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Micromolar calcium activated neutral protease (CAPN1) was evaluated as a candidate gene for a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on BTA29 affecting meat tenderness by characterization of nucleotide sequence variation in the gene. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were identified by sequencing all 22 exons and 19 of the 21 introns in two sires (Piedmontese x Angus located at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, NE; Jersey x Limousin located at AgResearch in New Zealand) of independent resource populations previously shown to be segregating meat tenderness QTL on BTA29. The majority of the 38 SNP were found in introns or were synonymous substitutions in the coding regions, with two exceptions. Exons 14 and 9 contained SNP that were predicted to alter the protein sequence by the substitution of isoleucine for valine in Domain III of the protein, and alanine for glycine in Domain II of the protein. The resource populations were genotyped for these two SNP in addition to six intronic polymorphisms and two silent substitutions. Analysis of genotypes and shear force values in both populations revealed a difference between paternal CAPN1 alleles in which the allele encoding isoleucine at position 530 and glycine at position 316 associated with decreased meat tenderness (increased shear force values) relative to the allele encoding valine at position 530 and alanine at position 316 (P < 0.05). The association of maternal alleles with meat tenderness phenotypes is consistent with the hypothesis of CAPN1 as the gene underlying the QTL effect in two independent resource populations and presents the possibility of using these markers for selective breeding to reduce the numbers of animals with unfavorable meat tenderness traits.  相似文献   

1. The objective of the study was to investigate the polymorphisms in two regions of the calpain 1 (CAPN1) gene and their association with breast and thigh meat quality in Japanese quail (ultimate pH (pHu), lightness, redness, yellowness, drip loss, thawing-cooking loss, water holding capacity and shear force, SF).

2. Blood samples were collected randomly from 100 birds and DNA was extracted using a commercial kit. Genotypes were determined by PCR amplification followed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The effect of CAPN1 genotypes on meat quality traits were analysed using a general linear model (GLM) procedure.

3. Genotypes of the CAPN1 gene in the first region (217-bp) analysed were significantly associated with yellowness and SF. The TT genotype showed significantly higher yellowness and lower shear force (more tenderness) than CT and CC genotypes. Genotypes of the second region of the gene (intron 4, 800-bp) were significantly associated with pHu, redness and SF of the breast meat. The BB genotype showed significantly lower pHu and redness and higher SF (lower tenderness) than other genotypes.

4. Information on polymorphisms of the CAPN1 gene will eventually provide useful information for improving meat quality of Japanese quail through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The three objectives of this study were to 1) test for the existence of beef tenderness markers in the CAPN1 gene segregating in Brahman cattle; 2) test existing CAPN1 tenderness markers in indicus-influenced crossbred cattle; and 3) produce a revised marker system for use in cattle of all subspecies backgrounds. Previously, two SNP in the CAPN1 gene have been described that could be used to guide selection in Bos taurus cattle (designated Markers 316 and 530), but neither marker segregates at high frequency in Brahman cattle. In this study, we examined three additional SNP in CAPN1 to determine whether variation in this gene could be associated with tenderness in a large, multisire American Brahman population. One marker (termed 4751) was associated with shear force on postmortem d 7 (P < 0.01), 14 (P = 0.015), and 21 (P < 0.001) in this population, demonstrating that genetic variation important for tenderness segregates in Bos indicus cattle at or near CAPN1. Marker 4751 also was associated with shear force (P < 0.01) in the same large, multisire population of cattle of strictly Bos taurus descent that was used to develop the previously reported SNP (referred to as the Germplasm Evaluation [GPE] Cycle 7 population), indicating the possibility that one marker could have wide applicability in cattle of all subspecies backgrounds. To test this hypothesis, Marker 4751 was tested in a third large, multisire cattle population of crossbred subspecies descent (including sire breeds of Brangus, Beefmaster, Bonsmara, Romosinuano, Hereford, and Angus referred to as the GPE Cycle 8 population). The highly significant association of Marker 4751 with shear force in this population (P < 0.001) confirms the usefulness of Marker 4751 in cattle of all subspecies backgrounds, including Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and crossbred descent. This wide applicability adds substantial value over previously released Markers 316 and 530. However, Marker 316, which had previously been shown to be associated with tenderness in the GPE Cycle 7 population, also was highly associated with shear force in the GPE Cycle 8 animals (P < 0.001). Thus, Marker 316 may continue to be useful in a variety of populations with a high percentage of Bos taurus backgrounds. An optimal marker strategy for CAPN1 in many cases will be to use both Markers 316 and 4751.  相似文献   

以中国草原红牛、西门塔尔牛、利木赞牛、天一冈山黑牛为试验对象,利用PCR-SSCP结合测序的方法进行SNPs检测,并采用SPSS软件分析CAPN3基因的遗传多态性与肉质性状的关系。结果表明,仅在草原红牛及天一冈山黑牛中发现第46 414处(NC_007308)发生G→T的突变,且发生G→T突变的位点所对应不同基因型的个体,其大理石花纹、失水率、滴水损失和剪切力这些肉质性状存在显著差异,而西门塔尔牛和利木赞牛中未发现此突变。  相似文献   


The contribution of three candidate genes to the variation in meat tenderness was tested in muscle samples from 243 pure-bred, young, beef bulls of Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental breeds, raised in Swedish commercial herds. The animals were genotyped for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the calpain 1 (CAPN1), calpastatin (CAST) and leptin genes. The frequent calpain 1 CAPN1:c.947G>C G allele showed an unfavourable association with tenderness. The calpastatin CAST:c.155C>T T allele, which was the most common allele, showed a favourable association with Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and compression tests. An association was observed between the leptin UASMS2C>T SNP and compression tests.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the effect of the calpain 1 (CAPN1) gene on carcass and meat quality traits in eight meat-type chicken populations, including five pure lines (developed from Chinese local breeds) and three cross-breeds. Primer pairs for the Coding Sequence (CDS) region in CAPN1 were designed from the chicken genomic sequence database. Polymorphisms were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequencing. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP; C2546T, G3535A and C7198A) were detected among individuals in each population. The associations of their haplotypes (H1 = CGA, H2 = CGC, H3 = CAA, H4 = CAC, H5 = TGA and H7 = TAA) with chicken breast muscle fibre and carcass traits were analysed. Results showed that the haplotypes were associated with live weight (LW), carcass weight (CW), breast muscle weight (BMW) and leg muscle weight (LMW) (p < 0.05), and were also related to eviscerated percentage (%EP) and breast muscle fibre density (p < 0.01). H1H3 haplotype was dominant for LW, CW and BMW; H1H5 haplotype was dominant for EP; H3H4 haplotype was dominant for LMW and H1H1 haplotype was dominant for BFD. It was concluded that the CAPN1 gene may be a major gene affecting meat quality traits of chicken or it is linked with the major gene. H1H3, H1H5 and H3H4 were the most advantageous haplotypes for carcass traits whereas H1H1 was the positive haplotype for breast muscle fibre trait.  相似文献   

草原红牛CAPN1基因第5外显子多态性与肉质性状的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以草原红牛为研究对象,对CAPN1基因的第5外显子进行SNP分析,发现第5外显子存在A3717G突变,同时与肉质性状进行相关分析发现其与pH及嫩度相关。这将为系统的研究草原红牛以及其他肉牛品种的肉质特性提供分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

选用134头西门塔尔牛为试验材料,采用PCR-RFLP的方法对PPP1CB基因的第一内含子进行检测,利用SPSS软件对该基因内含子1的多态性与肉质性状进行相关性分析。分析结果表明:PPP1CB基因的第一内含子第14 434bp碱基处存在C/T基因突变,该基因多态性与屠宰率呈显著相关,对其他性状的影响差异不显著。本文首次揭示了PPP1CB基因与牛肉质性状的相关性,为西门塔尔牛利用该基因的多态性进行分子育种提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

试验利用PCR-SSCP技术对寿光鸡CAPN1基因3'-UTR的多态性进行了检测,并进一步分析了其与肉质性状的相关性.结果显示,在寿光鸡群体中检测到AA、AB2种基因型,基因型频率分别为0.43、0.57,AB为优势基因型;A、B等位基因频率分别为0.715、0.285,A为优势等位基因;群体中未检测到BB基因型个体.经x2检验,群体处于Hardy-weinberg非平衡状态(P<0.05).CAPN1基因3'-UTR的多态性对胸肌pHu、腿肌pHu、肌内脂肪含量和胸肌剪切力有显著性影响(P<0.05);对腿肌剪切力、失水率、胸肌蒸煮损失和腿肌蒸煮损失无显著性影响(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Studies with different populations are required to properly characterize the robustness of associations of polymorphisms in candidate genes with economically important traits across beef cattle populations before this sort of genetic information can be used efficiently in breeding and management decisions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of previously reported SNP in the bovine leptin gene with carcass and meat quality traits from a large sample of crossbred beef cattle. Five SNP (UASMS1, UASMS2, UASMS3, E2JW, and E2FB) were genotyped on 1,111 crossbred bulls, heifers, and steers. The measured traits included fat, lean, and bone yield (%) by partial rib dissection, grade fat, LM area, HCW, quality grade, LM i.m. fat, and tenderness evaluation of LM and semitendinosus muscle. Only four SNP were analyzed (UASMS1, UASMS2, E2JW, and E2FB), because UASMS1 and UASMS3 were completely linked. A uni-variate mixed-inheritance animal model was used to evaluate the association of either genotypes or haplo-types with the traits. The two leptin exon 2 SNP were associated with fat and lean yield and grade fat (E2JW, P < 0.01; E2FB, P < 0.05), and they interacted in their effect on LM tenderness (P < 0.01). The leptin promoter SNP were either not associated with any of the traits (UASMS2) or with fat yield only (UASMS1). Three haplotypes (TCAC, CCAT, TTAC) were at high frequency in the population (88%) and had similar effects on all the traits. Compared with the common haplotypes, one haplotype (CCTT) showed a significantly different effect on fat and lean yield and grade fat (P < 0.01), and one haplotype (TTTT) had a different effect on LM tenderness (P < 0.03). Therefore, important associations between SNP within the leptin gene with lean yield, fatness (fat yield and subcutaneous fat), and tenderness were detected. Results confirm some of the previously reported associations, but diverge with respect to others, showing that further efforts are required to validate some prospective associations.  相似文献   

本研究以大连雪龙产业集团的F2代商品雪龙黑牛为试验动物,利用PCR-RFLP技术研究生长激素(GH)、钙激活蛋白酶(CAPN1)、钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白(CAST)基因的遗传多态性,并用最小二乘法拟合线性模型对各标记基因型与肉牛经济性状进行关联分析.结果显示,GH-P3、CAPN1 316和CAST-UoG SNPs位点属于中度多态.GH-P3位点与三角牛腩厚极显著相关(P<0.01),与上脑盖重、脂色等级显著相关(P<0.05),其中AA基因型个体三角牛腩厚分别比AB和BB基因型个体厚0.42、0.60 cm,上脑盖重分别比AB和BB基因型个体重0.52、0.78 kg,脂色等级分别比AB和BB基因型个体高0.95、1.16;CAST-UoG位点与三角牛腩厚和脂肪厚显著相关(P<0.05),其中AA基因型个体三角牛腩厚分别比AB和BB基因型个体厚0.32、0.30 cm,脂肪厚分别比AB和BB基因型个体厚0.80、0.47 cm;CAPN1 316位点与所研究的经济性状无明显的相关性(P>0.05).因此,在雪龙黑牛选育过程中可以把AA基因型作为标记基因型进行品种选育.  相似文献   

根据家鸭A-FABPmRNA序列和鸡A-FABP基因组序列设计1对引物扩增番鸭A-FABP基因内含子1序列。同时根据扩增产物设计5对引物,利用PCR-SSCP对番鸭A-FABP基因部分进行多态性研究及多态性与部分屠宰性状、肉质性状、胸肌肌内脂肪含量和血清甘油三酯含量关系。结果显示,克隆序列包含番鸭A-FABP基因外显子1、2部分序列和完整的内含子1序列,与家鸭和鸡A-FABP基因内含子1分别有序列94.43%和72.95%的同源性;经SSCP检测,在引物P3扩增片段上发现2处碱基突变:分别为1074处T-G和1089处A-C突变,这2处突变产生3种基因型AA、BB和AB型,χ2检验显示番鸭群体符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P0.05)。最小二乘分析显示,AA、AB型个体在胸肌率、肌肉pH值以及胸肌肌内脂肪含量均存在显著性差异(P0.05)。结果表明,番鸭A-FABP基因内含子1多态性可能对个体生产性能产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

选取105头延边黄牛为研究对象,利用克隆测序的方法寻找延边黄牛甲状腺球蛋白(thyroglobulin,TG)基因多态性,采用PCR-RLFP方法进行多态性检测,并与胴体和肉质性状进行了关联分析。结果表明,在TG基因第48外显子上发现C218T和A430G2个突变位点,其中C218T位点的不同基因型与大理石花纹存在显著相关,CC基因型个体大理石花纹等级显著高于CT型个体(P<0.05)。A430G位点的不同基因型与宰前活重和眼肌面积存在显著相关,GG基因型个体的宰前活重和眼肌面积显著高于AA型和AG型个体(P<0.05)。其他性状在2个位点的不同基因型间差异不显著。因此,C218T和A430G位点可能是影响延边黄牛胴体和肉质性状的分子标记。  相似文献   

Calpastatin (CAST) is a naturally occurring protein that inhibits the normal tenderization of meat as it ages postmortem. A SNP was identified in the CAST gene (a G to C substitution) and genotyped on crossbred commercially fed heifers (n = 163), steers (n = 226), and bulls (n = 61) from beef feedlots, and steers (n = 178) from a University of Guelph feeding trial. The association of the CAST SNP with carcass and meat quality traits was studied. Carcass traits included fat, lean, and bone yield; grade fat; LM area; and HCW. Meat quality traits included marbling grade; i.m. fat content of LM; tenderness evaluation of LM (Warner-Bratzler shear force) at 2, 7, 14, and 21 d of postmortem aging; and tenderness evaluation of semitendinosus muscle at 7 d of postmortem aging. The mixed model used in the analyses included fixed effects of CAST genotype, sex, slaughter group, and breed composition (linear covariate); sire was a random effect. For the analysis of shear force, i.m. fat content of LM was also included in the model as a linear covariate. Shear force measures were analyzed within days of postmortem aging and by repeated measures analysis. The CAST SNP allele C was more frequent (63%) in the crossbred population than allele G. The CAST SNP was associated with shear force across days of postmortem aging (P = 0.005); genotype CC yielded beef that was more tender than GG (-0.32 kg +/- 0.13), and CG had intermediate tenderness. The corresponding average allele substitution effect (G to C substitution) was also highly significant (-0.15 +/- 0.05 kg, P = 0.002). A lower percentage of unacceptably tough steaks (shear force > 5.7 kg) at 2 and 7 d postmortem was associated with an increasing number of C alleles (P < or = 0.05). At 7 d postmortem, the percentage of unacceptably tough steaks decreased by 24 and 35%, respectively, for animals carrying 1 and 2 copies of the C allele relative to animals with no C alleles. However, genotype CC had a greater fat yield (+1.44 +/- 0.56%; P = 0.037) than genotype GG, with a corresponding allele substitution effect of 0.67 +/- 0.27% (P = 0.015). Therefore, the CAST SNP allele C was associated with increased LM tenderness across days of postmortem aging and, importantly for the beef industry, had a significant reduction in the percentage of steaks rated unacceptably tough by consumers based on an assumed threshold level.  相似文献   

Kisspeptins, a family of neuropeptide encoded by the Kiss1 gene, have emerged as crucial regulator of fertility and reproduction by regulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. The present study was aimed to identify and associate SNPs in the KISS1 gene with reproductive traits in cattle of Indian origin. DNA samples collected from 300 individual cows of three Indian dairy breeds (Gir, Kankrej and Frieswal) of cattle were used in the study. The SNPs of KISS1 gene were identified with PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis using two sets of primer pairs. A total of 5 SNPs were identified in the targeted region of which, two were selected for screening the population and association studies. The analysis revealed that genotypes of rs442633552G>A and rs42022871C>T had a significant association with dry period. The SNP rs42022871C>T also established significant role in milk production traits, and selection of TT-genotyped animals will improve the reproduction and production potential of the animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationships between birth-weight-associated modifications in histological or chemical muscle characteristics and meat quality traits in pigs. At 68 d of age, Pietrain x (Large White x Landrace) female littermates were allocated into 2 groups on the basis of low birth weight (LW = 1.05 +/- 0.04 kg; n = 15) or high birth weight (HW = 1.89 +/- 0.02 kg; n = 15). Pigs were reared in individual pens with free access to a standard diet up to slaughter at approximately 112 kg of BW. During the growing-finishing period, LW and HW pigs had a similar daily feed consumption, whereas G:F was lower (P = 0.009) for LW pigs than for HW littermates. At final BW, LW pigs were 12 d older (P < 0.001) than HW littermates. Estimated lean meat content, relative proportions of loin and ham in the carcass, and weights of LM and semitendinosus muscle (SM) were decreased (P < 0.05) in LW pigs compared with HW pigs. Conversely, the LW pigs exhibited a fatter carcass, greater activity levels of fatty acid synthase and malic enzyme in backfat (n = 15 per group), and enlarged subcutaneous adipocytes (n = 8 per group) compared with the HW pigs. Similarly, lipid content was increased by 25% (P = 0.009), and mean adipocyte diameter was 12% greater (P = 0.008) in the SM from LW pigs compared with that from HW pigs, whereas lipid content did not vary in the LM of either group. Mean myofiber cross-sectional areas were 14% greater in the LM (P = 0.045) and the SM (P = 0.062) of LW pigs than of HW pigs. Conversely, the total number of myofibers was less (P = 0.003) in the SM of LW vs. HW pigs. There were no differences between groups for glycolytic potential at slaughter and rate and extent of postmortem pH decline in both muscles, as well as for LM drip losses. A trained sensory test panel judged the roast loin meat to be less tender (P = 0.002) in LW pigs relative to HW pigs. Scores for juiciness, flavor, flouriness, and fibrousness of meat did not differ between groups. Overall, negative but somewhat low correlation coefficients were found between LM tenderness score and ultimate pH (r = -0.36; P = 0.06) and between LM tenderness and mean cross-sectional area of myofibers (r = -0.34; P = 0.07). This study demonstrates a lower tenderness of meat from pigs that had a LW, partly as a result of their enlarged myofibers at market weight.  相似文献   

Follicular cysts, which is a common infertility disease, can cause financial losses in pig breeding programmes. The pathogenesis and mechanisms of the formation of follicular cysts are not understood clearly. In our previous study, the concentration of retinol‐binding protein 4 (RBP‐4) in the follicular fluid (FF) of the ovary with follicular cysts was found to be significantly higher than that of normal ovary, thereby suggesting that RBP‐4 may be a candidate biomarker for porcine follicular cysts. To study the association of RBP‐4 and follicular cysts further, we detected the polymorphisms of the RBP‐4 gene and the presence of follicular cysts by PCR‐Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay. In this study, we screened the mutations of RBP‐4 gene in 79 sows with follicular cysts and 100 normal sows without cysts. Results showed that +249‐63G>C polymorphisms were significantly associated with follicular cysts, and sows with CC genotype in RBP‐4 gene had a high risk of developing follicular cysts. Hence, our findings further proved that RBP‐4 may be a novel biomarker for follicular cysts, which may be valuable for the diagnosis of follicular cysts and molecular breeding of pigs.  相似文献   


1. Adenylosuccinate lyase (ADSL) plays an important role in the synthesis of inosine monophosphate (IMP). In this trial, a total of 200 pigeons were sampled and slaughtered. Seven meat quality traits and 11 carcass traits were measured. DNA sequencing was used to detect nucleotide mutations, and associations between ADSL gene polymorphisms and meat quality and carcass traits were analysed.

2. Sequencing results showed that 9 nucleotide mutations were found in the exons of the ADSL gene. All the mutations were synonymous except C13065G, which caused a change in amino acids (Ser to Arg). In addition, two of the detected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) had significant associations with meat quality and carcass traits.

3. For the C13065G SNP located in exon11, the IMP content of breast muscle in AA and AB genotype was higher than in the BB genotype (P < 0.01). The SNP G10696A located in exon10 was significantly associated with carcass rate, in which AA and AB genotype were higher than the BB genotype (P < 0.01).

4. The results indicated that the ADSL gene has a close association with meat quality and carcass traits in domestic pigeons, and G10696A and C13065G SNPs could be applied as genetic markers in molecular marker-assisted breeding of pigeons.  相似文献   

The usage of glycoprotein E (gE)-deleted BHV-1 marker or DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated animals) vaccines in combination with the accompanying determination of gE-specific antibodies is one of the basic parts of BHV-1 eradication programs in Germany. Following the adoption of the "Legislation for the protection of cattle holdings from an infection with Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1" in 1997, several million gE-antibody assays were conducted. Up to now, commercially available gE-blocking enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are the only test systems available for the detection of gE-specific antibodies. However, there are some difficulties to meet the high requirements on their performance. Therefore, role and function of gE in the virus and the host as well as the principle of gE marker assays, the test design and the capability of the mainly used ELISAs are illuminated in this paper. Additionally, suggestions concerning the optimal usage and the correct application of gE-blocking-ELISAs are discussed.  相似文献   

Protein proteolytic enzymes (Proprotein Convertase, PC) is a Ca2+‐dependent serine protease family, whose main function is to cleave precursors of biologically inactive proteins or peptide chains into active functional molecules. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 (PCSK1) gene is mainly expressed in nerve and endocrine tissues. In this study, PCSK1 was selected as an important candidate gene for abdominal fat content in broilers. We cloned the exon region of chicken PCSK1 gene and found six single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Association analysis was carried out and we found that the polymorphisms of these six SNPs were significantly associated with abdominal fat content in G19 and G20 populations. Five of these SNPs were significantly associated with abdominal fat content in G19 and G20 combined population. The polymorphism of these five SNPs was significantly correlated with the abdominal fat content of AA broilers. Together, our study demonstrated that c.927T>C, c.1880C>T, c.*900G>A, and c.*1164C>T were significantly associated with abdominal fat content in populations used in this study, which means that these SNPs in PCSK1 gene could be used as candidate markers to select lean broiler lines.  相似文献   

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