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An aluminum conductor moving into and out of a magnetic field of 75 gauss traps within itself for varying lengths of time a detectable fraction of the encountered flux, which subsequently decays. A time constant of about 0.005 second, which is the order of magnitude predicted by classical electrodynamics, is measured. The result is of interest in connection with the "frozen-in field" concept of Babcock's sunspot model.  相似文献   

A comparison of the size of polar coronal holes with the cosmic-ray intensity observed during the most recent sunspot cycle shows close correspondence. This lends support to recent suggestions that the well-known sunspot-cycle modulation of cosmic rays is a three-dimensional effect, probably related to the global character of the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

Changes in atmospheric carbon-14 attributed to a variable sun   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The (14)C production rate in the upper atmosphere changes with time because the galactic cosmic-ray flux responsible for (14)C production is modulated by the changes in solar wind magnetic properties. The resulting changes in the atmospheric (14)C level are recorded in tree rings and are used to calculate past (14)C production rates from a carbon reservoir model that describes terrestrial carbon exchange between the atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere. These past (14)C production rate changes are compared with (14)C production rates determined from 20th-century neutron flux measurements, and a theory relating (14)C production and solar variability, as given by geomagnetic Aa indices and sunspot numbers, is developed. This theory takes into account long-term solar changes that were previously neglected. The 860-year (14)C record indicates three episodes when sunspots apparently were absent: A.D. 1654 to 1714 (Maunder minimum), 1416 to 1534 (Sp?rer minimum), and 1282 to 1342 (Wolf minimum). A less precisely defined minimum occurred near A.D. 1040. The part of this record after A.D. 1645 correlates well with the basic features of the historical record of sunspot numbers. The magnitude of the calculated (14)C production rates points to a further increase in cosmic-ray flux when sunspots are absent. This flux was greatest during the Sp?rer minimum. A record of approximate sunspot numbers and Aa indices for the current millennium is also presented.  相似文献   

A recurring pattern with a period of 26(7/8) days observed in the polar geomagnetic field during the interval from 1926 to 1941 appears to persist in the interplanetary magnetic field polarity observed with spacecraft during the interval from 1963 to 1968. This observation suggests the existence of a rotating solar magnetic "dipole" with a period of 26(7/8) +/- 0.003 days.  相似文献   

Recent Ulysses observations from the Sun's equator to the poles reveal fundamental properties of the three-dimensional heliosphere at the maximum in solar activity. The heliospheric magnetic field originates from a magnetic dipole oriented nearly perpendicular to, instead of nearly parallel to, the Sun's rotation axis. Magnetic fields, solar wind, and energetic charged particles from low-latitude sources reach all latitudes, including the polar caps. The very fast high-latitude wind and polar coronal holes disappear and reappear together. Solar wind speed continues to be inversely correlated with coronal temperature. The cosmic ray flux is reduced symmetrically at all latitudes.  相似文献   

Sunspots are regions where strong magnetic fields emerge from the solar interior and where major eruptive events occur. These energetic events can cause power outages, interrupt telecommunication and navigation services, and pose hazards to astronauts. We detected subsurface signatures of emerging sunspot regions before they appeared on the solar disc. Strong acoustic travel-time anomalies of an order of 12 to 16 seconds were detected as deep as 65,000 kilometers. These anomalies were associated with magnetic structures that emerged with an average speed of 0.3 to 0.6 kilometer per second and caused high peaks in the photospheric magnetic flux rate 1 to 2 days after the detection of the anomalies. Thus, synoptic imaging of subsurface magnetic activity may allow anticipation of large sunspot regions before they become visible, improving space weather forecast.  相似文献   

In Earth's environment, the observed polar outflow rate for O(+) ions, the main source of oxygen above gravitational escape energy, corresponds to the loss of approximately 18% of the present-day atmospheric oxygen over 3 billion years. However, part of this apparent loss can actually be returned to the atmosphere. Examining loss rates of four escape routes with high-altitude spacecraft observations, we show that the total oxygen loss rate inferred from current knowledge is about one order of magnitude smaller than the polar O(+) outflow rate. This disagreement suggests that there may be a substantial return flux from the magnetosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere. Then the net oxygen loss over 3 billion years drops to approximately 2% of the current atmospheric oxygen content.  相似文献   

We observed fine-scale jetlike features, referred to as penumbral microjets, in chromospheres of sunspot penumbrae. The microjets were identified in image sequences of a sunspot taken through a Ca II H-line filter on the Solar Optical Telescope on board the Japanese solar physics satellite Hinode. The microjets' small width of 400 kilometers and short duration of less than 1 minute make them difficult to identify in existing observations. The microjets are possibly caused by magnetic reconnection in the complex magnetic configuration in penumbrae and have the potential to heat the corona above a sunspot.  相似文献   

Large-scale, electric currents flowing along magnetic field lines into the polar regions of Earth are thought to be the main contributors of the energy that powers the ionospheric aurora. However, we have found evidence for global contributions from electromagnetic waves (Alfvén waves). Data that were collected from the Polar spacecraft over the course of 1 year show that the flow of wave electromagnetic energy at altitudes of 25,000 to 38,000 kilometers delineates the statistical auroral oval. The Poynting flux of individual events distributed along the auroral oval was larger than 5 ergs per square centimeter per second, which is sufficient to power auroral acceleration processes. This evidence suggests that in addition to magnetic field-aligned currents, the dayside and nightside aurora is globally powered by the energy flow of these high-altitude Alfvén waves.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that variation in the sun's luminosity is less than that observed in many other stars of similar magnetic activity. Current findings also indicate that in more active stars, the attenuation by faculae of sunspot luminosity modulation is less effective than in the sun at present. The sun could thus become photometrically more variable (and dimmer) if its magnetic activity exceeded present levels. But the levels of solar activity required for this to occur are not observed in carbon-14 and beryllium-10 records over the past several millennia, which indicates that such an increase in amplitude of surface magnetism-driven variations in solar luminosity is unlikely in the present epoch.  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center-University of Delaware Bartol Research Institute magnetic field experiment on the Voyager 2 spacecraft discovered a strong and complex intrinsic magnetic field of Neptune and an associated magnetosphere and magnetic tail. The detached bow shock wave in the supersonic solar wind flow was detected upstream at 34.9 Neptune radii (R(N)), and the magnetopause boundary was tentatively identified at 26.5 R(N) near the planet-sun line (1 R(N) = 24,765 kilometers). A maximum magnetic field of nearly 10,000 nanoteslas (1 nanotesla = 10(-5) gauss) was observed near closest approach, at a distance of 1.18 R(N). The planetary magnetic field between 4 and 15 R(N) can be well represented by an offset tilted magnetic dipole (OTD), displaced from the center of Neptune by the surprisingly large amount of 0.55 R(N) and inclined by 47 degrees with respect to the rotation axis. The OTD dipole moment is 0.133 gauss-R(N)(3). Within 4 R(N), the magnetic field representation must include localized sources or higher order magnetic multipoles, or both, which are not yet well determined. The obliquity of Neptune and the phase of its rotation at encounter combined serendipitously so that the spacecraft entered the magnetosphere at a time when the polar cusp region was directed almost precisely sunward. As the spacecraft exited the magnetosphere, the magnetic tail appeared to be monopolar, and no crossings of an imbedded magnetic field reversal or plasma neutral sheet were observed. The auroral zones are most likely located far from the rotation poles and may have a complicated geometry. The rings and all the known moons of Neptune are imbedded deep inside the magnetosphere, except for Nereid, which is outside when sunward of the planet. The radiation belts will have a complex structure owing to the absorption of energetic particles by the moons and rings of Neptune and losses associated with the significant changes in the diurnally varying magnetosphere configuration. In an astrophysical context, the magnetic field of Neptune, like that of Uranus, may be described as that of an "oblique" rotator.  相似文献   

辽宁地区作物低温冷害的遥感监测和气象预报   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
农作物低温冷害是造成辽宁地区粮食产量大幅度减产的三大灾害(洪涝、干旱)之一。应用卫星遥感(NOA/AVHRR)手段监测低温的发生、强度及路经等,研究它的发生发展规律。通过综合分析定出主要作物受害指标,分析了500hpa高度场、海温场及太阳黑子、极涡面积指数、海冰面积等与低温冷害的关系。为及时采取农技措施提供适时可靠情报,建立了气象预报的系列模式,进行低温冷害预报。为防灾减灾,为粮食的稳产高产提供气象理论依据。  相似文献   

True polar wander, the shifting of the entire mantle relative to the earth's spin axis, has been reanalyzed. Over the last 200 million years, true polar wander has been fast (approximately 5 centimeters per year) most of the time, except for a remarkable standstill from 170 to 110 million years ago. This standstill correlates with a decrease in the reversal frequency of the geomagnetic field and episodes of continental breakup. Conversely, true polar wander is high when reversal frequency increases. It is proposed that intermittent convection modulates the thickness of a thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle and consequently the core-to-mantle heat flux. Emission of hot thermals from the boundary layer leads to increases in mantle convection and true polar wander. In conjunction, cold thermals released from a boundary layer at the top of the liquid core eventually lead to reversals. Changes in the locations of subduction zones may also affect true polar wander. Exceptional volcanism and mass extinctions at the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Permo-Triassic boundaries may be related to thermals released after two unusually long periods with no magnetic reversals. These environmental catastrophes may therefore be a consequence of thermal and chemical couplings in the earth's multilayer heat engine rather than have an extraterrestrial cause.  相似文献   

Power is supplied to a planet's magnetosphere from the kinetic energy of planetary spin and the energy flux of the impinging solar wind. A fraction of this power is available to drive numerous observable phenomena, such as polar auroras and planetary radio emissions. In this report our present understanding of these power transfer mechanisms is applied to Uranus to make specific predictions of the detectability of radio and auroral emissions by the planetary radio astronomy (PRA) and ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) instruments aboard the Voyager spacecraft before its encounter with Uranus at the end of January 1986. The power available for these two phenomena is (among other factors) a function of the magnetic moment of Uranus. The date of earliest detectability also depends on whether the predominant power source for the magnetosphere is planetary spin or solar wind. The magnetic moment of Uranus is derived for each power source as a function of the date of first detection of radio emissions by the PRA instrument or auroral emissions by the UVS instrument. If we accept the interpretation of ultraviolet observations now available from the Earth-orbiting International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite, Uranus has a surface magnetic field of at least 0.6 gauss, and more probably several gauss, making it the largest or second-largest planetary magnetic field in the solar system.  相似文献   

Observations by MESSENGER show that Mercury's magnetosphere is immersed in a comet-like cloud of planetary ions. The most abundant, Na+, is broadly distributed but exhibits flux maxima in the magnetosheath, where the local plasma flow speed is high, and near the spacecraft's closest approach, where atmospheric density should peak. The magnetic field showed reconnection signatures in the form of flux transfer events, azimuthal rotations consistent with Kelvin-Helmholtz waves along the magnetopause, and extensive ultralow-frequency wave activity. Two outbound current sheet boundaries were observed, across which the magnetic field decreased in a manner suggestive of a double magnetopause. The separation of these current layers, comparable to the gyro-radius of a Na+ pickup ion entering the magnetosphere after being accelerated in the magnetosheath, may indicate a planetary ion boundary layer.  相似文献   

The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, in a highly elliptical polar orbit, obtained vector magnetic field measurements above the surface of Mars (altitudes >100 kilometers). Crustal magnetization, mainly confined to the most ancient, heavily cratered martian highlands, is frequently organized in east-west-trending linear features, the longest extending over 2000 kilometers. Crustal remanent magnetization exceeds that of terrestrial crust by more than an order of magnitude. Groups of quasi-parallel linear features of alternating magnetic polarity were found. They are reminiscent of similar magnetic features associated with sea floor spreading and crustal genesis on Earth but with a much larger spatial scale. They may be a relic of an era of plate tectonics on Mars.  相似文献   

综合经典电磁学中关于电与磁联系的基本实验定律及理论,经推导和分析得出电场与磁场的联系是运动磁场具有或表现出电场的特性,当一个具有磁感应强度为B的场,以速度V运动时,这个场的电场强度为E=B×VB.磁场的时变必然是由于磁场的运动所至,而运动的磁场具有电场的性质,因此所谓时变磁场产生电场只不过是运动磁场具有电场特性这一自然规律在特定条件下的一种表现.经典电磁学中把磁场分为静磁场和时变磁场是不合理的.因为与静止相应的是运动而不是时变.磁场的时变和磁场的电特性是伴生关系,而非因果关系,它们都是磁场运动的结果.所以时变磁场产生电场或者Faraday-Lenz定律不是一个普适的自然规律.但在有些条件下,运动磁场和其电场特性之间在数量上确实满足Faraday-Lenz定律,因此,作为一个从实验中总结出的规律,并有一定的理论根据,它可以在一些领域中作为数学工具用.  相似文献   

The warped heliospheric current sheet for early 1976 is calculated from the observed photospheric magnetic field by a potential field method. Comparisons with measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field polarity for early 1976 obtained at several locations in the heliosphere by Helios 1, Helios 2, Pioneer 11, and at the earth show a rather detailed agreement between the computed current sheet and the observations. It appears that the large-scale structure of the warped heliospheric current sheet is determined by the structure of the photospheric magnetic field and that "ballerina skirt" effects may add small-scale ripples.  相似文献   

Auroras are caused by accelerated charged particles precipitating along magnetic field lines into a planetary atmosphere, the auroral brightness being roughly proportional to the precipitating particle energy flux. The Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms experiment on the Mars Express spacecraft has made a detailed study of acceleration processes on the nightside of Mars. We observed accelerated electrons and ions in the deep nightside high-altitude region of Mars that map geographically to interface/cleft regions associated with martian crustal magnetization regions. By integrating electron and ion acceleration energy down to the upper atmosphere, we saw energy fluxes in the range of 1 to 50 milliwatts per square meter per second. These conditions are similar to those producing bright discrete auroras above Earth. Discrete auroras at Mars are therefore expected to be associated with plasma acceleration in diverging magnetic flux tubes above crustal magnetization regions, the auroras being distributed geographically in a complex pattern by the many multipole magnetic field lines extending into space.  相似文献   

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