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The mating and lambing records for 1964–1972 of a Romney stud that had been experiencing a serious dystocia problem were investigated. Until 1970 between 20 and 31% of ewes required assistance at lambing but this level then fell to 18% in 1971, 11% in 1972, 3.3% in 1973 and 4.0% in 1974. The decline in dystocia evident in the latter years of the investigation is considered to have been brought about largely by the culling of ewes that were repeatedly assisted at parturition and by the selection of rams that sired lambs of lower birth weight.

Dystocia in this flock was highly correlated with the mean birth weight of single lambs ( r =0.84, p<0.01). Fifty nine percent of assisted single lambs were males; ram lambs were heavier at birth than ewe lambs. Apart from the year 1966, primiparous ewes required no more assistance than older ewes and, except for that year, ewes bearing singles required the same levelof assistance as those bearing twins.

An effect of the sire on the incidence of dystocia was demonstrated for four of the eight lambings studied and was related to the birth weight of the lambs. Thirty four percent of ewes that had been assisted to lamb once had to be assisted again the following year as compared with a 16% assistance rate necessary for those ewes that had not been helped at the previous lambing, thus establishing a high level of repeatability for the condition (p<0.001).  相似文献   

An abnormally high incidence of dystocia was encountered in the south country Cheviot flock at the Hill Farming Research Organisation's research station at Sourhope, Yetholm, Roxburghshire over the past four years, 1970 to 1973. Lambing records were only available for 1972 and 1973 for Sourhope ewes and gimmers of all breeds and showed the following: (see article) This meant that in terms of attention and vigilance, a high shepherding input was necessary with the South Country Cheviot flock. Intensive observation and measurements of some relevant parameters were therefore made in the gimmer age group of this flock, numbering 126, during the lambing season of 1974; 39-7 per cent required assitance. This paper describes the behavioural pattern in lambing and demonstrates differences between those animals which were assisted and those which were not. The features of the dystocias and their possible cause are discussed.  相似文献   

A flock of 13,951 hens and 1379 cockerels was monitored from 26 to 58 weeks of age for the complex of salpingitis, peritonitis and salpingoperitonitis (sps). Two hundred and forty-three hens (78 per cent of the hens that died) were examined postmortem, and sps was recognised by gross examination for inflammatory exudate, in the body cavity or oviduct in 111 (46 per cent) of them. Salpingoperitonitis was the most common form, followed by salpingitis and then peritonitis. There were acute and chronic cases in all three conditions, but only in peritonitis were acute cases more common than chronic cases. Seventeen birds that had died of sps were cultured for aerobic bacteria within 12 hours of death. Escherichia coli was recovered from a variety of tissues from all of them, and other bacteria, including staphylococci, Mannheimia haemolytica and Streptococcus bovis, were isolated from a few carcases, either alone or together with E coli. Relatively few isolations of E coli were made from normal hens cultured 48, 72 and 96 hours after death.  相似文献   

The measures taken to eradicate Brucella ovis infection from a naturally infected flock of 64 rams are described. Lesions of epididymitis were detected in 18 rams, all of which gave either positive or suspicious reactions in the complement fixation test. A further 20 rams gave serological reactions in the complement fixation test. Subsequently, semen was collected from 14 of these 20 rams and B. ovis was cultured from the semen of all 14 rams. Serum samples from two rams failed to react in the complement fixation test. However, they were identified as infected with the aid of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the subsequent culture of semen samples. It is suggested that, when eradicating B. ovis infection from ram flocks, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay be used in addition to both the complement fixation test and the physical examination. Using a combination of tests as described can increase the likehood of an earlier eradication of B. ovis infection.  相似文献   

Nematodirosis was diagnosed in the south-east of Scotland during two consecutive autumns in lambs which were grazed on the same field. The problem was unpredicted based on the knowledge of the pasture and animal management, and rudimentary understanding of the behaviour of free-living stages of Nematodirus battus in the region. Unlike the epidemiology that has been described in the south of England, whereby autumn infection of lambs is believed to arise from autumn hatching of eggs shed during the previous spring without prior chilling, it is concluded that the autumn nematodirosis in a particular sheep flock in Scotland most likely arose following prolonged survival of larvae hatched during the spring from eggs shed during the previous summer, following periods of cold exposure over the previous winter. The infective larvae survived in large numbers in a small, sheltered strip of rough grazing, where they would have been protected from harmful ultraviolet radiation and heavy rainfall, before infecting lambs during the autumn. Understanding of the evolutionary potential, nematode parasites to adapt to changing environmental conditions depends on a thorough clinical investigative approach, and is a prerequisite for future preventive management.  相似文献   

Vitamin A toxicosis has recently been recognized as a concern for granivorous birds such as cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and nectarivorous birds such as lorikeets. Such birds have little exposure to performed vitamin A in their wild diet, relying on carotene conversion to supply their vitamin A needs. Multiple clinical problems arose in a lorikeet flock when excessive vitamin A supplementation was used.  相似文献   

Recurring episodes of extreme leg weakness and associated mortality were documented in a turkey flock at 8 to 15 weeks of age. Flock mortality attributed to posterior paresis was approximately 12%, or 4800 of 40,000 turkeys. Four of six open-confinement units were affected. Gross and histological examinations revealed no significant lesions. Immunology and virology were uninformative. There were no significant differences in serum chemistry between clinically affected and normal turkeys. Testing of feed, water, soil, and tissues revealed no common toxicants. Isolation and supportive care for affected turkeys, both in the laboratory and in the field, frequently resulted in full recovery. Injection of a test group of affected turkeys with Type C botulism antitoxin appeared to enhance recovery. However, repeated attempts to detect botulism toxin in serum, liver, or cecal contents using mouse bioassay procedures were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Aldicarb toxicosis was diagnosed in 200 sheep that died suddenly. Carbamate insecticide toxicosis was suspected based on observed clinical signs (hypersalivation, diarrhea, urination, paddling, seizures, miosis, and deaths occurring within 1 hour). Tissue samples were submitted from 4 Columbian ewes for pathologic and analytical evaluation. Severe diffuse pulmonary edema was observed on gross and histologic examination. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in retina (21.2-68.1% of normal activity, n = 3), brain (40.6-45.6% of normal activity, n = 3), and whole blood (27% of normal activity, n = 1) supported a diagnosis of carbamate toxicosis. Reversal of brain and whole blood cholinesterase activities (reactivation factor greater than 1.4) following an in vitro 1 hour incubation at 37 C was also consistent with carbamate poisoning. Aldicarb toxicosis was confirmed following its detection in rumen contents at 1.5, 5.5, and 334 ppm using both high-pressure liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus detection.  相似文献   

In this study nine sheep and one goat were tested by the Sabin Feldman dye test for the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma spp over a period of 12 months. No significant signs of a seasonal variation in dye test titres of infected animals could be demonstrated. The possible source of infection of two sheep, exhibiting a sudden rise in antibody titre during the course of the observations is discussed.  相似文献   

A sudden increase in mortality, preceded by a short history of respiratory signs and diarrhea, occurred in a backyard flock of 48 game chickens in the Central Valley of California. Necropsy findings included severe generalized linear hemorrhages and/or ulcers in the digestive tract, larynx, and trachea. Histology revealed severe multifocal hemorrhages and necrosis in the mucosa of the respiratory and digestive tracts, vasculitis, and necrosis of lymphoid tissue. The birds were serologically negative to Newcastle disease virus; this was consistent with an acute infection. The avian paramyxovirus type 1 isolated was characterized as velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus. A thorough epidemiologic investigation was carried out, and no other premises were found to have birds with clinical signs or evidence of exposure. The entire outbreak was limited to the original backyard flock and resolved within 14 days of the onset of clinical signs.  相似文献   

1. The progress of feather pecking and cannibalism was recorded from hatching to end of lay in a flock of caged layers and the influence of group size, floor area allowance and cage tier upon the incidence of these activities during lay assessed. 2. The largest group suffered more cannibalism and feather pecking than smaller groups, floor area allowance and tier being less important factors. 3. A significant trend was found for one death from cannibalism to be followed by more in the same cage.4. It was concluded that feather pecking and cannibalism are separate phenomena, although the same cage conditions increased the incidence of both. 5. Cannibalism may be divided into vent pecking and cannibalism affecting other parts of the body, the former is independent of feather pecking and the latter, though usually preceded by feather pecking, is only indirectly associated with it.  相似文献   

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