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Reptiles are increasingly being kept as pets in American households. The basic principles of emergency medicine are the same for all species, but reptilian species present special diagnostic challenges to veterinary clinicians when they become ill. Reptiles in captivity can become accidentally poisoned in a variety of ways. Veterinarians treating small animal emergencies must make an effort to familiarize themselves with the large body of literature and resources that are developing regarding both nontraditional exotic companion species and advances in toxicology.  相似文献   

Nine cases of granulomatous dermatitis in carnivores (eight dogs, one cat) are described. In three cases, in which there were no fungi in hair shafts, nor any other evidence of mycotic infection initially, fungal elements were demonstrated in the granulomas with the aid of special stains (PAS and Grocott). Granulomatous dermatitis in case of dermatophyte infections is thought to be an hypersensitivity reaction and has been reported to occur in a variety of mammals. It is suggested that pyogranulomatous skin reactions and trichogranulomas could be associated with dermatophytes and it is recommended to carry out further laboratory studies in order to detect fungi in such cases.  相似文献   

Several types of muscle abnormalities are present in the poultry industry as a result of genetic selection, leading to decreased quality of meat and consequent economic loss. The appearance of thin (moderate) to thick (severe) white striping (WS) striations parallel to muscle fibers on the surface of broiler breast fillets is one of the most troubling issues in the poultry industry. White striping also has unfavorable implications on visual acceptance, nutritional value, and processing traits of breast meat. The aim of this survey was to assess the influence of market class (medium and heavy birds) and genotype (standard- and high-breast yield hybrids) on the incidence of WS in broiler chickens raised under commercial conditions in Italy. The incidence of WS for both medium and heavy broilers was high (43.0%), with 6.2% of samples considered severe. Heavy flocks had significantly higher percentages of both moderate (46.9 vs. 25.8%;P ≤ 0.001) and severe (9.5 vs. 2.7%;P ≤ 0.001) WS than medium flocks. Considering the effect of genotype, high-breast yield hybrids exhibited a higher incidence of both moderate (40.2 vs. 33.2%;P ≤ 0.001) and severe WS (7.2 vs. 5.0%;P ≤ 0.001) compared with standard-breast yield birds. In addition, within the medium class, the occurrence of WS reached higher levels in flocks of males. The heavy class consisted of male flocks separated into 2 slaughter weight categories. Birds that reached higher slaughtering weights (3.8–4.2 kg) exhibited higher incidence of WS than flocks slaughtered at lower weights (3.0–3.8 kg) at a similar age. In conclusion, the main broiler genotypes used for commercial production were affected by a high rate of WS; hybrids selected for higher breast yields were more prone to the WS abnormality. In addition, severe cases of WS are even more prevalent at higher slaughter age and weight, although reduced growth rate is associated with a lower incidence and severity of WS.  相似文献   

In 1982-1983, 144 muscle samples from 11 different species of wild carnivores from southwestern Quebec, Canada, were examined for the presence of Trichinella spiralis larvae, using direct microscopic examination and the peptic digestion method. Two red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) (out of 29) and one pine marten (Martes americana) (out of 56) were found positive, giving a 2.1% prevalence for the whole sample.  相似文献   

We conducted 300 semi-structured interviews with local people adjacent to Tarangire National Park, northern Tanzania, to determine their attitudes and perceptions toward large carnivores. We analyzed the relationships between attitudes and age, gender, education, occupation, years at residence, income, distance from protected area, livestock owned, livestock lost to predators and knowledge of carnivores. Three-quarters of respondents (79%) held negative attitudes toward large carnivores, while 20% were generally positive. Three variables were positively associated with attitudes towards different species: formal education (all carnivore species), years at residence (lions and cheetahs), and knowledge of carnivores (cheetahs). Attitudes toward large carnivores were not significantly related to distance from protected area, livestock owned. or livestock lost to predators. Findings suggested that interventions aimed at fostering positive attitudes toward large carnivores should focus on improving formal education and securing long-term residency for people in the region.  相似文献   

The pattern of human dermatomycoses has changed in Italy during this century, as a progressive escalation of zoophilic dermatophytes over anthropophilic dermatophytes has been experienced: dermatophytozoonoses now prevail over other dermatophytoses (by anthropophilic and geophilic mycetes). Urban dermatophytozoonoses are caused mainly byMicrosporum canis and are an important problem in young people in cities. Many cats and dogs are symptomless carriers of the fungus. Rural dermatophytozoonoses are caused byTrichophyton verrucosum andT. mentagrophytes. They are an important economic problem in calf, rabbit and laboratory animal farms. They are an occupational disease of agricultural workers: family members may also be affected.
Kurzfassung Im letzten Jahrhundert hat sich das Vorkommen von Dermatomykosen bei Menschen in Italien sehr verändert, seitdem man festgestellt hat, dass die zoophylen Dermatophyten die Uberhand über die antropophylen gewinnen, d.h. augenblicklich gibt es mehr Dermatophytozoonosen als andere, von antropophylen und geophylen Pilzen hervorgerufene Dermatophytosen. Die in Städten vorkommenden Dermatophytozoonosen werden hauptsächlich von Microscarum canis bewirkt; sie stellen ein wichtiges Problem für die Stadtjugend dar. Viele Katzen und Hunde sind symptomlose Träger dieser Pilze. Die Dermatophytozoonosen ländlicher Gebiete werden durchTrichophyton verrucosum undT. mentagrophytes hervorgerufen. Sie stellen ein ökonomisches Problem für die Aufzucht von Kälbern, Kaninchen und Labortieren dar. Sie müssen ebenfalls als Berufskrankheit der Landarbeiter angesehen und können auch auf Familienmitglieder übertragen werden.

Resume Le tableau des dermatomycoses s'est modifié en Italie au cours de ce siècle au fur et à mesure qu'on constatait que les dermatophytes zoophiles prenaient le pas sur les anthropophiles: les dermatophytozoonoses l'emportent actuellement sur les cutres dermatophytoses (mycètes anthropophiles et géophiles). Les dermatophytozoonoses urbaines sont causées principalement parMicrosporum canis et constituent un problème important chez les jeunes dans les villes. Beaucoup de chats et chiens sont des porteurs asymptomatiques du champignon. Les dermatophytozoonoses rurales sont provoquées parTrichophyton verrucosum etT. mentagrophytes. Elles représentent un problème économique important chez le veau, le lapin et dans les élevages d'animaux de laboratoire. Elles constituent une maladie professionnelle des travailleurs agricoles; les membres de leur famille peuvent être également affectés.

Riassunto Nel corso di questo secolo la tavola delle dermatomicosi umane si è modificata in Italia a seguito di un progressivo aumento dei dermatofiti zoofili in relazione e quelli antropofili: le dermatofitizoonosi attualmente sono più frequenti delle altre dermatofitosi (miceti antropofili e geofili). Le dermatofitozoonosi urbane sone causate principalmente dalMicrosporum canis e costituiscono un problemaeconomico importante per la popolazione giovane della città. Molti gatti e cani sono portatori asintomatici di questo fungo. Le dermatofitozoonosi rurali sono provocate dalTrichophyton verrucosum e dalT. mentagrophytes. Esse rappresentano un problema importante per il vitello, il coniglio e per gli allevamenti di animali da laboratorio e costituiscono una malattia professionale per i lavoratori agricoli e i membri delle loro famiglie.


Instructions for Authors

Guide to Authors  相似文献   


This research aims to understand the prevalence of religious slaughter practices in Italy. Two different ways of slaughtering animals are identified. Conventional slaughter is performed with prior stunning; kosher slaughter is practiced without stunning. Halal slaughter is performed for most animals without stunning. Halal slaughter with prior stunning is acceptable for 5.90% of small ruminants. For Halal slaughter in Italy, the terms “religious slaughter with stunning” and “religious slaughter without stunning” should be used to differentiate religious slaughter practices, keeping animal welfare in perspective.


Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

In 2011, five outbreaks of dourine were originally reported in Italy. The outbreaks occurred in two regions of southern Italy. From June to December 2011, a surveillance plan has been carried out in Italy to estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of dourine infection in the equine population. Finally, two other new outbreaks were reported, and seven outbreaks were confirmed. This article describes the results of the surveillance plan, also taking into consideration the prevalence of infection observed in the different types of equine premises.  相似文献   

Bovine anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma marginale is a disease transmitted by ticks belonging to the Ixodidae family. Southern Italy is considered an endemic zone but environmental and social factors are changing the epidemiology of the disease to expand to previously anaplasmosis-free regions. The available data of published reports of anaplasmosis in Italy together with the data obtained by the National Centre of Reference for Anaplasma, Babesia, Rickettsia and Theileria (C.R.A.Ba.R.T.), allowed to report A. marginale infection in different Italian regions (Lazio, Marche, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria and Sicily). Cattle are also subject to infection with the related Ixodes ricinus-transmitted pathogen, Anaplasma phagocytophilum that results in reduced milk production in cattle. A. phagocytophilum infect also small ruminants, domestic and wild animals and causes the human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Different studies have been conducted on the presence of A. phagocytophilum in Italy both in the tick vectors and in the wild and domestic reservoirs. Contrary to A. marginale, the prevalence of A. phagocytophilum embraces the whole Italian territory from the Alps to the southern and insular regions.  相似文献   

Bovine anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma marginale is a disease transmitted by ticks belonging to the Ixodidae family. Southern Italy is considered an endemic zone but environmental and social factors are changing the epidemiology of the disease to expand to previously anaplasmosis-free regions. The available data of published reports of anaplasmosis in Italy together with the data obtained by the National Centre of Reference for Anaplasma, Babesia, Rickettsia and Theileria (C.R.A.Ba.R.T.), allowed to report A. marginale infection in different Italian regions (Lazio, Marche, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria and Sicily). Cattle are also subject to infection with the related Ixodes ricinus-transmitted pathogen, Anaplasma phagocytophilum that results in reduced milk production in cattle. A. phagocytophilum infect also small ruminants, domestic and wild animals and causes the human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Different studies have been conducted on the presence of A. phagocytophilum in Italy both in the tick vectors and in the wild and domestic reservoirs. Contrary to A. marginale, the prevalence of A. phagocytophilum embraces the whole Italian territory from the Alps to the southern and insular regions.  相似文献   

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