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Sarcocystis hominis was first isolated from slaughtered cattle raised in Japan. Cysts were 1,220-4,460 x 80-384 microns in size and their wall was 3 to 6 microns thick and appeared radially striated in the histopathological sections because of the presence of palisade-like villar protrusions on the surface. The protrusions were 3.1-4.3 x 0.7-1.1 microns in size and had many microtubules in the core. Two cynomolgus monkeys, Macaca fascicularis, fed with the Sarcocystis cysts began to pass sporocysts, which measured a size of 14.3-15 x 9.5-10 microns, in the feces 10 days after ingestion.  相似文献   

Specimens of lung, liver and mesenteric lymph node from cows and buffaloes slaughtered in the Lahore area were cultured to investigate the type of mycobacteria involved in bovine tuberculosis. Employing the concentration method, 56 out of 530 cattle were found to be culture positive for acid-fast bacteria, 48 being Mycobacterium bovis and eight atypical mycobacteria. No M tuberculosis or M avium was isolated. Most of the isolated M bovis strains were found to be highly virulent for rabbits.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 5‐month‐old male neutered domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for spinal pain, ataxia, and anisocoria. Neuroanatomic localization indicated diffuse or multifocal central nervous system disease. On cerebrospinal fluid analysis, neutrophilic pleocytosis and intracellular protozoal merozoites were observed. The merozoites were oval, 2–4 μm in width and 4–6 μm in length, and had linear arrays of nuclear material concentrated at one pole. Serum was positive for Sarcocystis sp. antibodies and negative for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. The organism was determined to be either Sarcocystis neurona or Sarcocystis dasypi based on sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 1 ribosomal RNA genomic region. Clinical disease resolved following treatment with 3 different protocols for protozoal infection. This case is the first to demonstrate the antemortem diagnosis and survival of a domestic cat with Sarcocystis sp.‐associated encephalomyelitis. Clinicians and cytopathologists should include Sarcocystis sp. as a differential for feline inflammatory central nervous system disease characterized by neutrophilic pleocytosis.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis cruzi, S. hirsuta and S. hominis are apicomplexan parasites that affect cattle worldwide with variable prevalence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of Sarcocystis spp. in Argentinean cattle comparing microscopic fresh examination and molecular methods. Blood, myocardium and loin samples were collected in five slaughterhouses from a total of 380 bovines. Origin of animals was representative of the major beef cattle production area of Argentina. Samples were analyzed by fresh microscopical examination, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), IFAT and PCR-RFLP. Thin walled sarcocysts corresponding with S. cruzi were found in 99.5% of heart samples. Sarcocysts were detected in 73.1% of loin samples; 71.5% had S. cruzi cysts and 23.1% had thick walled sarcocysts (S. hirsuta or S. hominis). TEM observation revealed the presence of characteristic S. hominis and S. hirsuta cyst walls in 7 and 1 loin samples respectively. Using IFAT, 379/380 animals had titers 25 or higher, showing a full agreement with fresh examination. Amplification products were detected in 35.5% (135/380) of loin samples; however Sarcocystis species could only be determined by RFLP in 29 samples. Agreement between fresh examination and PCR was low (Kappa value=0.262). This is the first report of S. hominis and S. hirsuta in Argentina. Further studies are needed to improve the sensitivity of molecular methods for species identification, especially for differentiation of S. cruzi and S. hirsuta from the zoonotic species S. hominis. The results of the present study and others focusing on sensitivity and specificity of Sarcocystis spp. diagnostic methods should contribute to improve food safety.  相似文献   

Fresh preparations of microisolated sarcocysts from striated muscle of several domestic reindeer from northern Norway were examined by light microscopy. In cardiac muscle, cysts of S. grueneri were found. In skeletal muscle, cysts of S. rangiferi, S. tarandi and S. tarandivulpes were found in all samples examined. In the abdominal muscles of some reindeer, one or two other types of cysts were found.Cysts of one type were macroscopic in size, and ovoid to cylindrical in shape. The cysts were surrounded by a 8–12 µm thick layer of fibrous material, and measured 1682×910 µm. The cysts had relatively few and irregularly distributed, 20–35 µm long, and 3–5 µm wide, linguiform cyst wall protrusions, which could only be seen after removal of the fibrous layer. These cysts were classified as cysts of S. hardangeri, a species previously described from wild reindeer in southern Norway.Cysts of the other type were long and slender, measuring 5460–12700 (8994 ± 2575) × 95–280 (180 ± 50) µm. The cysts had numerous very fine, flexible, hair-like cyst wall protrusions, which were 8–10 [xm long and less than 0.5 µm thick. These cysts are considered to belong to a new Sarcocystis species of reindeer, for which the name Sarcocystis rangi n, sp. is proposed. The reindeer is recorded as the intermediate host for 6 different species of Sarcocystis.  相似文献   

Forty urinary bladders were collected from apparently healthy cattle slaughtered at the Zaria abattoir. Twenty-four (60%) were from male animals and 16 (40%) from females. Urine samples were obtained and cultured for Corynebacterium renale. Four (16.7%) of the samples from males and 1 (6.3%) from females were positive. The difference in infection between the sexes was statistically significant (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

The occurrence of cysticercosis due to Taenia saginata in cattle slaughtered for meat in Amhara National Regional State, northwestern Ethiopia between September 2005 and February 2007 was investigated. Routine meat inspection of various organs of 4456 cattle in eight abattoirs of this region showed that 824 (18.49%) were infected with Cysticercus bovis. The occurrence rate did not vary significantly from abattoir to abattoir (P>0.5). The tongue, masseter muscles, heart muscles, triceps muscles and thigh muscles were the main predilection sites of the cysts. Of 4102 male cattle, examined, 768 (18.72%) had cysts of C. bovis while 56 (15.82%) of the 354 female animals investigated were infected. The animals slaughtered were all adults. No significant difference in occurrence was recorded between the sexes. Monthly occurrence of the cysts in the animals revealed a rise of infected animals during the dry season.  相似文献   

Tissue samples from 27 casualty adult dairy cattle slaughtered on farms and 32 'normal' cull dairy cattle were analysed microbiologically for total viable counts (tvc), Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli o157, Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter species. Overall the counts of Enterobacteriaceae and tvc were higher in the animals slaughtered on farms, particularly in the spleen. One 'normal' animal yielded E coli O157, and one yielded Campylobacter jejuni, and eight of the cattle slaughtered on farms yielded C jejuni and five yielded S enterica.  相似文献   

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