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Understanding the reasons why animals of similar performances have different feed requirements is important to increase profits for cattle producers and to decrease the environmental footprint of beef cattle production. This study was carried out aiming to identify the associations between residual feed intake (RFI) and animal performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood metabolites related to energy balance of young Nellore bulls during the finishing period. Animals previously classified as low (n?=?13) and high RFI (n?=?12), with average initial body weight of 398 kg and age of 503 days were used. Cattle were fed a high energy diet and were slaughtered when rib fat thickness measured by ultrasound between the 12th and 13th ribs reached the minimum of 4 mm. A completely randomized design was adopted, being data analyzed with a mixed model that included the random effect of slaughter group, the fixed effect of RFI class, and linear effect of the covariate feedlot time. No differences were found (p?>?0.10) between RFI classes for performance, dry matter, and nutrients intake. However, dry (p?=?0.0911) and organic matter (p?=?0.0876) digestibility tended to be lower, and digestibility of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (p?=?0.0017), and total digestible nutrients (p?=?0.0657) were lower for high RFI animals, indicating lesser capacity of food utilization. Difference between low and high RFI animals was also found for blood cortisol at the end of the trial (p?=?0.0044), having low RFI animals lower cortisol concentrations. Differences in the ability to digest food can affect the efficiency of transforming feed into meat by Nellore cattle.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measure of feed efficiency defined as the difference between observed and predicted feed intake based on average requirements for growth and maintenance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of selection for decreased RFI on feeding behavior traits and to estimate their relationships with RFI. Three data sets from the 4th and 5th generations of a selection experiment with a line selected for reduced RFI (LRFI) and a randomly selected control line (CTRL) were analyzed. Lines were mixed in pens of 16 and evaluated for feeding behavior traits obtained from a single-space electronic feeder over a growing period of ~3 mo before ~115 kg. The following traits were evaluated as averages over the entire test period and over the first and second half of the test period: number of visits per day and hour; occupation time per day, visit, and hour; feed intake (FI) per day, visit, and hour; and FI rate per visit. Models used included fixed effects of line and feeder, covariates of on-test age and FI per day, and random effects of pen, on-test group, sire, and litter. Repeated measures models were used to analyze feeding patterns during the day. The LRFI pigs had significantly less FI per day than CTRL pigs for all 3 data sets. With adjustment for FI per day, line differences of all traits were in the same direction for all 3 data sets but differed in significance and size. Feed intake per visit and hour and visits per day and hour did not differ between lines, but the trend was for LRFI pigs to have fewer visits, in particular during peak eating times. The LRFI pigs had a greater feeding rate and less occupation time per day, visit, and hour than CTRL pigs, but this was not significant for all data sets. Correlations of RFI with FI per day and visit and visits per day were positive. Average daily gain was positively correlated with FI per day and visit and occupation time per visit but negatively correlated with visits per day. Feed intake per day was positively correlated with backfat. In conclusion, feed efficiency may be affected by FI behavior because selection for decreased RFI has resulted in pigs that spend less time eating and eat faster.  相似文献   

Gompertz growth functions were fitted to longitudinal measurements of daily feed intake (DFI) and BW of 586 boars and 495 gilts from a selection experiment in Yorkshire pigs for residual feed intake (RFI). The selection experiment consists of a line selected for low residual feed intake (LRFI) for 5 generations and a randomly selected control line (CTRL). The objectives of this study were to use Bayesian methods to estimate genetic parameters of the Gompertz curve parameters for DFI and BW, to evaluate the effect of selection for reduced RFI on the Gompertz parameters and shape of curves for DFI and BW, and to develop methodology for quantifying genetic variation at the level of the original phenotypes for DFI and BW based on the Bayesian analysis of the nonlinear model. Separate analyses were done for boars and gilts and for BW and DFI. A hierarchical model was specified in 2 levels: in the first level, the Gompertz function was modeled for each pig, and at the second level, a 3-trait linear mixed model was fitted to the 3 Gompertz parameters (asymptotic value, inflection point, and decay parameter), with fixed effects of line by generation and random effects of additive genetic and environmental effects. Bayesian methods were used to combine the 2 levels of modeling. A total of 30,000 random samples of the posterior distributions after convergence of Markov chains were used for inference. Posterior means of heritability within the first level of the model for the asymptotic value, inflection point, and decay parameter for DFI were 0.74, 0.66, and 0.82 for boars and 0.79, 0.70, and 0.57 for gilts; corresponding estimates for BW were 0.64, 0.58, and 0.60 for boars and 0.46, 0.35, and 0.33 for gilts. For DFI, LRFI boars had a reduced mature DFI (2.91 vs. 3.20 kg/d) and an earlier inflection point (85 vs. 95 d) compared with CTRL boars. For BW, LRFI boars had a lighter mature BW (279 vs. 317 kg), an earlier inflection point (184 vs. 198 d), and a decreased decay parameter (127 vs. 134 d) compared with CTRL boars. In contrast, LRFI gilts had a later inflection point (225 vs. 200 d) and a greater decay parameter (172 vs. 143 d) than CTRL gilts for BW. The other Gompertz curve parameters for DFI and BW for boars and gilts were considered not different between lines, with posterior probabilities of the line differences being greater than zero ranging from 0.1 to 0.9.  相似文献   

The benefit of using genomic breeding values (GEBV) in predicting ADG, DMI, and residual feed intake for an admixed population was investigated. Phenotypic data consisting of individual daily feed intake measurements for 721 beef cattle steers tested over 5 yr was available for analysis. The animals used were an admixed population of spring-born steers, progeny of a cross between 3 sire breeds and a composite dam line. Training and validation data sets were defined by randomly splitting the data into training and testing data sets based on sire family so that there was no overlap of sires in the 2 sets. The random split was replicated to obtain 5 separate data sets. Two methods (BayesB and random regression BLUP) were used to estimate marker effects and to define marker panels and ultimately the GEBV. The accuracy of prediction (the correlation between the phenotypes and GEBV) was compared between SNP panels. Accuracy for all traits was low, ranging from 0.223 to 0.479 for marker panels with 200 SNP, and 0.114 to 0.246 for marker panels with 37,959 SNP, depending on the genomic selection method used. This was less than accuracies observed for polygenic EBV accuracies, which ranged from 0.504 to 0.602. The results obtained from this study demonstrate that the utility of genetic markers for genomic prediction of residual feed intake in beef cattle may be suboptimal. Differences in accuracy were observed between sire breeds when the random regression BLUP method was used, which may imply that the correlations obtained by this method were confounded by the ability of the selected SNP to trace breed differences. This may also suggest that prediction equations derived from such an admixed population may be useful only in populations of similar composition. Given the sample size used in this study, there is a need for increased feed intake testing if substantially greater accuracies are to be achieved.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) was estimated by ordinary regression (RFIord), linear regression (RFIreg), and genetic regression (RFIgen) for Japanese Black bulls, and compared among them by the magnitude of correlations, heritabilities, and empirical mean squared errors. The estimations were made for a total test periods of 140 days (77 bulls) and 112 days (663 bulls) sub‐divided each into two equal stages: first half and second half of the test periods. The means of RFIreg, RFIord, and RFIgen for the total test periods were 1.09, ?0.05, and ?2.21 kg/day, respectively. The genetic variation exists for these estimates at different stages of the test period. High genetic and phenotypic correlations (>0.95) were found between RFIord and RFIgen, confirming that these are regarded practically as the same traits. The phenotypic variance (0.714) and heritability (0.24) of RFIord were close to those of RFIgen (0.726 and 0.25, respectively). According to the empirical mean squared errors from the result of the total test periods, RFIgen yielded better estimates of RFI. The high to moderate heritabilities for RFIord were estimated for the three stages of the test periods, indicating that RFIord might be an alternative estimate for genetic improvement of feed utilization.  相似文献   

A 5-generation selection experiment in Yorkshire pigs for feed efficiency consists of a line selected for low residual feed intake (LRFI) and a random control line (CTRL). The objectives of this study were to use random regression models to estimate genetic parameters for daily feed intake (DFI), BW, backfat (BF), and loin muscle area (LMA) along the growth trajectory and to evaluate the effect of LRFI selection on genetic curves for DFI and BW. An additional objective was to compare random regression models using polynomials (RRP) and spline functions (RRS). Data from approximately 3 to 8 mo of age on 586 boars and 495 gilts across 5 generations were used. The average number of measurements was 85, 14, 5, and 5 for DFI, BW, BF, and LMA. The RRP models for these 4 traits were fitted with pen × on-test group as a fixed effect, second-order Legendre polynomials of age as fixed curves for each generation, and random curves for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Different residual variances were used for the first and second halves of the test period. The RRS models were fitted with the same fixed effects and residual variance structure as the RRP models and included genetic and permanent environmental random effects for both splines and linear Legendre polynomials of age. The RRP model was used for further analysis because the RRS model had erratic estimates of phenotypic variance and heritability, despite having a smaller Bayesian information criterion than the RRP model. From 91 to 210 d of age, estimates of heritability from the RRP model ranged from 0.10 to 0.37 for boars and 0.14 to 0.26 for gilts for DFI, from 0.39 to 0.58 for boars and 0.55 to 0.61 for gilts for BW, from 0.48 to 0.61 for boars and 0.61 to 0.79 for gilts for BF, and from 0.46 to 0.55 for boars and 0.63 to 0.81 for gilts for LMA. In generation 5, LRFI pigs had lower average genetic curves than CTRL pigs for DFI and BW, especially toward the end of the test period; estimated line differences (CTRL-LRFI) for DFI were 0.04 kg/d for boars and 0.12 kg/d for gilts at 105 d and 0.20 kg/d for boars and 0.24 kg/d for gilts at 195 d. Line differences for BW were 0.17 kg for boars and 0.69 kg for gilts at 105 d and 3.49 kg for boars and 8.96 kg for gilts at 195 d. In conclusion, selection for LRFI has resulted in a lower feed intake curve and a lower BW curve toward maturity.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) has been explored as an alternative selection criterion to feed conversion ratio to capture the fraction of feed intake not explained by expected production and maintenance requirements. Selection experiments have found that low RFI in the growing pig is genetically correlated with reduced fatness and feed intake. Selection for feed conversion ratio also reduces sow appetite and fatness, which, together with increased prolificacy, has been seen as a hindrance for sow lifetime performance. The aims of our study were to derive equations for sow RFI during lactation (SRFI) and to evaluate the effect of selection for RFI during growth on sow traits during lactation. Data were obtained on 2 divergent lines selected for 7 generations for low and high RFI during growth in purebred Large Whites. The RFI was measured on candidates for selection (1,065 pigs), and sow performance data were available for 480 sows having from 1 to 3 parities (1,071 parities). Traits measured were sow daily feed intake (SDFI); sow BW and body composition before farrowing and at weaning (28.4 ± 1.7d); number of piglets born total, born alive, and surviving at weaning; and litter weight, average piglet BW, and within-litter SD of piglet BW at birth, 21 d of age (when creep feeding was available), and weaning. Sow RFI was defined as the difference between observed SDFI and SDFI predicted for sow maintenance and production. Daily production requirements were quantified by litter size and daily litter BW gain as well as daily changes in sow body reserves. The SRFI represented 24% of the phenotypic variability of SDFI. Heritability estimates for RFI and SRFI were both 0.14. The genetic correlation between RFI and SRFI was 0.29 ± 0.23. Genetic correlations of RFI with sow traits were low to moderate, consistent with responses to selection; selection for low RFI during growth reduced SDFI and increased number of piglets and litter growth, but also increased mobilization of body reserves. No effect on rebreeding performance was found. Metabolic changes previously observed during growth in response to selection might explain part of the better efficiency of the low-RFI sows, decreasing basal metabolism and favoring rapid allocation of resources to lactation. We propose to consider SRFI as an alternative to SDFI to select for efficient sows with reduced input demands during lactation.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the relationships between BW at first insemination and subsequent body development, feed intake, reproductive performance, and culling rate of rabbit does. Young rabbit does are vulnerable to body energy deficit in first lactation, resulting in decreased reproductive performance and high replacement rate. Heavy does at first insemination might be able to benefit from the extra amount of BW to cope with the energy deficit during first lactation. Data of three experiments were used in which does were given ad libitum access to feed during rearing and inseminated at 14.5 wk of age. The first two parities of each doe were recorded. Does were categorized in three groups based on their BW at 14.5 wk of age (first insemination): heavy (BW > or = 4,000 g), medium (BW 3,500 to 4,000 g), and small (BW < 3,500 g). Among does that kindled, differences in BW at first insemination were related to differences in voluntary feed intake and body growth rate during rearing. Heavy does consumed more feed per day (+ 45 g/d, P < 0.001) and had a higher BW gain (+ 12 g/d, P < 0.001) than small does from weaning (4.5 wk) to 14.5 wk of age. Body weight at first insemination did not affect BW, feed intake, and culling rate during the first two parities. Heavy does were heavier at first insemination and remained so throughout the reproductive period, but they followed a similar BW curve as medium and small does. A higher BW at first insemination (14.5 wk of age) improved litter size in the first parity (8.9, 7.7, and 6.4 for heavy, medium, and small does, respectively, P < 0.05). Extra BW at start of reproduction improves litter size in the first parity but does not contribute to an improved feed intake or increased BW development during reproduction.  相似文献   

Residual energy intake, defined as actual minus predicted energy intake during a production period, was estimated for each of 650 bull calves of 31 Holstein Friesian or Brown Swiss sires. Residual energy intake, measured under ad libitum feeding, had heritabilities similar to those of growth rate and energy conversion ratio with an estimate of approximately .3. Residual energy intake was related to average daily energy intake both phenotypically and genetically such that selection for decreased residual energy intake would lead to a decrease in daily feed intake. Such selection would also tend to increase carcass fatness (i.e., genetically fat animals are the most efficient). Residual energy intake estimated with and without correction for carcass composition were closely correlated. Thus, residual energy intake may be estimated without the knowledge of carcass composition in growing bulls of dual-purpose breeds.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve the reproductive performance of gilts mated at puberty, 70 Yorkshire x Landrace gilts were allocated at 120 d of age and 60 kg body weight to one of two treatments. Restricted gilts were fed 2.0 kg d-1 of a diet formulated to provide 18% crude protein and 14.5 MJ DE kg-1 from selection until mated at their first estrus (n = 35). Flushed gilts were fed 2.0 kg d-1 of the same diet from 120 to 150 d of age, but then had their feed intake increased to 3.5 kg d-1 until mated at their first estrus (n = 35). An additional group of gilts (control fed; n = 33) were fed 3.0 kg d-1 from selection until they were bred at their third estrus in order to investigate the influence of feed restriction on the onset of puberty. During gestation all gilts were fed 1.8 to 2.2 kg d-1 of a 16.8% crude protein diet having 13.7 MJ DE kg-1. Control fed gilts were younger (p less than 0.05) at puberty (150 d) than restricted (165 d) or flushed gilts (165 d). There was no difference in subsequent litter size between the restricted and flushed gilts (7.7 and 8.0, respectively). It is concluded that the institution of a flushing nutritional regime in the prepubertal period will not enhance piglet production from gilts mated at puberty.  相似文献   

Data on breeding soundness examinations (BSE) and performance traits were obtained on 549 yearling beef bulls at the San Juan Basin Research Center, Hesperus, Co from 1976 to 1984. Genetic parameters estimated for components of BSE included percent motility (PMOT), percent primary abnormalities (PPRIM), percent secondary abnormalities (PSEC), percent normal sperm (PNOR), scrotal circumference (SC) and BSE score (BSESC). Performance traits included birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight and average daily gain. The least squares model included birth year, age of dam and breed as fixed effects, sire/breed as a random variable, and age and percent inbreeding as covariates. Paternal half-sib estimates of heritability were PMOT, .08 +/- .07; PPRIM, .31 +/- .09; PSEC, .02 +/- .05; PNOR, .07 +/- .06; BSESC, .10 +/- .06 and SC, .40 +/- .09. Phenotypic correlations among BSE components and growth traits were generally favorable. Genetic correlations involving percent secondary abnormalities were highly variable with large standard errors. Seminal traits improved as age increased and became poorer as inbreeding increased.  相似文献   

The objective of the present experiment is to study the effect of feed intake restriction on the reproductive performance and pregnancy rate in Egyptian buffalo heifers. Thirty anestrus buffalo heifers were randomly divided into two equal groups. The low feed intake (LFI, n?=?15, 50 % restriction) group was fed a diet that consists of 3 kg concentrate, 1 kg wheat straw, and 3 kg fresh alfalfa, while the high feed intake (HFI, n?=?15) group was fed double the amount given to the LFI group for 4 months. All animals were weighed, transrectally examined, and visually checked for the signs of estrus, and blood samples were collected. Heifers in heat were mated with one fertile bull. The number of heifers showing estrus activity was 93.3 % in HFI vs. 20 % in LFI (P?<?0.01). Ovarian activity started earlier (P?=?0.03) in the HFI than LFI group. The weight at breeding, the diameter of the dominant follicle, number of heifers showing ovulations, number of services per conception, pregnancy rate, and overall mean of progesterone and estrogen concentrations were significantly higher (P?<?0.01) in the HFI than in the LFI group. The level of serum total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, total cholesterol, and calcium were significantly higher (P?<?0.05) in the HFI group. Restriction of the daily feed intake to 50 % from NRC recommendations impair reproductive performance in terms of increasing the age at first service and reducing the pregnancy rate in buffalo heifers. In conclusion, feed intake could be effective in improvement of reproductive performance in buffalo heifers and further studies should be done on large scale of buffaloes in this point.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between easily measured, potential physiological and physical indicators of feed efficiency including metabolic hormones, metabolites, ultrasonic muscle and fat measures with performance and efficiency traits in performance tested pedigree beef bulls (n = 302; initial bodyweight 493 (SD = 64) kg). Animals were offered a high energy concentrate ad libitum plus 1.5 kg fresh weight grass hay daily and individual feed intake was measured for 70 days. Blood samples were collected by coccygeal venipuncture at the start and end of the performance test period and analysed for plasma concentrations of IGF-I, insulin, leptin and various metabolites. Similarly, ultrasonic muscle and fat depths were measured at the start and end of the test period. Residual feed intake (RFI) was computed for each animal as the residuals from a multiple regression model regressing dry matter intake (DMI) on average daily gain (ADG) and mid-test BW0.75 (MWT). Overall ADG, DMI, feed:gain (F:G) and RFI were 1.91 (SD = 0.29), 10.10 (SD = 1.31), 5.37 (SD = 0.84) and 0.00 (SD = 0.78), respectively. Residual feed intake was strongly correlated with DMI (r = 0.67) and moderately correlated with F:G (r = 0.40). Moderate positive correlations ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 were estimated between ultrasonic measures of final fat and muscle depth and their respective gains over the test period with DMI, ADG and RFI. There was no evidence of a strong association between any of the plasma analytes measured and RFI at either sampling times. However, end of test insulin was negatively correlated (r = − 0.14) with RFI. Final IGF-I concentration was negatively associated with DMI (r = − 0.14) and F:G (r = − 0.15). End of test circulating leptin concentration was positively correlated with DMI (r = 0.14) and F:G (r = 0.15). Plasma glucose concentration at the end of test was negatively related to DMI (r = − 0.21) and F:G (r = − 0.21). A positive relationship was observed between end of test plasma urea concentration and DMI (r = 0.30). Overall, the correlation coefficient estimates between the potential blood markers and measures of intake, performance and efficiency were weak and generally not different from zero. This suggests that it is unlikely that measurement of these metabolic indicators, per se, will be useful in the early identification of feed efficient animals.  相似文献   

Because feed is the major input in pork production, conversion of feed into lean tissue at minimum costs has been a focus for improvement. Several researchers have proposed using residual feed intake (RFI) rather than feed conversion ratio (FCR) for genetic improvement of feed efficiency. Little is known about the variation in RFI in pigs. As several studies suggest a greater RFI is related to greater animal activity levels, the current study investigated the phenotypic relationship between RFI and feed intake (FI) behavior of 104 group-housed growing Duroc barrows allowed ad libitum access to feed. Feed intake, BW gain, feeding time (TIME), feeding frequency (VISITS), RFI, and FCR were calculated for 5 periods of 14, 23, 28, 21, or 23 d in length (periods 1 through 5, respectively) on animals that were between 73 to 95 d of age at the start of the testing period. Barrows that grew faster consumed more feed (P < 0.001), and barrows that consumed more feed were fatter (P < 0.01). There were no correlations between VISITS and TIME, between VISITS and FI, or between VISITS and RFI. Barrows that spent more time at the feeder, however, consumed more feed (P < 0.05) and had greater RFI in periods 1, 3, and 5 (P < 0.05). As expected, FI and FCR were highly correlated with RFI (P < 0.001). These results suggest that a greater FI rather than greater feed intake activity resulted in greater RFI values.  相似文献   

Non-genetic information (epigenetic, microbiota, behaviour) that results in different phenotypes in animals can be transmitted from one generation to the next and thus is potentially involved in the inheritance of traits. However, in livestock species, animals are selected based on genetic inheritance only. The objective of the present study was to determine whether non-genetic inherited effects play a role in the inheritance of residual feed intake (RFI) in two species: pigs and rabbits. If so, the path coefficients of the information transmitted from sire and dam to offspring would differ from the expected transmission factor of 0.5 that occurs if inherited information is of genetic origin only. Two pigs (pig1, pig2) and two rabbits (rabbit1, rabbit2) datasets were used in this study (1,603, 3,901, 5,213 and 4,584 records, respectively). The test of the path coefficients to 0.5 was performed for each dataset using likelihood ratio tests (null model: transmissibility model with both path coefficients equal to 0.5, full model: unconstrained transmissibility model). The path coefficients differed significantly from 0.5 for one of the pig datasets (pig2). Although not significant, we observed, as a general trend, that sire path coefficients of transmission were lower than dam path coefficients in three of the datasets (0.46 vs 0.53 for pig1, 0.39 vs 0.44 for pig2 and 0.38 vs 0.50 for rabbit1). These results suggest that phenomena other than genetic sources of inheritance explain the phenotypic resemblance between relatives for RFI, with a higher transmission from the dam's side than from the sire's side.  相似文献   

Comparisons of ADG, feed/gain, daily feed intake and daily feed intake as percentage of body weight may be important to beef cattle producers and researchers in breed selection and computer modeling. Data evaluated were postweaning feedlot performance test records collected from 1967 to 1986 of 3,661 individually fed bulls. Bulls originated from University of Arkansas purebred herds, Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas Cooperative Bull Tests at Fayetteville, Hope and Monticello. Data were analyzed separately for years 1967 to 1976 (P1) (n = 1,654) and 1977 to 1986 (P2) (n = 2,007). Breeds in P1 were Hereford (HH), Angus (AN), Charolais (CH), Polled Hereford (HP) and Santa Gertrudis (SG). Breeds in P2 were HH, AN, CH, HP, SG, Simmental (SM), Maine-Anjou (MA), Brangus (BN) and Beefmaster (BM). The model fitted included initial age, breed and test number (all P less than .01 except for initial age on ADG in P1). Test number included variation of year, location and season. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for ADG in P1 were CH, SG, HH, HP and AN and in P2 were MA, CH, SM, AN, HP, SG, HH, BN and BM. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for feed/gain in P1 were AN, SG, CH, HP and HH and in P2 were BM, BN, AN, SG, HP, SM, HH, MA and CH. Breeds highest to lowest for daily feed intake (as-fed basis) in P1 were CH, SG, AN, HP and HH and in P2 were SM, MA, CH, AN, BN, HP, SG, HH and BM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) is defined as the difference between the observed feed intake and that expected based on requirements for maintenance and production. A divergent selection was conducted during 4 generations in Large White male pigs to produce low and high RFI lines. The present study aims at determining the influence of this selection on biochemical and histological traits of skeletal muscle, and relating these changes to correlated effects on growth, carcass composition, and meat quality traits. At 8 d preslaughter, biopsies from the LM were taken in the fed state on 14 females from each RFI line fed ad libitum. Animals were slaughtered at 107.8 ± 8.0 kg of BW without any previous fasting. Samples of LM, semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris (BFM), and rhomboideus muscles were taken at both 30 min and 24 h postmortem. Myofiber typing was only assessed in LM. Low RFI pigs ("efficient") had leaner carcasses with greater muscle content (P < 0.001), less backfat thickness (P < 0.001), and less intramuscular fat content in all 4 muscles (P < 0.01 to P = 0.04). Their greater muscle content was associated with hypertrophy of all fast-twitch fibers. Glycogen content in all glycolytic muscles (i.e., LM, SM and BFM), was greater in low than high RFI pigs. The greater accumulation of glycogen in LM of low RFI pigs was specifically located in the fast-twitch glycolytic IIBW fibers, which correspond to fibers containing IIb, IIb + IIx, or IIx myosin heavy chains. The difference in muscle glycogen content between RFI line pigs was more significant in the living animals (P = 0.0003) than at 30 min postmortem (P = 0.08). This was associated with a decreased ultimate pH (P = 0.001), and greater lightness of color (P = 0.002) and drip loss (P = 0.04) in LM of low than high RFI line pigs, suggesting that selection for reduced RFI may impair some meat quality traits, such as water-holding capacity. Pigs from the low RFI line exhibited a greater (P = 0.02) percentage of IIBW fibers in LM and tended (P < 0.10) to have less lipid β-oxidative capacity in LM, SM, and BFM. In contrast, no difference (P > 0.10) between lines was found for citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activities, mitochondrial activity, and expression of genes coding for uncoupling proteins 2 and 3. Differences between RFI pigs in plasma leptin, cortisol, and thyroid hormone concentrations are presented and discussed. In conclusion, selection for low RFI influenced muscle properties in a way favoring muscle mass, but likely impairing meat quality.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty-one Aberdeen Angus, Horned Hereford, Polled Hereford, and Charolais bulls were examined at the time of sale (sale) and again from 10 to 85 days later (test) to determine the effect of amount of body fat and loss of fat on semen quality. Sale and test measurements included body weight, backfat depth, and scrotal circumference. Breeding soundness evaluations were done at test. For all bulls, over all years, the positive correlations of body weight loss vs. backfat loss, weight loss vs. scrotal circumference loss, and backfat loss vs. scrotal circumference loss were highly significant. Aberdeen Angus, Horned Hereford, Polled Hereford, and Charolais bulls lost weight at a mean rate of 1.77, 2.19, 1.94, 1.16 kg per day, respectively, in the interval from sale to test. Bulls classified as unsatisfactory lost significantly more weight than satisfactory bulls. However, bulls classified as unsatisfactory did not differ significantly from satisfactory bulls in the amount of backfat at sale and test and in the amount of backfat lost. No significant relationship could be demonstrated between increments of backfat and classifications of breeding soundness evaluations. Bulls with satisfactory semen quality had significantly larger scrotal circumference measurements than those with questionable or unsatisfactory classifications. Backfat data at bull sales may be helpful in selecting bulls with desirable growth characteristics, as well as reducing the risk of purchasing bulls with poor semen quality due to excessive body fat.  相似文献   

Breeding soundness evaluation records from 2110 beef bulls, for the period of 1986 to 1999, were analyzed to determine the prevalence and importance of factors affecting breeding soundness classification. The percentage of all bulls classified as satisfactory ranged from 49.0% in January to 73.3% in May. The percentage of physically normal bulls with satisfactory semen quality ranged from 65.7% in January to 87.5% in June. Poor body condition or excessive body condition, below average or below the recommended minimum scrotal circumference, lameness, and severe scrotal frostbite significantly reduced the probability of a satisfactory breeding soundness classification. The percentage of sperm with midpiece defects declined significantly and the percentage of sperm with head defects increased significantly with the approach of summer. Photoperiod, cold stress, poor or excessive body condition, and reduced feed quality may interact to reduce semen quality in the winter months.  相似文献   

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