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In the present study, 1,635 lambing records of Ghezel (n?=?766) and Mehraban (n?=?869) breeds were used to evaluate the early growth traits, litter size, and lamb survival in sheep reared in Fars Province, southern Iran, during a 5-year-long period. The least squares means (± SE) of lamb birth weight for Ghezel were 5.27 (±0.22), 5.02 (±0.22), and 3.98 (±0.23) kg for single males, single females, and twin lambs, respectively; whereas, the corresponding values for Mehraban were 4.39 (±0.18), 4.18 (±0.18), and 3.50 (±0.19) kg. The least squares means of pre-weaning lamb growth (gram per day) for Ghezel were 239 (±15), 218 (±15), and 181 (±16) for single males, single females, and twin lambs, respectively, and the corresponding values for Mehraban were 204 (±12), 187 (±12), and 156 (±13). Lambs from 2 year old ewes or younger were on average lighter at birth and at weaning and had a lower average daily gain than those from older ewes (P?<?0.05). The percentage of twin births increased from 1.1 and 1.3 % for ewes aged ≤ 2 years to 19 and 12 % for those aged ≥ 6 years old in Ghezel and Mehraban, respectively (P?<?0.05). The mean pre-weaning lamb mortality was 7.1 and 4.1 % for Ghezel and Mehraban, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated associations of prion protein (PrP) genotype with body composition and weight traits of Scottish Blackface ewes. Body composition was predicted using computer tomography (CT) scans to estimate muscle, carcass fat, internal fat, and bone weights. The traits were measured at 4 key seasonal production points (pre-mating, pregnancy, midlactation, and weaning) over 4 production cycles (2 to 5 yr old). There were 2,413 records for each of the CT traits measured on 335 ewes, and 26,649 records for each of the body condition score and BW traits for 2,356 ewes. From 1999 to 2004, animals were genotyped to determine polymorphisms at codons 136, 154, and 171, which are associated with scrapie susceptibility. Four alleles were found in the population (ARR, AHQ, ARQ, and VRQ). The data were analyzed using a linear mixed random regression model assuming that the direct additive genetic effect was a 2nd order Legendre polynomial function of time. The PrP genotype was included in the model as a fixed effect along with other fixed factors with significant effects (P < 0.05). Five separate analyses were carried out for each trait, depending on the method of classifying the PrP genotype. In the first analysis, animals were categorized according to the genotype. Only the 5 most common genotypes (ARR/ARR, ARR/AHQ, ARR/ARQ, AHQ/ARQ, and ARQ/ARQ) were included. In the last 4 analyses, animals were categorized according to the number of each PrP allele carried. For CT traits and body condition score, results showed that the PrP genotype has no association with the overall mean of the traits (averaged over age). For BW, ewes without the ARQ allele were at least 0.5 kg heavier than ARQ homozygous and heterozygous ewes. On the other hand, there was a significant interaction between PrP genotype and age of the ewe (i.e., the effect of PrP genotype was not the same at different ages for 5 out of the 6 traits studied). In general, ARQ carrying ewes mobilized more fat reserves at times of nutrient deficiency, such as during lactation, and gained it back more quickly by the mating season (when nutrients became abundant) than non-ARQ carriers. Therefore, selecting against this allele would have consequences on BW and seasonal mobilization of body reserves. The number of VRQ alleles (the most scrapie susceptible allele) carried was not significantly associated with any of the traits.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for LM fatty acid composition were estimated in Scottish Blackface sheep, previously divergently selected for carcass lean content (LEAN and FAT lines). Furthermore, QTL were identified for the same fatty acids. Fatty acid phenotypic measurements were made on 350 male lambs, at approximately 8 mo of age, and 300 of these lambs were genotyped across candidate regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 18, 20, and 21. Fatty acid composition measurements included in total 17 fatty acids of 3 categories: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Total i.m. fat content was estimated as the sum of the fatty acids. The FAT line had a greater i.m. fat content and more oleic acid, but less linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) and docosapentaenoic acid (22:5 n-3) than did the LEAN line. Saturated fatty acids were moderately heritable, ranging from 0.19 to 0.29, and total SFA were highly heritable (0.90). Monounsaturated fatty acids were moderately to highly heritable, with cis-vaccenic acid (18:1 n-7) being the most heritable (0.67), and total MUFA were highly heritable (0.73). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were also moderately to highly heritable; arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6) and CLA were the most heritable, with values of 0.60 and 0.48, respectively. The total PUFA were moderately heritable (0.40). The QTL analyses were performed using regression interval mapping techniques. In total, 21 chromosome-wide QTL were detected in 6 out of 8 chromosomal regions. The chromosome-wide, significant QTL affected 3 SFA, 5 MUFA, and 13 PUFA. The most significant result was a QTL affecting linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) on chromosome 2. This QTL segregated in 2 of the 9 families and explained 37.6% of the phenotypic variance. Also, 10 significant QTL were identified on chromosome 21, where 8 out of 10 QTL were segregating in the same families and detected at the same position. The results of this study demonstrate that altering carcass fatness will simultaneously change i.m. fat content and oleic, linoleic, and docosapentaenoic acid content. The heritabilities of the fatty acids indicate opportunities for genetically altering most fatty acids. Moreover, this is the first report of detection of QTL directly affecting fatty acid composition in sheep.  相似文献   

The excretion of Dictyocaulus filaria larvae in the faeces of Blackface sheep on a heavily stocked lowland farm in south east Scotland, showed considerable individual, week to week and year to year variation. Patent infections were first observed in lambs in May or June but the heaviest and most prevalent infections occurred in the autumn. Infection levels were generally low but infections tended to be prolonged and reinfection occurred following anthelmintic treatment until the late autumn or winter. Only a few very light, short-lived, patent infections were observed in yearlings or adult ewes. Pasture sampling and the use of tracer animals showed that the numbers of infective larvae on the pasture were minimal during the summer months but reached a low peak in the autumn.  相似文献   

试验对白萨福克羊(White Suffolk)和特克塞尔羊(Texel)两个肉羊品种的羔羊在6月龄以前的生长发育进行了比较研究。结果表明:白萨福克羔羊和特克塞尔羔羊初生重大,除白萨福克母羔外,其余羔羊初生重都在5 kg以上,其中白萨福克公羔的初生重最大;4月龄时,白萨福克公羔体重达到32.88 kg,显著高于特克塞尔公羔(P<0.05),极显著地高于特克塞尔母羔(P<0.01);6月龄时白萨福克公羔体重达到42.60 kg。白萨福克羔羊2月龄时的绝对生长速度最大,公羔日增重达到256.15 g,母羔达到236.67 g;特克塞尔羊从出生到1月龄,绝对生长和相对生长比白萨福克羊要高一些,但是白萨福克羊保持快速生长发育的持续期较特克塞尔羊相对较长。白萨福克羔羊从母乳到饲草饲料过渡较好,断奶后适应性要好于特克塞尔羔羊,从4月龄到6月龄的体重、体尺高于特克塞尔羔羊。在整个测定阶段,白萨福克公羔和母羔的体躯均比特克塞尔公羔和母羔的体躯长,白萨福克公羔体高比特克塞尔公羔的体高要高。  相似文献   

Observations of behaviour at parturition of prolific Booroola Merinos were recorded for 48 single-, 77 twin-, 56 triplet- and 14 quadruplet-bearing ewes. Average lamb birthweight decreased as litter size increased. Single lambs were on average 2 kg heavier than quadruplet lambs. Within twin and triplet litters the period of abdominal straining during labour was significantly shorter for later-born lambs than for the first-born lamb. Single-born lambs were presented longer at the ewe's vulva than lambs from other litters. The first-born of twins was presented longer at the ewe's vulva than the second-born lamb. Ewes 2 years of age were slower to stand after birth and to begin to groom lambs than adult ewes. The ewe was not selective in grooming members of a litter. The first-born lamb of single and twin litter sizes was quicker to stand and suck than the first-born lamb of triplet and quadruplet litters. The second-born lamb of twins was quicker to suck than the second-born of other litter sizes. Birth order did not affect the time taken to suck. Regardless of litter size, heavier lambs were quicker to stand and suck resulting in a greater chance of survival, and an increase of 1 kg in birthweight resulted in a 28% increase in survival. Survival of lambs was significantly affected by their behaviour after adjustment for birthweight. With an increase of 1 min in the intervals from delivery to when the lamb first attempts to stand, stands or attempts to find the udder its chances of survival decreased by about 1%. It was concluded that birthweight was the major component affecting lamb survival in prolific Booroola Merino sheep.  相似文献   


In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for the Danish populations of Danish Marsk, Finnish Landrace, Gotland Pelt and Spel for birth weight (BW), average daily gain until two months (DG2) and litter size (LS). A multivariate animal model was used for estimation of genetic parameters, including fixed effects, both direct and maternal additive genetic effects, common litter effects and permanent environmental effects. Mean birth weight and DG2 ranged from, respectively, 3.39 kg and 262 g to 4.61kg and 286 g. Litter size ranged from 1.60 to 2.07. Direct heritability for BW ranged from 0.12 to 0.24, and maternal heritability for BW was about 0.23 for all breeds. Direct heritability of DG2 ranged from 0.19 to 0.33. The heritability for LS was between 0.08 and 0.13. The significant genetic correlations between the direct and maternal effect on both BW and DG2 were negative. The genetic correlations between the growth traits and LS were not uniform.  相似文献   

The serum immunoglobulin concentration in one- to 11-day-old Scottish Blackface lambs born outdoors on a hill farm were very similar to those in Scottish Blackface lambs born indoors on an experimental lowland farm. The concentrations were significantly higher in single lambs than in twins, and in lambs which survived for six months than in lambs which died, and showed significant annual variations which could not be related to the weather. They were significantly correlated with the ages of the dams, the lambs' gains in weight to weaning, but not with the weights or ratios of weights of the lambs and ewes after lambing, nor with the birth-coat types of sexes of the lambs. There were wide variations in the capacities of the abomasums at birth.  相似文献   

Records of 9,055 lambs from a composite population originating from crossing Columbia rams to Hampshire x Suffolk ewes at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were used to estimate genetic parameters among growth traits. Traits analyzed were weights at birth (BWT), weaning (7 wk, WWT), 19 mo (W19), and 31 mo (W31) and postweaning ADG from 9 to 18 or 19 wk of age. The ADG was also divided into daily gain of males (DGM) and daily gain of females (DGF). These two traits were analyzed with W19 and with W31 in three-trait analyses. (Co)variance components were estimated with REML for an animal model that included fixed effects of sex, age of dam, type of birth or rearing, and contemporary group. Random effects were direct and maternal genetic of animal and dam with genetic covariance, maternal permanent environmental, and random residual. Estimates of direct heritability were .09, .09, .35, .44, .19, .16, and .23 for BWT, WWT, W19, W31, ADG, DGM, and DGF, respectively. Estimates of maternal permanent environmental variance as a proportion of phenotypic variance were .09, .12, .03, .03, .03, .06, and .02, respectively. Estimates of maternal heritability were .17 and .09 for BWT and WWT and .01 to .03 for other traits. Estimates of genetic correlations were large among W19, W31, and ADG (.69 to .97), small between BWT and W31 or ADG, and moderate for other pairs of traits (.32 to .45). The estimate of genetic correlation between DGM and DGF was .94, and the correlation between maternal permanent environmental effects for these traits was .56. For the three-trait analyses, the genetic correlations of DGM and DGF with W19 were .69 and .82 and with W31 were .67 and .67, respectively. Results show that models for genetic evaluation for BWT and WWT should include maternal genetic effects. Estimates of genetic correlations show that selection for ADG in either sex can be from records of either sex (DGM or DGF) and that selection for daily gain will result in increases in mature weight but that BWT is not correlated with weight at 31 mo.  相似文献   

This study is based on 12708 first-parity and 7062 second-parity Yorkshire litters from Swedish nucleus herds; and on 1037 first-parity Yorkshire litters from an experimental herd. Gestation length was analysed together with litter size, piglet mortality and average piglet growth rate. A sire–dam model was used to estimate direct (litter) and maternal (sow) genetic effects. Direct heritability for gestation length was 0.3. Maternal heritability was estimated at 0.2 in nucleus data and 0.3 in experimental data. The maternal genetic correlation between gestation length and litter size was negative. The genetic correlations between gestation length and number stillborn were not consistent between the two data sets. Genetic correlations between gestation length and number dead after birth were negative. Genetic correlations between gestation length and average birth weight and piglet growth rate were positive. We conclude that gestation length is influenced by the genotype of the piglets and the genotype of the sow. Selection for prolonged gestation would probably improve piglet survival after birth and piglet growth; it might, however, result in more stillbirths.  相似文献   

杜泊绵羊羔羊生长发育规律的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
杜泊羔羊体形外貌一致 ,黑头白身躯 ,肉用体型典型。初生重 :公羔 5 3kg± 0 8kg ,母羔 4 5kg± 0 9kg ;3月龄体重 :公羔 3 7 9kg± 5 3kg ,母羔 3 3 3kg± 4 4kg ;0~ 3月龄平均日增重 3 5 1g± 71g ,其中公羔 3 85g± 74g ,母羔 3 3 3g± 64g。饲料利用率高 ,哺乳期只均日耗颗粒饲料 (含 2 4%花生秧粉 ) 5 2 1g ,料重比为 1 8∶1(母乳除外 ) ;抗寒耐热 ,抗病力强 ,适应性好 ,易管理  相似文献   

The use of terminal sires (TS) for crossbreeding is integral to the UK sheep industry where approximately 71% of market lambs are sired by TS rams. Early growth of these crossbred lambs affects profitability. The objectives of this study were i) to evaluate the effectiveness of index selection among TS on BW and ADG of their crossbred offspring; and ii) to compare the efficacy of that selection within TS breeds. The most widely used TS breeds in the United Kingdom are Charollais, Suffolk, and Texel. These participated in sire referencing schemes in which they were evaluated on a lean growth index designed to increase carcass lean weight at a given age. From 1999 to 2002, approximately 15 high and 15 low lean growth index rams per breed (93 in total, differing in index on average by 4.6 SD) were selected from within their sire referencing schemes and mated to Welsh and Scottish Mule ewes. Their crossbred offspring were reared commercially on 3 experimental farms in England, Scotland, and Wales. A total of 6,515 lambs were born between 2000 and 2003. Lambs were weighed at birth (BWT), 5 wk (5WT), and 10 wk (10WT), and their ADG from birth to 10 wk was calculated. Lambs sired by high index rams were on average, across breeds, heavier at all ages (P < 0.01) with 0.07 ± 0.03, 0.3 ± 0.1, and 0.4 ± 0.1 kg greater BWT, 5WT, and 10WT, respectively. Their ADG was 5.1 ± 1.9 g/d greater than low-index-sired lambs (P < 0.01). Suffolk-sired lambs were on average heavier at all ages, with greater ADG, whereas Charollais-sired lambs were lightest with smallest ADG. Overall, there was no significant interaction between sire index and sire breed (P > 0.10). Within Suffolk-sired lambs, there was little difference between high and low index sires for the traits studied (P > 0.3). High and low index Charollais-sired lambs differed in BWT (0.09 ± 0.04 kg) and 5WT (0.3 ± 0.1 kg), and Texel-sired lambs differed in 5WT (0.5 ± 0.1 kg), 10WT (0.9 ± 0.2 kg), and ADG (10.2 ± 3.3 g/d; P < 0.01). Lambs from Scottish Mule dams were heavier, with greater ADG, than lambs born to Welsh Mules (P < 0.01). Lambs reared in Scotland were heavier at all ages (P < 0.01). The results suggest that using index selection in TS can improve the growth of their commercial offspring reared on grass.  相似文献   

Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits in Horro sheep   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated for growth traits: birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), 6‐month weight (6MWT) and yearling weight (YWT) in indigenous Ethiopian Horro sheep using the average information REML (AIREML). Four different models: sire model (model 1), direct animal model (model 2), direct and maternal animal model (model 3) and direct–maternal animal model including the covariance between direct and maternal effects (model 4) were used. Bivariate analysis by model 2 was also used to estimate genetic correlation between traits. Estimates of direct heritability obtained from models 1–4, respectively, were for BWT 0.25, 0.27, 0.18 and 0.32; for WWT, 0.16, 0.26, 0.1 and 0.14; for 6MWT 0.18, 0.26, 0.16 and 0.16; and for YWT 0.30, 0.28, 0.23, and 0.31. Maternal heritability estimates of 0.12 and 0.23 for BWT; 0.19 and 0.24 for WWT; 0.09 and 0.09 for 6MWT and 0.08 and 0.14 for YWT were obtained from models 3 and 4, respectively. The correlations between direct and maternal additive genetic effects for BWT, WWT, 6MWT and YWT were –0.64, –0.42, 0.002 and –0.46, respectively. On the other hand, the genetic correlations between BWT and the rest of growth traits (WWT, 6MWT and YWT, respectively) were 0.45, 0.33 and 0.31, whereas correlations between WWT and 6MWT, WWT and YWT and 6MWT and YWT were 0.98, 0.84 and 0.87, respectively. The medium to high direct and maternal heritability estimates obtained for BWT and YWT indicate that in Horro sheep faster genetic improvement through selection is possible for these traits and it should consider both (direct and maternal) h2 estimates. However, since the direct‐maternal genetic covariances were found to be negative, caution should be made in making selection decisions. The high genetic correlation among early growth traits imply that genetic improvement in any one of the traits could be made through indirect selection for correlated traits.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic parameters for growth traits in Kermani sheep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), 6-month weight (W6), 9-month weight (W9) and yearling weight (YW) of Kermani lambs were used to estimate genetic parameters. The data were collected from Shahrbabak Sheep Breeding Research Station in Iran during the period of 1993-1998. The fixed effects in the model were lambing year, sex, type of birth and age of dam. Number of days between birth date and the date of obtaining measurement of each record was used as a covariate. Estimates of (co)variance components and genetic parameters were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood, using single and two-trait animal models. Based on the most appropriate fitted model, direct and maternal heritabilities of BW, WW, W6, W9 and YW were estimated to be 0.10 +/- 0.06 and 0.27 +/- 0.04, 0.22 +/- 0.09 and 0.19 +/- 0.05, 0.09 +/- 0.06 and 0.25 +/- 0.04, 0.13 +/- 0.08 and 0.18 +/- 0.05, and 0.14 +/- 0.08 and 0.14 +/- 0.06 respectively. Direct and maternal genetic correlations between the lamb weights varied between 0.66 and 0.99, and 0.11 and 0.99. The results showed that the maternal influence on lamb weights decreased with age at measurement. Ignoring maternal effects in the model caused overestimation of direct heritability. Maternal effects are significant sources of variation for growth traits and ignoring maternal effects in the model would cause inaccurate genetic evaluation of lambs.  相似文献   

There have been no reports of natural scrapie in Irish Blackface Mountain (BM) sheep which account for approximately 16% of the Irish national sheep flock. The aim of this study was to determine if Irish BM sheep had unusual clinical and/or pathological features of scrapie which would account for failure to diagnose the disease in this breed. BM (n=7), Texel (n=3) and Suffolk sheep (n=1) of scrapie-susceptible PrP genotypes (ARQ/ARQ and VRQ/ARQ) were orally challenged with scrapie-infected brain inoculum. The incubation period, clinical signs, pathology and distribution of disease specific prion protein (PrP(d)) in scrapie-affected BM sheep were similar to scrapie in the Texel and Suffolk sheep. It was concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that scrapie in BM sheep differs clinicopathologically from scrapie in other breeds of sheep.  相似文献   

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