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• Introduction   

Xeric (trailing) forest range limits are particularly vulnerable to impacts of predicted climate change. Regional modelling studies contribute to the identification of potential local climatic threats and may support appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

We aimed to study tree effects on the chemical properties of forest soils. We compared soil features of three types of forest ecosystems, each with four stands (replicates): beech forests (Fagus sylvatica), oak forests (dominated by Quercus pyrenaica) and pine plantations (Pinus sylvestris). Five samples from the top 10 cm of soil were taken per stand, from which pH, organic matter content (O.M.), total nitrogen (N) and available calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) were determined. Litter layer depth was measured at each soil sampling point. We also measured tree density and crown diameters at each stand. Our results indicated that soil samples from the four pine plantation stands were more similar while oak and beech stands were characterised by great variability in terms of soil properties and leaf litter depth. Although the identity of the dominant tree species significantly influenced several topsoil chemical properties (increase in pH and available cations in oak forests and higher organic matter and total nitrogen in beech and pine ecosystems), there were other important factors affecting soil features that may be taken under consideration. Differences between soil properties of the three types of forest ecosystems were mainly related to the characteristics of the litter layer and less related to the tree layer structure. Finally, the establishment of pine plantations in naturally deciduous tree areas made the topsoil features more homogeneous.  相似文献   

We assessed the pools of non-structural nitrogen compounds (NSNC) through a year, thereby addressing the question of whether mature sessile oak [Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.] and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), which differ in wood anatomy and growth patterns, exhibit contrasting seasonal dynamics of NSNC pools as previously shown for non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) pools. Seasonal fluctuations of NSNC (amino acids and soluble proteins) and NSC (starch and soluble sugars) pools were analyzed in the inner and the outer stem sapwood. In oak, NSC showed marked seasonal variation within the stem sapwood (accumulation during winter and decrease during bud burst and early wood growth), whereas in beech seasonal fluctuations in NSC were of minor amplitude. Even if the distribution and intensity of the NSNC pools differed between the two species, NSNC of the stem sapwood did not show seasonal variation. The most significant change in NSNC pools was the seasonal fluctuation of protein composition. In both species, two polypeptides of 13 kDa (PP13) and 26 kDa (PP26) accumulated during the coldest period in parallel with starch to sugar conversion and disappeared with the onset of spring growth. The absence of seasonal changes in total soluble protein concentration suggests that the polypeptides are involved in the internal nitrogen (N) cycling of the stem rather than in N storage and remobilization to the other growing organs of the tree.  相似文献   

Total Soil Respiration (TSR) was measured in pure and mixed stands of oak and beech and was partitioned into two contributions using the forest floor removal technique: Mineral Soil Respiration (MSR) and Forest Floor Respiration (FFR). In addition, laboratory incubations of the forest floor and the Ah horizon were performed to evaluate the heterotrophic respiration and the DOC production of these horizons. The relationships between soil temperature and the various soil respiration contributions in the three stands were compared using Q 10 functions. In situ, significant differences (α = 0,05) between stands were observed for the R 10 parameter (respiration rate at 10 °C) of the TSR, MSR and FFR contributions, while only the temperature sensitivity (Q 10) of TSR was significantly affected by stand composition. The effect of soil water content was only significant on MSR and followed different patterns according to stand composition. Under controlled conditions, the R 10 of the forest floor and of the Ah horizon varied with stand composition and the Q 10 of the forest floor decreased in the order: oak (2.27) > mixture (2.01) > beech (1.71).  相似文献   

Beech stands are considered part of the ancient forest ecosystems in the northern hemisphere.In mixed stands in beach forest ecosystems,the type of associated tree species can significantly affect soil functions,but their influence on microbial activity,nutrient cycling and belowground properties is unknown.Here,we considered forest patches in northern Iran that are dominated by different tree species:Fagus orientalis Lip sky,Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Mey.,Pterocarya fraxinifolia(Lam.),Tilia beg...  相似文献   

This study focuses on two rarely studied aspects of oak decline: relations with site characteristics and effects on tree growth. The study was carried out in a 5.5 ha stand in Hungary which is strongly affected by oak decline. The nearly pure sessile oak (Quercus petraea) stand of mostly coppice origin was 90 years old at the beginning of the study. Within-stand site heterogeneity was described by the herbaceous vegetation. Four ecological site types were distinguished by the species composition of herbs, and characterized by the ecological indicator values of the species. Tree growth between 1987 and 1993 was measured, and tree vigour was estimated from visual characteristics five times between 1987 and 1993. Potential volume increment of declining trees was estimated with the growth rates of healthy trees of the same size. Volume increment loss caused by oak decline was also assessed. Significant positive relationships were found between tree vigour and tree size and between tree vigour and tree growth. The growth of seriously declining trees dropped to almost one-half of that of healthy ones. Growth reduction of living trees at the stand level amounted to 5.4%, whereas growth reduction of all trees, including those that died during the observation period, amounted to 19.9% of the potential growth. Tree size and growth were greater on better sites. A strong relationship was also found between tree vigour and site type, but sessile oak was more susceptible to decline at better sites.  相似文献   

Height–diameter relationships are essential elements of forest assessment and modeling efforts.In this work,two linear and eighteen nonlinear height–diameter equations were evaluated to find a local model for Oriental beech(Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran.The predictive performance of these models was first assessed by different evaluation criteria: adjusted R~2(R~2_(adj)),root mean square error(RMSE),relative RMSE(%RMSE),bias,and relative bias(%bias) criteria.The best model was selected for use as the base mixed-effects model.Random parameters for test plots were estimated with different tree selection options.Results show that the Chapman–Richards model had better predictive ability in terms of adj R~2(0.81),RMSE(3.7 m),%RMSE(12.9),bias(0.8),%Bias(2.79) than the other models.Furthermore,the calibration response,based on a selection of four trees from the sample plots,resulted in a reduction percentage for bias and RMSE of about 1.6–2.7%.Our results indicate that the calibrated model produced the most accurate results.  相似文献   

Barbaroux C  Bréda N 《Tree physiology》2002,22(17):1201-1210
We tested the hypothesis that broad-leaved forest species with contrasting wood anatomy and hydraulic system (ring-porous versus diffuse-porous) also differ in distribution and seasonal dynamics of carbohydrate reserves in stem wood. Total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) reserves (starch and sugars) were measured enzymatically in the 10 youngest stem xylem rings of adult oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees during an annual cycle. Radial distribution of carbohydrates was investigated according to ring age. On all dates, oak trees had twofold higher TNC concentration than beech trees (41 versus 23 mg g(DM)(-1)), with starch accounting for the high TNC concentration in oak. Seasonal dynamics of TNC concentration were significantly (P < 0.05) more pronounced in oak (20-64 mg TNC g(DM)(-1)) than in beech (17-34 mg TNC g(DM)(-1)). A marked decrease in TNC concentration was observed in oak trees during bud burst and early wood growth, whereas seasonal fluctuations in TNC concentrations in beech trees were small. The radial distribution of TNC based on ring age differed between species: TNC was restricted to the sapwood rings in oak, whereas in beech, it was distributed throughout the wood from the outermost sapwood ring to the pith. Although the high TNC concentrations in the outermost rings accounted for most of the observed seasonal pattern, all of the 10 youngest xylem rings analyzed participated in the seasonal dynamics of TNC in beech trees. The innermost sapwood rings of oak trees had low TNC concentrations. Stem growth and accumulation of carbon reserves occurred concomitantly during the first part of the season, when there was no soil water deficit. When soil water content was depleted, stem growth ceased in both species, whereas TNC accumulation was negligibly affected and continued until leaf fall. The contrasting dynamics and distribution of carbohydrate reserves in oak and beech are discussed with reference to differences in phenology, early spring growth and hydraulic properties between ring-porous trees and diffuse-porous trees.  相似文献   

Wildfires are a recurrent disturbance in the Mediterranean Basin. However, managers from this region are confronted with a lack of information on the effects of fire on most woody species, which is required for defining sustainable forest management strategies. Following a large wildfire in central Portugal (2003), we surveyed the area during the first year and assessed the vegetative condition of 1040 burned trees from 11 different species. Among those trees, 755 individuals were selected and monitored annually for 4 years. At the end of the study, almost all the broadleaved trees survived, while most coniferous died. In spite of the low mortality observed in broadleaves, most were top-killed and regenerated only from basal resprouts, which implies a slow recovering process. Quercus suber, however, showed vigorous post-fire crown resprouting and was the most resilient species. We fitted logistic regression models to predict the probability of individual tree mortality and top-kill from fire injury indicators and tree characteristics. Besides the differences between the two main functional groups (coniferous, broadleaved), bole char height and crown volume scorched or consumed were important predictors of tree responses. Additionally, the main factor determining crown mortality on broadleaved species was bark thickness. The selected models performed well when tested with independent data obtained on four other wildfires. These models have several potential applications and can be useful to managers making pre-fire or post-fire decisions in mixed forest stands in the western Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   



Genetic diversity of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) populations in Hungary was assessed close to the retracting, low-elevation, low-latitude (xeric) distribution limits.


We aimed at tracing an assumed effect of climatic factors on genetic diversity, particularly at the southern, low elevation limits of distribution.


Genetic diversity at isozyme-coding loci was analysed in populations, and related to the climate of the sites where the populations grow. A locus-wise analysis proved to be essential to follow responses.


A climate-related cline was found at seven isoenzyme-coding gene loci. Declining allelic numbers and heterozygosity indicated lower diversity at warmer and drier sites. The majority of loci were responsive to precipitation factors, others to temperature. Genetic clustering was neither related to geographic distance nor to random or historic effects.


The results suggest that climatic stress may elicit a genetic diversity loss in populations, which may reduce their plasticity and adaptive potential. The selective pressure may override historic effects and gene flow. With respect to expected climate change, the correlation of diversity with some climatic factors gains specific importance. If supported by further investigations, the results might be utilised for reconsidering conservation strategies and rules for use of forest reproductive material.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum, cause of sudden oak death, has been distributed widely across the United States in horticultural situations, but is not established in forests outside of California and Oregon. Here, it has triggered widespread concern and, especially in Oregon, an intensive disease management programme. Now, we provide the first systematic evaluation of the efficacy of that effort. This paper evaluates four measures of the efficacy of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) local eradication treatments: inoculum availability; inoculum from tree species other than tanoak; disease spread from treated areas; and cumulative infested area with and without treatment. We conclude that local treatments demonstrably reduce local inoculum levels. Eradication of SOD from infested sites is difficult but not impossible. The disease usually does not persist after cutting infected trees but spread on the landscape continues because the pathogen may be present on undetected new infections for a year or two before whole tree symptoms are visible. This limits early detection and coupled with delays in completing eradication treatments, prolongs the chances for long‐distance aerial dispersal.  相似文献   


Understanding how species-specific disturbances affect the dynamics of mixed forests is becoming increasingly important due to rapidly changing disturbance regimes. This study estimated the effect of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) mortality on the disturbance processes in two mixed beech stands of the Western Carpathians that were affected by a bark beetle outbreak. We evaluated the size distribution, fraction of canopy and expanded gaps, the characteristics of gapmakers and the contribution of different species to gap size. The measured canopy gap fraction was <5%, and most canopy gaps were small (<100 m2). Spruce was the most abundant gapmaker, and its share among gapmakers was 3–6 times higher than its share in the canopy. We found that the increase in spruce mortality due to the outbreak resulted in a fine-scale mortality pattern. However, spruce gapmakers did not contribute much to gap area size, as shown by a weak correlation between the number of spruce gapmakers and the area of expanded gaps. Diameter distribution of living versus recently dead trees showed that beech mortality occurred disproportionately in large size classes. However, dead spruce trees were equally frequent in all diameter classes, which means beetles did not exclusively attack larger trees in these stands during the outbreak. We conclude that spruce mortality may have influenced successional processes by giving a competitive advantage to two other species that were not affected by the outbreak, provided that a high deer browsing intensity does not hinder the regeneration of new seedlings.


European Journal of Forest Research - Many studies have been conducted on the effects of changes in plant diversity and species composition on ecosystem functioning and plant productivity due to...  相似文献   

DEANS  J. D.; HARVEY  F. J. 《Forestry》1995,68(3):265-274
Budburst, budset, leaf yellowing, growth, and frost damage wereassessed on 2- to 4-year-old transplants of 16 provenances ofsessile oak (Quercus petraea) collected in six European countriesand grown in Scotland. There were significant differences indates of budburst between provenances. Provenances from Franceand Austria burst bud earlier than the others (P > 0.05). Budburst date was negatively correlated with altitude of provenanceorigin but positively correlated with latitude, indicating thatsouthern provenances burst bud earlier than northern provenancesand are therefore more prone to spring frost damage. Although there were no significant differences of growth betweenprovenances, French provenances tended to grow later in autumnthan provenances originating in other countries. Consequentlyplants from these French provenances were more badly damagedby autumnal frosts (P > 0.05) than plants from other provenances.Budset and leaf yeljowing in late September were positivelycorrelated.  相似文献   

  • ? It is widely believed that distance-independent tree models fail to take into account the complexity of mixed stands due to the fact that spatial structure often has a greater impact on growth and dynamics in mixed stands than in pure stands. On the other hand, distance-dependent tree models are difficult to use because they require a map of the stand, which is not only very costly but also impracticable in a routine management context.
  • ? This paper reports the development of a model bridging distance-dependent and distanceindependent tree models, and that is designed to simulate the growth of a mixed forest. The model used distributions of the number of neighbours to reconstruct tree neighbourhoods and compute the competition indices needed as inputs to the growth model.
  • ? Data were collected from a mixed forest of sessile oak and Scots pine in central France. The study showed that local competition indices explained a significant proportion of growth variability and that intraspecific competition was greater than interspecific competition. The model based on neighbourhood distributions gave consistent predictions compared to a distance-dependent model.
  • ? This type of model could be used instead of distance-dependent models in management contexts.
  •   相似文献   

    Armillaria spp. are some of the most important forest pathogens in mixed hardwood forests of southern New England, yet their role as prominent disturbance agents is still not fully appreciated. We investigated the distribution of Armillaria species across eight separate stands of northern hardwood and mixed oak forests in western Massachusetts. We were specifically interested in the Armillaria species distribution from live, symptomatic hosts and not in determining overall incidence in the forest. From 32 plots (16 within each forest type), 320 isolates were collected. Armillaria was routinely encountered causing disease of live trees. In total, 89% (286/320) of all isolations came from live hosts exhibiting symptoms of root and butt rot. Overall, A. gallica was the dominant species in each forest type, making up 88/160 (55%) isolates from northern hardwood and 153/160 (96%) of all isolations from mixed oak stands. However, northern hardwood forests showed much greater species diversity, as A. calvescens, A. gemina, A. ostoyae, and A. sinapina were all found. At one site, a northern hardwood forest surrounding a high elevation spruce-fir forest, A. ostoyae was the most abundant species encountered. All five Armillaria species were found causing disease of live hosts, including A. gemina, a species considered by some as weakly virulent. Armillaria gallica was found on 22/23 tree species’ sampled, and was found most often causing butt rot.  相似文献   

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