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浅谈猪人工授精技术的推广   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国从20世纪50年代开始推广猪人工授精技术,但是迄今为止仍未形成如奶牛业中人工授精那样的规模和获得可观的效益,与国外先进国家相比,差距很大。目前,畜牧业发达国家猪的人工授精普及率达90%以上。我国猪的人工授精技术起步较晚,但发展很快,表现出分布不均衡,其中在南方各省区应用较普遍,在北方则应用较少。造成猪人工授精技术落后的原因,一方面有工业化水平较低,设备上落后的因素,但是更重要的原因,是我们认识上的严重滞后。忽视猪的人工授精研究与推广工作,认为猪的人工授精技术在50年代已大面积推广了,  相似文献   

Artificial insemination is an effective technique for improving utilization of the stallion while maintaining normal conception rates in the mare. However, procedures for collection, evaluation, and insemination of semen must be followed carefully to achieve good results. Techniques for preservation of equine semen in the liquid or frozen state could potentially allow for more widespread use of genetically superior stallions. Further acceptance of artificial insemination and the use of cooled or frozen transported semen by breed registries is needed before this will occur. More work is needed to perfect methods of semen preservation, even though semen from some stallions can be cooled or frozen quite successfully at the present time.  相似文献   

<正>种鸡人工授精技术现已被普遍使用,在生产上着重大的作用。它可大大减少种公鸡的饲养数量,节约饲料和饲养费用,更重要的是能充分利用优良种公鸡,扩大良种公鸡的利用率,提高鸡群生产性能与价值效益。然而在种鸡人工授精过程中,如果不严格按照科学的规程进行操作,不但会影响受精率、孵化率和雏鸡的质量,而且会给种母鸡留下多种疾病隐患。现将由于人工授精不当所引起的常见疾病及预防措施介绍如下:  相似文献   

人工授精成功的合格水平是公母比应在1:100以上.受胎率应达85%,分娩率达80%,窝产总数和活仔数与自然交配相当.优秀的水平应达到1头公猪配250~350头,受胎率95%-97%.分娩率89%-90%产活仔数.比自然交配时高0.5~1头。  相似文献   

Laparoscopic artificial insemination in sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of any AI program is to create improved offspring, and the achievement of this objective will depend on the breeding value of the ram and ewe selected. Laparoscopic AI is being utilized in the sheep industry to extend the use of superior rams, and it offers the producer the opportunity to maximize the reproductive potential of superior sheep. Rapid genetic trait infusion of known superior stud rams into the flock is the primary economic benefit of laparoscopic AI. The success of laparoscopic AI depends on events and factors that interrelate in a complex way. Once the selection and preparation of the ewe have been accomplished, one of the more important steps in the program is the successful synchronization of the ewe to deliver the necessary ova to the site of fertilization at a specific time. One of the best methods of synchronization for laparoscopic AI is the use of a progesterone product for a controlled time period and the administration of PMSG upon its removal. Detecting the onset of estrus is critical, and the addition of sterile (e.g., vasectomized) males is helpful, even essential, to accurately determine when each ewe begins her estrus. The ram effect has been shown to stimulate ovulation and estrus. Ewes must be inseminated within a narrow window of time after the synchronization product is removed. Ewes should be inseminated in the order in which they begin to exhibit signs of behavioral estrus, but age, stage of lactation, duration of behavioral estrus, and breed must be taken into account when this order is established. Fresh-extended semen works well throughout this preferred time frame established for laparoscopic AI, but frozen semen gives best results when used near the end. Advancement in manufacturing technology today removes equipment as a variable factor. It is important, therefore, that the inseminator develop a level of expertise in laparoscopy to ensure maximum fertilization rates. If available, fresh-extended semen is preferred over frozen semen, using at least the minimal number of spermatozoa necessary for fertilization. Evaluation of the post-thaw frozen or fresh semen is necessary to determine motility, morphology, and concentration, all of which help determine the volume of the insemination dose. The minimum necessary for laparoscopic AI in fine-wooled breeds is 20 X 10(6) normal motile spermatozoa; however, the more seasonal and less fertile American sheep need approximately 40 to 50 X 10(6) normal motile sperm to achieve acceptable fertility rates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

浅谈半番鸭人工授精技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏开波 《中国家禽》2001,23(20):25-26
本人从事半番鸭人工授精技术多年,现将我在本镇新安村养蛋鸭专业户李家推广应用的半番鸭人工授精技术及注意要点介绍如下。1种鸭的选择1.1种公番鸭种公番鸭为引进的法国公番鸭,引进来的小公番鸭进行群养,到5月龄就分群单只圈养。到6月龄把特征明显、性欲强、体重大的公番鸭预留为种用并加强饲养管理,加以调教采精,并使采精量达到1~1.5mL/只,显微镜检查精子活力强、精子密度达15~25亿个/mL的公番鸭留为种用。供人工采精的公番鸭1天采精1次,每连续采精3天,休息1天,利用1年就淘汰。1.2种母鸭种蛋用型母…  相似文献   

母犬发情鉴定关 犬的发情鉴定方法很多,最实用的是外阴观察法、试情法和显微阴道内容物涂片法等.犬发情旺期时外阴高度肿胀,阴唇平滑有弹性,阴门稍裂开,阴蒂因肿胀而稍突出,分泌物浅红色稍粘稠.  相似文献   

鸡人工授精技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段晓红 《中国家禽》2000,22(2):16-17
兰州鸡场是自繁自育的大型商品代蛋鸡场 ,年饲养种鸡8000多套。几年来采用人工授精技术 ,充分发挥种鸡笼养的优势,种鸡年均受精率保持在90 %以上 ,高者达93.9 %。现将人工授精技术要点归纳如下 ,以与同行切磋交流。1种公鸡的选择公鸡淘汰与选留的唯一指标是精液品质。对精液品质 ,至少要经过三次选择。第一次在6~7周龄 ,主要从个体发育方面进行选择。选留个体发育良好 ,鸡冠肉髯色正、形大的鸡。选留比例为1∶10~15。第二次在16~18周龄上笼时进行 ,选留符合品种鸡标准 ,发育良好 ,毛色光亮 ,没有杂毛 ,性反射良好…  相似文献   



The study was designed to test the effect of fixed-time artificial insemination (fixed-AI) after the slightly modified Ovsynch protocol on the pregnancy rate in beef cattle in Finnish field conditions. The modification was aimed to optimize the number of offsprings per AI dose.


Ninety Charolais cows and heifers were entered into the program an average of 1.8 times. Thus, 164 animal cases were included. Animals were administered 10-12 μg of buserelin. Seven days later animals without a corpus luteum (CL) were rejected (20.7%) while the remaining 130 cases with a CL were administered prostaglandin F, followed 48 h later with a second injection of buserelin (8-10 μg). Fixed-AI was performed 16-20 hours after the last injection.


The pregnancy rate was 51.5% (67/130). The pregnancy rate after a short interval (50-70 d) from calving to entering the program was significantly higher than that after a long interval (>70 d).


This protocol seems to give acceptable pregnancy results in beef herds and its effect on saving labour is notable.  相似文献   

一 采精 1 选择优良的种公鸡群种公鸡发育到20周龄时,挑选个体发育良好、符合标准体重、腹部柔软、按摩时有性反应的公鸡留作种用,在采精前1~2周投入单笼,按种公鸡的管理要求进行饲养,每天光照时间为14~15小时。1周后,按操作要求对种公鸡进行采精训练,每天1~2次,连续3~5天即可。  相似文献   

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