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为了调整沈阳市植物结构,对低温冷害进行监测研究,保障粮食生产安全提供依据,采用气候统计诊断分析方法,对近60年沈阳市植物生长季热量资源变化趋势及突变进行研究。结果表明:近60年沈阳市植物生长季平均气温和≥10℃活动积温均呈显著上升趋势,气候倾向率分别为0.164℃/10 a和51.52℃·d/10 a。近30年植物生长季平均气温升高0.6℃;≥10℃活动积温增加180℃·d。应用信噪比诊断1951—2010年长序列气候突变不明显。经滑动平均和年际逐渐延长,植物生长季平均气温和≥10℃活动积温保持持续上升的正相关。研究结果对合理利用热量资源,调整农植物种植结构,合理安排农业生产工程具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule) is grown in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru, between 3810 and 4200 m a.s.l. Rural indigenous households have cultivated the cañahua as a subsistence crop for millennia. The seeds have a high content and quality of protein. We studied the relation between the following: (i) temperature and seed germination and (ii) the effect of temperature and sowing depth on seedling emergence of five cultivars and one landrace. Three experiments were conducted as follows: (i) seeds of a cultivar were germinated in Petri dishes at six temperatures (3, 5, 10, 14, 20 and 24 °C), (ii) sown at five depths (0, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mm) in a mixed peat soil substrate at three temperatures and (iii) one landrace (Lasta) and 5 cultivars (Lasta and Saihua growth habit) were sown in 6 depth (0, 5, 10, 25, 35 and 50 mm) in a sandy loam at two temperatures (5 and 15 °C). Temperature had significantly effect on the germination percentages of the plants (P < 0.001). Seeds germinated at the lowest temperature (3 °C). The estimated base temperature was close to 0 °C. A polynomial function described well the relation between time to 50% germination (t50) and temperature in the interval from 3 to 24 °C resulting in a linear relationship between germination rate and temperature. Shallow sowing depth (5–25 mm) resulted in 80% germination at 15 °C. There were significant differences of emergence in relationship to burial depth (P < 0.001). Only few seedlings emerged when seeds were sown at 50 mm depth. We did not find significant differences in emergence of seedlings between Lasta and Saihua at 15 °C. Nevertheless, at 5 °C, seedlings of cañahua belonging to the Lasta growth habit form did have higher germination rate as were shown for the Kullaca cultivar and the Umacutama landrace. This may be attributed to larger seed size of these cultivars.  相似文献   

Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important crops in the world and its growth is influenced by several environmental stresses, such as drought and high salinity. In our study, we first investigated the metabolic profile in shoots and roots of two rice cultivars (Arborio and Nipponbare) through 1H-high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR MAS) and liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Drought and salt stress experiments on shoot and root growth showed Arborio seedlings to be more sensitive than those of Nipponbare to these abiotic stresses. Moreover, the metabolic content of the same samples was analysed by liquid-state NMR coupled with multivariate statistical analysis. Principal component analysis highlighted a significant accumulation of amino acids and sugars in shoots and roots under stress conditions and the existence of clear differences between the two analysed rice cultivars. In particular, Arborio seedlings accumulated a higher concentration of amino acids and sugars than Nipponbare seedlings. Furthermore, we also obtained preliminary data about metabolic changes in rice following infection with the fungus Magnaporthe grisea . This study proves that NMR technique coupled with multivariate statistical analysis is a powerful tool to assess a possible correlation between differences in metabolic profile and in tolerance/sensitivity phenotype in rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Maximum perennial ryegrass seed production potential is substantially greater than harvested yields with harvested yields representing only 20% of calculated potential. Similar to wheat, maize and other agriculturally important crops, seed yield is highly dependent on a number of interacting seed yield components. This research was performed to apply and describe path analysis of perennial ryegrass seed yield components in relation to harvested seed yields. Utilising extensive yield components which included subdividing reproductive inflorescences into five size categories, path analysis was undertaken assuming a unidirectional causal‐admissible relationship between seed yield components and harvested seed yield in six commercial seed production fields. Both spikelets per inflorescence and florets per spikelet had a significant (p < .05) direct effect on the overall seed yield; however, total path correlation coefficients showed that inflorescence size had the largest positive influence on seed yield via its indirect effects on other seed yield components. Our results will allow seed producers, seed production researchers and plant breeders alike to more efficiently increase harvested seed yield.  相似文献   

为了掌握土壤水分与玉米生长发育内在关系,提高土壤水分利用率,统筹调配水资源和防灾减灾提供理论依据,利用1994—2010年山西省忻州市忻府区农业气象观测站春玉米生长季0~50 cm土壤水分和玉米产量观测资料,分析了玉米生长季土壤水分变化规律及对玉米产量的影响。结果表明:春玉米生长季土壤水分年际变化振荡明显,呈多波动变化,与年降水量相关显著;一年中土壤水分变化分为水分消耗期、水分补给期和水分平稳期3个阶段;土壤水分的垂直变化明显,在20~30 cm层含水量最大,0~20 cm为多变层,20~50 cm为缓变层,雨季土壤水分变化较干季复杂;玉米拔节—乳熟期土壤贮水量与气候产量呈正相关,抽雄期是需水临界期,此时0~50 cm土壤贮水量每增加10 mm,产量增加200~250 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in a region with semiarid cool climatic conditions during the period from May to October in the years 2003 and 2004, respectively. Actual evapotranspiration (ETc) of sugar beet and potato crops was calculated according to the water balance approach. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated with FAO Penman–Monteith equation. Evaporation (Epan) was measured by using class A pan. Seasonal mean ETc was determined as 492.9 mm for sugar beet and 445.2 mm for potato. Seasonal mean pan coefficient (kp = ETo/Epan) was determined as 0.74, and the seasonal mean crop coefficient (kc = ETc/ETo) was determined as 0.65 for sugar beet 0.60 for potato.  相似文献   

张家口作物生长季气候资源变化及特色农业   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了找出张家口作物生长季气候资源的分布规律和变化特征,为农业生产合理利用气候资源提供一定理论依据,利用1962—2013年张家口13个站点逐日气象资料,运用一元线性回归方程等统计方法分析该地区作物生长季(5—9月)气候资源变化特征,并结合地形分析其空间分布规律。结果表明,张家口作物生长季平均气温随着海拔高度递减而递增,近52年来呈上升趋势;≥10℃积温随海拔高度的递减而递增,近52年来呈上升趋势;降水量受地形影响较大,近52年来总趋势为下降趋势;日照时数受地形影响比较明显,坝头一带最少,近52年来呈减少趋势。根据气候资源的空间分布规律和近52年来的变化特征,坝上适合发展绿色错季蔬菜;坝下河谷盆地适合种植葡萄;坝下半山半川丘陵区是杏仁的理想产地。  相似文献   

We investigated the leaf : stem partitioning of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. varieties ‘Dekan’ and ‘Batis’) with and without drought influence. Irrigated and drought‐stressed winter wheat, grown in a rainout shelter in 2009/10 and 2013/14, were sampled during shoot elongation phase at the experimental Farm Hohenschulen located in Northern Germany. The data set contains leaf (DML) and stem dry masses (DMS), as well as measured water contents for several soil layers. A reduced relative dry matter allocation to leaves was observed under drought stress. Our results clearly show that, if simulated leaf : stem partitioning is not sensitive to drought, this will cause a positive bias in simulated leaf and a negative bias in simulated stem dry matter under water‐limited conditions. This is in accordance with previous studies which revealed that crop simulators often overestimate the impact of drought on light‐use efficiency, whereas the consequences on leaf area development are underestimated. However, the drought stress‐induced shift in leaf : stem partitioning is yet not considered by most common wheat crop simulators. Our aim was to fill the gap in simulation of drought stress implications on leaf area development. A simple allometric model for leaf : stem partitioning () was parameterized. Starting from the allometric leaf : stem relationship observed under optimum water supply, a correction term was introduced, which allows to adapt the partitioning to drought stress conditions. The lg‐transformed root‐weighted soil water potential in the rooting zone (lgψroot, lg(hPa)), calculated as a function of measured water contents and simulated root distribution, was used as a drought stress indicator. The linear correction term assumes an increase of the stem fraction, proportional to the difference between lgψroot and a drought stress threshold (pFcrit, lg(hPa)). The analysis revealed that the shift in allometric partitioning towards stem fraction starts with lgψroot greater than 1.92 [lg(hPa)]. The slope of the relative increase of dry matter allocated to the stem fraction was determined with 0.26 [lg(hPa)?1]. Both parameters of the correction term were found to be highly significant. Implications for crop modelling are discussed.  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下内蒙古作物物候变化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
肖登攀 《中国农学通报》2015,31(26):216-221
利用长时间序列物候观测数据研究作物物候变化是认知气候变暖对农业生产影响的重要途径。研究选用1981—2009年内蒙古地区13个农业气象观测站的小麦和玉米物候资料,利用统计方法分析了内蒙古作物(小麦/玉米)物候的变化趋势。结果表明:在管理(主要指调整播期)和作物品种变化共同作用下,小麦和玉米物候对气候变化的响应不同。小麦的播种期平均推迟1.7 d/10 a,而玉米播种期提前1.0 d/10 a。小麦的抽穗和成熟期分别平均推迟1.7 d/10 a和0.8 d/10 a,而玉米抽穗期平均变化较小,成熟期平均推迟达3.3 d/10 a。小麦和玉米不同生长阶段历时的变化趋势呈显著差异。出苗—抽穗营养生长阶段,小麦平均缩短了1.4 d/10 a,而玉米却延长了1.2 d/10 a;抽穗—成熟生殖生长阶段,小麦和玉米分别平均延长了0.2 d/10 a、3.3 d/10 a;而出苗—成熟整个生长阶段,小麦平均缩短了1.2 d/10 a,而玉米却延长达到4.5 d/10 a。  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is normally grown as a spring-sown rainfed crop in the Mediterranean region in areas receiving more than 400 mm of rainfall annually. Because of large fluctuations in the total amount and distribution of the rainfall, the crop occasionally suffers from extreme terminal drought. Breeders face a dilemma in selecting materials for both normal moisture regimes and drought conditions because it is often difficult to conduct two parallel breeding programmes. This study examines the transferability of the selection indices (developed as a multiple regression of yield on most influential traits) from one environment to another with the objective of selecting an appropriate environment for the development of cultivars adapted to both environments. Experiments were conducted for 3 years (1989-1991) during the spring at two locations with normal moisture regime (hereafter referred to as drought-free) in Syria and Lebanon and one drought-prone location in Syria. Each year, 192-240 newly bred lines were evaluated in replicated trials for seed yield, days to flowering and maturity, plant height and 100-seed weight. Correlation analyses showed that increased seed size, early maturity and reduced plant height at the drought-prone location and early maturity at the drought-free location were of prime importance in increasing seed yield. Regression equations developed to predict seed yield showed that days to flower and maturity accounted from 67-80 % variation in seed yield at the dry location, whereas at the drought-free locations the contribution of days to maturity was smaller except in 1991 in Lebanon. The percent success in the transferability of the selection indices from the drought-free environments to the drought-prone environment was higher than that from the drought-prone environment to the drought-free environment. These results indicate that chickpea breeding material developed under drought-free environments could be useful under drought-prone conditions. Early-maturing lines selected under normal environments would also perform well under drier conditions.  相似文献   

湟水河流域近50年来农业气候资源变化   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为了给湟水河地区合理利用气候资源及农业生产布局提供科学依据,笔者利用湟水河地区9个气象站1961—2012年逐日气温、降水、积温等气象数据以及干旱、暴雨、干热风、霜冻等灾害资料,应用数理统计方法,研究近50年湟水河流域气候资源的变化的趋势。结果表明:(1)湟水河流域年平均气温呈明显升高趋势,年平均气温升温率为0.41℃/10 a;年平均降水量呈现微弱增加趋势,增幅为0.96 mm/10 a,年平均日照时数为2596.6 h,年平均日照时数呈减少趋势,减少率为37.3 h/10 a;(2)0℃、10℃的积温总体呈增加趋势,增幅分别为78.7℃/10 a、77.2℃/10 a,湟水河流域无霜期在94~155天,增幅为4 d/10 a;(3)近50年来,湟水河流域干旱出现站次呈减少趋势,减少率为0.91站次/10 a,而暴雨发生次数明显增多,强度增加,年平均干热风强度指数为15.5,2000s以后干热风明显增强。  相似文献   

Gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence transient were examined in leaves of sorghum at high temperatures. No changes were found in photosynthetic rate (Pn) and photosystem II (PS II) performance index on absorption base (PI(abs)) at 40 °C for 1 h. But transpiration rate was enhanced significantly, which served as a self‐protection response for dissipating heat. The Pn decreased significantly at 40 °C for 3 h, and the decrease became greater at 45 °C. Decrease in Pn mainly resulted from stomatal limitation at 40 °C for 3 h, whereas it was due to non‐stomatal limitation at 45 °C. Decline in PS II function indicated by the significant decrease in PI(abs), trapped energy flux and electron transport flux were responsible for the decrease in Pn at 45 °C. PS II reaction centre and oxygen‐evolving complex in the donor side were not affected at high temperatures, but electron transport in the acceptor side was sensitive to high temperature. The PS II function recovered completely 1 day after high temperature stress even as high as 45 °C, which is favourable for sorghum to meet the challenge of global warming. However, Pn did not completely recover possibly due to heat‐induced irreversible damage to CO2 fixation process.  相似文献   

旨在量化表征晋北半干旱地区的干旱强度及其时空特征以及对农作物产量的影响,基于朔州市6个气象站点1972-2017年的实测气象资料,分析该地区的降水、气温的变化趋势,利用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)定量分析了朔州市不同时间尺度的干旱频率及强度的时空特征.结果 表明:朔州市年均降水量变化趋势不显著,季节平均降水量规律中,...  相似文献   

湖南农业气候资源对全球气候变化的响应分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了揭示全球气候变化背景下湖南农业气候资源的变化特征,利用湖南省97个台站1960-2010年逐日气象观测资料,在进行均一性检验和订正的基础上,分析湖南省农业气候资源时间、空间变化趋势及其差异。结果表明:湖南气温与全球气温变化趋势一致,呈现以变暖为主要特征的气候变化,相对应的热量资源也呈现为显著增多的变化趋势,以活动积温对气候变暖响应最敏感;湖南降水量无显著趋势变化,但在不同季节、不同地区的变化趋势差异较大,冬季湘北地区呈显著增多趋势,春季湘西地区呈显著减少趋势,夏季湘中地区呈显著增多趋势,秋季湘西南地区呈显著减少趋势;日照时数呈现以夏季显著减少为主要特征的变化趋势,减少幅度最大的地区位于湘江中下游地区。气候变化导致湖南省农业气候资源发生变化,进而影响到农业生产布局和结构,需合理利用气候资源,提高农业适应气候变化的能力。  相似文献   

Water deficit is perhaps the most severe threat to sustainable crop production in the conditions of changing climate. Researchers are striving hard to develop resistance against water deficit in crop plants to ensure food security for the coming generations. This study was conducted to establish the role of fulvic acid (FA) application in improving the performance of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) under drought. Maize plants were grown under normal conditions till tasselling and were then subjected to drought by cessation of water followed by foliar application of FA (1.5 mg l?1). Drought stress disrupted the photosynthetic pigments and reduced the gas exchange leading to reduction in plant growth and productivity. Nonetheless, exogenous FA application substantially ameliorated the adversities of drought by sustaining the chlorophyll contents and gas exchange possibly by enhanced levels of antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT)) activities and proline. These beneficial effects yielded in terms of plant growth and allometry, and grain yield. It is interesting to note that FA application also improved the crop performance under well‐watered conditions. Hence, FA may be applied to improve the crop performance under drought and well‐watered conditions.  相似文献   

A series of trials to increase understanding of the summer dormancy trait in Phalaris aquatica was conducted. Autumn‐sown and younger, spring‐sown plants of two cultivars (cvv), known to contrast in expression of summer dormancy, were established and then tested over the following summer under three moisture regimes: long drought; drought + mid‐summer storm; or full irrigation. The autumn‐sown plants of cv. Atlas PG expressed substantial but incomplete summer dormancy under all moisture regimes and exhibited the characteristic responses including significant growth reduction and herbage senescence. The summer‐dormant cv. Atlas PG used 31 mm less soil water over the summer and also began to rehydrate its leaf bases from conserved soil water before the drought broke. The non‐dormant cv. Australian grew whenever moisture was applied and also responded to the mid‐summer storm with a decline in dehydrin expression in leaf bases, whereas no decline occurred in Atlas PG, presumably because it remained dormant. The irrigated, younger, spring‐sown swards of cv. Atlas PG had restrained growth and produced only about 37 % of the herbage of cv. Australian. Drought reduced activity and growth of young plants of both cultivars but while Australian regrew in response to the storm, cv. Atlas PG, grew much less (59 % of Australian) indicating that dormancy, although only partially expressed after spring sowing, was reinforced by summer drought. Australian used more soil water over summer than Atlas PG, and it is suggested that this is why cv Australian is limited to the higher rainfall zones of south‐eastern Australia, particularly where soil water holding capacity is limited.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during July 1986–April 1988 at New Delhi, to evaluate the relative contribution of rainy-season legumes towards the growth and productivity of succeeding wheat ( Triticum aestivum [L.] emend. Fiori & Paol), find out economic optimum dose of nitrogen for succeeding wheat and screen a legume which can be best knitted in wheat based cropping system.
HD 2329 wheat performed better when grown after legumes than when grown after Local fodder sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench). N economy in wheat was greater (65–78 kg/ha) after Sona clusterbean ( Cyamopsis tetragonoloba [L.] Taubert) and T-9 blackgram ( Phaseolus mungo L.) over sorghum. The economic optimum dose of N for wheat following pigeonpea ( Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), groundnut ( Aracbis bypogaea L.), blackgram ( Phaseolus mungo L.) and clusterbean were 110.1, 103.6, 113.7, 109.6 and 92.3 kg/ha respectively.  相似文献   

The relationship between biomass production and N2 fixation under drought‐stress conditions in peanut genotypes with different levels of drought resistance is not well understood. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of drought on biomass production and N2 fixation by evaluating the relative values of these two traits under well watered and water‐stress conditions. Twelve peanut genotypes were tested under field conditions in the dry seasons of 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 in north‐east Thailand. A split‐plot design with four replications was used. Main‐plot treatments were three water regimes [field capacity (FC), 2/3 available soil water (AW) and 1/3 AW], and sub‐plot treatments were 12 peanut lines. Data were recorded on biomass production and N2 fixation under well watered and water‐stress conditions. Genotypic variations in biomass production and N2 fixation were found at all water regimes. Biomass production and N2 fixation decreased with increasing levels of drought stress. Genotypes did not significantly differ in reductions for biomass production, but did differ for reductions in N2 fixation. High biomass production under both mild and severe drought‐stress conditions was due largely to high potential biomass production under well‐watered conditions and, to a lesser extent, the ability to maintain high biomass production under drought‐stress conditions. High N2 fixation under drought stress also was due largely to high N2 fixation under well‐watered conditions with significant but lower contributions from the ability to maintain high nitrogen fixation under drought stress. N2 fixation at FC was not correlated with the reduction in N2 fixation at 2/3 AW and 1/3 AW. Positive relationships between N2 fixed and biomass production of the tested peanut genotypes were found at both levels of drought stress, and the relationship was stronger the more severe the drought stress. These results suggested that the ability to maintain high N2 fixation under drought stress could aid peanut genotypes in maintaining high yield under water‐limited conditions.  相似文献   

中国农业干旱灾害特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1949—2019年受灾率、成灾率和因旱粮食损失率3个指标系列,分析了中国干旱灾害的时空分布特征及其变化趋势。统计结果表明,1949—2000年,中国农业受灾率、成灾率、因旱粮食损失率增加速率分别为1.72%/10 a、1.26%/10 a和0.61%/10 a,2001—2019年,农业干旱灾害呈逐步减缓的趋势;从代际间的变化过程来看,20世纪50年代的受灾率、成灾率和因旱粮食损失率分别为7.4%、2.4%和2.3%;到21世纪初分别增加到16.1%、9.3%和6.8%。空间分布上,东北、西北和黄淮海地区受旱成灾较为严重,受灾率和成灾率均超过15%和10%;华南、西南和长江中下游地区受旱成灾相对较缓,受灾率和成灾率低于10%和5%。其中,山西、陕西、辽宁、吉林、内蒙古、河北、甘肃和宁夏等是受旱成灾较为严重的省区。由农业综合干旱指数分析可得,1949—2019年全国发生重旱以上的年份为26年,发生特旱的年份有13年,反映出中国是一个农业干旱灾害频发的国家。气候变暖、水土资源不平衡及人类活动导致下垫面改变是农业干旱灾害加剧的主要原因。  相似文献   

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