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半干旱地区樟子松育苗及造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 樟子松适应性强,耐干燥瘠薄,耐寒,能耐-50℃的低温,对土壤水份要求不严,根系发达,可充分利用土壤水分,固沙、固土效果良好,在风积沙土、砾质粗沙土、沙壤土、黑钙土、栗钙土、淋溶黑土、白浆土上都能生长,是营造速生用材林、各种防护林的重要树种。现将樟子松的育苗及造林技术简介如下:  相似文献   

1 播种育苗 1.1 育苗地的选择 育苗地应选择地势较平坦,土壤通透性好、有水源、交通便利的地方,最好是沙质壤土.  相似文献   

刺槐对土壤适应性强、耐干旱,是干旱半干旱荒山的主要造林树种之一。介绍了刺槐播种育苗、扦插育苗以及荒山造林技术。  相似文献   

叶晓鸿 《绿色科技》2014,(3):170+172-170,172
指出了加强阔叶材生产基地建设具有十分重要的意义,以肇庆地区为例,分析了乡土阔叶树育苗及管理措施,提出了相应的对策与建议,以期为今后的管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

旱柳具有生长速度快,繁殖快捷,树形美观的特点。进行旱柳规范化育苗,以选择土层深厚的沙壤土为宜,育苗前要进行精妇整地,种条以选择无病虫害的木质化程度良好的枝条为宜,扦插后,要进行高标准的田间管理,苗条整枝,病虫害防治技术。  相似文献   

一、油松的特性 油松为松科松属植物,它喜光、根深、侧根发达、抗风力强、喜干冷气候。能耐-25℃低温,但不耐严寒,耐干燥,不耐水湿及盐碱,在沙地、微酸性土、中性土及钙质黄土上均能生长。是北方石质山区造林首选树种。 二、苗圃地的选择 油松育苗地应选择在地势平坦、背风向阳、交通方便、靠近水源、劳力充足、便于管理的地方,且土壤的通透性较好,排水良好,土壤以沙壤土为宜即上松下紧型,并要有较好的防风及防护措施。PH值要求在6~7.5。油松根部具有菌根菌,重茬育苗更好。 三、整地 由于我区气候干旱、风沙大,以4月上、…  相似文献   

油松是干旱、半干旱地区主要造林树种之一,西部开发生态先行。为保证优质种苗供给,文章通过对油松育苗技术的阐述,使更多的人掌握育苗事业的技术,促进油松育苗事业的发展。  相似文献   

半干旱地区沙地云杉播种育苗试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过沙地云杉播种育苗,研究了不同播种时间、不同遮阴方式、不同播种方式对播种出苗量和生长的影响,同时通过对地温的研究。阐明了生态条件对苗木生长的影响。最终提出在嫩江平原区限制沙地云杉育苗的主要因子和适时早播、采用高床、条播方式等有利于提高育苗质量的方法。  相似文献   

阔叶树种容器育苗配套技术试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选用香樟、乳源木莲、马褂木、紫楠4种浙江省主要乡土阔叶造林树种,开展其容器育苗配套技术研究.试验表明,不同树种、不同配比基质的容器苗生长性状差异显著,优先推荐阔叶树半轻型基质配方是泥炭土:焦泥灰∶黄心土∶钙镁磷肥 = 39∶40∶20∶1.乳源木莲等前期生长较慢的树种适用管状容器,而香樟、马褂木等前期生长较快的树种适用杯状容器.并对容器育苗配套技术进行了系统研究.  相似文献   

Occurrence and pathogenicity of Oomycota species causing root rot were investigated in 10 forest tree nurseries in western Turkey. Soil samples (129 in total) taken from the rhizosphere of symptomatic seedlings were baited for Oomycota using young leaves of Quercus suber, Rhododendron simsii and R. ponticum. Oomycota (178 isolates) were obtained by culturing on selective media, and identified using morphological methods followed by PCR and sequencing of the ITS rDNA and cox1 regions. Phytophthora aff. cactorum, P. citricola sensu lato, P. crassamura, P. syringae, Pythium aphanidermatum, Py. intermedium, Py. irregulare, Py. ultimum and Phytopythium vexans were common amongst the isolates. The highest diversity of Oomycota was found in the forest nurseries at Adapazar?‐Hendek and ?zmir‐Torbal?. Pathogenicity tests showed that the isolates caused lesions on a range of host plants. The importance of these nursery infections in transferring potentially damaging oomycete species to Turkish forests is discussed.  相似文献   

Composition of polysaccharides in the cones of conifer species growing in Turkey was studied. The content of polysaccharides was between 39 and 57% (w/w). The total amount of polysaccharides was generally higher in pine species. Polyoses were the predominant polysaccharides. The percentage of polyoses was between 23.3 and 33.9% (w/w). The main units of polyoses were mannose and galactose, while in some species xylose was the other important sugar unit. Between 1 and 6.7% of the polyoses were soluble in hot water. Polyoses were more readily dissolved from fir species than from other species. Galactoglucomannan was dissolved from all cones. Contrary to wood, the content of cellulose was only between 13 and 27.5% (w/w) in cones.  相似文献   

杉木轻基质网袋容器育苗技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章介绍了应用轻基质网袋容器培育杉木壮苗的新技术。以沙壤土为基质进行播种,幼苗高5-8cm时移入轻基质网袋容器,基质以松皮粉60%+锯末25%+炭化锯末15%为宜,约1a生时85%以上苗木的地径大于0.50cm、苗高大于25cm,这时即可出圃造林。  相似文献   

Survival and growth of planted white spruce was assessed under partial harvest treatments and different site preparation techniques in mixedwood forests of two compositions prior to logging: deciduous dominated (d-dom) – primarily comprised of mature trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and coniferous dominated (c-dom) – primarily comprised of mature white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Levels of overstory retention were 0% (clearcut), 50% and 75% of original basal area, and site preparation techniques were inverted mounding, high speed mixing, scalping and control (no treatment). The survival and growth of white spruce were assessed seven years after planting. The experiment was established as a part of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) experiment located in northern Alberta, Canada. In the c-dom, the 50% and 75% retention of overstory resulted in reduced growth and survival of white spruce seedlings compared to clearcuts. In contrast, in the d-dom, the seedlings performed best in sites that had 50% of the overstory retained. For the c-dom, the mounding and mixing treatments yielded the best growth of spruce seedlings, while scalping yielded the worst. In the d-dom, spruce growth was highest in sites with the mixing treatment. In the d-dom, growth and survival of the planted spruce was greater than in the c-dom. The natural regeneration of deciduous trees was suppressed by the retention of canopy regardless of original composition.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in water status and gas exchange were assessed in 2-year-old seedlings of Quercus pubescens Willd., Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne subsp. macrolepis (Kotsch) Hedge & Yalt, and Quercus frainetto Ten. during the 2004 growing season characterized by the typical summer drought conditions observed in Greece. The seedlings were grown under field conditions. After establishment half of the seedlings were well watered, while the rest received no irrigation other than natural rainfall. Measurements were conducted from April to October.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加快和城市规模的扩展,城市绿化的工程规模和建设速度也逐步加快,每年对绿化树种苗木需求量逐步增加,特别是对常绿针叶树种的苗量需求更大。但是在西北地区(如宁夏等)由于气候条件等的特殊性,使得一些绿化工程中新栽针叶树植株和外地调进常绿针叶树苗木的成活率降低,从而影响其综合效益的发挥并造成一定的经济损失,如何提高常绿针叶树种大苗移植成活率的技术问题受到关注。  相似文献   

3个树种容器育苗技术及效益试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
容器育苗具有育苗周期短、成苗快、造林季节长、适应性强、成活率高等优点,已成为林业、园艺中培育壮苗的先进技术.通过试验表明,容器苗平均高和根径是裸根苗的1.25倍和1.24倍,单位面积Ⅰ、Ⅱ级容器苗平均产量比裸根苗高30%;造林成活率比裸根苗高44%,综合投资比裸根苗低40.3%.  相似文献   

沙棘育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨茂生  高国雄 《沙棘》2004,17(1):44-46
为了帮助广大种植沙棘的农民朋友们了解和掌握运用沙棘生产和开发利用中的有关科学知识和技术,我们约请了有关专家编写了《沙棘科技讲座》,现由本刊分期刊登,以供在生产实践中参考。我们热忱欢迎各有关方面的沙棘生产与科技工作者指正补充,以进一步为我国的沙棘开发利用事业做好服务。  相似文献   

通过基质配比、容器规格、缓释肥用量及容器空气切根与否4个处理对1年生木荷容器苗生长性状差异进行研究,以选择出最佳的木荷容器育苗方案。结果表明:1年生木荷容器苗受基质和空气切根的影响不显著,其基质配比中泥炭比例达到50%即可。而缓释肥用量、容器规格对木荷1年生容器苗的苗高和地径生长影响显著,木荷1年生容器苗的苗高和地径生长量随缓释肥用量的增加而增大,缓释肥量2.5 kg/m3时其苗高和地径生长量最大,容器规格为4.5 cm×12 cm时生长表现最好。综合考虑容器苗生产成本,1年生木荷容器苗最佳育苗方案为:基质中泥炭-谷壳配比为5∶5,无纺布容器规格为4.5 cm×8 cm,基质中缓释肥量为2.5 kg/m3。  相似文献   

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