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Early weaning in spotted sand bass larvae, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, was evaluated, testing a combination of two weaning times, 17 and 22 d after hatching (d.a.h.), and three different microparticulate diets. Protein in diets was mainly from sardine meal and from 15% squid meal, beef blood meal, or fish protein hydrolysate. Anatomical (standard length), histological (gut development), and biochemical (highly unsaturated fatty acids) parameters were measured in larvae, as well as survival and resistance to a stress test measured 40 d.a.h. For larvae weaned at 17 d.a.h., the best growth and survival were obtained with diets containing fish protein hydrolysates; for larvae weaned at 22 d.a.h., best results were obtained with squid meal and fish protein hydrolysate. Growth and survival were significantly lower when using beef blood meal in both weaning treatments. The best relative and total survival were for larvae weaned at 22 d.a.h. After the resistance test, 100% survival occurred in larvae fed on any microparticulate diet and either weaning treatment. No significant differences in arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, or docosahexaenoic acid concentrations in fish fed on any diet occurred. Results suggest that weaning at 22 d.a.h. with diets containing fish protein hydrolysate or squid meal is preferred by this species.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The effect on growth and survival of the initial stocking density (50, 100, 150, and 200 larvae/ L) in larval rearing of spotted sand bass was evaluated over 30 d in a closed recirculating system. Larvae were fed with rotifers, copepods, nauplii and adult Artemia , and spotted sand bass yolk-sac larvae. Water quality was monitored daily. The notochordal or standard length of sampled larvae was measured by image analysis. Specific growth rates at each density were compared by covariance analysis. Survival was estimated from day 15 to the end of the experiment, when a resistance test was used to evaluate the juvenile quality among densities. At the end of the experiment, mean standard length of larvae at lower densities was significantly larger ( P < 0.05) than at higher densities. Higher specific growth rates were found at lower densities. Significantly higher survival ( P < 0.05) was recorded for the lowest density, but the highest number of harvested fish was obtained with the highest densities (150 and 200 larvae/L). The lowest density also showed the significantly ( P < 0.05) higher survival after using a resistance test. We conclude the highest density can be used in larval rearing of spotted sand bass. However, better survival, growth, and seed quality are obtained at the lowest density. To recommend an optimal density for this specie, it is necessary to improve the water quality in the culture system and to make a cost-benefit study.  相似文献   

Two feeding trials were conducted to determine the digestibility of a casein-based semi-purified diet and the effects of different protein levels on growth and protein use of spotted sand bass Paralabrax maculatofasciatus juveniles. For trial I, a semipurified diet with vitamin-free casein as the sole source of protein was fed three times a day to apparent satiation, for a period of 20 d. Feces were collected by siphoning each tank. The digestibility of the experimental diet was high: 97% for protein, 89% for lipids, and 84% for gross energy, whereas that of organic matter was 78%. For trial II, seven diets were formulated using vitamin-free casein at graded levels (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55% protein). Triplicate tanks for each dietary treatment were stocked with fish and fed by hand three times a day to apparent satiation for 6 wk. Perfomance of fish fed the different diets was evaluated for survival, percent weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio. Survival was 100% for all treatments. Growth of spotted sand bass juveniles increased as the dietary protein increased, but no evidence of reaching a plateau was found. The daily feed intake values showed an inverse relation to the protein content of the diets. The feed conversion ratio did not differ among diets containing 40% protein or greater. The results indicate that spotted sand bass juveniles with 2.5-g mean weight need at least 55% dietary protein for best growth when casein is the sole protein source. However, in terms of feed conversion ratio, the requirement apparently could be lower.  相似文献   

We describe the development and distribution of intestinal aminopeptidase M, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV, non-specific esterase, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase, using enzyme histochemistry techniques, in the spotted sand bass larvae ( Paralabrax maculatofasciatus ) under culture conditions. All digestive enzymes tested showed a positive reaction from first feeding (day 2) and throughout the study period (day 30). At first feeding, the main enzymatic activity was in the mucosa throughout the intestines. Later, enzymatic activity occurred in the liver, kidney and stomach. All enzymatic activities increased from days 15 to 20, remaining constant until the end of the study. This enzymatic activity suggests the onset of maturation of the digestive tract. After day 20, a positive reaction was recorded in the pyloric caeca for all tested enzymatic activities. Our study confirms the digestive and absorptive functions in the intestines in spotted sand bass larvae from first feeding. It also brings new insight to establish an early weaning strategy during cultivation of spotted sand bass larvae.  相似文献   

Conditions for the induction of triploidy with cold shock of fertilized eggs of the spotted sand bass Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Steindachner) were investigated. Different temperatures (12, 8 and 4 °C), timing of cold shock application (5, 10 and 15 min after fertilization) and duration of the shock (5, 10, 15 and 20 min) were tested. Triploidy was determined using flow cytometry at 12 h after larvae hatched. Triploids were produced only when the cold shock treatment was applied 5 min after fertilization. No significant difference was observed in the percentage of triploidy between temperature and the shock duration. At 8 and 4 °C, 100% triploidy was obtained at different durations of cold shock. Survival was significantly lower at 12 or 4 °C than at 8 °C. No significant difference was observed for shock duration at the temperature of 8 or 12 °C; however, at 4 °C, survival was significantly lower at longer durations. We recommend induction of triploidy by applying cold shock at 8 °C for a duration of 15–20 min starting at 5 min after fertilization, in the spotted sand bass.  相似文献   


White sucker, Catostomus commersoni, and spotted sucker, Minytrema melanops, maintained in earthen ponds from 9 to 12 months, were induced to spawn with injections of human cho-rionic gonadotropin (hCG) at the rate of 1,000 IU/kg for 3 to 5 days. White sucker, captured in Wisconsin and held in ponds in Arkansas, spawned at 16.7°C and 33 days earlier than white sucker in natural streams in Wisconsin during 1993. Spotted sucker, captured in Arkansas, were induced to spawn at 18.1CC during the same time as those in natural Arkansas streams. Being able to spawn captive white sucker and spotted sucker will relieve culturists of the need to continually obtain broodstock from wild sources during the spawning season.  相似文献   

斜带髭鲷室内产卵的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了斜带髭鲷在室内大量自然产卵的试验结果。实验表明:3龄亲鱼采用加强饵料营养,结合使用适当剂量的激素(TRHR-A_2、TRHR-A_3和HCG)进行催熟和催产,亲鱼产卵量大,产卵集中,卵质较好。使用57尾亲鱼(27尾雌鱼,30尾雄鱼),总产卵量6256.5×10~4粒,受精卵4504.5×10~4粒,平均每尾雌鱼产卵231.7×10~4粒,平均受精率66.7%,仔鱼孵化率 79.2%。  相似文献   

为了探究真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)早期幼体生长发育特征,在室内水泥池育苗条件下,研究了孵化后1~100日龄真蛸的形态变化特征,并对1~49日龄真蛸的全长、腕长、胴长、胴宽、体重及最长腕的吸盘个数进行了测量。结果显示,在盐度为30~32,水温为18.6℃~26.0℃条件下,初孵仔蛸平均全长为(3.05±0.11) mm,大部分初孵仔蛸外卵黄囊在出膜前已吸收完毕,1日龄仔蛸已开口摄食,17日龄稚蛸开始摄食糠虾,35日龄稚蛸开始营底栖生活,60日龄体色由透明发育为乳白色,80日龄体色已与成体相同,100日龄除性腺外,各器官发育成熟,形态特征与成体基本一致。研究表明,真蛸早期(1~49日龄)发育过程中,体重与全长呈立方函数关系,为y=5×10–5x3– 0.0009x2+0.0072x–0.0132;全长与腕长呈立方函数关系,为y=–0.0012x3+0.0492x2+0.0243x+0.2179;全长、体重、腕长、胴长、胴宽分别与日龄呈立方函数关系,为y=–0.0001x3+0.0105x2–0.0122x+3.0562、y=–2×10–7x3+4×10–5x2–0.0004x+0.0034、y=–0.0004x3+0.0247x2–0.1037x+0.8214、y=–0.0004x3+0.0124x2 +0.0749x+1.4757、y=–3×10–5x3+0.0025x2+0.0354x+1.4026。依据营养类型、形态和生物学特征等参数,将真蛸早期发育分为仔蛸期、稚蛸浮游期、稚蛸底栖期和幼蛸期4个时期。  相似文献   

Hybrid striped bass larvae (striped bass, Morone saxatilis, ♀ x white bass, M. chrysops, ♂) are often stocked into fertile culture ponds. High rates of photosynthesis may result in elevated pH which can be lethal to fry and can affect the toxicity of ammonia. Six-hour static toxicity tests were performed on hybrid larvae of various ages to determine the toxicity of elevated pH and the effects of elevated pH on ammonia toxicity. Six-hour mortality threshold pH's with no measurable ammonia were estimated for various age larvae and found to be between pH's 9.8 and 10.2 for D2 (Dl is day of hatch), between 9.0 and 9.4 for D4, between 8.8 and 9.2 for D13, and between 9.2 and 9.4 for D20 fish. The addition of 0.7% NaCl had no effect on the toxicity of elevated pH to D2 or D4 fish but caused a significant reduction in the mortality of Dl3 and D20 fish exposed to high pH. The tolerance to elevated pH decreased as ammonia concentration increased. Sub-lethal un-ionized ammonia concentrations increased the toxicity of elevated pH, suggesting an interaction of pH and un-ionized ammonia toxicity.  相似文献   

温度和盐度对花鲈胚胎及前期仔鱼发育影响的初步报告   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)胚胎发育的适宜温度为10~22℃,10℃组中的畸形率偏高,因此最适宜温度为13~22℃。短时期的7℃低温对胚胎发育没有影响;前期仔鱼的适温范围与胚胎的适温范围基本一致。胚胎发育的适宜 盐度为19‰~28‰,以22‰~25‰为最佳;仔鱼对盐度的要求与胚胎期近似。以低盐度和高盐 度相比较,4日龄以后,低盐度似有利于仔鱼存活。  相似文献   

Along the Atlantic coast black sea bass occur from the Gulf of Maine to Florida and support important commercial and recreational fisheries. Interest in commercial production of black sea bass has increased in recent years due to high demand and limited seasonable availability. Efforts towards large-scale production have been hampered by a high incidence of early larval mortality. Two of the most important environmental variables affecting hatchery production of marine finfish larvae are temperature and salinity. In the wild, larval black sea bass are found in waters with temperatures of 12–24 C and salinity levels of 30–35 ppt. Studies were conducted to define the temperature and salinity ranges that support growth and development of black sea bass during early life stages. Three developmental phases were investigated: 1) fertilization to hatch: 2) hatch through yolk sac absorption: and 3) during the initial exogenous feeding stage (5–14 days post hatch: DPH). Fertilized eggs were obtained by manual spawning of fish following administration of LHRHa. Fertilized eggs were transferred to 300-mL glass Petri dishes or 500-mL beakers to assess the effects of salinity and temperature through hatch and yolk sac absorption, respectively. To determine environmental effects on growth and survival during initial exogenous feeding 400 actively feeding larvae were cultured in green water and fed enriched rotifers for a 9-d period. For investigation of the effect of salinity, sea water (35 ppt) was diluted gradually to 15, 20, 25, and 30 ppt and maintained at 21 C. For examination of the effect of temperature, seawater was adjusted from 21 C to 12, 15, 21, 27, or 30 C at a rate of 3 C/h. No eggs hatched at 12 C or when salinity was maintained at 0 or 5 ppt. Hatching was uniformly high (≥ 85%) at temperatures between 15 and 27 C and at salinities ≥ 15 ppt. Survival through yolk sac absorption was greatest at temperatures between 18 and 27 C and at salinities ≥ 20 ppt. Survival through first feeding stage was highest at temperatures ≥ 18 C and 30 ppt salinity. Larval growth through first feeding was not significantly affected by salinity level but did increase with rearing temperature. The results indicate that survival and development of black sea bass during early life stages are most favorable at temperatures >18 C with salinity levels approaching full strength seawater.  相似文献   

Smallmouth bass ( Micropierus dolomieui ) in Quebec spawn between the end of May and mid-June. Wild broodstock (4 to 8 years old) and laboratory-reared ones (0+ years old) reared in a water recycling system were submitted to different temperature and photoperiod regimes to extend their natural spawning period. Oocyte maturation followed in vivo showed that oocytes developed to stage III in both cases but final maturation and ovulation was limited to the laboratory-reared bass and this, a month before the normal spawning period, at 20.5 cm TL. Exogenous factors are examined, specifically duration of long photoperiod and vital space related to non-spawning of wild broodstock.  相似文献   

Sexual maturation and induced spawning treatments were carried out with captive spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus. A total of 3013 × 106 eggs (64.7% were floating) were produced from eight treated females in 42 spawns induced with GnRHa implants during the course of the present study. GnRHa ethylene‐vinyl acetate copolymer effective doses were 204 ± 11 µg/kg in June 2005, and 224 ± 13 µg/kg in July 2005. General fertilization was 50.9 ± 34.5% and 12–14 h after spawning, viability of floating eggs was 90.4 ± 12.4%. Mean incubation period at 29–31 C was 18–20 h, and mean hatching was 94.4 ± 8.2% (73–100%). Newly hatched larvae were 2.18 ± 0.15 mm in total length (TL). One month after the last hormone experiment, previously GnRHa‐treated and untreated fish began spawning voluntarily. Hormone‐treated breeders had higher fecundity than untreated fish, producing 72.5 million eggs versus 13.9 million eggs for the untreated fish, over the following 11 mo. Combined data of volitional spawning for total egg fertilization, viability, hatching, and larval TL were 77.7 ± 1.8%, 90.3 ± 1.3%, 87.9 ± 2%, and 2.50 ± 0.12 mm, respectively. These results can ensure the sustainability of a commercial hatchery.  相似文献   

黄海北部虾夷扇贝性腺发育及繁殖规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过性腺指数周年监测及性腺的组织切片观察,对黄海北部虾夷扇贝性腺发育及繁殖规律进行了研究。试验结果表明,虾夷扇贝性腺发育可划分为5期,即增殖期(Ⅰ期)、生长期(Ⅱ期)、成熟期(Ⅲ期)、排放期(Ⅳ)和休止期(Ⅴ期)。性腺周年变化规律是,11—12月为增殖期,1—2月为生长期,3月为成熟期、4—5月为排放期,6—10月为休止期。水温对性腺发育和产卵期的影响是,水温低性腺指数峰值高,产卵期相对滞后;水温高性腺指数峰值低,产卵期相对提早。  相似文献   

Banded morwong (Cheilodactylus spectabilis) are of interest for marine finfish aquaculture in temperate southern Australia. To improve their ovulatory response, adult females were implanted during the autumn spawning season with slow‐release pellets containing 0–400 μg luteinizing‐hormone‐releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa)/kg body weight within 24 h of capture from the wild. Compared to the sham control group, animals treated with LHRHa produced significantly more eggs on each day after implantation for the following 7 d (91 ± 39 and 290 ± 38 mL) and a higher proportion ovulated (8/12 and 27/27). Of fish treated with LHRHa, 93% ovulated 2 d after implantation and 79% ovulated three times at 2‐d intervals, whereas control animals showed no cyclicity of ovulation and few ovulated more than once. Egg production was highest at the first ovulation after LHRHa treatment and declined at subsequent ovulations. In a second experiment investigating the range 100–400 μg LHRHa, there was no effect of dose rate on ovulation parameters, which additionally examined implantation either immediately after capture or after a 5‐d delay. Compared to immediate implantation, a delay resulted in a lower proportion of animals that could be stripped after implantation (100 and 50%, respectively) and the volume of eggs was lower (135 ± 15 and 107 ± 10 mL). The egg quality was poor following delayed implantation, resulting in no fertilization after artificial insemination compared with immediate implantation in which fertilization and hatch rates were higher for eggs collected on Day 2 after implantation (79 ± 8% and 58 ± 9%) than on Day 4 (23 ± 7% and 15 ± 6%). Thus, it is important to implant animals as soon as possible after capture to ensure optimum egg quality. Good‐quality eggs were buoyant and spherical and had a diameter of 1050 ± 25 μm with a single pigmented oil droplet of 190 ± 9 μm. When a separate large batch of eggs collected 2 d after implantation with 100 μg LHRHa was inseminated and cultured at 18 C, larvae hatched after 63 ± 2 h at a standard length of 2.6 ± 0.4 mm. Newly hatched larvae were buoyant and transparent with only a few melanophores, eyes were nonpigmented and jaws were nonfunctional. By the fourth day, jaws were functional and eyes were fully pigmented. Utilization of the endogenous yolk and oil was completed by Day 6, and swimming commenced with exogenous feeding. Larvae, initially fed lipid‐enriched rotifers followed by Artemia, reached 8.9 ± 0.7 mm length on Day 55, after which they metamorphosed to the postlarval paperfish stage of development, 22 ± 0.9 mm on Day 100, and 43 ± 1.0 mm at 6 mo of age. The results show that treatment of wild‐caught females with slow‐release pellets containing LHRHa is effective for the production of eggs for hatchery rearing.  相似文献   

Abstract— Grow-out performance of striped bass Morone saxatilis , palmetto bass ( M. saxatilis ♀ × M. chrysops ♂ ) and backcross hybrids [sunshine bass ♀( M. chtysops ♀ × M. saxatilis ♂) × M. saxatilis ♂] was examined in a two-part study. During part I fish (mean weight = 20.1 g) were stocked at a density of 56 fish/m3 in 1.8-m3 cylindrical fiberglass tanks connected to a central biological filter. Fish were fed a 38% protein trout ration daily and the study duration was 273 d. At harvest, no differences ( P > 0.05) in mean weight or feed conversion were detected among the fish types. However, there were differences in specific growth, with the striped bass having a significantly higher growth rate than the palmetto bass and the backcross hybrids being intermediate. The condition factor (K) for striped bass was also significantly lower (1.2) than that recorded for either of the other two groups. In addition, survival of striped bass (91%) was significantly higher than that of backcross hybrids (74%), while survival of palmetto bass (87%) was intermediate. The survival of backcross hybrids was adversely impacted by an infestation of the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium sp . During part II stocking density in each tank was reduced to 19 fish/m3. The study lasted 104 d. At harvest, no differences were detected in weight, survival, or feed conversion. However, there were significant differences in specific growth, length and K. Striped bass and backcross hybrids gained weight faster than palmetto bass. Length and K were inversely related with all groups being significantly different. Striped bass had the largest TL and the lowest K while, palmetto bass were the shortest with the highest K.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992, indoor hatchery experiments were conducted with red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus a large tropical crayfish from northern Australia. Six fiberglass tanks were stocked with 40–190 g mature red claw crayfish at 10/m2 and a 1:2 male to female ratio. Water temperature was maintained at 28 ± 1 C. Photoperiod was provided by natural daylight in 1991 and controlled lighting in 1992.
With natural lighting, monthly spawning rates (% of females spawning/month) ranged from an average of 15% during months with less than 12 h of light per day to over 35% in months with more than 12 h of light per day. Peak spawning occurred from May to July, too late to obtain juveniles for spring stocking. During the second year, photoperiod was increased from 10L:14D in December to 14L:10D in February and maintained at this level until July. Red claw spawning increased with increasing day length. Peak spawning rates of 50% per month and higher occurred from March to May. Spawning rates decreased dramatically after May, even though photoperiod and temperature remained constant. Eggs per spawn increased with an increase in female size. Fecundity average 7.3 juveniles per gram of body weight for females from 40 to 190 g, regardless of size. Egg color was useful for predicting stage of development.  相似文献   

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