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Summary NO production rates, NO uptake rate constants, NO compensation points, and different soil variables were determined for various soil types and different soil horizons, and checked for mutual correlations. NO production was detected in all, and NO comsuption in most soils tested. Only soils in a very early state of soil genesis showed no NO consumption activity. NO consumption was positively correlated with soil water and NH 4 + contents. NO production rates were not correlated with any soil variable. Both NO production and NO consumption tended to decrease from the upper organic to the deeper mineral horizons in different climax soils. The seasonal variation of NO production and NO consumption in a calcic cambisol and a luvisol showed highest rates in summer. The rates of NO production and NO consumption were correlated with a few of the soil variables, but showed no uniform, theoretically comprehensible pattern. However, NO production in samples of the calcic cambisol was stimulated by fertilization with NH 4 + , but not with NO 3 and was inhibited by nitrapyrin, indicating that NO was produced by nitrification. NO production made up about 3% of the nitrification rates. In the luvisol, in contrast, NO production was not affected by the addition of NH 4 + or NO 3 . Nitrification was also undetectable in this acidic soil, except for a few patches where NO production was also detected.  相似文献   

Thiosulfate and CS2 inhibit nitrification. The effect of the addition of thiosulfate on the turnover of inorganic N compounds was tested in an Egyptian and a German arable soil under nitrifying and denitrifying conditions. For nitrification, the soils were amended with NH inf4 sup+ and incubated under aerobic conditions. For denitrification, the soils were amended with NO inf3 sup- and incubated under anaerobic conditions. In both cases, the thiosulfate decreased with time while tetrathionate accumulated to an intermediate extent. Both compounds disappeared completely after <25 days. Production of CS2 was not observed. Carbonyl sulfide was produced only in the Egyptian soil, but production decreased with increasing amounts of added thiosulfate. Under nitrifying conditions, the addition of increasing amounts of thiosulfate (25, 50, and 100 g S g-1 dry weight) resulted in decreasing rates of NH inf4 sup+ oxidation to NO inf3 sup- ; it also resulted in an increasing intermediate accumulation of NO inf2 sup- and NO, and in an increasing production of N2O. Under denitrifying conditions, the addition of increasing amounts of thiosulfate did not significantly affect the rate of NO inf3 sup- reduction, and resulted in an increasing intermediate accumulation of NO inf2 sup- and of NO only in the German soil in which the production of N2O was slightly inhibited by thiosulfate. These results demonstrate that the nitrification of NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf2 sup- was inhibited by increasing concentrations of thiosulfate and/or tetrathionate without involving the formation of volatile S compounds as potential nitrification inhibitors. Denitrification was not affected by the addition of thiosulfate.  相似文献   

Independent soil microcosm experiments were used to investigate the effects of the fungicides mancozeb and chlorothalonil, and the herbicide prosulfuron, on N2O and NO production by nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in fertilized soil. Soil cores were amended with NH4NO3 or NH4NO3 and pesticide, and the N2O and NO concentrations were monitored periodically for approximately 48 h following amendment. Nitrification is the major source of N2O and NO in these soils at soil moistures relevant to those observed at the field site where the cores were collected. At pesticide concentrations from 0.02 to 10 times that of a standard single application on a corn crop, N2O and NO production was inhibited by all three pesticides. Generally N2O production was inhibited by the pesticides from 10 to 62% and 20 to 98% at the lowest and highest dosages, respectively. Nitric oxide production was generally inhibited from about 5 to 47% and by 20 to 97% at the lowest and highest dosages, respectively. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide production by nitrification was more susceptible to inhibition by these pesticides than denitrification. Production of both N2O and NO by nitrification was inhibited by as much as 99%, at the highest concentration of pesticide applied. The net production of N2O increased as soil moisture increased. The rate of NO production was greatest at the intermediate moistures investigated, between 14 and 19% gravimetric soil moisture, suggestive that nitrification is the dominant source of NO.  相似文献   

 Soils are a major source of atmospheric NO and N2O. Since the soil properties that regulate the production and consumption of NO and N2O are still largely unknown, we studied N trace gas turnover by nitrification and denitrification in 20 soils as a function of various soil variables. Since fertilizer treatment, temperature and moisture are already known to affect N trace gas turnover, we avoided the masking effect of these soil variables by conducting the experiments in non-fertilized soils at constant temperature and moisture. In all soils nitrification was the dominant process of NO production, and in 50% of the soils nitrification was also the dominant process of N2O production. Factor analysis extracted three factors which together explained 71% of the variance and identified three different soil groups. Group I contained acidic soils, which showed only low rates of microbial respiration and low contents of total and inorganic nitrogen. Group II mainly contained acidic forest soils, which showed relatively high respiration rates and high contents of total N and NH4 +. Group III mainly contained neutral agricultural soils with high potential rates of nitrification. The soils of group I produced the lowest amounts of NO and N2O. The results of linear multiple regression conducted separately for each soil group explained between 44–100% of the variance. The soil variables that regulated consumption of NO, total production of NO and N2O, and production of NO and N2O by either nitrification or denitrification differed among the different soil groups. The soil pH, the contents of NH4 +, NO2 and NO3 , the texture, and the rates of microbial respiration and nitrification were among the important variables. Received: 28 October 1999  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were measured from experimental dung and urine patches placed on boreal pasture soil during two growing seasons and one autumn period until soil freezing. N2O emissions in situ were studied by a static chamber method. NO was measured with a dynamic chamber method using a NO analyser in situ. Mean emissions from the control plots were 47.6±4.5 μg N2ON m−2 h−1 and 12.6±1.6 μg NON m−2 h−1. N2O and NO emissions from urine plots (132±21.2 μg N2ON m−2 h−1 and 51.9±7.6 μg NON m−2 h−1) were higher than those from dung plots (110.0±20.1 μg N2ON m−2 h−1 and 14.7±2.1 μg NON m−2 h−1). There was a large temporal variation in N2O and NO emissions. Maximum N2O emissions were measured a few weeks after dung or urine application, whereas the maximum NO emissions were detected the following year. NO was responsible on average 14% (autumn) and 34% (summer) of total (NO+N2O)N emissions from the pasture soil. NO emissions increased with increasing soil temperature and with decreasing soil moisture. N2O emissions increased with increasing soil moisture, but did not correlate with soil temperature. Therefore we propose that N2O and NO were produced mainly during different microbial processes, i.e., nitrification and denitrification, respectively. The results show that the overall conditions and mechanism especially for emissions of NO are still poorly understood but that there are differences in the mechanisms regulating N2O and NO production.  相似文献   

Nitrogen monoxide production and consumption in an organic soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Factors controlling NO production, consumption, and emission rates were examined in an organic soil. Emission rates were measured in the enclosed headspaces of intact soil cores under three fertilisation treatments (unfertilised or 100 kg N ha–1 as NH4Cl or as NaNO3), with and without the nitrification inhibitor C2H2 (20–70 μl l–1). Nitrification was always the main source of NO emitted across the soil surface, even when the soil was nearly saturated. Fertilisation of soil with NH4Cl increased NO emission both by stimulating NO production from nitrification, and by decreasing the NO consumption rate constant. Addition of NaNO3 also stimulated the production of NO and N2O during nitrification in aerobic soil slurry experiments. This effect was eliminated by adding C2H2 and was therefore not related to denitrification. In loose soil samples, the increase in NO-N production after NH4Cl addition represented as much as 26% of the added N. However, in intact cores, 95% of the NO produced through nitrification was oxidised within the soil column rather than emitted to the atmosphere. We concluded that nitrification is the primary NO source from this organic soil, that surface NO emissions are much lower than gross NO production rates, and that gaseous N oxide (NO and N2O) losses during nitrification can be affected by both soil NH4 + and NO3 . Received: 15 December 1998  相似文献   

Incubation of soil under low partial pressures of acetylene (10 Pa) is a widely used method to specifically inhibit nitrification due to the suicide inhibition of ammonium monooxygenase (AMO), the first enzyme in NH4 + oxidation by nitrifying bacteria. Although the inhibition of AMO is irreversible, recovery of activity is possible if new enzyme is synthesized. In experiments with three different soils, NH4 + concentrations decreased and NO3 concentrations increased soon after acetylene was removed from the atmosphere. Recovery of NO production started immediately after the removal of acetylene. The release rates of NO and N2O were higher in soil samples which were only preincubated with 10 Pa acetylene than in those which were kept in the presence of 10 Pa acetylene. In the permanent presence of 10 Pa acetylene, NH4 + and NO3 concentrations stayed constant, and the release rates of NO and N2O were low. These low release rates were apparently due to processes other than nitrification. Our experiments showed that the blockage of nitrification by low (10 Pa) acetylene partial pressures is only reliable when the soil is kept in permanent contact with acetylene. Received: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) can be found in large concentrations in mine spills of central and northern Mexico. Interest in these heavy metals has increased recently as they contaminate drinking water and aquifers in large parts of the world and severely affect human health, but little is known about how they affect biological functioning of soil. Soils were sampled in seven locations along a gradient of heavy metal contamination with distance from a mine in San Luis Potosí (Mexico), active since about 1800 AD. C mineralization and N2O production were monitored in an aerobic incubation experiment. Concentrations of As in the top 0-10 cm soil layer ranged from 8 to 22,992 mg kg−1, from 31 to 1845 mg kg−1 for Pb, from 27 to 1620 mg kg−1 for Cu and from 81 to 4218 mg kg−1 for Zn. There was a significant negative correlation between production rates of CO2 and concentrations of As, Pb, Cu and Zn, and there was a significant positive correlation with pH, water holding capacity (WHC), total N and soil organic C. There was a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between production rate of nitrous oxide (N2O) attributed to nitrification by the inhibition method in soil incubated at 50% WHC and total concentrations of Pb and Zn, and there was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with pH and total N content. There was a significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between the production rate of N2O attributed to denitrification by the inhibition method in soil incubated at 100% WHC and total concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn, and a significant positive correlation (P<0.01) with pH; there was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) between the production of N2O attributed to other processes by the inhibition method and WHC, inorganic C and clay content. A negative value for production rate of N2O attributed to nitrifier denitrification by the inhibition method was obtained at 100% WHC. The large concentrations of heavy metals in soil inhibited microbial activity and the production rate of N2O attributed to nitrification by the inhibition method when soil was incubated at 50% WHC and denitrification when soil was incubated at 100% WHC. The inhibitor/suppression technique used appeared to be flawed, as negative values for nitrifier denitrification were obtained and as the production rate of N2O through denitrification increased when soil was incubated with C2H2.  相似文献   

Summary NO and N2O release rates were measured in an acidic forest soil (pH 4.0) and a slightly alkaline agricultural soil (pH 7.8) after the pH was adjusted to values ranging from pH 4.0 to 7.8. The total release of NO and N2O during 20 h of incubation was determined together with the net changes in the concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 2 and NO 3 in the soil. The release of NO and N2O increased after fertilization with NH 4 + and/or NO 3 ; it strongly decreased with increasing pH in the acidic forest soil; and it increased when the pH of the alkaline agricultural soil was decreased to pH 6.5. However, there was no simple correlation between NO and N2O release or between these compounds and activities such as the NO 2 accumulation, NO 3 reduction, or NH 4 + oxidation. We suggest that soil pH exerts complex controls, e.g., on microbial populations or enzyme activities involved in nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

We observed that soil cores collected in the field containing relatively high NH inf4 sup+ and C substrate levels produced relatively large quantities of N2O. A series of laboratory experiments confirmed that the addition of NH inf4 sup+ and glucose to soil increase N2O production under aerobic conditions. Denitrifying enzyme activity was also increased by the addition of NH inf4 sup+ and glucose. Furthermore, NH inf4 sup+ and glocose additions increased the production of N2O in the presence of C2H2. Therefore, we concluded that denitrification was the most likely source of N2O production. Denitrification was not, however, directly affected by NH inf4 sup+ in anaerobic soil slurries, although the use of C substrate increased. In the presence of a high substrate C concentration, N2O production by denitrifiers may be affected by NO inf3 sup- supplied from NH inf4 sup+ through nitrification. Alternatively, N2O may be produced during mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth of nitrifiers. The results indicated that the NH inf4 sup+ concentration, in addition to NO inf3 sup- , C substrate, and O2 concentrations, is important for predicting N2O production and denitrification under field conditions.  相似文献   

 The experiment, carried out on a forest and arable light-textured soil, was designed to study the temperature response of autotrophic and heterotrophic N2O production and investigate how the N2O flux relates to soil respiration and O2 consumption. Although N2O production seemed to be stimulated by a temperature increase in both soils, the relationship between production rate and temperature was different in the two soils. This seemed to depend on the different contribution of nitrification and denitrification to the overall N2O flux. In the forest soil, almost all N2O was derived from nitrification, and its production rate rose linearly from 2  °C to 40  °C. A stronger effect of temperature on N2O production was observed in the arable soil, apparently as a result of an incremental contribution of denitrification to the overall N2O flux with rising temperature. The soil respiration rate increased exponentially with temperature and was significantly correlated with N2O production. O2 consumption stimulated denitrification in both soils. In the arable soil, N2O and N2 production increased exponentially with decreasing O2 concentration, though N2O was the main gas produced at any temperature. In the forest soil, only the N2 flux was related exponentially to O2 consumption and it outweighed the rate of N2O production only at >34  °C. Thus, it appears that in the forest soil, where nitrification was the main source of N2O, temperature affected the N2O flux less dramatically than in the arable soil, where a temperature increase strongly stimulated N2O production by enhancing favourable conditions for denitrification. Received: 26 August 1998  相似文献   

韩琳  王殳屹  史奕  梅宝玲  朱建国 《土壤》2006,38(6):762-767
利用位于江都市小记镇的中国稻-麦轮作FACE平台,采用最大可能(MPN)法,在2004年水稻生长季研究了不同施肥情况(施常规N量UN和低N量LN)、不同秸秆还田情况(秸秆全还田HR和秸秆不还田NR)下,土壤中硝化和反硝化细菌数量在FACE条件下随时间的变化。结果表明,FACE条件下,土壤硝化菌数普遍在抽穗期或乳熟期达到最大值,而对照土壤的硝化菌数普遍到成熟期才达到最大值,并且显著高于FACE处理的相应值(P<0.05)。在HR条件下,LN和UN小区FACE处理的土壤硝化细菌数量较对照减少6%~10%。FACE条件LN小区的反硝化菌数在成熟期达到最大值,而对照处理则在乳熟期达到最大值,并显著高于FACE处理(P<0.05);而UN小区的反硝化菌数二者均在抽穗期达到最大值。在LN小区HR和NR情况下,FACE处理土壤反硝化细菌数量分别低于对照处理的相应值8%和13%。在HR情况下,土壤反硝化潜势FACE处理显著低于对照。在LN和UN小区,FACE处理土壤的反硝化作用潜势分别是对照的83.7%和95.4%。  相似文献   

氧化亚氮(N2O)是主要温室气体之一,土壤是N2O的重要排放源,其排放主要受N2O产生和还原的功能微生物影响。土壤团聚体是由原生颗粒(砂、粉、黏粒)、胶结物质和孔隙组成的土壤基本结构单元。土壤不同粒径团聚体之间因基质和孔隙差异形成特殊独立的微生境被视为N2O的生物化学反应器。在不同的微生境中,N2O产生和还原的功能微生物分布不同,因而土壤不同粒径团聚体N2O排放可能存在差异。目前在不同生态系统土壤全土N2O排放特征的报道较多,而对于不同粒径土壤团聚体N2O排放相对贡献尚不清楚、功能微生物分布还未知、N2O产生和还原热区尚未明确。本文综述了近年来国内外关于土壤团聚体对N2O产生和排放机制的研究,总结了土壤团聚体性状特征对N2O产生和还原的影响,阐述了不同粒径土壤团聚体对N2O排放影响的微生物学机制,进一步明确了今后需加强土壤团聚体N2O产生和还原的热区、环境因子阈值范围的确定、系列功能基因(酶)整体性的研究,以期为N2O模拟排放模型优化提供参考,为土壤N2O减排提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of three different soils – a rendzina on cryoturbed soil, a hydromorphic leached brown soil and a superficial soil on a calcareous plateau – were measured using the chamber method. Each site included four types of land management: bare soil, seeded unfertilized soil, a suboptimally fertilized rapeseed crop and an overfertilized rapeseed crop. Fluxes varied from –1g to 100g N2O-nitrogen ha–1 day–1. The highest rates of N2O emissions were measured during spring on the hydromorphic leached brown soil which had been fertilized with nitrogen (N); the total emissions during a 5-month period exceeded 3500gNha–1. Significant fluxes were also observed during the summer. Very marked effects of soil type and management were observed. Two factors – the soil hydraulic behaviour and the ability of the microbial population to reduce N2O – appear to be essential in determining emissions of N2O by soils. In fact, the hydromorphic leached brown soil showed the highest emissions, despite having the lowest denitrification potential because of its water-filled pore space and low N2O reductase activity. Soil management also appears to affect both soil nitrate content and N2O emissions. Received: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

Both NO and N2O are produced in soil microbial processes and have importance in atmospheric physics and chemistry. In recent years several studies have shown that N2O emissions from organic soils can be high at low temperatures. However, the effects of low temperature on NO emissions from soil are unknown. We studied in laboratory conditions, using undisturbed soil cores, the emissions of NO and N2O from organic soils at various temperatures, with an emphasis on processes and emissions during soil freezing and thawing periods. We found no soil freezing- or thawing-related emission maxima for NO, while the N2O emissions were higher both during soil freezing and thawing periods. The results suggest that different factors are involved in the regulation of NO and N2O emissions at low temperatures.  相似文献   

 Acetylene, dimethyl ether (DME) and 2-chloro-6-trichloromethyl pyridine (nitrapyrin) were used as inhibitors to study the contributions of nitrification and denitrification to the production of N2O and nitric oxide (NO) in samples taken from the soil profile of a peatland drained for forestry. Acetylene and DME inhibited 60–100% of the nitrification activity in field-moist samples from the 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm peat layers, whereas nitrapyrin had no inhibitory effect. In the 0–5 cm peat layer the N2O production could be reduced by up to 90% with inhibitors of nitrification, but in the 5–10 cm peat layer this proportion was 20–30%. All the inhibitors removed 96–100% of the nitrification potential in peat-water slurries from the 0–5 cm peat layer, but the 5–10 cm layer had a much lower nitrification activity, and here the efficiency of the inhibitors was more variable. Litter was the main net source of NO in the peat profile. NO3 production was lower in the litter layer than in the peat, whereas N2O production was much higher in the litter than in the peat. Denitrification was the most probable source of N2O and NO in the litter, which had a high availability of organic substrates. Received: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Soil N2O emissions can affect global environments because N2O is a potent greenhouse gas and ozone depletion substance. In the context of global warming, there is increasing concern over the emissions of N2O from turfgrass systems. It is possible that management practices could be tailored to reduce emissions, but this would require a better understanding of factors controlling N2O production. In the present study we evaluated the spatial variability of soil N2O production and its correlation with soil physical, chemical and microbial properties. The impacts of grass clipping addition on soil N2O production were also examined. Soil samples were collected from a chronosequence of three golf courses (10, 30, and 100-year-old) and incubated for 60 days at either 60% or 90% water filled-pore space (WFPS) with or without the addition of grass clippings or wheat straw. Both soil N2O flux and soil inorganic N were measured periodically throughout the incubation. For unamended soils, cumulative soil N2O production during the incubation ranged from 75 to 972 ng N g−1 soil at 60% WFPS and from 76 to 8842 ng N g−1 soil at 90% WFPS. Among all the soil physical, chemical and microbial properties examined, soil N2O production showed the largest spatial variability with the coefficient of variation ~110% and 207% for 60% and 90% WFPS, respectively. At 60% WFPS, soil N2O production was positively correlated with soil clay fraction (Pearson's r = 0.91, P < 0.01) and soil NH4+–N (Pearson's r = 0.82, P < 0.01). At 90% WFPS, however, soil N2O production appeared to be positively related to total soil C and N, but negatively related to soil pH. Addition of grass clippings and wheat straw did not consistently affect soil N2O production across moisture treatments. Soil N2O production at 60% WFPS was enhanced by the addition of grass clippings and unaffected by wheat straw (P < 0.05). In contrast, soil N2O production at 90% WFPS was inhibited by the addition of wheat straw and little influenced by glass clippings (P < 0.05), except for soil samples with >2.5% organic C. Net N mineralization in soil samples with >2.5% organic C was similar between the two moisture regimes, suggesting that O2 availability was greater than expected from 90% WFPS. Nonetheless, small and moderate changes in the percentage of clay fraction, soil organic matter content, and soil pH were found to be associated with large variations in soil N2O production. Our study suggested that managing soil acidity via liming could substantially control soil N2O production in turfgrass systems.  相似文献   

前期不同水分状况对土壤氧化亚氮排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王连峰  蔡祖聪 《土壤学报》2009,46(5):802-808
田间采集的新鲜土壤样品分别在室温下风干(土样D)和淹水(土样S)保存110d后,将二者的含水量分别调至20%、40%、60%、80%、100%持水量(WHC,Water Holding Capacity),在25℃下培育138h,设置不通和通入10%(v/v)乙炔的处理。结果显示,在20%~80%WHC下培育时,土样S的氧化亚氮(N2O)排放量为土样D的2.48倍~6.36倍(p<0.01),而在100%WHC水分含量下培育时,土样S的N2O排放量仅为土样D的19%(p<0.01),通入乙炔不但未使土样D的N2O排放量增加,反而显著减少。通入乙炔的处理,培养结束后硝态氮的含量增加。随培育水分含量的升高,土样S和土样D的二氧化碳排放量增大。供试土样可能存在异养硝化作用。前期水分的差异显著影响土壤N2O排放量,故在田间测定土壤N2O排放量时,要考虑土壤前期水分的差异。  相似文献   

Eleven types of agricultural soils were collected from Chinese uplands and paddy fields to compare their N2O and NO production by nitrification under identical laboratory conditions. Before starting the assays, all air-dried soils were preincubated for 4 weeks at 25 °C and 40% WFPS (water-filled pore space). The nitrification activities of soils were determined by adding (NH4)2SO4 (200 mg N kg−1 soil) and incubating for 3 weeks at 25 °C and 60% WFPS. The net nitrification rates obtained fitted one of two types of models, depending on the soil pH: a zero-order reaction model for acidic soils and one neutral soil (Group 0); or a first-order reaction model for one neutral soil and alkaline soils (Group 1). The results suggest that pH is the most important factor in determining the kinetics of soil nitrification from ammonium. In the Group 1 soils, initial emissions (i.e. during the first week) of N2O and NO were 82.6 and 83.6%, respectively, of the total emissions during 3 weeks of incubation; in the Group 0 soils, initial emissions of N2O and NO were 54.7 and 59.9%, respectively, of the total emissions. The net nitrification rate in the first week and second-third weeks were highly correlated with the initial and subsequent emissions (i.e. during the second and third weeks), respectively, of N2O and NO. The average percentages of emitted (N2O+NO)-N relative to net nitrification N in initial and subsequent periods were 2.76 and 0.59 for Group 0, and 1.47 and 0.44 for the Group 1, respectively. The initial and subsequent emission ratios of NO/N2O from Group 0 (acidic) soils were 3.77 and 2.52 times, respectively, higher than those from Group 1 soils (P<0.05).  相似文献   

Nitrogen from fertilisers and crop residues can be lost as nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas that causes an increase in global warming and also depletes stratospheric ozone. Nitrous oxide emissions, soil chemical status, temperature and N2O concentration in the soil atmosphere were measured in a field experiment on soil compaction in loam and sandy loam (cambisols) soils in south-east Scotland. The overall objective was to discover how the intensity and distribution of soil compaction by tractor wheels or by roller just before sowing influenced crop performance, soil conditions and production and emissions of N2O under controlled traffic conditions. Compaction treatments were zero, light compaction by roller (up to 1 Mg per metre of length) and heavy compaction by loaded tractor (up to 4.2 Mg). In this paper we report the effects on production and emissions of N2O and relate them to soil and crop conditions. Nitrous oxide fluxes were substantial only when the soil water content was high (>27 g per 100 g). Fertiliser application stimulated emissions in the spring whereas crop residues stimulated emissions in autumn and winter. Heavy compaction increased N2O emissions after fertiliser application or residue incorporation more than light or zero compaction. The bulk densities of the heavily and lightly compacted soils were up to 89% and 82% of the theoretical (Proctor) maxima. Higher soil cone resistances, temperatures and nitrogen availability and lower gas diffusivities and air-filled porosities combined to make the heavily compacted soil more anaerobic and likely to denitrify than the zero or lightly compacted soil. Compaction sufficient to increase N2O emissions significantly corresponded with adverse soil conditions for winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) growth. Soil tillage, which ensures that soil compaction is no greater than in our light treatment and is confined to near the soil surface, may help to mitigate both surface fluxes of N2O and losses to the subsoil.  相似文献   

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