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1. The effect of two dietary protein (125 vs 145 g/kg) and methionie (2.2 vs 5.2 g/kg) concentrations on the growth and carcase composition of male Muscovy ducklings was followed for 15 days. In the first experiment, two weight groups (light (Lw) and heavy (Hw)) of 64 birds each were compared while in the second, the comparison concerned hybrids (R61 and R31, 88 ducks each). At the beginning of the experiments, the ducks were 11 and 10 weeks old, respectively.

2. Meal feeding, associated with adequate rationing, reduced fattening but not muscular development. Hybrid R31 growth rate was faster than that of R61. In the two experiments, the birds whose growth had been slower before the beginning of the test period displayed the highest growth rate which was mainly caused by an increase in breast muscle.

3. Methionine supplementation (5.2 g/kg) improved the muscular development of the fillets. Minimal protein requirements were close to 10.3 g CP/MJ ME, but a diet with 12.7 g CP/MJ ME resulted in a slightly higher growth rate in ducklings with delayed growth.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of sex and genotype on carcase composition and nutritional and sensory characteristics of chicken meat. The “Géline de Touraine” (GT) characterised by high carcase fatness was compared with an experimental crossbreed (EC) and “Label rouge” (LR) genotype.

2. Females compared with males, and GT chickens compared with LR and EC chickens were characterised by increased carcase fatness and an increased lipid level in thigh meat.

3. In both breast and thigh meat, the percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids was increased and the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids was decreased. However, these effects did not affect sensory characteristics of meat particularly those of roasted breast fillets containing very low lipid level by comparison with thigh meat.

4. Finally, in our study, high carcase fatness was related to high intermuscular fatness affecting the nutritional characteristics of meat but not its sensory attributes.  相似文献   

1. Growth patterns of the whole body, eviscerated carcases, breast muscle, leg and thigh muscles and abdominal fat pads were compared in 4 lines (Lines A, B, C, and D) of male ducks selected for market weight (n = 1305) using growth curve analysis, allometric growth analysis and repeated measure analysis. At 49 d of age, Line A was heaviest, followed by Line B, Line C and Line D. 2. Ducks were fed ad libitum under 24-h lighting and 12 or 24 ducks were killed to determine body, carcase, breast-muscle, leg and thigh-muscle, and abdominal fat weights at time points from hatching until 53 d of age. 3. The Weibull function was chosen for growth curve analysis. The asymptote and inflection point from the Weibull growth curves identified 3 lines (Lines B, C, and D) with discrete body and carcase growth patterns but did not distinguish Line A from Line B. In all 4 lines the asymptote ranged from 4437 g to 3008 g for body weight and from 3334 g to 2098 g for carcase weight; the inflection point ranged from 22.5 d to 25.3 d for body weight and from 25.4 d to 29.6 d for carcase weight. 4. The allometric growth coefficient, relative to whole-body growth, was higher than 1.00 for breast muscle and lower than 1.00 for leg and thigh muscles during from 4 d to 53 d of age. 5. Body fat accumulation was estimated by abdominal fat. Line D accumulated more abdominal fat than other lines. The pattern of fat accumulation in Line D was different from Lines A, B and C and there were no differences between Lines A, B and C.  相似文献   

1. One growth experiment and one balance test were conducted to study the response to increasing levels of dietary lysine supplementation in male Pekin ducks with special reference to the growth periods from 1 to 3 weeks and 4 to 7 weeks of age. 2. Two different low-lysine diets were used as basal diets in both periods. The basal lysine levels were 7.6 g/kg (d 1 to 21) and 6.2 g/kg (d 22 to 49) and the ranges in lysine concentration were 7.6 to 12.6 g/kg (d 1 to 21) and 6.2 to 11.2 g/kg (d 22 to 49). 3. Growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and meat yield increased ( P < 0.05) with increas6 ing lysine concentration (requirement defined as 95% of the asymptote). 4. It is concluded that the dietary lysine concentration should be 0.93 g/MJ nitrogen corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AME N ) (11.7 g/kg) for the starter period (until d 21) and 0.75 g/MJ AME N (10.0 g/kg) for the grower period (from d 22 onwards).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine (Cy) in woodchucks ( Marmota monax ) and Pekin ducks. These data are needed to design rational dosing regimens. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated from blood concentration-time data obtained following intravenous (i.v.) administration of 10 mg/kg body weight to woodchucks and Pekin ducks. Whole blood samples were collected in EDTA and assayed using a commercially available radioimmunoassay kit that employs a monoclonal antibody specific for Cy. The blood concentration-time profile best Dtted an open, two-compartmental model in Pekin ducks. Compartmental analysis of data in woodchucks did not adequately describe the data. When non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis of the data was performed, the resulting mean (± SD) pharmacokinetic parameters in woodchucks and Pekin ducks, respectively, were as follows: volume of distribution at steady-state, 2.9 (± 0.8) and 2.7 (± 0.2) L/kg; systemic clearance, 10.2 (± 2.8) and 28.6 (± 6.1) mL/kg/min; mean residence time, 4.8 (± 1.1) and 1.6 (± 0.3). These data suggest that Pekin ducks clear Cy at a faster rate than do woodchucks and that a greater dose of Cy should be administered to Pekin ducks in order to achieve adequate immunosuppression.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the effects of stocking density on performance, meat quality and tibia development in Pekin ducks reared on a plastic wire floor. A total of 372 healthy, 21‐day‐old, male ducks with similar body weight (BW) were randomly allotted to stocking densities of five (low), eight (medium) and 11 (high) birds/m2. Each group had six replicates. Results showed that compared with the low density group, medium and high stocking density caused a decrease in final BW at 42 days old, and in average daily gain, European performance index (< .01) and meat pH at 45 min postmortem (< .001), and an increase of meat drip loss (< .01). High stocking density resulted in an increase of feed/gain ratio (< .001), but a decrease of tibia calcium (< .01) and phosphorus content (< .05). Meat color, shear force values, tibia size (weight, length, and width) and breaking strength were not significantly influenced by stocking density. In conclusion, stocking density over eight birds/m2 negatively affects growth performance, but meat quality and tibia development are not dramatically influenced. Based on this study, the stocking density of male Pekin ducks should be adjusted between five and eight birds/m2.  相似文献   


1. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of ambient temperature on growth performance and carcass traits in male growing Pekin ducks from 14 to 42 d of age in order to establish their optimal temperature requirements.

2. A total of 216 14 d old male White Pekin ducks were allocated randomly to six environmentally controlled chambers with ambient temperature set at 20°C, 22°C, 24°C, 26°C, 28°C, and 30°C from 14 to 42 d of age, respectively.

3. As ambient temperature increased from 20°C to 30°C, the body weight and weight gain decreased linearly or quadratically (P < 0.05) and was accompanied by linearly decreasing feed intake (P < 0.05). According to broken-line regression, the upper critical level of ambient temperature during the growing period for body weight, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio were 27.4°C, 27.4°C, and 26.0°C, respectively.

4. The weight of breast meat, leg meat, and abdominal fat decreased linearly or quadratically as ambient temperature increased and declined to a minimum when the temperature increased to 30°C (P < 0.05). The percentage of breast meat and abdominal fat showed a linear or quadratic decreasing response to increasing temperature, but leg meat percentage increased as temperature increased and reached maximum at 30°C (P < 0.05). According to broken-line regression, the upper critical ambient temperatures during the growing period for breast meat weight and percentage were 25.5°C and 25.6°C, respectively.

5. It was concluded that both growth performance and breast meat of growing ducks were sensitive to increasing ambient temperature and this should be kept below the upper critical temperature during the growing period in order to optimise growth performance and carcass traits at market age.  相似文献   

1. Three sire lines of Pekin duck, three dam lines and 9 crosses between these two groups were tested in replicated tests from 1987 to 1991. Body weight at the age of 7 weeks (n = 5189), carcase percentage, percentage of abdominal fat and thickness of breast muscles were recorded (n = 1432 for carcase traits).

2. The data were analysed by linear models. All models contained the factors test and sex. When analysing only crosses, general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA respectively) were included as well as their interactions with the test. Using the complete data set (lines and crosses), direct genetic and heterotic effects were considered.

3. The factors test and sex were significant in both data sets for all traits.

4. For body weight, all genetic factors were significant. The average heterosis was 65 g ± 9 g (2.2%); the highest observed heterosis was 7.7%.

5. For carcase percentage, the heterosis was always negative (up to — 2.1%), whereas in abdominal fat, a desirable negative heterosis was observed only in one cross. No significant heterotic or combining ability effects were observed in the thickness of breast muscles.

6. Significant interactions between at least one genetic factor and test were found in all traits.

7. The relative importance of GCA and SCA, possible sources of confounding estimates of genetic effects, the importance of heterotic effects and genotype × environment interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The clinical, pathological and immunological responses were compared in ducklings infected by the intramuscular, oral and intranasal routes with virulent Pasteurella anatipestifer. Intramuscular challenge resulted in clinical signs of infection and caused 100 per cent mortality within three days. No disease signs or death were observed in the orally challenged ducks. Whereas intranasal inoculation caused no deaths, signs of infection were observed in two of 12 birds four days later. In the orally challenged group, low concentrations of antibodies (0.17 log2 to 4.5 log2) were detected in the tracheal washes of five of nine birds examined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Humoral antibodies were detected in only one of these birds. In the intranasally infected group, serum antibody levels ranging in titre from 0.62 log2 to 6.2 log2 were found in four of nine birds examined over seven to 14 days following infection. Nine of the birds in this group were shown to have low concentrations of antibodies (0.50 log2 to 6.33 log2) in the tracheal washings. The demonstration of antibodies in the tracheal washings, but not in the serum of nine birds examined, suggested that a local immune response had occurred. However, these studies have shown that antibodies present on the tracheal surface can also be derived from antibodies given intraperitoneally.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty eight-d-old goslings were allocated at random to one of 18 groups, each group comprising 8 of each sex. Three starter and three grower diets (both 11, 12, 13 MJ AME/kg) were fed and were combined in a factorial design to give 9 treatments. The starter diets were given for 4 weeks and the grower diets from weeks 5 to 9 inclusive. Body weight was unaffected by treatment, but the males were significantly heavier than the females. Food intake declined significantly as the dietary energy concentration increased. The efficiency of food utilisation of birds fed on the starter diet with the lowest energy concentration was significantly less than that of birds fed on the other diets. Birds fed on the grower diet with the highest energy concentration gave significantly better FCE than those fed on the other diets. There was no evidence to suggest that the treatments had any significant effect on carcase components and chemical composition of the geese. Oleic acid was significantly depressed and linoleic acid concentration increased as the energy concentration of the diets increased. However, this may reflect the higher fat concentrations in the diets with the higher energy concentrations.  相似文献   

1. The effects of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) dietary inclusion concentration, and sex, on body weight, slaughter efficiency and meat characteristics of Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos f. domestica, strain P55) were studied.

2. Sexed ducklings (n?=?160) were divided randomly into 4 groups (each with 4 replicates). From d 1 to d 21, all the birds received the same commercial feed, then from 22 to 49 d of age the ducks were fed in the following groups: control (commercial feed) and three experimental groups (15%, 25% and 30% inclusion of DDGS). All ducks were weighed individually at d 1, 21 and 49. On the day of slaughter, 5 males and 5 females, of body weight close to the average weight for group and sex, were selected from each group, slaughtered and the following parameters were evaluated: slaughter yield, weight, and percentage of particular elements of carcase, physical and chemical characteristics of meat.

3. The results obtained showed that DDGS included from 22 to 49 d of rearing, at concentrations up to 30%, in a commercial Pekin duck diet did not affect the live body weight, slaughter yield, weight, and percentage of breast and leg muscle, skin with subcutaneous fat, and abdominal fat. There were no differences in physical characteristics (pH15, pH24, meat colour values L*, a*and b*, and hygroscopicity) of breast muscle, as well as in cholesterol content. DDGS addition at 30% significantly increased fat content in male, and crude protein in female, breast meat. Sex effect was observed only in a few traits and was diet dependent. Final body weight of females fed 30% DDGS was significantly lower than males; in the control and 15% DDGS group females had higher percentage of skin with subcutaneous fat.

4. The results obtained, and relative costs of feeds produced, allows the recommendation of DDGS addition at up to 30% to commercial Pekin duck diets from 22 d of age.  相似文献   

The anticoccidial drugs narasin, lasalocid, monensin and salinomycin, with and without avoparcin, were fed to 1280 broiler chickens from 1 to 49 d old. At day 49 significant interactions were detected between avoparcin and the anticoccidial compounds for body weight and food consumption. This indicated that the increases in body weight and food consumption obtained with avoparcin were greater with some anticoccidial compounds (lasalocid and salinomycin for body weights and lasalocid for food consumption) than with others (monensin and narasin for body weights and monensin, narasin and salinomycin for food consumption). Overall there was evidence that avoparcin increased body weight (5.8%), food consumption (2.5%) and efficiency of food utilisation (2.9%). In addition avoparcin produced significant increases in plucked weight and the proportion of visceral fat together with and decreases in the proportions of edible giblets and waste offal.  相似文献   

1. The effects of alfalfa meal on carcase quality and fat metabolism of Muscovy duck were evaluated. The objective of this research was to establish whether alfalfa meal can reduce fat content and improve carcase quality of Muscovy duck. Animal products with a high fat content present a risk factor for many diseases. Reducing fat content in poultry products is an important goal for the poultry industry.

2. A total of 240 14-d-old white Muscovy ducks were selected and randomly allocated to 1 of 4 dietary treatments containing 0, 3, 6, and 9% of alfalfa meal for 5 weeks. Growth performances were recorded and carcase characteristics and lipid parameters were analysed.

3. Results showed that 3, 6, and 9% alfalfa meal in diet had no significant effects on growth performance of Muscovy ducks from 14 to 49?d of age. Ducks given 3, 6, and 9% alfalfa meal had significantly higher dressing percentage and lower abdominal fat percentage compared with those given no alfalfa meal. Ducks given 9% alfalfa meal had higher breast meat percentage compared with those given no alfalfa meal. The concentrations of triglyceride, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and free fatty acid in serum of ducks fed on alfalfa meal decreased. Alfalfa meal in the diet decreased abdominal fat percentage and improved carcase traits of Muscovy duck.

4. The study showed that dietary alfalfa meal decreased abdominal fat percentage and improved carcase traits, without an adverse effect on performance.  相似文献   

1. The effects of feeding two fats with different degrees of saturation on skin tearing, carcase quality and body fat composition were examined in male and female chickens.

2. No differences in growth or efficiency of food utilisation were apparent on feeding the more saturated fat. Skin tearing was slightly reduced and carcase quality slightly improved on feeding the more saturated fat for 28 d.

3. Decreases in linoleic acid content in intra‐abdominal fat were apparent after 14 d feeding the diet containing saturated fat. These decreases were greater after feeding the saturated fat for 28 d.  相似文献   

1. The growth and food utilisation of Pekin, Alabio and crosses between Muscovy or Pekin drakes and Alabio or Tegal ducks were recorded up to 20 weeks of age on a high plane of nutrition. Ducks were killed at 6, 10 and 16 weeks of age for carcass analysis.

2. The weight of Alabio ducks at 12 weeks of age was increased by 40 and 48% by crossing with Muscovy and Pekin respectively. Pekin crosses grew faster to 8 or 12 weeks of age than Muscovy crosses but after 17 weeks of age there was no significant difference in weight. Food utilisation for Muscovy crosses was generally better at all ages.

3. Both at a given age and per unit of carcass weight, Muscovy crosses contained less fat and as a consequence more protein and ash, and a higher proportion of breast meat than Pekin crosses. Proportion of fat in Muscovy × Tegal ducks increased only slightly with carcass weight, while it decreased in Muscovy × Alabio ducks.  相似文献   

鹅出血性多瘤病毒(Goose hemorrhagic polyomavirus,GHPyV)是鹅出血性肾炎肠炎的致病病原,迄今为止,国际上已从鹅、番鸭和半番鸭中检测到GHPyV。为了解北京鸭是否存在GHPyV的感染,本研究从北京、山东、河北、河南等地的北京鸭种鸭场采集肝脾组织样品68份,并用GHPyV特异性PCR进行了检测。结果显示,从5份肝脾组织样品中检出GHPyV的VP1基因。选一株北京鸭源GHPyV(106株)测定了基因组序列。测序结果显示,北京鸭源GHPyV基因组长度为5 254bp,相对于德国鹅源GHPyV毒株Germany 2001,106株基因组在其编码区共有10个碱基位发生突变,但只有2个碱基位的突变引起氨基酸的置换;此外,106株基因组的非编码区存在2个核苷酸的缺失。对不同水禽来源的GHPyV基因组序列进行比较的结果表明,GHPyV的基因组序列具有高度保守性。由于GHPyV可感染鹅、番鸭、半番鸭和北京鸭,表明该病毒具有较广泛的宿主范围。  相似文献   

Ultrastructural alterations in the kidneys of Pekin ducks were studied after subchronic exposure to methylmercury chloride. Twenty-four male and twenty-four female Pekin ducks, 12 weeks of age were fed 0.0 (control), 0.5, 5.0 and 15.0 parts per million of MeHgCl, mixed in a mash diet for 12 weeks. Birds were observed for clinical signs daily. Kidneys were fixed in situ by perfusion with 4% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 M phosphate buffer and routinely processed for electron microscopy. Only minor morphological changes were observed in the renal corpuscle of ducks in the 0.5 ppm group. The component cells of the renal corpuscle in the 5.0 and 15.0 ppm groups showed several ultrastructural alterations, including an increase in number and size of lysosomes and vacuoles in podocytes and mild vacuolation in mesangial cells. The juxtaglomerular cells of afferent arterioles had crystallized granules. No significant changes were observed in glomerular basement membrane thickness and width of podocyte pedicels. The proximal tubules of the 5.0 and 15.0 ppm groups showed some microvillar loss and an increase in the number and size of lipid droplets, vacuoles and lysosomal bodies. The distal tubular changes in the 5.0 and 15 ppm groups included electron lucency and vacuolation of cytoplasm as well as occasional mitochondrial swelling. The collecting ducts of 5.0 ppm and 15.0 ppm groups showed varying degrees of degenerative changes in both mucus secretory as well as absorptive cells. These results suggest that subchronic exposure of Pekin ducks to methylmercury chloride causes subtle ultrastructural changes in renal corpuscle and marked ultrastructural changes in proximal tubules and collecting ducts.  相似文献   

Selection for increased leanness and improved food efficiency in pigs has resulted in a decreased voluntary food intake. It has been argued that voluntary food intake during lactation should be considered in sow breeding programmes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the phenotypic correlation of food intake during growth and food intake at maturity with maximum lactation food intake in a mouse model. A total of 179 records were available on female mice selected for litter size at birth (S-line) and non-selected control females (C-line) from 3 weeks of age to 21 days in lactation. Half of the litters were standardized to eight pups per litter (s) and half were not standardized (ns). Growth intake was measured as the average intake between 21 and 42 days of age, mature intake was measured from a linear regression of food intake against age between 42 and 69 days of age, and lactation intake was measured as a linear regression of food intake against days in lactation between 5 and 14 days in lactation. In both lines, females with a higher growth intake also had a higher mature intake (r = 0.63 to 0.75, P < 0.0001). Lactation intake was related with growth intake and mature intake in Sns females (r = 0.50 and 0.46, P < 0.01) and with growth intake in Ss females (r = 0.32, P < 0.05). In both lines, lactation intake was highly correlated with litter weight (r = 0.48 to 0.94, P < 0.001). Sns and Ss females with higher growth intake supported larger litter weights during lactation (r = 0.32 and 0.30, respectively, P < 0.05) and Sns females with higher mature intakes tended to support larger litter weights (r = 0.28, P = 0.060). It is suggested that lactating C-line females eat to support a given litter size, while S-line females support the maximum litter weight that is allowed for by their intake capacity, and still produce at high levels when litters are standardized. Since lactating sows mobilise body reserves, the relationship of food intake during growth with that during lactation may be reflected in the relationship between growth intake and body condition.  相似文献   

Stress in poultry can produce many undesirable effects on bird health and production performance. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a potential measure to assess stress through analysis of brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG). In two experiments, White Pekin ducks were implanted with EEG transmitters and treated with potential stressors in a chamber or in their pens. Electrocardiograms and blood corticosterone levels were collected as standard measures of stress. EEG analysis showed an increase in the relative delta frequency and a decrease in the relative alpha frequency during the treatment period for shock (P < 0.05). EEG analysis of the second experiment showed no differences between time periods for all frequencies for all treatments. Based on these results, EEG is currently not a viable technique for the measurement of acute stress in commercial poultry.  相似文献   

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