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黑孢块菌的苗木菌根化合成效果研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
黑孢块菌菌根化幼苗是该菌在树木上完成半人工模拟栽培的基础。采用黑孢块菌的液体纯菌种1-4mL对4个树种幼苗进行接种,90d后都能形成菌根,其感染率达94.4%-100%;菌根形态主要有4种类型,以珊瑚关居多,其次为棒状及二叉状,但不同树种上其各类型所占比例各不相同,黑孢块菌不同接种量的云南松幼苗,平均高比对照增加76.67%-131.74%,而生物量则增加1.62-2.17倍,以每株接种4mL菌液的效果为佳;不同pH值的基质试验结果表明,pH值为6.5-7.0时其菌根感染率高,生物量增加明显,苗木长势也较好。  相似文献   

为培育落叶松菌根苗木,营造速生丰产林,应遵循一定的操作规程,采取相应的技术措施。即严格把好菌种关,进行常规种子处理及苗床准备,对播种苗、容器苗、移植苗、扦插苗接菌,实现苗木菌根化。加强菌根苗管理。在菌根苗造林起苗时,应避免菌根的脱落,并对菌根苗分级,做到适地适树适菌,只有按科学合理的方法操作管理,才能有效地发挥菌根的作用。  相似文献   

落叶松菌根苗培育及造林技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为培育落叶松菌根苗木,营造速生丰产林,应遵循一定的操作规程,采取相应的技术措施。即严格把好菌种关,进行常规种子处理及苗床准备,对播种苗、容器苗、移植苗、扦插苗接菌,实现苗木菌根化,加强菌根苗管理。在菌根苗造林起苗时,应避免菌根的脱落,并对菌根苗分级,做到适地适树适菌,只有按科学合理的方法操作管理,才能有效地发挥菌根的作用。  相似文献   

文章详细阐述了落叶松菌根真菌的菌种生产、菌落培育和菌苗造林须遵循的技术要点,就落叶松菌根真菌的培育及在造林上的应用提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

为了验证落叶松菌根真菌的作用,为造林提供优质菌根苗,1992-1996年在辽宁北部、东部等地利用厚环乳牛肝菌、赭丝膜菌、彩色豆马勃菌等根真菌,采取播种同时撒播,幼苗期开沟、扎孔、容器于播种期间袋内接菌,进行了落叶松播种苗、移植苗、容器苗、扦插苗等接菌及菌苗造林试验,结果接菌苗较对照苗菌根指数有很大提高,其生物产量也有明显提高,从而真情以了促进苗木速生增产的作用。  相似文献   

日本落叶松菌根苗培育及造林成效的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对日本落叶松外菌根真菌单一固体菌剂改良为含多种营养元素的复合剂,研究证明,复合菌剂最佳施用量为22.5g/m^2,促使播种苗、移植苗的苗高、地径、侧根数及一级苗率比对照提高26.0%和40.1%、37.1%和40.0%、41.0%和35.7%和12.5%和12.6%,造林成活率和保存率分别比对照提高11.9%和14.5%,1~4年生幼树高、地径比对照提高18.5%~28.3%,13.9%~33.9  相似文献   

黑孢块菌(Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)是一种含有雄性酮及其前体的珍贵茵根性食用菌,被欧美人称作“上帝的食品”“厨房中的钻石”,在国际市场常年维持不菲的价格。黑孢块菌原产法国、意大利、西班牙等地,其人工栽培已成为一大新型产业。我院在国家林业局“948”项目(99—4—19)支持下,  相似文献   

黑孢漆斑菌漆酶活性及培养条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在ABTS法检测漆酶酶活性的基础上对黑孢漆斑菌的生长条件进行摸索.采用生长曲线分析,正交多因素分析及单因素分析对初始酸碱度,培养时间,接种量,菌龄,摇床转速及光照条件进行研究.结果表明:最佳培养条件为初始pH 5.5,接种量7.5%,菌龄9天,摇床转速160 r/min,自然光照,培养9天.  相似文献   

论述了红松、红皮云杉及落叶松裸根苗培育技术,着重强调了几种常用树种裸根育苗在实际营林生产中应用的可能性。  相似文献   

虎榛子几种菌根苗抗旱机制的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选用6个外生菌根菌株为接种体,分别对2个月龄虎榛子实生苗进行接种,培养4个月菌根感染率均超过40.8%.测定各处理苗木生物量、膜透性、SOD活性、MDA含量、叶绿素含量等指标,结果表明:彩色豆马勃、土生空团菌是以提高植物组织水势、SOD活性、降低MDA含量、减轻膜伤害程度、增加根冠比等机制来增强苗木的抗旱性,从而推迟苗木的萎蔫时间与延长干旱临界致死时间;厚环粘盖牛肝菌及点柄粘盖牛肝菌是通过提高苗木SOD活性和脯氨酸含量、降低MDA含量等机制来提高苗木的抗旱性;而卷边桩菇则是通过促进苗木的生长、增强苗木的生长势、降低苗木膜伤害程度、提高SOD活性和脯氨酸浓度、降低MDA含量等多种机制提高苗木的抗旱性.  相似文献   

Interest in conversion of marginal agricultural lands to small oak woodlands for the production of black truffles (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) is increasing in the native black truffle areas of France, Spain and Italy as well as suitable or amended sites throughout the world due to high economic returns for gastronomically valuable truffles. Successful long-term management of a perennial plantation replacing an annual crop requires understanding the system in all phases of the life cycle, and in the case of truffles this involves understanding the interactive growth of the aboveground host and the belowground symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus whose fruitbody is the desired truffle. Here we focus on the pre-production phase, 4 years after establishing the truffle-oak plantation and prior to truffle production. We tested the influence of weed control, irrigation and fertilizer, each at 3 levels, on plant growth and ectomycorrhizal proliferation in three truffle-oaks plantations in northeast Spain. Results show that adequate weed control improves root and shoot dry weight while fertilizer and irrigation treatments did not influence plant growth. The low dose of irrigation (50% of the estimated water deficit for the site) and glyphosate weed control both increased total root tips/plant and T. melanosporum colonized tips (ectomycorrhizae) by approximately two-fold, compared to control treatments. Distribution of the ectomycorrhizae within the soil profile was significantly influenced by the low dose irrigation treatment, with increases observed in the 10?C20 cm and the 20?C30 cm deep layers compared to the control and high irrigation treatments. Four years after planting, T. melanosporum remained the dominant fungal symbiont, despite the presence of 14 other ectomycorrhizal morphotypes from these sites.  相似文献   

杨茂生  高国雄 《沙棘》2004,17(2):40-46
沙棘种子可能混有沙棘病害的真菌、虫害的卵等,若不消毒播种,沙棘苗木易遭病虫侵害,为避免苗木被病虫害侵害,故要对种子进行消毒。  相似文献   

攀枝花块菌资源及适宜生境初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对攀枝花的块菌资源进行了较为系统的调查,查清了攀枝花的块菌种类、分布范围以及其生态环境.并与欧洲块菌主产国的气候环境进行比较,认为攀枝花是块菌生长的理想气候区之一,且得出块菌生长环境的pH值由弱碱性扩展到微酸性结论,同时采用Vanderloeg和Scavia选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量块菌对生境适宜程度指标,提出了块菌适宜生境的标准。  相似文献   

Mediterranean ecosystems are characterized by large arid areas where the patchy distribution of trees offers little protection against harsh climate conditions for seedling establishment. Climate change is predicted to result in an increase in these arid regions, with pronounced effects on vegetation. Production of seedlings with developed ectomycorrhizas is a promising strategy for minimizing the initial transplant shock, thereby increasing plant survival and growth during the first, most critical years of a plantation. One important species in the Mediterranean basin is Quercus suber (cork oak), which occurs, together with other evergreen oak species, in an agro-silvo-pastoral system that represents an example of sustainable land use in Europe. In this study, a Pisolithus tinctorius isolate was used for ectomycorrhizal colonization of cork oak nursery seedlings, and the effects on aboveground plant growth and leaf structural and physiological parameters were investigated. Ectomycorrhizal development resulted in a significant increase in leaf area, dry weight, nitrogen content, and photosynthetic pigments, and mycorrhizal plants showed a higher photosynthetic capacity and water use efficiency. Nursery-inoculated plants established in the field showed increased survival and growth during the first year after transplant. These results indicate a potential for further enhancing the use of mycorrhizal inoculation as a cultivation practice in forest nurseries. Considering the difficulty of soil restoration under limiting environmental conditions, nursery inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungi can be an important advantage for improving the quality of seedling stock and its performance after out-planting in the field, benefiting the regeneration of arid regions and the reintroduction of inocula of ectomycorrhizal fungi into these areas.  相似文献   

野生香叶树育苗及栽培技术研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
香叶树在云南省各地均有分布,尤其在西南部地区分布极为普遍,春传统经营利用历史悠久,但大多为野生状态,经营极为粗放。本文对野生香叶树树种进行了人工选优、育苗和造林技术试验研究,结果表明,香叶树的人工栽培与发展具有较大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

通过对五味子生境的调查,对五味子种子的处理技术、种植技术、田间管理、采收等方面进行了系统的研究,为五味子的栽培与利用提出了确实可行的措施。  相似文献   

  • ? Mycorrhizal fungi and hydrogels (water-absorbing polymers) can improve water availability for trees. The combination of both factors for plant performance under water limitation has not yet been studied.
  • ? To investigate the influence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus, hydrogel and the combination of both factors, a drought-sensitive poplar, Populus euphratica, was examined in this study.
  • ? After 16 weeks of inoculation, no ectomycorrhizas were found. Nevertheless, P. involutus-inoculated poplars displayed increased concentrations of soluble sugars and osmolality, leading to an improved water status. Growth was diminished compared with non-inoculated P. euphratica. The presence of hydrogels in the rooting medium resulted in increased biomass and higher plant water content and decreased the osmolality of plant tissues. Drought markedly decreased water contents in rooting medium and plants, and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, and stimulated the root growth, concentrations of soluble sugars and osmolality in plants. Under drought conditions, P. euphratica exhibited osmoregulation by accumulation of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates.
  • ? These data indicate that adding hydrogels to soils may improve the plant performance. The reasons for improved osmoregulation by fungi and hydrogels were probably related to their stimulating influence on the formation of soluble carbohydrates under drought conditions.
  •   相似文献   

    作者根据多年的实践经验,总结了香椿的栽培技术,包括采种、播种、育苗、种植、管理、病虫害防治及菜用林培育等技术。  相似文献   

    文中概述了珍稀树种———西藏山茉莉的分布概况、生物学特性及适生环境 ,并对其繁殖方法和人工栽培技术进行了试验和研究 ,为开发与利用这一珍贵树种资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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