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A novel and stable cytoplasmic male sterility CMS line of tuber mustard has been bred by subsequent backcrosses for 10 years. Two specific markers atpA and orf220 were cloned and partially characterized in our previous study (Zhang et al. 2003). In this study, two new molecular markers, orf256 and orf305/orf324, have been isolated and identified. The orf256 gene size was found to be 825 bp in CMS line and a 1,357 bp in its maintainer line. Sequence analysis indicated that the orf256 gene was an entire coding sequence and downstream of the cox1 gene. Interestingly, the 906 bp fragment, which contains part of the sequence of orf222, nad5 and orf139 genes, was found to be inserted from the 451st bp of 5′-flank of the 1,357 bp fragment. In the same way, the orf324 gene was isolated from CMS line and orf305 gene from its maintainer line. Both of them are entire coding sequences, upstream from nad3 and rps12 gene, and co-transcribed with the nad3 and rps12 genes. In addition, two molecular markers, orf256 and orf324/orf305, have been successfully converted into the SCAR markers. Subsequently, ORF256, ORF324, ORF305 protein and ORF256-M-431 fragment are predicated to contain signal peptide sequences, and ORF220 was predicated to contain signal anchor sequence. RFLP analysis results revealed that all of the molecular markers exhibited polymorphisms. Northern blot analysis indicated that the expression level of these genes in CMS line is higher than that of the maintainer line. In the mass, all of these genes are expressed lower in the leaf than that of floral organs between the CMS line and its maintainer line. The difference in expression pattern of different mitochondrial specific marker genes suggests that the abundance of mitochondrial proteins is differentially regulated in the organ/tissue development in tuber mustard. Results of this study also provide some novel and useful clues to explore the biological function of these specific marker genes in the tuber mustard.  相似文献   

Using three varieties of Brassica rapa, cv. Hauarad (accession 708), cv. Maoshan-3 (714) and cv. Youbai (715), as the maternal plants and one variety of B. oleracea cv. Jingfeng-1 (6012) as the paternal plant, crosses were made to produce interspecific hybrids through ovary culture techniques. A better response of seed formation was observed when ovaries were cultured in vitro at 9–12 days after pollination on the basal MS and B5 media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and naphthylacetic acid (NAA). The best response was observed for cross 714×6012 with the rate of seeds per ovary reaching 43.0%. Seeds for cross 715×6012 showed the best germination response (66.7%) on the regeneration medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.05 mg l–1 NAA). In all three cross combinations, good response in terms of root number and length of plants was observed on the root induction medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.1 mg l–1 NAA). A better response was observed for the regenerated plants cultured for 14 days than for 7 days. The ovary-derived plants with well-developed root system were hardened for 8 days and their survival rate reached over 80%. Cytological studies showed that the chromosome number of all plants tested was 19 (the sum of both parents), indicating that these regenerated plants were all true hybrids of B. rapa (n = 10) × B. oleracea (n = 9). The regenerated plants were doubled with colchicine treatment, and the best response in the crosses 708×6012, 714×6012 and 715×6012 was observed when treated with 170 mg l–1 colchicine for up to 30 h and their doubling frequency reached 52, 56 and 62%, respectively.  相似文献   

In a previously made cross Brassica napus cv. Oro (2n = 38) × Capsella bursa-pastoris (2n = 4x = 32), one F1 hybrid with 2n = 38 was totally male sterile. The hybrid contained no complete chromosomes from C. bursa-pastoris, but some specific AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) bands of C. bursa-pastoris were detected. The hybrid was morphologically quite similar to ‘Oro’ except for smaller flowers with rudimentary stamens but normal pistils, and showed good seed-set after pollination by ‘Oro’ and other B. napus cultivars. The fertility segregation ratios (3:1, 1:1) in its progenies indicated that the male sterility was controlled by a single recessive gene. In the pollen mother cells of the male sterile hybrid, chromosome pairing and segregation were normal. Histological sectioning of its anthers showed that the tapetum was multiple layers and was hypertrophic from the stage of sporogenic cells, and that the tetrads were compressed by the vacuolated and disaggregated tapetum and no mature pollen grains were formed in anther sacs, thus resulting in male sterility. The possible mechanisms for the production of the male sterile hybrid and its potential in breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

7–7365AB is a recessive genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line, which can be applied in a three-line system with the interim-maintainer, 7–7365C. Fertility of this system is controlled by two duplicate dominant epistatic genes (Bn;Ms3 and Bn;Ms4) and one recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bn;rf). Therefore an individual with the genotype of Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4Rf_ exhibits male sterility, whereas, plant with Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf shows fertility because homozygosity at the Bn;rf locus (Bn;rfrf) can inhibit the expression of two recessive male sterile genes in homozygous Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4 plant. A cross of 7–7365A (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4RfRf) and 7–7365C (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf) can generate a complete male sterile population served as a mother line with restorer in alternative strips for the multiplication of hybrid seeds. In the present study, molecular mapping of the Bn;Rf gene was performed in a BC1 population from the cross between 7–7365A and 7–7365C. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to the gene of interest. From a survey of 768 primer combinations, seven AFLP markers were identified. The closest marker, XM5, was co-segregated with the Bn;Rf locus and successfully converted into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, designated as XSC5. Two flanking markers, XM3 and XM2, were 0.6 cM and 2.6 cM away from the target gene, respectively. XM1 was subsequently mapped on linkage group N7 using a doubled-haploid (DH) mapping population derived from the cross Tapidor × Ningyou7, available at IMSORB, UK. To further confirm the location of the Bn;Rf gene, additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in linkage group N7 from the reference maps were screened in the BC1 population. Two SSR markers, CB10594 and BRMS018, showed polymorphisms in our mapping population. The molecular markers found in the present study will facilitate the selection of interim-maintainer.  相似文献   

A self-incompatible (SI) line, S-1300, and its maintainer 97-wen135, a self-compatible (SC) line, were used to study the inheritance of maintenance for self-incompatibility in B. napus. The ratio of SI plants to SC plants from S-1300 × 97-wen135 F2 and (S-1300 × 97-wen135) × 97-wen135 was 346:260 and 249:232, fitting the expected ratio of 9:7 and 1:1, respectively. Based on these observations, here we propose a genetic model in which two independent loci, S locus and S suppressor locus (sp), are predicted to control the inheritance of maintenance for self-incompatibility in B. napus. The genotypes of S-1300 and 97-wen135 are S 1300 S 1300 sp 1300 sp 1300 and S 135 S 135 sp 135 sp 135 , respectively. S 135 is dominant to S 1300 , but coexistence of sp 1300 and sp 135 fails to suppress S locus. Both S 1300 and S 135 can be suppressed by sp 135 , while sp 1300 can suppress S 135 but not S 1300 . The model contains two characteristics: that a dominant S locus exists in self-compatible B. napus, and that co-suppression will occur when sp loci are heterozygous. The model has been validated by the segregation of S phenotypes in the (S-1300 × 97-wen135) × S-1300, the progenies of SC S-1300 × 97-wen135 F2 plants and DH population developed from S-1300 × 97-wen135 F1. This is the first study to report co-suppression of S suppressor loci in B. napus. The genetic model will be very useful for developing molecular markers linked to maintenance for self-incompatibility and for dissecting the mechanism of SI/SC in B. napus.  相似文献   

Preharvest sprouting (PHS) is one of the most important factors affecting the cereal production worldwide, in regions characterized by rainfall and high humidity during harvest season. It is sometimes a problem in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), especially in production of commercial F1 hybrids. To detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling PHS, a F2 population consisting of 269 F2:3 lines was created from the cross between a PHS-tolerant line (117AB) and a PHS-susceptible line (7,605). A linkage map was constructed using 35 Simple Sequence Repeat markers and 242 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism markers. PHS was measured as a percentage of sprouted seeds on the mother plant, 7 days after physiological maturity. Five putative QTLs for PHS were detected and located on LG2 (N11) and LG7 (N3), respectively. Phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 4.11 to 50.78% and the five putative QTLs explained about 75.63% of the total phenotypic variance. A major QTL was identified on LG2 (N11) flanked by P3C4180 and C6C13160, which explained 50.78% of the total phenotypic variance. Meanwhile, we detected four significant epistatic interactions with a total contribution of 17.16% of the total phenotypic variance.  相似文献   

The genus Kalanchoe is currently divided into section Kalanchoe and section Bryophyllum, and there has been no successful report on the production of inter-sectional hybrids. Therefore, reciprocal crosses were made between Kalanchoe spathulata (sect. Kalanchoe) and K. laxiflora (sect. Bryophyllum) in order to obtain basic information on the reproductive barriers between these two sections. The seeds were aseptically germinated in vitro and the plants were grown in greenhouse till flowering. When K. spathulata was used as a maternal donor, 39 out of 80 plants showed intermediate characteristics between K. spathulata and K. laxiflora. In contrast, no plants were obtained in the reverse crosses. Hybridity of these plants was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis, chromosome numbers and RAPD analysis. Bulbil formation on the leaf margin as one of the conspicuous characteristics of K. laxiflora was not observed in the hybrids. Some of the hybrid lines showed some pollen fertility, but failed to yield viable seeds by self-pollination or backcross-pollination. Successful production of the inter-sectional hybrid between the two species suggests that they are not so distantly related as considered previously.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization was carried out between Lilium longiflorum and L. lophophorum var. linearifolium by using the cut style method of pollination, as a contrast, intraspecific hybridization between L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ and L. longiflorum was also made, but no mature seeds and offspring were obtained from the two combinations under in vivo condition. Ovules excised from each carpel 5–35 days after pollination (DAP) were cultured on B5 or half-strength B5 medium containing sucrose at different concentrations in vitro. In L. longiflorum × L. lophophorum var. linearifolium, only 1.17% of ovules excised at 10 DAP developed into seedlings, and in L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ × L. longiflorum, only 0.99% of ovules excised at 25 DAP developed into seedlings; none of the ovules excised at other different DAP in the two cross combinations produced any seedlings. The results showed that interspecific hybridization had a more serious post-fertilization barrier than the intraspecific hybridization, and that a lower concentration (3%) of sucrose led to better embryo development and higher percentage of seedlings in ovule cultures. All hybrid seedlings obtained were successfully transplanted to soil and grew normally. The progenies investigated were identified as true hybrids based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis.  相似文献   

The pol cytoplasmic male-sterility system has been widely used as a component for utilization of heterosis in Brassica napus and offers an attractive system for study on nuclear–mitochondrial interactions in plants. Genetic analyses have indicated that one dominant gene, Rfp, was required to achieve complete fertility restoration. As a first step toward cloning of this restorer gene, we attempted molecular mapping of the Rfp locus using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) method. A BC1 population segregating for Rfp gene was used for tagging. From the survey of 1,024 AFLP primer combinations, 13 linked AFLP markers were obtained and five of them were successfully converted into sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. A population of 193 plants was screened using these markers and the closest AFLP markers flanking Rfp were at the distances of 2.0 and 5.3 cM away, respectively. Further the AFLP or SCAR markers linked to the Rfp gene were integrated to one doubled-haploid (DH) population derived from the cross Quantum × No.2127-17 available in our laboratory, and Rfp gene was mapped on N18, which was the same as the previous report. These molecular markers will facilitate the marker-assisted selection (MAS) of pol CMS restorer lines.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii R. Alef, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber was assessed by challenge inoculation and by natural infection of CMV. Among the 31 genotypes of C. sativus var. hardwickii collected from 21 locations in India the lowest mean percent disease intensity (PDI) was recorded in IC-277048 (6.33%) while the highest PDI was observed in IC-331631 (75.33%). All the four cultivated varieties (DC-1, DC-2, CHC-1 and CHC-2) showed very high PDI and susceptible disease reaction. Based on mean PDI, 8 genotypes were categorized as resistant, 13 as moderately resistant, 9 as moderately susceptible and one as susceptible. A chi-square test of frequency distribution based on mean PDI in F2 progenies of six resistant × susceptible crosses revealed monogenic recessive Mendelian ratio 1(R):3(S) to be the best fit. This monogenic recessive model was further confirmed by 1(R):1(S) ratio as the best fit for back cross with resistant parent and no fit for either 3:1 or 1:1 in the back cross with the susceptible parent. The results revealed that CMV resistance in C. sativus var. hardwickii was controlled by a single recessive gene. Considering the cross compatibility between C. sativus var. hardwickii and cultivated cucumber, the resistance trait can be easily transferred to cultivated species through simple backcross breeding.  相似文献   

Submergence is a major stress causing yield losses particularly in the direct-seeded rice cultivation system and necessitates the development of a simple, rapid and reliable bioassay for a large scale screening of rice germplasms with tolerance against submergence stress. We developed two new bioassay methods that were based primarily on the seedling vigor evaluated by the ability of fast shoot elongation under submerged conditions, and compared their effectiveness with two other available methods. All four bioassay methods using cultivars of 7 indica and 6 japonica types revealed significant and consistent cultivar differences in seedling vigor under submergence and/or submergence tolerance. Japonica cultivars were more vigorous than indica cultivars, with Nipponbare being the most vigorous. The simplest test tube method showed the highest correlations to all other methods. Our results suggest that seedling vigor serves as a submergence avoidance mechanism and confers tolerance on rice seedlings to flooding during early crop establishment. A possible relationship is discussed between seedling vigor based on fast shoot elongation and submergence tolerance defined by recovery from submergence stress.  相似文献   

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) is a minor Rosaceae fruit of growing interest as an alternative to the main fruit crops. In this context, the selection of new cultivars to satisfy the market demand will request the suitable characterization of the available germplasm. In this work, genetic relationships among 83 loquat accessions from different countries belonging to the European loquat germplasm collection, held at the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) in Moncada (Spain) were evaluated using microsatellites and S-allele fragments. A total of nine single sequence repeats (SSRs) from Malus and Eriobotrya genera revealed 53 informative alleles and the S-RNases consensus primers detected 11 self-incompatibility putative alleles. The combined data allow to distinguish unambiguously 80 out of the 83 accessions studied. Unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA) cluster and principal coordinates analysis (PCoA), based on Dice’s genetic distance, generally grouped genotypes according to their geographic origins and pedigrees. Discrepancies and similarities of the results obtained with other variability analysis, based on pomological traits or molecular markers, on the same loquat collection are discussed.  相似文献   

The Guinea yams, Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. and D. rotundata Poir. (D. cayenensisD. rotundata complex), represent a highly important crop, widely distributed in the humid and semi-humid tropics. The ploidy levels of 170 accessions of the core set of Guinea yams from West African countries was determined using flow cytometry with propidium iodide staining. One hundred and eight of the genotypes were found to be tetraploid, 47 were hexaploid and five were octoploid. One mixoploid individual containing tetraploid and hexaploid nuclei was also detected. A deeper analysis considering each separate taxon revealed that while for D. rotundata the majority of individuals were tetraploid, for D. cayenensis this ploidy level was not detected in any of the accessions. Also, no association between ploidy level and place of cultivation was found for the evaluated germplasm. The obtained data is highly valuable for breeding programs of Guinea yam, especially for the optimization of future hybridization experiments directed to the genetic improvement of this economically important crop.  相似文献   

A system for the production of transgenic faba bean by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was developed. This system is based upon direct shoot organogenesis after transformation of meristematic cells derived from embryo axes. Explants were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105/pGlsfa, which harbored a binary vector containing a gene encoding a sulphur rich sunflower albumin (SFA8) linked to the bar gene. Strain EHA 101/pAN109 carrying the binary plasmid containing the coding sequence of a mutant aspartate kinase gene (lysC) from E. coli in combination with neomycinphosphotransferase II gene (nptII) was used as well. The coding sequences of SFA8 and LysC genes were fused to seed specific promoters, either Vicia faba legumin B4 promoter (LeB4) or phaseolin promoter, respectively. Seven phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant clones from Mythos and Albatross cultivars were recovered. Integration, inheritance and expression of the transgenes were confirmed by Southern blot, PCR, enzyme activity assay and Western blot.  相似文献   

S. D. Basha  M. Sujatha 《Euphytica》2009,168(2):197-214
The present study aims at characterization of Jatropha species occurring in India using nuclear and organelle specific primers for supporting interspecific gene transfer. DNA from 34 accessions comprising eight agronomically important species (Jatropha curcas, J. gossypifolia, J. glandulifera, J. integerrima, J. podagrica, J. multifida, J. villosa, J. villosa. var. ramnadensis, J. maheshwarii) and a natural hybrid, J. tanjorensis were subjected to molecular analysis using 200 RAPD, 100 ISSR and 50 organelle specific microsatellite primers from other angiosperms. The nuclear marker systems revealed high interspecific genetic variation (98.5% polymorphism) corroborating with the morphological differentiation of the species used in the study. Ten organelle specific microsatellite primers resulted in single, discrete bands of which three were functional disclosing polymorphism among Jatropha species. The PCR products obtained with organelle specific primers were subjected to sequence analysis. PCR products from two consensus chloroplast microsatellite primer pairs (ccmp6 and 10) revealed variable number of T and A residues in the intergenic regions of ORF 77–ORF 82 and rp12rps19 regions, respectively in Jatropha. Artificial hybrids were produced between J. curcas and all Jatropha species used in the study with the exception of J. podagrica. Characterization of F1 hybrids using polymorphic primers specific to the respective parental species confirmed the hybridity of the interspecific hybrids. Characterization of both natural and artificially produced hybrids using chloroplast specific markers revealed maternal inheritance of the markers. While the RAPD and ISSR markers confirmed J. tanjorensis as a natural hybrid between J. gossypifolia and J. curcas, the ccmp primers (ccmp6 and 10) unequivocally established J. gossypifolia as the maternal parent. Evaluation of backcross interspecific derivatives of cross involving J. curcas and J. integerrima indicate scope for prebreeding and genetic enhancement of Jatropha curcas through interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

Zea mays ssp. mexicana, an annual wild relative of maize, has many desirable characteristics for maize improvement. To transfer alien genetic germplasm into maize background, F1 hybrids were generated by using Z. mays ssp. mexicana as the female parent and cultivated maize inbred line Ye515 as the male parent. Alien introgression lines, with a large range of genetic diversity, were produced by backcross and successive self-pollinations. A number of alien introgression lines with the predominant traits of cultivated maize were selected. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) proved that small chromosome segments of Z. mays ssp. mexicana had been integrated into the maize genome. Some outstanding alien introgression lines were evaluated in performance trials which showed 54.6% hybrids had grain yield greater than that of hybrid check Yedan12 which possessed 50% Ye515 parentage, and 17.1, 9.9% hybrids had grain yield competitive or greater than those of Nongda108 and Zheng958, which were elite commercial hybrids in China, respectively. The results indicated that some of the introgression lines had excellent agronomic traits and combining ability for maize cultivar, and demonstrated that Z. mays ssp. mexicana was a valuable source for maize breeding, and could be used to broaden and enrich the maize germplasm.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus Derived from Aegilops tauschii. Euphytica. Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV), vectored by the soil inhabiting organism Polymyxa graminis, causes damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum) yields in most of the wheat growing regions of the world. In localized fields, the entire crop may be lost to the virus. Although many winter wheat cultivars contain resistance to SBWMV, the inheritance of resistance is poorly understood. A linkage analysis of a segregating recombinant inbred line population from the cross KS96WGRC40 × Wichita identified a gene of major effect conferring resistance to SBWMV in the germplasm KS96WGRC40. The SBWMV resistance gene within KS96WGRC40 was derived from accession TA2397 of Aegilops taushcii and is located on the long arm of chromosome 5D, flanked by microsatellite markers Xcfd10 and Xbarc144. The relationship of this locus with a previously identified QTL for SBWMV resistance and the Sbm1 gene conferring resistance to soil-borne cereal mosaic virus is not known, but suggests that a gene on 5DL conferring resistance to both viruses may be present in T. aestivum, as well as the D-genome donor Ae. tauschii.  相似文献   

This paper describes the relative efficiency of three marker systems, RAPD, ISSR, and AFLP, in terms of fingerprinting 14 rice genotypes consisting of seven temperatejaponica rice cultivars, three indica near-isogenic lines, three indica introgression lines, and one breeding line of japonica type adapted to high-altitude areas of the tropics with cold tolerance genes. Fourteen RAPD, 21 ISSR, and 8 AFLP primers could produce 970 loci, with the highest average number of loci (92.5) generated by AFLP. Although polymorphic bands in the genotypes were detected by all marker assays, the AFLP assay discriminated the genotypes effectively with a robust discriminating power (0.99), followed by ISSR (0.76) and RAPD (0.61). While significant polymorphism was detected among the genotypes of japonica and indica through analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), relatively low polymorphism was detected within the genotypes of japonica rice cultivars. The correlation coefficients of similarity were significant for the three marker systems used, but only the AFLP assay effectively differentiated all tested rice lines. Fingerprinting of backcross-derived resistant progenies using ISSR and AFLP markers easily detected progenies having a maximum rate of recovery for the recurrent parent genome and suggested that our fingerprinting approach adopting the ‘undefined-element-amplifying’ DNA marker system is suitable for incorporating useful alleles from the indica donor genome into the genome of temperate japonica rice cultivars with the least impact of deleterious linkage drag.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterility is an important biological tool, which has been used by plant breeders to increase yields in cross-pollinated cereals and vegetables by commercial exploitation of the phenomenon of hybrid vigor. In legumes, no such example exists due to the absence of an economic way of mass pollen transfer from male to female parent. Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], however, is a different legume where a moderate level of insect-aided natural out-crossing (25–70%) exists and it can be used to produce commercial hybrid cultivars, if an efficient and stable cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterility (CMS) system is available. This paper reports the development of a stable CMS system (ICP 2039A), derived from an inter-specific hybrid of Cajanus cajanifolius, a wild relative of pigeonpea, with a cultivar ICP 11501. Using this genetic material, designated as the A4 cytoplasm, a number of fertility restorers and maintainers have been developed. The best short-duration experimental pigeonpea hybrid ICPH 2470 produced 3205 kg ha−1 grain yield in 125 days, exhibiting 77.5% advantage over the control cultivar UPAS 120. At present, all the important biological systems necessary for a successful commercial hybrid breeding program are available in pigeonpea and the package of this technology has been adopted by private seed sector in India for the production and marketing of hybrid varieties.  相似文献   

The spikes of club wheat are significantly more compact than spikes of common wheat due to the action of the dominant allele of the compactum (C) locus. Little is known about the location of C on chromosome 2D and the relationship between C and to other spike-compacting genes. Thus, a study was undertaken to place C on linkage maps and a chromosome deletion bin, and to assess its relatedness to the spike compacting genes zeocriton (Zeo) from barley and soft glume (Sog) from T. monococcum. Genetic mapping was based on recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the cultivars Coda (club) and Brundage (common) and F2 progeny from a cross between the club wheat Corrigin and a chromosome 2D substitution line [Chinese Spring (Ae. tauschii 2D)]. The C locus was flanked by Xwmc144 and Xwmc18 in the RIL population and it was completely linked to Xcfd116, Xgwm358 and Xcfd17 in the F2 population. C could not be unambiguously placed to a chromosome bin because markers that were completely linked to C or flanked this locus were localized to chromosome bins on either side of the centromere (C-2DS1 and C-2DL3). Since C has been cytogenetically mapped to the long arm of chromosome 2D, we suspect C is located in bin C-2DL3. Comparative mapping suggested that C and Sog were present in homoeologous regions on chromosomes 2D and 2Am, respectively. On the other hand, C and Zeo, on chromosome 2H, did not appear to be orthologous.  相似文献   

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