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Modelling nitrate and bromide leaching from sewage sludge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A deterministic model for assessing the risk of groundwater contamination by nitrate from land-based sludge disposal was evaluated. A controlled large-lysimeter experiment was set up to monitor movement of nitrate through soil. Four large lysimeters of 900 mm length were packed with Manawatu fine sandy loam (a Dystric Fluventric Eutrochrept), on top of which 200 mm of municipal sewage sludge was applied. One of the lysimeters was planted with pasture (Lolium perenne and Festuca arundacea), one with a willow tree (Salix sp. ‘Tongoio’), another with a poplar tree (Populus sp. ‘Kawa’), and one was left bare. Bromide was used as a conservative tracer. Movement of bromide and nitrate was analysed in the effluent from the base of the lysimeters.The processes of water and nutrient transport were modelled using a mechanistic scheme based on Richards’ equation for water transport and the convection–dispersion equation (CDE) for nutrient transport. These equations were both linked to a sink term for plant uptake. The model simulated well the transport of water and movement of bromide in the four different lysimeters. The agreement between measured and simulated nitrate leaching was also reasonable considering the simplified model. Uptake of nitrogen by trees reduced the quantity of nitrogen available for leaching. The model could aid development of sustainable management of land-based sewage sludge disposal in terms of nitrate leaching. The next step will be to further develop the model for heavy metal movement, as heavy metals are common co-contaminants of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

Transport of volatile hydrocarbons in soils is largely controlled by interactions of vapours with the liquid and solid phase. Sorption on solids of gaseous or dissolved compounds may be important. Since the contact time between a chemical and a specific sorption site can be rather short, kinetic or mass-transfer resistance effects may be relevant. An existing mathematical model describing advection and diffusion in the gas phase and diffusional transport from the gaseous phase into an intra-aggregate water phase is modified to include linear kinetic sorption on gas-solid and water-solid interfaces. The model accounts for kinetic mass transfer between all three phases in a soil. The solution of the Laplace-transformed equations is inverted numerically. We performed transient column experiments with 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, Trichloroethylene, and Tetrachloroethylene using air-dry solid and water-saturated porous glass beads. The breakthrough curves were calculated based on independently estimated parameters. The model calculations agree well with experimental data. The different transport behaviour of the three compounds in our system primarily depends on Henry's constants.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching measurements in Denmark were analysed to examine the effects of husbandry factors. The data comprised weekly measurements of drainage and nitrate concentration from pipe drains in six fields from 1971 to 1991, and weekly measurements of nitrate concentration in soil water, extracted by suction cups at a depth of 1 m, from 16 fields in 1988 to 1993. The soils varied from coarse sand to sandy clay loam.
The model used for analysing the data was: Y = exp (1.136–0.0628 clay + 0.00565N + crop ) D0.416, with R2= 0.54, where Y is the nitrate leaching (kg N/ha per y), clay is the % clay in 0-25 cm depth (%), N is the average N-application in the rotation (kg/ha/y) and D is drainage (mm/y). The most important factor influencing leaching was the crop type. Grass and barley undersown with grass showed low rates of leaching (17-24 kg/ha/y). Winter cereal following a grass crop, beets, winter cereals following cereals and an autumn sown catch crop following cereals showed medium rates of leaching (36-46 kg/ha/y). High rates of leaching were estimated from winter cereals following rape/peas, bare soil following cereals and from autumn applications of animal manure on bare soil (71-78 kg/ha/y). Estimates of leaching from soil of 5, 12 and 20% clay were 68, 44 and 26 kg/ha/y, respectively. Leaching was estimated to rise significantly with increasing amounts of applied N.
The model is suitable for general calculations of the effects of crop rotation, soil type and N-application on nitrate leaching from sandy soil to sandy clay loarns in a temperate coastal climate.  相似文献   

Preferential phosphorus leaching from an irrigated grassland soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intact lysimeters (50 cm diameter, 70 cm deep) of silt loam soil under permanent grassland were used to investigate preferential transport of phosphorus (P) by leaching immediately after application of dairy effluent. Four treatments that received mineral P fertilizer alone (superphosphate at 45 kg P ha?1 year?1) or in combination with effluent (at ~ 40–80 kg P ha?1 year?1) over 2 years were monitored. Losses of total P from the combined P fertilizer and effluent treatments were 1.6–2.3 kg ha?1 (60% of overall loss) during eight drainage events following effluent application. The rest of the P lost (40% of overall loss) occurred during 43 drainage events following a significant rainfall or irrigation compared with 0.30 kg ha?1 from mineral P fertilizer alone. Reactive forms of P (mainly dissolved reactive P: 38–76%) were the dominant fractions in effluent compared with unreactive P forms (mainly particulate unreactive P: 15–56%). In contrast, in leachate following effluent application, particulate unreactive P was the major fraction (71–79%) compared with dissolved reactive P (1–7%). The results were corroborated by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance analysis, which showed that inorganic orthophosphate was the predominant P fraction present in the effluent (86%), while orthophosphate monoesters and diesters together comprised up to 88% of P in leachate. This shows that unreactive P forms were selectively transported through soil because of their greater mobility as monoesters (labile monoester P and inositol hexakisphosphate) and diesters. The short‐term strategies for reducing loss of P after application of dairy effluent application should involve increasing the residence time of applied effluent in the soil profile. This can be achieved by applying effluent frequently in small amounts.  相似文献   

With a computer model, pesticide behavior in soil after spring application to a sandy loam field with a potato crop, was simulated. Special attention was paid to the risk of leaching through the upper meter of soil in catchment areas. Unsaturated water flow resulting from rainfall was modeled in some detail. Uptake of water and solute by the developing root system of the annual crop was included in the model. The computations were carried out for hypothetical pesticides with first-order decomposition rate constants in soil of 0.03, 0.01, 0.003, and 0.001 day–1 at 20°C. Adsorption decreased with increasing soil depth and the adsorption coefficient for the top layer ranged from 0.0 to 10.0. For 20 combinations of decomposition rates and adsorption strengths, the extent of leaching from a top layer 1 m thick was computed. With a decomposition rate constant at 20°C of 0.03 day–1 or higher, leaching was extremely low; with 0.01 days–1 leaching was 1.7% of the dosage or lower. For compounds with a high persistence and mobility, leaching from the soil ranged up to about 10% of the dosage or more. Besides decomposition, uptake by plants was an important factor in reducing leaching, particularly for the weakly adsorbed and comparatively persistent compounds.  相似文献   

J.M. Roels 《CATENA》1984,11(1):377-389
A simple equation is needed to predict soil loss on a storm-by-storm basis and on a hill-slope scale. In response to this need a modelling procedure is proposed that incorporates not only the relation between soil loss and one or more determining factors at individual locations in different source areas (interrill, pre-rill and rill areas) but also the spatial variation in this relation among locations within a source area. The initial version of the relation presented here considers soil loss only as a function of erosivity and rainfall and runoff erosivity factors are used for interrill areas and for pre-rill and rill areas respectively. About 85% of the variation in soil loss at individual locations in each source area is explained by erosivity. The influence of erosivity, however, is found to vary with the size of the area under consideration. In addition, this scale-dependence varies with the type of erosion occurring. Modelling soil loss becomes much more effective if this effect is taken into account.The rainsplash and interrill erosion equations presented are very site-specific. This means that modelling these types of erosion on a hillslope scale will involve the introduction of many erosion determining factors. The rill and pre-rill erosion equations are less site-specific. Accordingly, fewer factors are required to describe these erosion types. On a hillslope scale a pre-rill erosion model for instance based only on erosivity can explain as much as 76% of the variation in soil loss.  相似文献   

J.M. Roels 《CATENA》1984,11(4):377-389
A simple equation is needed to predict soil loss on a storm-by-storm basis and on a hill-slope scale. In response to this need a modelling procedure is proposed that incorporates not only the relation between soil loss and one or more determining factors at individual locations in different source areas (interrill, pre-rill and rill areas) but also the spatial variation in this relation among locations within a source area. The initial version of the relation presented here considers soil loss only as a function of erosivity and rainfall and runoff erosivity factors are used for interrill areas and for pre-rill and rill areas respectively. About 85% of the variation in soil loss at individual locations in each source area is explained by erosivity. The influence of erosivity, however, is found to vary with the size of the area under consideration. In addition, this scale-dependence varies with the type of erosion occurring. Modelling soil loss becomes much more effective if this effect is taken into account.The rainsplash and interrill erosion equations presented are very site-specific. This means that modelling these types of erosion on a hillslope scale will involve the introduction of many erosion determining factors. The rill and pre-rill erosion equations are less site-specific. Accordingly, fewer factors are required to describe these erosion types. On a hillslope scale a pre-rill erosion model for instance based only on erosivity can explain as much as 76% of the variation in soil loss.  相似文献   

Oxygen is a prerequisite for some and an inhibitor to other microbial functions in soils, hence the temporal and spatial distribution of oxygen within the soil matrix is crucial in soil biogeochemistry and soil biology. Various attempts have been made to model the anaerobic fraction of the soil volume as a function of structure, moisture content and oxygen consumption. Aggregate models are attractive but difficult to parameterize and not applicable to non-aggregated soils. Pore models are preferable for pragmatic reasons, but the existing versions appear to overestimate the anaerobic volume at intermediate soil moisture contents. A modified pore model is proposed, in which anaerobiosis is calculated from a range of air filled pore size classes, based on the soil water retention curve and the soil moisture content. In comparison with previous pore models which are based on the estimation of an average size of the air filled pores, the pore class model presented here appears to give more adequate estimates of anaerobic volumes, especially at intermediate moisture contents. The pore model is attractive for process modelling of anaerobic functions such as denitrification, since it can easily be parameterized by the water retention characteristics of a soil.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that incorporation of catch crop residues leads to increased availability of P to plants. However, little information is available on how this affects P leaching in soils with a high P load. We tested the effect of catch‐crop residue incorporation at the end of winter on the P leaching potential in a soil column experiment under unsaturated conditions using a typical sandy loam soil of NW Europe characterized by a high P load. We sampled the catch crops white mustard (Sinapis alba L.), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), black oats (Avena strigosa L.) and a perennial ryegrass‐white clover mix (Lolium perenne L.‐Trifolium repens L.) from a field trial on catch crops and soil from the plots where they were grown. Plant biomass was incorporated taking account of the differences in conditions of the plant material at the end of winter and the biomass yield of each catch crop. Incorporation of catch‐crop residues decreased P leaching compared to the fallow treatment probably through immobilization of soil P during catch crop residue decomposition. The exception was black oats, where the leaching of P was the same as for fallow soil. We observed clear differences in C/N, C/P, water soluble and total P concentration, and biodegradability between the tested catch crops, which seemed to affect the P leaching. We conclude that the incorporation of catch crop residues under typical soil and weather conditions and agricultural practices of NW Europe does not increase the potential P leaching losses.  相似文献   


Two lysimeter experiments were conducted on annual leaching losses of calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), sulphate‐sulphur (SO4‐S), and magnesium (Mg) (one experiment only) from a sandy soil in central England during 1988–1995 to provide information on typical nutrient losses under arable agriculture below 1.2 m (Experiment 1) or 1.5 m (Experiment 2). Total annual losses, in the absence of manure additions, were highly dependent on the amount of drainage; flow‐weighted average concentrations were similar between years within experiments. Concentrations, averaged over the duration of the experiments were 74 and 78 mg L‐1 Ca, 17 and 27 mg L‐1 Na, 11 and 8 mg L‐1 K, 74 and 77 mg L‐1 Cl, and 57 and 38 mg L‐1 SO4‐S for the two experiments respectively; Mg concentration was 17 mg L‐1. Applications of chicken litter were made to some of the lysimeters in the last three years, and all nutrients showed increased leaching as a result. Application rates akin to disposal (rather than for crop fertilization) produced the largest losses. Following a total application of 125 t ha‐1 over three years, average concentrations in water draining below 1.5 m in the final year were 57 and 277 mg L‐1 Ca, 22 and 75 mg L‐1 Cl, 7 and 14 mg L‐1 K, 22 and 57 mg L‐1 Na, 27, and 125 mg L‐1 SO4‐S for the untreated and manured soils, respectively.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for incubating intact soil cores in the field, which permits concurrent measurement of net mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and leaching. Cores were enclosed in PVC tubes with minimal disturbance to the physical state or to the natural cycles of wetting/drying, soil temperature and aeration during an incubation lasting 4–5 days. An example of the application of the method is given in which soils with contrasting drainage characteristics were compared. Over a 64-day experimental period, 58% of the mineralized nitrogen (N) in a freely drained soil was nitrified and 36% of the nitrate-N (NO3 -N) was denitrified. In a poorly drained soil, 72% of the mineralized N was nitrified and 63% of the NO3 -N was denitrified. In both soil types, 18% of the remaining NO3 -N was leached. Rates of nitrification were significantly correlated with net mineralization (r 2=0.41 and 0.52) and also closely correlated with denitrification (r 2=0.67 and 0.68) in the freely and poorly drained soils, respectively. Independent measurements of these processes, using alternative techniques (for the same period), compared favourably with measurements obtained with the improved incubation method. Adoption of this method has a number of advantages with respect to field net N mineralization, and also allows interpretation of the impact this may have on other N transformation processes. Received: 18 June 1997  相似文献   

Overall, arable soils in Sweden are currently generally close to phosphorus (P) balance, but excessive P accumulation has occurred on animal fur farms, i.e., those rearing mink (Mustela vison) and foxes (Alopex lagopus and Vulpes vulpes). Manure P from these farms has sometimes regarded as sparingly soluble. Laboratory lysimeter topsoil trials with simulated rain demonstrated that potential leaching of P in dissolved reactive form (DRP) can be very high, even for heavy clay (50%–65%) soils. The Swedish/Norwegian soil test P‐AL (soil P extracted with acid NH4 lactate, AL) proved useful as a potential indicator of DRP leaching risk (regression coefficient [R2] = 0.89) from fur farms. The upper 5‐cm soil layer, with 190% higher (median) soil P status than the 5–20 cm layer, was the major source of potential DRP leaching through soil columns at the site, despite having been under grass or green fallow for the past 8 y. In percolate from topsoil lysimeters, DRP concentration increased by 0.29 mg L–1 after the long‐term manure application but only by 0.14 mg L–1 after the single slurry application when compared to no addition of slurry. Therefore, the build‐up to a high soil P status due to the long‐term application of mink manure was more important than a single application of pig slurry at a rate corresponding to 22 kg P ha–1 with respect to soil leachate DRP losses in this lysimeter study. The study stresses the importance of precision farming, in which the amount of slurry‐P applied is based on testing the already existing soil P content.  相似文献   

Feng  Ying  Yang  Xing  Singh  Bhupinder Pal  Mandal  Sanchita  Guo  Jia  Che  Lei  Wang  Hailong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(8):3017-3026
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The use of excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizers usually causes soil N leaching, eutrophication, and water pollution. Nevertheless, biochars may play an important role...  相似文献   

Studies in temperate regions indicate that the carbamate insecticide aldicarb and its metabolites leach readily through agricultural soils into groundwater. However, little is known about the fate of this nematicide in tropical regions, where its leaching potential may be even greater because of high annual rainfall and the acidic nature and low organic content of many tropical soils. Examination of the leaching behaviour of aldicarb and its metabolites in columns containing soil from Belize, Central America, indicated that total carbamate residues (TCR) could rapidly reach concentrations > 15 mg L?1 in porewater 1 m below the soil surface within 70 days of application. These values are well in excess of the US EPA Health Advisory level of 0.01 mg L?1. TCR retention within a given depth interval in the soil columns relative to incoming TCR flux was greatest between 0 and 0.1 m, reflecting high organic matter contents in the upper soil. Retention below 0.1 m was relatively consistent with depth, while differences in relative retention between columns were due to a greater duration of leaching for the second column. Aldicarb was rapidly oxidized to aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone in these soils. The high concentration and mobility of TCR in this acidic soil is attributed to the transformation of the parent compound to the sulfoxide metabolite, which has a lower degradation rate and organic carbon partioning coefficient than aldicarb.  相似文献   

The self diffusion coefficient, in a naturally aggregated soil, of a solute which exists in both liquid and sorbed phases, was measured using a pulse labelling technique. This technique could have given evidence of slow equilibration between the two phases, but none was found. The magnitude of the self diffusion coefficient indicated that the solute is mobile in the sorbed phase. The mobility in the sorbed phase is described by a ‘virtual mobile fraction’. Within the limits set by the heterogeneity of natural aggregates, this was independent of both the volumetric moisture content and the bulk density.  相似文献   

Modelling soil variation: past, present, and future   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
G. B. M. Heuvelink  R. Webster   《Geoderma》2001,100(3-4):269-301



The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of a counter-current leaching process (CCLP) on 14 cycles with leachate treatment at the pilot scale for Pb, Cu, Sb, and Zn removal from the soil of a Canadian small-arms shooting range.

Materials and methods

The metal concentrations in the contaminated soil were 904?±?112 mg Cu kg–1, 8,550?±?940 mg Pb kg–1, 370?±?26 mg Sb kg–1, and 169?±?14 mg Zn kg–1. The CCLP includes three acid leaching steps (0.125 M H2SO4?+?4 M NaCl, pulp density (PD)?=?10 %, t?=?1 h, T?=?20 °C, total volume?=?20 L). The leachate treatment was performed using metal precipitation with a 5-M NaOH solution. The treated effluent was reused for the next metal leaching steps.

Results and discussion

The average metal removal yields were 80.9?±?2.3 % of Cu, 94.5?±?0.7 % of Pb, 51.1?±?4.8 % of Sb, and 43.9?±?3.9 % of Zn. Compared to a conventional leaching process, the CCLP allows a significant economy of water (24,500 L water per ton of soil), sulfuric acid (133 L H2SO4 t–1), NaCl (6,310 kg NaCl t–1), and NaOH (225 kg NaOH t–1). This corresponds to 82 %, 65 %, 90 %, and 75 % of reduction, respectively. The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure test, which was applied on the remediated soil, demonstrated a large decrease of the lead availability (0.8 mg Pb L–1) in comparison to the untreated soil (142 mg Pb L–1). The estimated total cost of this soil remediation process is 267 US$ t–1.


The CCLP process allows high removal yields for Pb and Cu and a significant reduction in water and chemical consumption. Further work should examine the extraction of Sb from small-arms shooting range.  相似文献   

草甘膦对重金属污染土壤中铜、锌淋溶的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
草甘膦分子结构中含有膦酸基、羧基和胺基等,具有强的络合重金属离子的能力,从而影响重金属在土壤中的环境化学行为.本文采用土柱淋溶方法,研究了不同浓度草甘膦溶液( 0、5 、20 和 50 mg/L)对污染土壤中重金属溶出的影响.草甘膦的存在降低了淋滤液的pH,增加了淋滤液中Cu和Zn的含量.逐层采样并分析了土壤中重金属的生物有效性含量,发现草甘膦的存在增加了土柱下层土壤重金属的生物有效性浓度.大量使用草甘膦会导致污染土壤中重金属的溶出,进而污染地下水.  相似文献   

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