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利用分支分类学方法,对中国团毛菌目黏菌子实体的形态结构特征在分类中的地位进行了重新评价,将团毛菌目黏菌重新划分为2个科:散丝菌科和团毛菌科,前者包括散丝菌属、纹丝菌属、盖碗菌属和贫丝菌属;后者包括团网菌属、半网菌属、变毛菌属和团毛菌属。同时根据形态特征从系统发育角度讨论了各属间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

长蠕孢菌(Helminthosporium)分类位置的变动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长蠕孢菌原属半知菌类的丛梗孢目,丛梗孢科里的一个属。1973年Kendrick和Carmichael在Ainsworth、Sparrow和Sussman著的The Fungi ⅣA一书里,将这类菌归属于半知菌亚门,丝孢菌纲里的多隔孢子属群(Phragmosporous genera)。 据Ainsworth和Bisby的1954年版真菌学字典里记述长蠕孢菌有175种。寄生于禾本科植物上的约有100种,其它的种则分别分寄生于双子叶植物、煤灰菌类的菌落上,或腐生  相似文献   

云南兰科植物菌根内生真菌种类研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从云南省兰科植物主产区的8个地区11个品种89株兰科植物的营养根上分离获得真菌菌株184个,其中出现频率较高或文献曾报道为兰科内生菌根真菌的有65个.根据菌落形态、菌丝特征、产孢结构、孢子形态及子实体诱导等大致分为18类,分别隶属于丝核菌属、兰科丝核菌类、毛壳菌属、木霉属、镰刀菌属、顶枝孢、束格孢属、团丝核菌属、Trichosporiellasp.、Gli-omastix murorum、兰小姑、微囊菌属、Catenularia piceae、丝孢纲的其他属等.  相似文献   

为探究网柄细胞状黏菌的表观形态特征与其遗传信息之间的关系,选择细胞裂解液OTTO及荧光染料碘化丙啶,以酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae为内标,采用流式细胞术对隶属于网柄菌属Dictyostelium的9个种进行基因组大小的测定,并将所获得的9种网柄细胞状黏菌基因组大小的数据分别与其孢堆果大小及孢子团直径的数值进行线性回归分析。结果表明,被测网柄细胞状黏菌基因组大小约为27.23~47.07 Mb,且其基因组大小与孢堆果大小和孢子团直径均呈正相关。  相似文献   

一、病害症状黄瓜黑星病(Cladosporium cucumerinum Ell.&Arth.)属半知菌亚门(Deuteromycotina)丝孢纲(Hyphomycetes)丝孢目(Hyphomycetales)黑色菌科(Dematiaceae)枝孢属(Cladosporium)。是检疫性病害,可危害叶片、茎蔓、卷须和瓜条,幼嫩部分受害重。幼苗期发病,子叶上产生黄白色圆形斑点,后全叶干枯。成株期嫩茎染病,出现水渍状暗绿色梭形斑,以后变暗色,凹陷龟裂,湿度大时长出灰黑色霉层;卷须染病变褐腐烂;生长点染病,经两三天烂掉形成秃桩;叶片染  相似文献   

对从新鲜冬青卫矛茎内分离得到的链格孢属真菌菌株进行培养.结果表明:(1)菌落在PDA培养基和改良KB培养基上舒展,白色、垫状,后期菌落变暗褐色,孢子黑色,基质呈黑色;(2)菌株在25℃培养14 d后,在白色菌落表面形成暗褐色菌落,为菌株分生孢子所形成,并有黑色色素分泌;(3)菌株属于丝孢纲丝孢目链格孢属的一种;(4)对菌株孢子观察后,发现多型现象,即发现了有性与无性生殖过程,将其有性态定为子囊菌的李维菌属.  相似文献   

从山东沾化地区采集到苏丹草大斑病病叶,分离纯化得到纯菌种,通过对其培养性状描述、生长速度测量、产孢方式、分生孢子梗、分生孢子形态的显微描绘与计测和致病性测定,得出鉴定结果:苏丹草大斑病菌为半知菌亚门(Deutercmycotlrm)丝孢纲(Hyphornycetes)丝孢目(Agoncmycetules)突脐孢属(Exserohilum Leonard et Suggs)大斑突脐孢[E.tucicum(Pass.)Leonaral et Suggs]致病性测定采用了孢子悬液喷洒法、菌片接种法和毒素液接种法3种接种方法,其中孢子悬液喷洒法较其它两种方法产生的病斑数量多,症状明显,是最佳接种方法。  相似文献   

本文首次记载了四种腐生于木头和枯枝,分别代表我国半知菌新记录属的真菌。采自柳树(Salix sp.)和白榆(Ulmus pumila)的掌状网格孢(Dictyosporium toruloides)其产孢细胞为全壁芽生式,分生孢子手掌状;粘环孢(Myxocyclus polycistis)采自桦属(Betula)和栒子属(Cotoneaster)植物,是该菌的寄主世界新记录,这种菌产生盘状至垫状的子实体,产孢细胞为全壁芽生式,分生孢子砖格状,具离壁隔膜,孢子及梗包裹在胶质壳内;忍冬锥壳孢(Sphaerographium lonicerae)其分生孢子器具长喙,生于忍冬(Lonicera heterophylla)枝上,产孢细胞为内壁瓶梗状芽生式,分生孢子镰刀状;生于白榆枝条上的门座孢(Thyrostroma compactum)具垫状分生孢子座,全壁环痕芽生式产孢细胞及暗色的砖格分生孢子。  相似文献   

本文报道油桐枯枝病菌——油桐丛赤壳(Nectria aleuritidia Chen et Zhang)的无性时期,属半知菌亚门,丝孢纲、丛梗孢目、丛梗孢科、柱孢属的一新种,命名为油桐柱孢(Cylindrocarpon aleuritum sp.nov.)  相似文献   

引起唐松草(Thalictrum spp)叶斑点的唐松草单担梗霉菌(Hpalob-asidion thalictri Eriksson)隶属于真菌半知菌亚门,丝孢纲、单担梗霉属(Haplo-basidion)的一种霉菌,主要特征为产生顶端膨大的担子状分生孢子梗,全壁芽殖式产孢细胞及向顶式生长的串生分生孢子。我国尚未有这个菌的记载,为我国半知菌新纪录种。高山唐松草(T.alpinum L.)为该菌的世界寄主新纪录。  相似文献   

首次用PCR法扩得长尖团毛菌小亚基rDNA片段   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用引物SMNUR101和NS6对长尖团毛茵小亚基rDNA进行了PCR扩增,取得成功,片段长度约为1400bp。用1对引物扩得这样长的长尖团毛茵小亚基片段,在国内外还属首次。  相似文献   

在自然感病的桃蚜虫尸上分离获得一根虫瘟霉(Zoophthoraradicans)菌株(Zryzh),对菜蚜有一定的侵染能力。本文利用室内离体方法对该菌株生物学特性进行了研究,结果表明:Zryzh在固体平板上生长和产孢的最适温度为20℃,当温度高于30℃时产孢量明显降低,而当温度达到35℃时生长与产孢量均受抑制。不同光照和酸碱度的处理对Zryzh菌落生长与产孢有差异,最适的pH范围是7~9,明暗交替(12L:12D)有利于Zryzh的生长与产孢。  相似文献   

采用Primer 5.0软件设计引物,共设计有效扩增SSR引物112对,经筛选,其中97对在39份双孢蘑菇基因组中扩增出明显差异条带,25对在As2796单孢分离子代群体中表现出多态性,19对引物在单孢分离子代中遵循孟德尔自由分离定律。进一步研究表明共检测到67个等位基因,平均每个位点2.68个,平均Neis基因多样性指数为0.502 3。8份双孢蘑菇品种的遗传相似系数变化范围为0.336 3~0.864 1,平均值为0.538 5;基于Nei-s 遗传相似系数的UPGMA聚类分析,在遗传距离0.46处,8个双孢蘑菇品种(系)分为2个类群,亲缘关系的远近与其种质来源有一定的相关性。这些潜在的多态性SSR 的开发为双孢蘑菇遗传多样性分析、图谱构建提供了更丰富的候选分子标记基础,为进一步进行双孢蘑菇新品种的选育和种质资源的分析评价及管理提供了遗传依据。  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid solutions supplied through micropipettes to explants from dormant branches of white pine (Pinus strobus L.) stimulate changes in the cambial zone. Immature sieve cells expand radially and exhibit cytological changes usually associated with spring maturation. Diflerentiation of sieve cells continues in response to treatment and is recognized by the birefringence of secondary walls when examined with the polarizing microscope.  相似文献   

Fungal pathogens and especially grey mould are among the most virulent bio-aggressors of protected crops. A warm, moist greenhouse climate encourages the outbreak of explosive epidemics, of Botrytis cinerea in particular. The aim of this study was to simulate Botrytis spore concentration and deposition patterns in a greenhouse and model the inside climate conditions.The general flow equations were solved using the Fluent® CFD code with a simulation of the coupling between aerial transport and crop activity based on earlier research. A specific Eulerian particle transfer module was added to account for spore transfer with a new species: the Botrytis spore concentration. To describe the spore transport equation, the governing equations were modified, adding a vertical terminal velocity term accounting for the effect of gravity on the spores and sink terms accounting for spore interception by impaction or deposition.The necessary parameters for the model, together with spore concentration and climate boundary conditions, were determined in an experimental study of a rose greenhouse with roof and lateral vents equipped with insect-proof nets. These experimental devices have already been exploited for validating a ventilation model and a Botrytis spore balance. In addition to these previous studies, the present paper was essentially designed to determine greenhouse climate and spore concentration and deposition patterns.The accuracy of the inside-outside air temperature difference simulation is good but deteriorates for inside-outside air humidity. Spore transfer is also accurately simulated, with a mean error of only 0.2 sp m−3 for daytime and 0.53 sp m−3 for night time. The observed values of spore deposition show a similar order of magnitude to the simulations. However, validation was hindered by difficulties encountered in measuring spore deposition, even on an average daily time scale. Analysis of the heterogeneity of the simulated distribution of spore deposition and concentration revealed that, when the Botrytis spores came from outside, their concentrations in the air are filtered by the insect proof nets on the vent openings and then by the crop canopy - the rose stems, buds and leaves.Consequently, if, as in this case, no inoculums is produced inside the greenhouse, we note a considerable decrease in inside airborne spore concentration due to these various filters and considerable spore deposition on the crop cover near the vent openings where the air enters. This approach can provide information's on the patterns of inoculums deposition and climate conditions explaining the risks of future fungal development.  相似文献   

以龙泉灵芝孢子粉产业为主要研究对象,研究和总结了龙泉市灵芝孢子粉产业现状特征及规模。在结合龙泉市灵芝孢子粉质量安全的现实情况的基础上,设计了灵芝孢子粉质量安全溯源制度的主体框架和功能结构,运用HACCP危害分析技术,分析了从生产、加工、运输到销售等过程中影响灵芝孢子粉质量安全的关键因素,研究了符合灵芝孢子粉产业的质量安全追溯系统,使其能够对产品供应链中反映灵芝孢子粉质量安全的信息进行有效地追溯、跟踪和预警。  相似文献   

Fungal pathogens and especially grey mould are among the most virulent bio-aggressors of protected crops. A warm, moist greenhouse climate encourages the outbreak of explosive epidemics, of Botrytis cinerea in particular. The aim of this study was to simulate Botrytis spore concentration and deposition patterns in a greenhouse and model the inside climate conditions.The general flow equations were solved using the Fluent® CFD code with a simulation of the coupling between aerial transport and crop activity based on earlier research. A specific Eulerian particle transfer module was added to account for spore transfer with a new species: the Botrytis spore concentration. To describe the spore transport equation, the governing equations were modified, adding a vertical terminal velocity term accounting for the effect of gravity on the spores and sink terms accounting for spore interception by impaction or deposition.The necessary parameters for the model, together with spore concentration and climate boundary conditions, were determined in an experimental study of a rose greenhouse with roof and lateral vents equipped with insect-proof nets. These experimental devices have already been exploited for validating a ventilation model and a Botrytis spore balance. In addition to these previous studies, the present paper was essentially designed to determine greenhouse climate and spore concentration and deposition patterns.The accuracy of the inside–outside air temperature difference simulation is good but deteriorates for inside–outside air humidity. Spore transfer is also accurately simulated, with a mean error of only 0.2 sp m−3 for daytime and 0.53 sp m−3 for night time. The observed values of spore deposition show a similar order of magnitude to the simulations. However, validation was hindered by difficulties encountered in measuring spore deposition, even on an average daily time scale. Analysis of the heterogeneity of the simulated distribution of spore deposition and concentration revealed that, when the Botrytis spores came from outside, their concentrations in the air are filtered by the insect proof nets on the vent openings and then by the crop canopy – the rose stems, buds and leaves.Consequently, if, as in this case, no inoculums is produced inside the greenhouse, we note a considerable decrease in inside airborne spore concentration due to these various filters and considerable spore deposition on the crop cover near the vent openings where the air enters. This approach can provide information's on the patterns of inoculums deposition and climate conditions explaining the risks of future fungal development.  相似文献   

Single spore isolation is a fundamental approach in plant pathology and mycology to isolate and identify plant fungal pathogens from diseased samples. However, routine single spore isolation procedure is time-consuming and has a high risk of contamination by other microorganisms. In this study, we developed a rapid approach for isolating a single spore of the fungal pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae, from rice blast diseased leaves in the paddy field with low potential of contamination. First, rice blast leaves with single lesions were selected in the paddy field, and a single lesion was cut out and pressed and dragged gently across the surface of water agar. Next, a germinated single spore with a barely visible piece of agar was cut out of water agar with a dissecting needle under a stereomicroscope at approximately 120-fold magnification. Last, the germinated single spore with water agar was transferred onto oatmeal tomato agar for growth and preservation. Based on our experience, a skilled technician or student can successfully isolate single spore from over 150 independent diseased samples with nearly no contaminations in a single working day. This approach is also suitable for isolating single spore from other fungal disease samples that produce abundant aerial conidia.  相似文献   

 【目的】探讨西瓜、水稻根分泌物及其中的酚酸类物质对西瓜专化型尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum,FON)的影响,阐释西瓜枯萎病的发生和西瓜/旱作水稻间作系统改善西瓜连作枯萎病的机理。【方法】营养液培养法收集西瓜根分泌物(REW)和水稻根分泌物(RER),研究其对FON生长的影响;HPLC法分离鉴定REW和RER中的酚酸类物质,并通过外源添加法研究该类物质对FON生长的影响。【结果】REW能显著促进FON孢子萌发和产孢,与对照相比,1.0 mL和5.0 mL 的REW对FON孢子萌发的促进率分别为46.9%和59.2%;在0.1 mL至2.0 mL范围内,REW对FON产孢的促进率从10.8 %逐渐增加到84.6 %;而RER能显著抑制FON孢子萌发和产孢,1.0 mL和5.0 mL RER对FON孢子萌发抑制率分别为14.3 %和6.1 %;并在0.1 mL至2.0 mL范围内,对该菌产孢的抑制率由4.6%增至37.5%。在REW和RER中同时检测到水杨酸、对羟基苯甲酸和邻苯二甲酸,而阿魏酸和香豆酸分别单独存在于REW和RER中;且RER中以香豆酸含量最高(占总量的37.9%);其酚酸总量是REW的1.4倍。综合FON孢子萌发、产孢能力和菌丝生长三项测定指标,香豆酸的抑菌效果最显著,抑制率分别为9.1%—70.5%、24.1%—100.0%和2.5%—47.5%,其次是水杨酸;而阿魏酸、对羟基苯甲酸、邻苯二甲酸对FON孢子萌发、产孢有不同程度的促进作用,以阿魏酸最为突出,浓度为40—160 mg•L-1时促进率分别为28.6%—114.3%和17.7%—54.8%。【结论】西瓜根分泌物对FON有刺激作用而水稻根分泌物对FON却具有抑制作用,这为阐释西瓜/旱作水稻间作系统改善西瓜连作枯萎病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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