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Nine ruminally cannulated mixed-breed steers were used in a split-plot design to evaluate effects of fat supplementation and forage maturity on intake, digestibility, and ruminal fermentation. Treatment was the main plot, and stage of forage maturity was the subplot. Treatments were supplements containing mineral pack (M) offered at 114 g/d; M plus fiber as soybean hulls-wheat middlings (MF) offered at 0.50% BW; and MF plus tallow (MFT) offered at 0.625% BW. Stages of wheat maturity were mid-March (MAR) and early April (APR). Steers grazed in a single wheat pasture with supplements offered individually at 0700 h daily. There were supplement type x forage maturity interactions (P < 0.05) for forage OM, CP, and NDF intakes. During MAR, forage OM, CP, and NDF intakes were not affected (P > 0.05) by supplementation. During APR, forage OM, CP, and NDF intakes differed (MF = M > MFT, P < 0.05). There was also supplement type x forage maturity interaction (P = 0.04) for forage OM digestibility. The OM digestibility differed during MAR (M = MF > MFT, P < 0.05) and during APR (MF > M > MFT, P < 0.05). Crude protein digestibility was affected by supplement type (M > MF > MFT, P < 0.05) and stage of forage maturity (MAR > APR, P < 0.01). Rates of DM and NDF ruminal disappearance were not affected (P > 0.05) by supplement or forage maturity. Supplementation increased (P < 0.05) ruminal propionate concentration (19.7, 21.4, and 25.1 +/- 0.49 mol/100 mol for M, MF, and MFT, respectively). Tallow can be used in supplements for cattle grazing wheat pasture to increase energy intake without negatively affecting forage intake or ruminal fermentation, particularly if used in the early stage of wheat maturity. 相似文献
This experiment was conducted with stocker steers to determine the effects of supplementary fiber and grain on ruminal acid concentrations and OM intake following abrupt dietary change to lush, primary-growth wheat (Triticum aestivum) pasture and to measure the effects of those supplements on weight gain at different levels of herbage mass (HM). Each of four irrigated wheat pastures (2.4, 3.6, 4.9, and 6.1 ha) was stocked with nine Angus crossbred steers (mean = 189 kg). In each pasture, three steers were individually fed a daily supplement of 11.3 g of cottonseed hulls (CSH)/kg BW(.75), three steers were fed a supplement mixture of 11.3 g CSH/kg BW(.75) and 8.5 g corn grain/kg BW(.75), and three steers remained as controls. Body weight and HM changes were measured at 28-d intervals throughout the experiment. Ruminal samples for VFA determination were collected twice during the 1st wk on pasture. Organic matter intake calculations were based on fecal output and OM digestibility estimates made during the 2nd wk on pasture. Fecal outputs were estimated from nonlinear least squares analyses using a two-compartment rumen model of excretion patterns of Yb following a single oral dose. Digestibility of OM was estimated using indigestible NDF in feed and feces as an internal marker. Dietary supplements had no detectable effect on ruminal VFA characteristics. The magnitude of changes in ruminal acetate:propionate ratios between d 3 and 7 on pasture was significantly and negatively related to ADG during the first 28-d growth measurement period. Body condition scores taken on d 0 also had a significant, negative relationship to ADG. Average fecal output was greater for steers fed supplements (36 g/kg BW(.75)) than for control steers (30 g/kg BW(.75)) (P < .03). The supplements also significantly reduced estimates of total diet OM digestibility. However, supplements had no measurable effect on BW changes. Herbage mass up to 1,000 kg/ha had a significant and positive effect on ADG, which was 1.44 kg during Period 1, when HM was apparently not limiting in any pasture. The deduced threshold level of the influence of HM on ADG was 850 kg/ha. Under the conditions of this experiment, the effects of supplemental fiber and(or) grain on fecal output and OM digestibility were detected. However, in the amounts fed, these supplements had no detectable effect on ADG at any level of HM. 相似文献
Two trials evaluated the effects of a monensin ruminal delivery device (MRDD) on steers grazing winter wheat pasture. In Trial 1, 60 Hereford steers (initial wt 238.5 kg) grazed a 21.9-ha paddock of Vona-variety winter wheat for 112 d. Steers were assigned to either MRDD or control (C) treatments in a randomized complete block design. In Trial 2, eight ruminally cannulated steers (avg wt 234.4 kg) grazed a 2.4-ha paddock of Vona-variety wheat and were assigned randomly to either MRDD or C treatments. Three 11-d collection periods were conducted during early February, early March and early April. Chromic oxide was dosed to determine fecal output, and ruminal samples were collected on d 6 of each period. Nylon bags containing ground wheat forage were incubated ruminally beginning on d 8. In Trial 1, steers with MRDD tended (P less than .11) to gain more weight than C steers (.44 vs .38 kg/d). In Trial 2, wheat forage intake, in situ DM disappearance, ruminal pH, ruminal ammonia concentrations and ruminal proportions of acetate and total VFA concentrations were not affected by treatment. Ruminal proportions of propionate were increased (P less than .05) slightly by MRDD (20.3 and 19.2 mol/100 mol for MRDD and C, respectively). Butyrate proportions in ruminal samples were decreased (P less than .05) by MRDD during March but not in other sampling periods. Ruminal fluid chlorophyll concentration was less (P less than .05) for MRDD-treated vs C steers during early March but was greater (P less than .10) for MRDD-treated steers during early April. The MRDD shows promise as a method of supplying monensin to cattle grazing winter wheat forage. 相似文献
Despite potential benefits, limitations of individual tropical legumes have restricted development of sustainable grass-legume pastures in tropical and subtropical regions. Sowing mixtures of complementary legumes may overcome limitations of individual species. Responses of yearling steers grazing a mixture of three tropical legumes with bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) were evaluated at three stocking rates under continuous grazing. Carpon desmodium (Desmodium heterocarpon [L.] DC.), which is persistent under grazing but often difficult to establish, was combined with the short-lived legumes aeschynomene (Aeschynomene americana L.) and phasey bean (Macroptilium lathyroides [L.] Urb.). Diet composition, as determined by microhistological analysis of fecal samples, and animal performance were evaluated in three grazing periods: summer 1987 and spring 1988 (2.0, 3.5, and 5.0 steers/ha) and summer 1988 (3.0, 5.3, and 7.5 steers/ha). Stocking rate did not affect percentage of the selectively grazed legumes, aeschynomene and phasey bean, in the diet. Average daily gain decreased linearly (P less than .05) with increased stocking rate, as is typical for grass pastures. Aeschynomene and phasey bean contributed to diets during the first summer, and carpon desmodium contribution was greater in the second summer. These results indicate that this pasture mixture can provide legume herbage from aeschynomene and phasey bean in the year of sowing and from carpon desmodium thereafter. Over the range of grazing pressures obtained, legume responses were generally consistent; thus, optimizing stocking rate for gain per hectare or for economic returns can be targeted without additional constraints to maintain the contribution of these legumes to grazing livestock. 相似文献
This study was designed to compare the animal production per unit area and per animal at 3 different stocking rates in combination with two deworming programs. Due to drought conditions, fecal egg output, serum pepsinogen levels and herbage larval counts were low throughout the grazing season. The beneficial effects of the strategic deworming program were, however, indicated by lower fecal egg counts and serum pepsinogen levels in the treated groups during most of the grazing season. Differences in weight gain, favoring the treated groups, were also observed and a clear effect of stocking rate was demonstrated. The lowest stocking rate groups continuously had the lowest egg output and serum pepsinogen levels and the highest average weight gain per animal. The experiment also clearly showed that the production per unit area increased with an increase in stocking rate. The medium and high stocking rate groups had a production per unit area exceeding that of the conventional stocking rate group by 15 and 45%, respectively. 相似文献
Driskill R Russell JR Strohbehn DR Morrical DG Barnhart SK Lawrence JD 《Journal of animal science》2007,85(6):1577-1586
A winter grazing experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of stocking rate and corn gluten feed supplementation on forage mass and composition and the BW and BCS of bred 2-yr-old cows grazing stockpiled forage during winter. Two 12.2-ha blocks containing Fawn, endophyte-free, tall fescue and red clover were each divided into 4 pastures of 2.53 or 3.54 ha. Hay was harvested from the pastures in June and August of 2003 and 2004, and N was applied at 50.5 kg/ha at the initiation of stockpiling in August. On October 22, 2003, and October 20, 2004, twenty-four 30-mo-old Angus-Simmental and Angus cows were allotted by BW and BCS to strip-graze for 147 d at 0.84 or 1.19 cow/ha. Eight similar cows were allotted to 2 dry lots and fed tall fescue-red clover hay ad libitum. Corn gluten feed was fed to cows in 2 pastures to maintain a mean BCS of 5 (9-point scale) at each stocking rate and in the dry lots (high supplementation level) or when weather prevented grazing (low supplementation level) in the remaining 2 pastures at each stocking rate. Mean concentrations of CP in yr 1 and 2 and IVDMD in yr 2 were greater (P < 0.10) in hay than stockpiled forage over the winter. At the end of grazing, cows fed hay in dry lots had greater (P < 0.05) BCS in yr 1 and greater (P < 0.10) BW in yr 2 than grazing cows. Grazing cows in the high supplementation treatment had greater (P < 0.10) BW than cows grazing at the low supplementation level in yr 1. Cows in the dry lots were fed 2,565 and 2,158 kg of hay DM/cow. Amounts of corn gluten feed supplemented to cows in yr 1 and 2 were 46 and 60 kg/ cow and did not differ (P = 0.33, yr 1; P = 0.50, yr 2) between cows fed hay or grazing stockpiled forage in either year. Estimated production costs were greater for cows in the dry lots because of hay feeding. 相似文献
Ninety-six crossbred intact male pigs (34.5 +/- 3.5 kg BW) were allocated by weight and vocalization score to a 2 x 2 x 2 dynamic experimental design including two stocking densities (1 or 2 m(2)/pig), two temperatures (22 degrees C and 30 degrees C), and two short groupings of unfamiliar cohorts (six pigs as one pig per group, and six pigs per group). The study was conducted over 8 wk, and live weight gain (WTG) and feed intake (FI; as-fed basis) were measured weekly. During the first week, pigs were housed in individual pens from four independent rooms. To group pigs, pen partitions were removed. Pigs were grouped in Rooms 2 and 3 from wk 2 to 4, and in Rooms 1 and 4 during wk 7. Temperature was increased from 22 degrees C to 30 degrees C in Rooms 1 and 2 during wk 4 and 7. Pen partitions were replaced in Rooms 2 and 3 at the end of wk 4 and in Rooms 1 and 4 at the end of wk 7 to return pigs to their individual pens. Grouping pigs decreased FI during wk 3 (15.08 +/- 0.43 vs. 14.03 +/- 0.41 kg P < 0.10), and during wk 7 (17.42 +/- 0.46 vs. 14.24 +/- 0.41 kg; P < 0.01). In addition, grouping had a negative effect (P < 0.001) on WTG at wk 3 (7.38 +/- 0.28 vs. 5.71 +/- 0.28 kg) and at wk 7 (6.70 +/- 0.26 vs. 2.99 +/- 0.26 kg). For grouped pigs, raising the temperature decreased (P < 0.01) WTG (7.49 +/- 0.29 vs. 6.41 +/- 0.29 kg during wk 4, and 3.37 +/- 0.38 vs. 2.62 +/- 0.38 kg during wk 7). Mean FI was decreased (P < 0.01) with the 30 degrees C treatment during wk 7 only (15.49 +/- 0.33 kg at 22 degrees C compared with 12.99 +/- 0.33 kg at 30 degrees C). Compensatory feed intake was evident after the treatments had ceased at wk 6, whereby previously heat-treated grouped pigs had a higher FI (17.97 +/- 0.45 kg) than the animals individually housed at 22 degrees C (12.99 +/- 0.33 kg). Stocking density effects were noted after the grouping and high temperature treatments had ceased. For instance, during wk 5, low-density-housed pigs grew faster (P < 0.001) than their high-density counterparts (9.04 +/- 0.38 vs. 7.49 +/- 0.29 kg). In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, the grouping of unfamiliar cohorts and high ambient temperature treatments had a detrimental effect on pig performance, and these effects were reversible. 相似文献
Energy concentration of gain (EG) is an inherent component in beef cattle feeding systems. The National Research Council (NRC) uses equations based on body weight, rate of gain and cattle type to predict EG and, in turn, to calculate dietary energy requirements. From EG, fat and protein deposition can be calculated directly. A dynamic computer growth model also can be used to estimate EG. In both the NRC and the computer model, EG increases from about 3 to 6 Mcal/kg as body weight increases from 200 to 500 kg if daily gain is 1 kg. Both NRC and the model predict EG of calves to be about .3 Mcal/kg greater than a previous NRC system. In contrast to the NRC, model-predicted EG of yearlings is lower at lighter and greater at heavier body weights. Rate of gain affects estimates of EG more for the dynamic model than for the NRC systems. When predicted EG was compared with observed EG for 46 pens of feedlot steers in comparative slaughter trials, NRC estimates exhibited a narrow range compared with observed values with correlation coefficients of r = .38 and r = .71 (previous NRC). Model estimates of EG were closer (r = .85). The NRC predictions of EG systematically erred with initial body composition, diet metabolizable energy and length of feeding period (P less than .01) and with initial body weight and rate of gain (P less than .05). No systematic errors in model-predicted EG were detected. Enhanced model sensitivity to compensatory growth and rate of gain should reduce both EG and body weight gain prediction errors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
R E Short E E Grings M D MacNeil R K Heitschmidt C B Williams G L Bennett 《Journal of animal science》1999,77(9):2406-2417
Beef production systems that increase use of unharvested forages and use animals with greater potential for gain affect age and size of animals placed on a finishing regimen. This experiment was conducted to evaluate effects of genetic potential for gain, age at the start of a finishing period, and time on feed on composition, quantity, and quality of beef produced and efficiency of production during finishing. Crossbred cows were bred by AI to Charolais or Line 1 Hereford bulls that represented potentially high (HG) or moderate growth (MG) rates, respectively, to produce spring- or fall-born calves. Steer calves from these matings were placed on an individually fed finishing diet at three ages (A). Spring-born steers were started at 6 or 18 mo of age (A6 and A18), and fall-born steers were started at 12 mo of age (A12). Slaughter times (T) were at 0, 90, 180, and 270 d for A6; 68, 136, and 204 d for A12; and 0, 45, 90, and 135 d for A18. Data collected on each animal included feed intake, growth, chemical composition of the complete body and carcass, and quantitative and qualitative assessment of the meat produced. Four steers of each sire group were slaughtered in each of the 11 A-T treatment groups, and the experiment was repeated for 2 yr in the A12 groups and 3 yr in the A6 and A18 groups (n = 237). Steers sired by HG bulls were larger and produced larger carcasses and more carcass protein than MG-sired steers (S, P < .05 or .01). Steers sired by MG bulls were fatter, had higher quality grades, and accumulated fat at a faster rate than HG-sired steers, and this effect was greater in older steers (G and GA, P < .05 or .01). Sire growth potential did not affect gain, intake, live weight efficiency, tenderness, or taste panel scores (P > .2). Steers sired by HG bulls were more efficient at producing carcass weight and carcass protein at A12 and A18 than were MG-sired steers. At the end of the finishing period, older (A18), HG-sired steers were too large with insufficient fat by current industry standards, and younger (A6), MG-sired steers were too small. Our conclusions are that both HG- and MG-sired steers can produce acceptable carcasses for current market standards with comparable efficiencies of live-weight gain, but the growing and finishing strategy must be adapted to the genotype. 相似文献
Effect of lasalocid on weight gains, ruminal fermentation and forage intake of stocker cattle grazing winter wheat pasture 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fifty fall-weaned heifers with initial weights of 209 kg (yr 1) and 222 kg (yr 2) were used to determine effects of lasalocid on weight gains, forage intake and ruminal fermentation of stocker cattle grazing winter wheat pasture. The heifers grazed a single wheat pasture for about 100 d each year, and were individually fed 1.06 kg of supplement (6 d/wk) pro-rated to supply 0, 100 or 200 mg lasalocid.head-1.d-1. Also, eight mature Hereford steers with large rumen cannula were used to evaluate further effects of lasalocid (0 or 300 mg) on ruminal fermentation during two grazing periods (immature and mature wheat forage) of yr 2 and an additional third year. Daily gains of heifers fed 200 mg lasalocid/d were .11 kg greater (P less than .05) than those of heifers fed 0 or 100 mg lasalocid/d. One hundred milligrams lasalocid did not increase weight gains. Digestibilities of forage dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) were similar (P greater than .05) among treatments, and lasalocid did not affect (P greater than .10) forage intake. Ruminal ammonia concentrations (10.57, 15.22 and 17.81 mg/dl +/- 1.71) were increased (P less than .05) by both levels of lasalocid in yr 1, but differences among treatment means of 8.32, 11.95 and 11.66 (SE +/- 1.44) were not significant in yr 2. Lasalocid did not consistently affect total volatile fatty acids concentrations. The acetic:propionic acid ratios in heifers were not different (P greater than .05) among treatments, but were decreased (P less than .10) by lasalocid in cannulated steers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Grazing trials were established at two sites in the Natal Sour Sandveld. The objective of this article was to present the patterns in individual animal performance in relation to herbage mass and stocking rate for the period November 1986 to September 1987. Rainfall exceeded the mean annual rainfall for Site 1 and was well below average for Site 2. Rainfall at Site 1 exceeded that at Site 2 by 329 mm. Distinct patterns in herbage mass were seen during the season. A grazing cut‐off was established at 2 000 kg/ha of herbage mass. Herbage mass seldom exceeded 2 400 kg/ha in grazed camps. A quantity limitation was evident for most of the growing season. The relationship between animal performance and stocking rate was linear but the slopes of the relationships differed. 相似文献
Two experiments were conducted to investigate a feeding regimen in which a programmed amount of feed was offered daily to control growth rate of steers. In Exp. 1, steers (n = 107, 309 +/- 3 kg) were used to determine effects of offering ad libitum access to feed (AL) vs a programmed intake feeding regimen (PI) and the number of days steers were fed (168 vs 203) on performance and carcass characteristics. Steers in the programmed intake feeding regimen were fed to achieve a predicted gain of 1.13 kg/d for the first 78 kg of gain, 1.36 kg/d for the next 124 kg of gain, and were given ad libitum access to feed for the final 54 or 103 kg of gain before slaughter (for steers fed for 168 d or 203 d, respectively). Feed efficiency was greater (P < 0.02) for steers in the PI than for those in the AL feeding regimen (0.193 vs 0.183 kg gain/kg feed, respectively). From d 169 to 203, steers in the PI feeding regimen had greater (P < 0.06) ADG (1.60 vs 1.38 kg/d) and similar (P = 0.38) feed efficiency than steers in the AL regimen. In Exp. 2, steers (n = 96; 308 +/- 3 kg BW) were offered feed ad libitum throughout the experiment (AL) or were programmed to gain at a high (PI-H) or low (PI-L) growth rate. For the first 78 kg of gain, intake was restricted to achieve predicted gains of 1.13 kg/d (PI-L) or 1.25 kg/d (PI-H). For the next 124 kg of gain, intake was restricted to achieve predicted gains of 1.36 kg/d (PI-L) or 1.47 kg/d (PI-H). Feed was offered ad libitum for the final 58 kg of gain. Overall ADG was similar (P > 0.37) among feeding regimens despite lower DMI for the steers in the PI-L and PI-H feeding regimens than for those in the AL regimen. Feeding regimen did not affect (P < 0.22) carcass characteristics. Programmed intake feeding regimens sustained growth rate and feed efficiency for an extended period of time without detrimental effects on carcass characteristics. 相似文献
The effect of feeding low quality roughages (LQR) on live and carcass weight gains and the incidence and severity of bloat of stocker cattle grazed on wheat pasture was evaluated in a 3 yr study. One hundred eighty-five steer calves (172 kg mean initial weight) grazed clean-tilled wheat pasture and were either fed no LQR or had ad libitum access to wheat straw (WS) or sorghum-Sudan hay (SS). Grazing periods were (I) fall grazing, (II) winter grazing, (III) period of lush spring growth of wheat forage and (IV) period of advancing forage maturity and declining quality. Mean dry matter (DM), crude protein and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content (percentage of DM) of wheat forage averaged across years ranged, respectively, from 23.8 to 33.0, 19.8 to 26.4 and 21.5 to 27.7. Mean daily consumption (kg DM/head) of WS and SS by steers ranged from .076 to .100 and .199 to .248, respectively. Live and carcass weight gains of steers during Periods I through III (i.e., the usual wheat pasture grazing period) were not influenced (P greater than .05) by treatments. Carcass weight gains were about 74% of live weight gains. Bloat was observed only during the last 2 wk of Period III of the first year. The incidence (steer days of bloat) and severity (bloat score) of control, WS- and SS-fed steers were 9.5 and 1.2, .5 and .5 and 2.0 and 1.0, and were not different (P greater than .05) among treatments. Intake of WS and SS [g/body weight (BW).75kg] during Periods I to III was, respectively, only about 5 and 12% of roughage intakes (i.e., 37.5 g/BW.75kg) reported in the literature to "effectively control" or aid the prevention of bloat. It seems unlikely that LQR consumed to amounts similar to those of this study would control bloat of stocker cattle on wheat pasture. 相似文献
高寒草甸牧草产量和草场载畜量模拟研究及对气候变暖的响应 总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26
高寒草甸地区温度是限制牧草地上年产量提高的主要因素,利用这一点,引进牧草产量与生长期间的产量积温比概念,建立高寒草甸牧草产量的估算模式。 相似文献
Rita K. C. Brandão Gleidson G. P. de Carvalho Robério R. Silva Daniel L. S. Dias Fabrício B. L. Mendes Túlio O. J. D’A. Lins Maria M. S. Pereira Joanderson O. Guimarães Manuela S. L. Tosto Luana M. de A. Rufino Maria L. G. M. L. de Araujo 《Tropical animal health and production》2018,50(1):105-111
The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between production performance and feeding behavior of steers reared on pasture during the rainy-dry transition period. Twenty-two ½ Holstein-Zebu crossbred steers at an average age of 10 months and with an average initial body weight of 234.5 ± 16.0 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with two types of supplementation and eleven replications. Pearson’s linear correlation analysis was performed between behavioral variables and weight gain and feed conversion. Correlation coefficients were tested by the t test. The time expended feeding at the trough was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with average daily gain (ADG) and with the number of periods of permanence at the trough. Bite rate and the number of bites per day were positively correlated (P < 0.05) with ADG and negatively (P < 0.05) with feed conversion, unlike the number of bites per swallow, which was negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with ADG. There was a positive correlation (P < 0.05) between feed efficiency in dry matter and neutral detergent fiber and ADG. Feeding behavior characteristics have little association with the production performance of cattle on pasture receiving mineral or energy-protein supplementation. 相似文献
Baldwin RL McLeod KR Elsassert TH Kahl S Rumsey TS Streeter MN 《Journal of animal science》2000,78(12):3169-3176
Thirty-two beef steers (285 +/- 3 kg BW) were used to determine the effects of chlortetracycline and dietary protein level on visceral tissue mass, chemical composition, intestinal morphology, and proliferation rate indices. Steers were allotted randomly by weight to a factorial arrangement of dietary treatments consisting of either 10 or 13% CP diets top-dressed with a corn meal carrier (500 g/d) containing either 0 or 350 mg of chlortetracycline. After 84 d, steers were slaughtered and visceral organs removed and separated. Rinsed wet tissue mass was recorded; total RNA, total DNA, tissue DM, and tissue N content were determined; and tissue sections were prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. Thin tissue sections were evaluated to determine crypt depth and villus height as well as proliferation rate by immunohistochemical detection of the nuclear antigen Ki67. Rumen and abomasum weights and small intestinal length were greater (P < 0.04) in steers fed the 13% CP diet than in those fed the 10% CP diet on both an absolute weight basis and a percentage of empty BW. Chemical composition of the small intestinal and ruminal segments were largely unaffected by increased dietary protein. Increasing the dietary CP also increased the villus height in duodenal (P = 0.02) and the crypt depth of jejunal (P = 0.03) sections. Dietary administration of chlortetracycline decreased (P < 0.01) small intestinal weight both on absolute and empty BW bases. Nitrogen and RNA concentrations of the small intestinal segments were unaffected (P > 0.1) by dietary administration of subtherapeutic levels of chlortetracycline; however, because of increases (P < 0.05), or tendencies for an increase (P < 0.1), in the tissue content of DNA, the ratio of N to DNA was decreased (P < 0.05) or tended to be decreased (P < 0.1) in the small intestinal segments of the chlortetracycline-treated animals. The observed decrease in small intestinal epithelial mass does not appear to be due to alterations in cell proliferation rate but rather cell size. Consistent with this finding, cell proliferation, as determined by Ki67 antigen staining, was not affected by dietary treatment. Chlortetracycline administration decreased small intestinal mass that may be a result of decreased cell size. 相似文献
While the distribution of P fertilizer had an insignificant influence on the DM production of a grass pasture over a three‐year period, the level of both N and P was highly significant. Growth patterns were unaffected by any of the fertilizer treatments and would appear to be determined primarily by environmental and genetic factors. With respect to crude protein and phosphorous content of the herbage this was determined primarily by the level of N and P fertilization, although the distribution of P in split applications tended to improve P content in the late summer. 相似文献