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辅以拮抗菌的有机肥对辣椒疫病生防效果的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了辅以拮抗菌的有机肥对辣椒疫病生防效果的作用,并研究了有机肥施用对拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖以及根际微生物区系的影响,结果表明:施用有机肥,与对照相比,可降低发病率35%,辅以拮抗微生物的有机肥与直接使用拮抗菌相比,前期效果不如后者,但后期发病率明显降低,同时使拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖数量提高了14.3倍。  相似文献   

生物质炭介导生防微生物抑制辣椒疫霉的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质炭可有效防控土传病害,筛选并鉴定出生物质炭介导下的生防微生物,可为研究生物质炭防病机理和强化生物质炭防病效果提供理论依据。本研究首先进行秸秆生物质炭防控辣椒疫病盆栽试验,利用定量PCR和平板计数明确生物质炭在防控辣椒疫病时可富集的已知生防微生物,再通过选择性培养基初筛和定殖复筛筛选出生物质炭可富集的潜在生防微生物菌株,最后研究各菌株在土壤中对辣椒疫霉的抑制作用。结果表明,秸秆生物质炭使根际辣椒疫霉数量显著降低95.1%、辣椒疫病发生率显著降低91.1%,并使具有生防功能的木霉菌、青霉菌、曲霉菌、芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌和鞘氨醇单胞菌数量显著增加2.22倍、4.09倍、3.89倍、2.45倍、1.45倍和1.30倍。通过平板初筛得到可能被生物质炭富集的22株潜在生防菌株。定殖复筛剔除部分假性生物质炭介导菌株,获得可明确被生物质炭富集的2株木霉菌、3株青霉菌、2株曲霉菌、3株芽孢杆菌、3株假单胞菌、3株链霉菌和2株鞘氨醇单胞菌。木霉菌(TR1和TR3)、青霉菌(PE1)、曲霉菌(AS1和AS2)、芽孢杆菌(BA1、BA2和BA3)、假单胞菌(PS1和PS3)、链霉菌(ST1、ST4和ST5)13个菌株可显著削减土壤辣椒疫霉数量。其中,所有木霉菌和曲霉菌菌株(TR1、TR3、AS1和AS2)及芽孢杆菌(BA1和BA2)、假单胞菌(PS1和PS3)和链霉菌(ST1)9个菌株与生物质炭具有显著的协同抑制辣椒疫霉效果。因此,防控辣椒疫病时,木霉菌、曲霉菌、芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌和链霉菌是生物质炭介导下的主要防病微生物。  相似文献   

在室内条件下,采用土壤处理和盆栽试验相结合的方法,以2块辣椒连作菜地土壤为对象,研究淹水处理对土壤的理化、生物学性质及辣椒疫病发生率的影响.结果表明,淹水后土壤pH、总酚酸含量升高,总有机酸含量显著增加,而土壤的电导率、氧化还原电位和铵态氮含量则显著下降.栽植辣椒后,根际土壤的总有机酸含量和总酚酸含量迅速下降,铵态氮含量和Eh上升,而电导率和pH基本不变.在生物学性质上,淹水能降低土壤脱氢酶和土壤脲酶的活性,并显著减少土壤真菌和放线菌的数量.将人工接种量为每1 g干土1 000个辣椒疫霉孢子的连作土壤分别进行保湿35 d和淹水35 d处理,采用实时定量PCR技术测定土壤中辣椒疫霉的数量.结果表明:处理结束时保湿组辣椒疫霉数量是淹水组的5~6倍.土壤栽植辣椒后,保湿组辣椒疫霉数量显著增加,而淹水组基本不变.在2种辣椒连作土壤中,淹水20 d和35d对辣椒疫病的防效都能达到100%,对照发病率为80%~86%;而在这2种土壤中分别人工接种辣椒疫霉孢子(接种量为每1 g干土1 000个辣椒疫霉孢子),再进行淹水20 d和35 d后,在G土中防效为100%,而在X土中,对辣椒疫病的防效仅为40%~54%.因此,可以推测,当土壤中病原菌的数量较高时,采用单-的淹水处理仍然不能完全防控辣椒疫病,必须与其他土壤处理技术相结合.  相似文献   

为了提高生防菌株wswshg-10低温生长速度和抑菌活性,采用常压室温等离子体诱变技术(ARTP)对其进行诱变选育。结果表明,最佳照射时间为120 s,此时菌株致死率为95.4%,单菌落变大的突变率为24.5%。经低温平板培养和抑菌活性测定,从19个大菌落的菌株中筛选出2株低温生长速度和抑菌活性明显高于出发菌株的突变菌株WM4和WM7,其低温(15℃)生长速度分别是出发菌株的1.94倍和2.09倍,平板抑菌活性分别较出发菌株高26.2%和29.8%。传代培养10代,2株突变菌株在低温生长速度和抑菌活性方面均表现出良好的遗传稳定性。突变菌株WM7对玉米茎基腐病的温室防效为70.8%,比出发菌株高15.1%。本研究结果为适于低温地区生物农药的研发提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   

辣椒青枯病拮抗菌的筛选及其生物防治效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从辣椒根际土壤中分离筛选到对辣椒青枯病致病菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)具有较强拮抗效果而且生长速度快的菌株a45。根据生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列分析,将菌株a45鉴定为Bacillus subtilis。按照20%(V/W)的比例将a45菌液接种至等比例混合的猪粪堆肥和氨基酸有机肥中发酵4 d,制备微生物有机肥(BOF),其中含有a45计2.0×109个g-1土。利用a45菌悬液(LC)和BOF在温室中进行了盆栽试验,盆栽土壤中接种病原菌Ralstonia solanacearum(9.6×106个g-1土)。结果表明,土壤中施用LC(1.0×107个a45 g-1土)和BOF(5‰,W/W,即1.0×107个a45 g-1土)对辣椒青枯病的防治效率分别为69.58%和76.09%,并且对辣椒生长具有显著的促进作用。土壤中施用LC和BOF能显著降低病原菌的数量,第30天时,病原菌数量较对照分别减少20.5%和25%。拮抗菌a45的数量变化显示,随着时间的延长,根际土壤中拮抗菌含量逐渐下降,但有机肥能显著延缓a45的数量下降,a45和有机肥混合使用时,根际土壤中a45的存活量明显高于a45单独使用时的存活量。初步研究表明,a45含有ituA、ituB、ituC、ituD,Qk,bam和SboA基因,分别为Iturin、Subtilisin QK、Bacillomycin和Subtilosin A的生物合成相关基因。  相似文献   

有机肥和地膜覆盖对辣椒生长发育及产量影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜成  申晓慧 《核农学报》2009,23(5):879-883
以有机肥、化肥和地膜覆盖处理栽培辣椒,通过测量辣椒植株的生长量和辣椒产量,研究各处理对辣椒的的产量的影响。结果表明:有机肥的施入和地膜覆盖有效地提高辣椒生物产量和果实产量,有机肥地膜处理与化肥无地膜处理(CK)相比,株高、冠幅、叶面积及根茎叶干重均显著增加,叶面积和根、茎、叶干重分别提高2.77倍和3.10倍、3.51倍、2.82倍,果实产量增加33.7%。有机肥和地膜覆盖有效促进辣椒的生长发育,明显地提高辣椒的生物产量。  相似文献   

秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病的防控效果及机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王光飞  马艳  郭德杰  王秋君 《土壤》2015,47(6):1107-1114
在盆栽试验条件下研究了两种温度下制备的秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病的防控效果,并测定了辣椒根际土壤理化性状、微生物数量和群落结构、病原菌数量和与植株抗性相关的生理生化指标。结果表明:麦秸在500℃和600℃两种温度下制备的生物炭对辣椒疫病均有一定的防控作用,500℃制备的生物炭防控效果好于600℃制备的生物炭,且对辣椒具有一定的生长促进作用;生物炭处理能明显提高土壤中全氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量,其中速效钾含量的增加最大;分别添加两种生物炭均能显著提高根际可培养微生物特别是真菌和放线菌的数量,增加微生物多样性并改变其优势微生物群落;两种生物炭处理虽然增加了辣椒疫霉的数量,但并未引起植株发病;施用生物炭没有显著改变与植株抗性相关的生理指标。总之,土壤施用秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病具有良好的防控作用,生物炭改善土壤养分状况和土壤微生物群落结构可能是其主要防病机理之一。  相似文献   

王光飞  马艳  郭德杰  王秋君 《土壤》2015,47(5):1107-1114
研究秸秆生物炭防控辣椒疫病效果,并初步探索其防控机理。在盆栽试验条件下研究了两种温度下制备的秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病的防控效果,并测定了辣椒根际土壤理化性状、微生物数量和群落结构、病原菌数量和与植株抗性相关的生理生化指标。结果表明:麦秸在500℃和600℃两种温度下制备的生物炭对辣椒疫病均有一定的防控作用,500℃制备的生物炭防控效果好于600℃制备的生物炭,且对辣椒具有一定的生长促进作用;生物炭处理能明显提高土壤中全氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量,其中速效钾含量的增加最大;分别添加两种生物炭均能显著提高根际可培养微生物特别是真菌和放线菌的数量,增加微生物多样性并改变其优势微生物群落;定量PCR测定结果显示,两种生物炭处理提高了土壤中细菌的总体数量,但对真菌总体数量影响不同,虽然增加了辣椒疫霉的数量,但并未引起植株发病;植株与抗性相关生理生化指标显示,施用生物炭没有显著改变与植株抗性相关的生理指标。土壤施用秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病具有良好的防控作用,生物炭改善土壤养分状况和土壤微生物群落结构可能是其主要防病机理之一。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验研究了不同用量秸秆生物炭对辣椒疫病防控效果及土壤性状的影响,并解析生物炭用量、土壤性状与防控效果之间的关系。结果表明,随着生物炭用量的增加,土壤pH和有机质含量逐步上升,电导率、有效磷和速效钾含量迅速上升,而铵态氮和硝态氮含量变化较小。细菌、真菌及四种功能菌数量随着用量的增加而逐步增加,但辣椒疫霉数量呈现先上升后下降的趋势。土壤酶活性方面,脲酶和β-葡糖苷酶逐步降低,FDA酶和蔗糖酶则先上升后下降。微生物代谢能力、微生物多样性及微生物均匀度均与用量呈倒U型曲线关系,在1.33%用量下获得最高值。DGGE图谱显示,低用量生物炭对微生物区系影响较小,而1.33%和2%用量则能显著改变微生物群落结构。0.33%、0.66%、1.33%和2%用量的防效分别为-9.8%、8.6%、56.7%和35.1%,与用量也呈倒U型曲线关系,1.33%生物炭用量对辣椒疫病的防效最好。一定范围内防效随生物炭用量的增加而增加,这可能是因为生物炭对土壤性状的改善作用,而随后防效下降,则与高用量生物炭对土壤性状产生的负面影响有关。  相似文献   

抑制烟草青枯病生物有机肥的研制及其生防效果研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
<正>烟草青枯病是由布可氏杆菌(Ralstoniaso-lanacearum)引起的一种烟草土传病害[1]。这种病原菌在高温多雨的天气中易于发生,主要侵染烟株根部,从而使烟草枯萎。传统上,防治烟草病害是直接使用化学药剂[2],这样不仅破坏了土壤微生态平衡而且也使烟叶品质逐年下降,所以有机肥的研究和  相似文献   

辣椒疫病是困扰世界辣椒产业的一个严重而持久的问题,难以通过化学和农业手段加以控制。为筛选出具有防控疫病应用潜力的本地可培养有益细菌,从民勤盐碱化土壤中分离到42株生防细菌,采用对峙培养法进行筛选。 结果表明,菌株HMQ20YJ11对9种植物病原菌具有较强的拮抗活性。通过16S rRNA基因、gyrA基因和gyrB基因序列分析鉴定,菌株HMQ20YJ11为萎缩芽孢杆菌。 菌株HMQ20YJ11能够产生α-淀粉酶、氨、纤维素酶、吲哚-3-乙酸、果胶酶、蛋白酶、铁载体和溶解磷酸盐。在温室条件下,与未处理对照相比,菌株HMQ20YJ11可显著降低疫病的严重程度。 田间进行测试的结果表明,菌株HMQ20YJ11可显著降低疫病的严重程度,具有防治疫病的潜力。由此可看出,菌株HMQ20YJ11对植物病害具有拮抗作用,可作为潜在的生物防治菌剂加以应用。  相似文献   

利用田间小区试验进行固体生物肥料防治黄瓜枯萎病和青椒疫病的效果研究,对田间应用效果进行评价。结果表明,固体生物肥料对黄瓜枯萎病的防治效果为45.12%、对青椒疫病防治效果达51.79%,达到了差异显著的效果,而且分别增产11.06%和37.19%,其防病与增产效果显著。  相似文献   

施用玉米秸秆堆肥对盆栽芥菜土壤酶活性和微生物的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
研究了施用玉米秸秆堆肥对盆栽芥菜土壤微生物和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,与对照和单施无机肥相比,施用堆肥能够提高芥菜生物量,增加根际土壤细菌、放线菌和真菌的数量,各处理微生物数量均在收获期达到最大值;同时,施用堆肥能够显著提高芥菜根际土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和纤维素酶的活性。各土壤酶在芥菜的生长期内变化趋势不同,脲酶活性在收获期达到最高;化肥与堆肥配施蔗糖酶活性在整个生长期内较稳定,其他处理均在收获期最低;过氧化氢酶活性在前期比较稳定,收获期有较大幅度下降;纤维素酶活性在旺长期较高,而苗期和收获期较低。相关性分析表明,部分土壤酶活性之间呈显著或极显著正相关;酶活性与土壤微生物数量之间呈显著或极显著正相关,表明土壤酶活性与微生物能够较好地反映土壤肥力水平。  相似文献   

Soil properties may affect the decomposition of added organic materials and inorganic nitrogen (N) production in agricultural soils. Three soils, Potu (Pu), Sankengtzu (Sk) and Erhlin (Eh) soils, mixed with sewage sludge compost (SSC) at application rates of 0 (control), 25, 75 and 150 Mg ha−1 were selected from Taiwan for incubation for 112 days. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of SSC application rates on the carbon decomposition rate, N transformation and pH changes in three soils with different initial soil pH values (4.8–7.7). The results indicated that the highest peaks of the CO2 evolution rate occurred after 3 days of incubation, for all treatments. The Pu soil (pH 4.8) had a relatively low rate of CO2 evolution, total amounts of CO2 evolution and percentage of added organic C loss, all of which resulted from inhibition of microbial activity under low pH. For the Pu and Sk soils, the concentration of NH4+-N reached its peak after 7–14 days of incubation, which indicated that ammonification might have occurred in the two soils with low initial pH values. NO3-N rapidly accumulated in the first 7 days of incubation in the Eh soil (pH 7.7). The direction and extent of the soil pH changes were influenced by the N in the SSC and the initial soil pH. Ammonification of organic N in the SSC caused the soil pH to increase, whereas nitrification of mineralized N caused the soil pH to decline. Consequently, the initial soil pH greatly affected the rate of carbon decomposition, ammonification and nitrification of SSC.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that treatment of grass swards cultured in waste-derived compost and treated with 8–24 g (5–15 g·L−1) glucose over 8 weeks resulted in a substantial increase of shoot dry matter and total nitrogen content, while a growth inhibiting effect was observed in unamended field soil. The improved sward performance in compost was associated with a significant expansion of the aerobic, diazotrophic bacterial population in the growth medium. The purpose of the present experiment was to measure the contribution of N2-fixation to the improved growth. Glucose treatment resulted in the fixation of at least 128 mg total nitrogen per pot (equivalent to 14.5 mg N fixed per g C respired; 104 kg·ha−1), with 32 % made available to shoots for growth over the following 6 months. There was no evidence of accelerated soil organic matter decomposition that could account for the increased N availability.


Nous avons montré précédemment que les pelouses prairiales arrosées avec des eaux issues de compost traitées avec 8–24 g de glucose (5–15 g·L−1) pendant 8 semaines voient une augmentation substantielle de la matière sèche et de la teneur en azote des pousses alors qu'un effet inhibiteur de croissance est observé sur les sols non traités. L'amélioration des performances prairiales sont associées à une augmentation significative des population de bactéries aérobies fixatrices d'azote libre. Le but de l'expérimentation présentée ici était d'évaluer la contribution de la fixation d'azote dans l'amélioration de la croissance. Le traitement par le glucose conduit à la fixation d'au moins 128 mg d'azote par pot (équivalent à 14,5 mg d'azote fixé par g de C respiré; 104 kg·ha−1), dont 32 % utilisable pour la croissance des pousses durant les 6 mois suivant. Aucune accélération de la décomposition de la matière organique n'est détectée, qui pourrait contribuer à cette augmentation d'azote disponible.  相似文献   

Introduction: The application of organic fertilisers to replenish soil organic matter and improve soil fertility and productivity has become common agricultural practice.

Aim of the study: This research deals with the effects of soil amendment with sewage sludge compost (SSC) on organic carbon, nitrogen total, nitrogen mineral and available P, K, S and Mg mineralisation in two contrasting soils. The various statistical tools used in this study have allowed us to present another conceptualisation of nutrient increments or losses as an effect of SSC applied. In order to distinguish groups of nutrients which are similar, a cluster analysis was used. A two-way analysis of variance was applied to compare the increments of the content of nutrients in the soils.

Material and Methods: A 3-year pot experiment was conducted, employing a randomised, factorial design with two soils (light and medium) and one amendment treatment as a compost at a rate equivalent to 6 Mg ha?1. The following parameters of chemical soil properties were determined: contents of organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (Ntot), amounts of available P, K, Mg, S and mineral nitrogen (Nmin).

Results: The SSC showed a similar influence on the fertility of both soils. It was affirmed that application of SSC results in a statistically significant increase in the contents of soil organic carbon. The amounts of total and mineral N, as well as available P and S were subjected to different patterns of quantity changes expressed by both increase and loss. Moreover, a statistically significant loss of available K amounts was observed in both soils.

Conclusions: The findings of the study indicated that mature SSC becomes a long lasting fertiliser, slowly subjected to decomposition processes. Therefore, it may influence small increases in nutrient amounts in soils, in relation to the contents obtained for the control soil.  相似文献   

研究了堆肥与化肥配施对甘肃河西内陆灌区玉米生长及产量的影响。结果表明,堆肥与化肥配施玉米农田中全年光能利用率以处理7(堆肥60 000 kg/hm2+磷二铵210 kg/hm2)最高,为0.884%;玉米水分利用率、经济产量、生物产量和经济总收入均以处理7最高,其中,经济产量水分利用效率为46.85 kg/mm,生物产量水分利用效率为85.72 kg/mm,经济产量为17 280.99 kg/hm2,生物产量为30 886.09 kg/hm2,经济总收入为35 922.5元/hm2。  相似文献   


The influence of long-term application of different types of compost on rice grain yield, CH4 and N2O emissions, and soil carbon storage (0 ? 30 cm) in rice paddy fields was clarified. Two sets of paddy fields applied with rice straw compost or livestock manure compost mainly derived from cattle were used in this study. Each set comprised long-term application (LT) and corresponding control (CT) plots. The application rates for rice straw compost (42 years) and livestock manure compost (41 years in total with different application rates) were 20 Mg fresh weight ha–1. Soil carbon storage increased by 33% and 37% with long-term application of rice straw compost and livestock manure compost, respectively. The soil carbon sequestration rate by the organic matter application was 23% higher with the livestock manure compost than with the rice straw compost. The rice grain yield in the LT plot was significantly higher than that in the corresponding CT plot with both types of compost. Although the difference was not significant in the rice straw compost, cumulative CH4 emissions increased with long-term application of both composts. Increase rate of CH4 emission with long-term application was higher in the livestock manure compost (99%) than that in the rice straw compost (26%). In both composts, the long-term application did not increase N2O emission significantly. As with the rice straw compost, the increase in CH4 emission with the long-term application of livestock manure compost exceeded the soil carbon sequestration rate, and the change in the net greenhouse gas (GHG) balance calculated by the difference between them was positive, indicating a net increase in the GHG emissions. The increase in CH4 and net GHG emissions owing to the long-term application of the livestock manure compost could be higher than that of the rice straw compost owing to the amount of applied carbon, the quality of compost and the soil carbon accumulation. The possibility that carbon sequestration in the subsoil differs depending on the type of composts suggests the importance of including subsoil in the evaluation of soil carbon sequestration by long-term application of organic matter.  相似文献   

A model for nitrogen (N) dynamics in compost‐amended vineyard soils was tested for its predictive power. A soil–mineral N data set from a 3‐year field study on four different vineyard sites was used for model evaluation. The soils were treated with mature bio‐waste compost (30 and 50 Mg ha–1 fresh matter, respectively). The model calculated soil mineral‐N contents at all sites with an overall mean bias error of –2.2 kg N ha–1 for layers of 0.1 m thickness and an overall mean absolute error of 7.4 kg N ha–1 layer–1. Modeling efficiencies for the simulations of the respective treatments ranged from –0.05 to 0.41, and Willmott's Index of Agreement showed values of between 0.41 and 0.81. Acceptable model predictions as defined by the observed variability of mineral‐N contents in the respective soils ranged from 40% to 72%. A strong increase in soil mineral‐N concentration following the compost application at all sites could not be reproduced with the model, thereby reducing the prediction accuracy significantly. The model performance confirms that previously derived N‐mineralization parameters are suitable to describe the N release from soil‐applied mature bio‐waste compost under the environmental conditions of vineyards in Germany.  相似文献   

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