Norchip, Red Pontiac and Conestoga as compared to cvs Eramosa. G8610-4PY and Shepody. Total numbers of minitubers were 3 to 5 times higher from each in vitro plantlet that was sectioned into nodal cuttings as compared with intact WIP: the yield ratios depended on cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of environmental conditions on seed tuber production from true potato seed (TPS) in nurseries was evaluated in different growing periods during two seasons in Egypt. In the autumn season, high soil and air temperatures reduced emergence and initial foliage development of early-sown seedlings, and decreased tuber yields. In late-sown seedlings low night temperatures and short daylengths caused early tuberization, poor foliage development and low tuber yields. In the spring season, low temperatures and short daylengths resulted in a slow initial foliage development and early haulm-tuber competition for assimilates in early-sown seedlings. However, tuber yields were higher than for late-sown seedlings, presumably because net assimilation and assimilate partitioning to the tubers were impaired by above optimum air and soil temperatures in May and June. Slow development of true seed-sown plants caused a high sensitivity towards adverse environmental conditions and would limit yielding ability in Egypt.  相似文献   

Summary Available information has been reviewed on tuber resistance toP. infestans, its inheritance and breeding procedures used to obtain potato cultivars superior in this character. P. infestans is worldwide the most destructive potato pathogen. Tuber resistance is an essential component of potato resistance as this pathogen is often responsible for tuber rot in storage, and infected tubers of susceptible cultivars provide an important way for its overwintering. In Europe many cultivars and advanced breeders selections have been obtained with tuber resistance toP. infestans, but in the last decades no progress is noted in the mean level of this resistance in cultivars. The expression of tuber resistance depends to a large extent on testing conditions and therefore it can be difficult to evaluate. Consequently making progress in breeding is not easy, and also cultivar assessment data from various countries sometimes differ considerably. It is concluded from published data that it should be easier to make progress in breeding potato cultivars with resistant tubers if more attention is paid to combining the various types of resistance which are already known, and if the genetic determination of durable resistance toP. infestans is better understood. Professor Dr. K.M. Świeżyński passed away on 27th July 2000  相似文献   

Summary Potato plants of cvs Eersteling and Bintje were grown from stem cuttings and induced to form aerial tubers for use as seed. Spraying the plants with gibberellic acid in concentrations of 10, 25 and 50 mg/l to induce stolon formation in the leaf axils led to a decrease in the number of tubers formed per plant. Multiple harvesting of the largest tubers from plants treated with gibberellic acid or not, approximately doubled the number of tubers formed but halved their individual weight compared with only one harvest at plant senescence. After a storage period of about 1 year, with their vigour declining, the aerial tubers were planted in the field. Aerial seed tubers taken from multiple harvests during the previous year produced the same number of tubers as plants grown from above-ground tubers harvested at plant senescence only, but the tuber yields declined with earlier harvesting when small (5–13 mm) aerial tubers were used, compared to larger (14–19 mm) tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Potato cultivars of different maturity classes and levels of resistance toPhytophthora infestans were grown under several disease intensities in three field trials. Seasonal courses of ground cover by green foliage and final tuber yields were determined. Light use efficiencies (LUE) were calculated from regression analyses of yield on cumulative light interception. Late blight reduced tuber yields by decreasing cumulative light interception without affecting LUE. No differences in LUE between cultivars or cultivar classes were detected. Therefore, the maintenance of green leaf area is important when breeding potatoes for optimal performance in the presence of late blight. The results support the hypothesis that the correlation between lateness and reported resistance of potato cultivars is due to the vigorous foliage growth of late cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary When nodal explants from sprouts grown from virus-free tubers of ten cultivars were propagated on half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium, cvs Arsy, Nicola, Kennebec and Spunta grew best. Rooted plantlets, 5–8 cm tall, were transplanted from culture vessels into pots containing soil, vermiculite and sand. They were weaned by growing in a glasshouse for about three weeks. Over 90% of the plantlets survived and these were then planted in the field and protected against aphids by a double screen (a large tunnel covering four adjacent small tunnels) and chemical treatments. Prebasic seed tubers thus obtained were virus-free and production ranged from 49.9 t.ha−1 (‘Monalisa’) to 27.1 t.ha−1 (‘Majestic’). A survey showed that ‘elite’ (near virus-free) seed could be produced from prebasic seed by early planting and early haulm killing regardless of location, but late planting on the plains and normal planting dates on the mountains resulted in 1 to 5% virus infection levels acceptable only for certified seed.  相似文献   

Summary A device for measuring the short-term fluctuations in volume of individual tubers is described. Its accuracy is mostly independent of tuber growth stage, shape and malformations. The coefficient of variation of volume of a tuber of 40 cm3 was usually well below 0.15% when the tuber was measured four times.  相似文献   

Summary Tubers showed changes in their nutritional value caused by the treatment of the plants with the insecticide deltamethrin. The level of starch was increased in comparison with control tubers; but the amylose percentage was not affected. In contrast, the total protein content decreased in tubers from treated plants, whereas free amino acids level and ascorbic acid content increased. The results showed that the changes in the tubers caused by the treatment of potato plants with deltamethrin did not adversely affect the nutritional value of the progeny tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Small seed tubers of 1–5 g, 5–10 g and 10–20 g were planted at the same sprout densities as standard size seed tubers of 40–60 g in order to give similar stem densities. Early ground cover by foliage, total yield, and yield of tubers >45 mm were consistently greater in plots planted with larger seed tubers. The effect of seed tuber size on yield and tuber number per stem varied between years but 1–5 g seed tubers always gave lower yields per stem than larger seed tubers. Reducing the spacing between rows from 90 cm to 60 cm and maintaining the same sprout density was more effective in increasing yields from small seed tubers than increasing sprout density from 20 to 40 sprouts per m2 by reducing plant spacing within the row.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of water stress on yielding capacity of potatoes was studied in 3 years using four different levels of soil water potential (0.7, 1.9, 3.4 and 7.8 atm.) in experiments in specially adapted structures that excluded uncontrolled water supply. Seed tubers from these crops were planted in the following years to investigate effects of water stress on their subsequent performance. Limited soil moisture availability decreased yield and the number and size of tubers. The growing period was shortened by 1–4 weeks and dormancy period by 2–8 weeks. In the following year, seed produced under conditions of moisture stress gave plants with 20% fewer stems. 24–33% less yield, 18–22% fewer tubers and 19–22% fewer large tubers than plants from seed produced under abundant water supply. It is concluded that the yield potential of seed tubers can be improved by careful attention to the availability of soil moisture during their production.  相似文献   

Summary Multiplication factors and progeny yield variation in crops from minitubers of five weight classes (ranging from 0.13–0.25 g to 2.00–3.99 g) and conventional seed tubers were studied in field experiments in three years. Multiplication factors were calculated as the number and weight of progeny tubers produced per planted tuber or per unit planted tuber weight. They were lower for the lighter minitubers when calculated per tuber and higher when calculated per weight. Yield variation was described by coefficients of variation for the number and weight of progeny tubers produced. Variation over individual plants of a crop was higher in stands from the lighter minitubers. Variation over plots within a field was sometimes higher for the lighter minitubers, but variation over years was similar for all minituber classes. Variation over plots in progeny tuber weight was higher for minitubers than for conventional tubers.  相似文献   

Summary The tuber dry matter concentration, [DM], of crops of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was related using regression analysis, to time, thermal time, incident radiation accumulated from plant emergence, and soil moisture deficit (SMD). Variation in [DM] was best accounted for by the regression model that was a function of thermal time above a base of 0 °C accumulated from plant emergence, and SMD. When validated against an independent data set, there was good agreement between observed and estimated [DM] with a linear relation accounting for 79.3% of the variance.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between the number of initial sprouts, the number of main stems, stolons and tubers per plant are depicted in 4-quadrant figures. The number of sprouts per seed tuber varied because of different pre-sprouting conditions and/or because of the use of different cultivars. Good linear relationships are shown between the numbers of sprouts and stems, stolons and tubers, and sprouts and tubers, but especially between stolons and tubers within each trial with the one cultivar. When comparing different experiments with the one cultivar the linear relationship between the numbers of stems and stolons disappeared. When comparing different cultivars, no relation was found between the numbers of sprouts and stems. These two cases also led to a statistically less significant relation between the number of sprouts planted and the number of tubers harvested.  相似文献   

Summary Seed tubers, cv. Désirée, derived from stocks treated annually with thiabendazole were infected with thiabendazole-resistant strains ofHelminthosporium solani andPolyscytalum pustulans. Samples of seed tubers were either untreated or immersed for 5 min in fungicide suspensions of thiabendazole, imazalil or thiabendazole plus imazalil and planted on four farms in 1988 and 1989. After harvest, tuber samples from each treatment were treated with thiabendazole and stored for 6 months. Applying imazalil or thiabendazole plus imazalil to seed tubers decreased the severity of silver scurf and skin spot on stored progeny tubers. Thiabendazole applied to seed tubers or to progeny tubers after harvest did not affect the severity of either disease, but post-harvest treatment decreased the incidence of black scurf after storage.  相似文献   

Summary Tissue from developing tubers, mature tubers, and mature tubers that had been stored at 4°C, was killed and extracted with trichloroacetic acid in diethylether. Inorganic pyrophosphate was detected in the aqueous phase of the extracts with pyrophosphate fructose-6-phosphate-1-phosphotransferase. No pyrophosphate could be detected in extracts that had been pretreated with pyrophosphatase. Pyrophosphate contents of about 3–12 nmol/g fresh weight were found. It is suggested that potato tubers contain sufficient pyrophosphate to allow the enzyme UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase to convert UDPglucose to glucose-1-phosphate during cucrose breakdown.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of accumulation of phytoalexins, glycoalkaloids and phenolics was studied in two potato cultivars differing in their degrees of field resistance when infected withPhytophthora infestans. Tuber slices and leaves of cvs Pampeana INTA (high degree of field resistance, free of R genes) and Bintje (susceptible) were infected with race C (complex race 1, 3, 5, 7, 11) ofPhytophthora infestans. Phytoalexins and phenolics accumulated in tuber and leaf tissues which had been inoculated. The levels of these compounds in the susceptible cv. Bintje were relatively low and similar to those found before inoculation. Leaves of cv. Pampeana INTA had a very high glycoalkaloid content, suggesting that glycoalkaloids may play a role in protection of leaves against the fungus. However, we could find no correlation between resistance and glycoalkaloid content of tubers. Our results suggest a major role of phytoalexins, phenolics and glycoalkaloids in the complex mechanisms of field resistance.  相似文献   

G. A. Hide 《Potato Research》1994,37(3):287-290
Summary Silver scurf on daughter tubers at harvest was decreased by treating seed tubers with imazalil or thiabendazole in March but significantly increased when the treated tubers were wounded the day before planting in May. The disease was also increased by wounding seed tubers not treated with fungicide. Black dot was decreased by seed treatment with imazalil but was not affected by wounding.  相似文献   

Summary Phenylpropanoid metabolism in gamma irradiated potato tubers was studied by examining the pattern of incorporation of radioactivity from U-14C phenylalanine into caffeic acid. chlorogenic acid and the coniferyl and sinapyl moieties of lignin. During a post-irradiation period of 21 days a depletion in chlorogenic acid was observed. This is a result of its impaired synthesis as well as an accelerated conversion of chlorogenic acid to ferulic and sinapic acids and their deposition in lignin. The results offer an explanation for the lower level of chlorogenic acid invariably observed in irradiated potato tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Chambers were designed to simulate environmental conditions present in commercial potato stores and were used to introduce condensation to tubers infected with silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani). The electrical resistance measured across the skin of tubers from the top of the chambers was consistently lower than that from the bottom of the chamber, and this was reflected in an increased number ofH. solani spores produced by the top tubers. An increase in the length of the condensation period resulted in the skin resistance remaining lower for a longer period and also resulted in higher number of spores. Tubers held at relatively high ambient temperatures (15 °C) required a shorter period of condensation to cause an increase in spore count. This investigation highlighted the need for close monitoring of store environments so that condensation events can be quickly identified and the tubers dried.  相似文献   

Summary Deposits, believed to contain calcium, were located in different cells of the potato tuber after using an antimonate procedure. In the starch-storage parenchyma of the medulla and cortex antimonate deposits were abundant within vacuoles, on the tonoplast, and to a lesser extent in cell walls. Phloem tissues contained a high concentration of deposits, mainly within companion cells and phloem parenchyma, consistent sites of deposition being mitochondria, plastids and tonoplasts. Deposits were abundant within vacuoles of cells of the xylem parenchyma. Within vessel elements deposits were limited to the surface of secondary wall thickenings. Antimonate deposits associated with the middle lamella of xylem parenchyma were rarely found. The results are discussed in relation to previous findings for potato tubers and for higher plant cells in general.  相似文献   

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