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To rigorously test the in vivo cell fate specificity of bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we generated chimeric animals by transplantation of a single green fluorescent protein (GFP)-marked HSC into lethally irradiated nontransgenic recipients. Single HSCs robustly reconstituted peripheral blood leukocytes in these animals, but did not contribute appreciably to nonhematopoietic tissues, including brain, kidney, gut, liver, and muscle. Similarly, in GFP+:GFP- parabiotic mice, we found substantial chimerism of hematopoietic but not nonhematopoietic cells. These data indicate that "transdifferentiation" of circulating HSCs and/or their progeny is an extremely rare event, if it occurs at all.  相似文献   

A prospective lineage analysis was performed to determine the variety of cell types that could be formed by individual precursor cells of the developing frog retina. Fluorescent dextran was iontophoretically injected into single cells of the embryonic optic vesicle. After further development of the embryo, labeled descendants were observed in all three layers of the larval retina. Furthermore, different clones were composed of various combinations of all major cell types, including the glial Müller cells. Hence, single optic vesicle cells have the potential to form any type of retinal cell, suggesting that the interactions that specify the differentiation pathway of retinal cells must occur late in development.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of mouse hematopoietic stem cells   总被引:181,自引:0,他引:181  
Mouse bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells were isolated with the use of a variety of phenotypic markers. These cells can proliferate and differentiate with approximately unit efficiency into myelomonocytic cells, B cells, or T cells. Thirty of these cells are sufficient to save 50 percent of lethally irradiated mice, and to reconstitute all blood cell types in the survivors.  相似文献   

Interconversion between intestinal stem cell populations in distinct niches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intestinal epithelial stem cell identity and location have been the subject of substantial research. Cells in the +4 niche are slow-cycling and label-retaining, whereas a different stem cell niche located at the crypt base is occupied by crypt base columnar (CBC) cells. CBCs are distinct from +4 cells, and the relationship between them is unknown, though both give rise to all intestinal epithelial lineages. We demonstrate that Hopx, an atypical homeobox protein, is a specific marker of +4 cells. Hopx-expressing cells give rise to CBCs and all mature intestinal epithelial lineages. Conversely, CBCs can give rise to +4 Hopx-positive cells. These findings demonstrate a bidirectional lineage relationship between active and quiescent stem cells in their niches.  相似文献   

Transplantation of normal, immature, fetal hematopoietic cells into a preimmune fetal recipient with a congenital hemoglobinopathy may allow partial reconstitution of normal hemoglobin production without the complications associated with postnatal bone marrow transplantation (immunosuppression and the occurrence of graft versus host disease). In order to test this hypothesis the naturally occurring polymorphism at the beta-hemoglobin locus of the sheep was used as a marker for engraftment and hematopoietic chimerism. Intraperitoneal injection of allogeneic fetal stem cells into normal fetal lambs resulted in hematopoietic chimerism in three of four surviving recipients. This chimerism has been sustained for 6 months after birth and 9 months after engraftment, without evidence of graft versus host disease, and without the use of immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

The mature mammalian retina is thought to lack regenerative capacity. Here, we report the identification of a stem cell in the adult mouse eye, which represents a possible substrate for retinal regeneration. Single pigmented ciliary margin cells clonally proliferate in vitro to form sphere colonies of cells that can differentiate into retinal-specific cell types, including rod photoreceptors, bipolar neurons, and Müller glia. Adult retinal stem cells are localized to the pigmented ciliary margin and not to the central and peripheral retinal pigmented epithelium, indicating that these cells may be homologous to those found in the eye germinal zone of other nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cell homing and engraftment are crucial to transplantation efficiency, and clinical engraftment is severely compromised when donor-cell numbers are limiting. The peptidase CD26 (DPPIV/dipeptidylpeptidase IV) removes dipeptides from the amino terminus of proteins. We present evidence that endogenous CD26 expression on donor cells negatively regulates homing and engraftment. By inhibition or deletion of CD26, it was possible to increase greatly the efficiency of transplantation. These results suggest that hematopoietic stem cell engraftment is not absolute, as previously suggested, and indicate that improvement of bone marrow transplant efficiency may be possible in the clinic.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are fully pluripotent in that they can differentiate into all cell types, including gametes. We have derived 35 ES cell lines via nuclear transfer (ntES cell lines) from adult mouse somatic cells of inbred, hybrid, and mutant strains. ntES cells contributed to an extensive variety of cell types, including dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons in vitro and germ cells in vivo. Cloning by transfer of ntES cell nuclei could result in normal development of fertile adults. These studies demonstrate the full pluripotency of ntES cells.  相似文献   

Mosaic organization of neural stem cells in the adult brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The in vivo potential of neural stem cells in the postnatal mouse brain is not known, but because they produce many different types of neurons, they must be either very versatile or very diverse. By specifically targeting stem cells and following their progeny in vivo, we showed that postnatal stem cells in different regions produce different types of neurons, even when heterotopically grafted or grown in culture. This suggests that rather than being plastic and homogeneous, neural stem cells are a restricted and diverse population of progenitors.  相似文献   

Human T cell lymphoma leukemia virus (HTLV) is a human retrovirus (RNA tumor virus) that was originally isolated from a few patients with leukemias or lymphomas involving mature T lymphocytes. Here we report that the serum of Japanese patients with adult T cell leukemia, but not the serum of tested normal donors, contains high titers of antibodies to HTLV. These observations, together with data from Japan showing that adult T cell leukemia is endemic in southwest Japan, suggest that HTLV is involved in a subtype of human T cell malignancy, including Japanese adult T cell leukemia.  相似文献   

In B6AF1 mice, T lymphocytes that use the V beta 11-positive (and not V beta 6-positive or V beta 8-positive) segment in their receptor for antigen are greatly reduced in the thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissues, most likely as a result of clonal deletion. The relative number of V beta 11-positive cells in adult lymph nodes was ten times as high in B6AF1 mice thymectomized 1 to 4 days after birth as in normal mice. Moreover, for the first 10 days of life of B6AF1 mice, mature V beta 11-positive T cells were readily detected in the thymus and spleen. Thus neonatal thymectomy results in the maintenance of the receptor repertoire of early postnatal life, and this correlates with the subsequent development of organ-specific autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Although many combinations of alpha beta T cell receptors are available to the T cells in any given organism, far fewer are actually used by mature T cells. The combinations used are limited by two selective processes, positive selection of T cells bearing receptors that will be useful to the host, and clonal elimination or inactivation of T cells bearing receptors that will be damaging to the host. The ways in which these two apparently contradictory processes occur, and the hypotheses that have been suggested to reconcile them, are discussed.  相似文献   

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