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The preliminary analysis of data from the Pioneer 10 S-band radio occultation experinment has revealed the presence of an ionosphere on the Jovian satellite Io (JI) having an electron density peak of about 6 x 10(4) electrons per cubic centimeter at an altitude of approximately 60 to 140 kilometers. This suggests the presence of an atmosphere having a surface number density of about 10(10) to 10(12) per cubic centimeter, corresponding to an atmospheric surface pressure of between 10(-8) and 10(-10) bar, at or below the detection threshold of the Beta Scorpii stellar occultation. A measurement of the atmosphere of Jupiter was obtained down to the level of about 80 millibars, indicating a large temperature increase at about the 20 millibar level, which cannot be explained by the absorption of solar radiation by methane alone and can possibly be due to absorption by particulate matter.  相似文献   

Measurements of the frequency, phase, and amplitude of the S-band radio signal of Mariner V as it passed behind Venus were used to obtain the effects of refraction in its atmosphere and ionosphere. Profiles of refractivity, temperature, pressure, and density in the neutral atmosphere, as well as electron density in the daytime ionosphere, are presented. A constant scale height was observed above the tropopause, and the temperature increased with an approximately linear lapse rate below the tropopause to the level at which signal was lost, presumably because heavy defocusing attenuation occurred as critical refraction was approached. An ionosphere having at least two maxima was observed at only 85 kilometers above the tropopause.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of 15 radio occultation measurements taken on the day side of Mars between 40 degrees S and 33 degrees S has revealed that the temperature in the lower 15 to 20 kilometers of the atmosphere of Mars is essentially isothermal and warmer than expected. This result, which is also confirmed by the increased altitude of the ionization peak of the ionosphere, can possibly be caused by the absorption of solar radiation by fine particles of dust suspended in the lower atmosphere. The measurements also revealed elevation differences of 13 kilometers and a range of surface pressures between 2.9 and 8.3 millibars. The floor of the classical bright area of Hellas was found to be about 6 kilometers below its western rim and 4 kilometers below the mean radius of Mars at that latitude. The region between Mare Sirenum and Solis Lacus was found to be relatively high, lying 5 to 8 kilometers above the mean radius. The maximum electron density in the ionosphere (about 1.5 x 10(5) electrons per cubic centimeter), which was found to be remarkably constant, was somewhat lower than that observed in 1969 but higher than that observed in 1965.  相似文献   

Significantly improved values of the zonal gravity harmonic coefficients J(39) J(4), and J(6) of Jupiter have been obtained from a preliminary analysis of Pioneer 11 spacecraft Doppler data taken while the spacecraft was near Jupiter. The new results, which will have an important application as boundary conditions for theoretical models of Jupiter's interior. are consistent with a planet in hydrostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

The concentration of meteoroids of mass ~ 10(-8) gram in interplanetary space, in the asteroid belt, and near Jupiter has been measured. The data confirm the Pioneer 10 observation that the asteroid belt is not highly populated with small meteoroids, suggest that the high concentration of small particles around Jupiter is the result of gravitational focusing, and provide an indication of the mass distribution of meteoroids in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

The Ames Research Center Pioneer 11 plasma analyzer experiment provided measurements of the solar wind interaction with Saturn and the character of the plasma environment within Saturn's magnetosphere. It is shown that Saturn has a detached bow shock wave and magnetopause quite similar to those at Earth and Jupiter. The scale size of the interaction region for Saturn is roughly one-third that at Jupiter, but Saturn's magnetosphere is equally responsive to changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure. Saturn's outer magnetosphere is inflated, as evidenced by the observation of large fluxes of corotating plasma. It is postulated that Saturn's magnetosphere may undergo a large expansion when the solar wind pressure is greatly diminished by the presence of Jupiter's extended magnetospheric tail when the two planets are approximately aligned along the same solar radial vector.  相似文献   

Pioneer 11 observations of the interaction of Jupiter's magnetosphere with the distant solar wind have confirmed the earlier Pioneer 10 observations of the great size and extreme variability of the outer magnetosphere. The nature of the plasma transitions across Jupiter's bow shock and magnetopause as observed on Pioneer 10 have also been confirmed on Pioneer 11. However, the northward direction of the Pioneer 11 outbound trajectory and the distance of the final magnetopause crossing (80 Jupiter radii) now suggest that Jupiter's magnetosphere is extremely broad with a half-thickness (normal to the ecliptic plane in the noon meridian) which is comparable to or greater than the sunward distance to the nose.  相似文献   

Data obtained by the infrared radiometers on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft, over a large range of emission angles, have indicated an effective temperature for Jupiter of 125 degrees +/- 3 degrees K. The implied ratio of planetary thermal emission to solar energy absorbed is 1.9+/-0.2, a value not significantly different from the earth-based estimate of 2.5+/-0.5.  相似文献   

Initial examination of data from the neutral mass spectrometer on the Pioneer Venus sounder probe indicates that the abundances of argon-36, argon-38, and neon-20 in the Venus atmosphere are much higher than those of the corresponding gases in Earth's atmosphere, although the abundance of radiogenic argon-40 is apparently similar for both planets. The lower atmosphere of Venus includes significant concentrations of various gaseous sulfur compounds. The inlet leak to the mass spectrometer was temporarily blocked by an apparently liquid component of the Venus clouds during passage through the dense cloud layer. Analysis of gases released during the evaporation of the droplets shows the presence of water vapor to some compound or compounds of sulfur.  相似文献   

Three large Venus surface features, identified previously in images obtained from Earth-based radar observations, are shown by the Pioneer Venus radar mapper to be elevated 5 to 10 kilometers above the surrounding terrain. Two of these features, one bright and the other dark, lie adjacent to each other astride the 65 degrees N parallel between longitudes 310 degrees E and 10 degrees E. The combined region forms a huge tectonically uplifted plateau, surmounted by radar-bright ridges that may have either a volcanic or tectonic origin. The third feature, located at 30 degrees N, 283 degrees E, is radar-bright and may consist of volcanic material extruded along a fault zone. A first radar-scattering image, compiled from data obtained by the mapper in its imaging mode, shows a region north of the equator; several circular depressions seen in this area may result from meteoritic impact.  相似文献   

Data from the Goddard Space Flight Center magnetometers on Voyager 2 have yielded on inbound trajectory observations of multiple crossings of the bow shock and magnetosphere near the Jupiter-sun line at radial distances of 99 to 66 Jupiter radii (RJ) and 72 to 62 RJ, respectively. While outbound at a local hour angle of 0300, these distances increase appreciably so that at the time of writing only the magnetopause has been observed between 160 and 185 RJ. These results and the magnetic field geometry confirm the earlier conclusion from Voyager I studies that Jupiter has an enormous magnetic tail, approximately 300 to 400 RJ in diameter, trailing behind the planet with respect to the supersonic flow of the solar wind. Addi- tional observations of the distortion of the inner magnetosphere by a concentrated plasma show a spatial merging of the equatorial magnetodisk current with the cur- rent sheet in the magnetic tail. The spacecraft passed within 62,000 kilometers of Ganymede (radius = 2,635 kilometers) and observed characteristic fluctuations in- terpreted tentatively as being due to disturbances arising from the interaction of the Jovian magnetosphere with Ganymede.  相似文献   

Measurements in situ of the neutral composition and temperature of the thermosphere of Venus are being made with a quadrupole mass spectrometer on the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The presence of many gases, incluiding the major constituents CO(2), CO, N(2), O, and He has been confirmed. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant constituent at altitudes below about 155 kilometers in the terminator region. Above this altitude atomic oxygen is the major constituent, with O/CO(2) ratios in the upper atmosphere being greater than was commonly expected. Isotope ratios of O and C are close to terrestrial values. The temperature inferred from scale heights above 180 kilometers is about 400 K on the dayside near the evening terminator at a solar zenith angle of about 69 degrees . It decreases to about 230 K when the solar zenith angle is about 90 degrees .  相似文献   

Preliminary results of the nephelometer experiments conducted aboard the large sounder, day, north, and night probes of the Pioneer Venus mission are presented. The vertical structures of the Venus clouds observed simultaneously at each of the four locations from altitudes of from 63 kilometers to the surface are compared, and similarities and differences are noted. Tentative results from attempting to use the data from the nephelometer and cloud particle size spectrometer on the sounder probe to identify the indices of refraction of cloud particles in various regions of the Venus clouds are reported. Finally the nephelometer readings for the day probe during impact on the surface of Venus are presented.  相似文献   

Backscattering data for the nephelometer experiments conducted aboard the Pioneer Venus mission probes, including data up to the highest altitudes measured by the probes, are presented. A few small signals were detected below the main cloud deck. Ambient radiation was measured at near-ultraviolet and visible wavelengths; the variation of extinction of near-ultraviolet with altitude is inferred. Ambient radiance decreased more rapidly at 530 than at 745 nanometers in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

For 2 weeks continuous imaging, photometry, and polarimetry observations were made of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites in red and blue light from Pioneer 11. Measurements of Jupiter's north and south polar regions were possible because the spacecraft trajectory was highly inclined to the planet's equatorial plane. One of the highest resolution images obtained is presented here along with a comparison of a sample of our photometric and polarimetric data with a simple model. The data seem consistent with increased molecular scattering at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Results obtained by the Goddard Space Flight Center magnetometers on Voyager 1 are described. These results concern the large-scale configuration of the Jovian bow shock and magnetopause, and the magnetic field in both the inner and outer magnetosphere. There is evidence that a magnetic tail extending away from the planet on the nightside is formed by the solar wind-Jovian field interaction. This is much like Earth's magnetosphere but is a new configuration for Jupiter's magnetosphere not previously considered from earlier Pioneer data. We report on the analysis and interpretation of magnetic field perturbations associated with intense electrical currents (approximately 5 x 10(6) amperes) flowing near or in the magnetic flux tube linking Jupiter with the satellite Jo and induced by the relative motion between Io and the corotating Jovian magnetosphere. These currents may be an important source of heating the ionosphere and interior of Io through Joule dissipation.  相似文献   

Preliminary analyses of Doppler data from Pioneer 10 during its encounter with Jupiter indicate that the mass of Io is about 20 percent greater than previously thought and that Io's mean density is about 3.5 grams per cubic centimeter. A determination of the dynamical flattening of Jupiter (a - b)/a (where a is the semimajor axis and b is the semiminor axis) is found to lie in the neighborhood of 0.065, which agrees with the value determined from satellite perturbations.  相似文献   

Preliminary results from the Ames Research Center plasma analyzer experiment for the Pioneer 10 Jupiter encounter indicate that Jupiter has a detached bow shock and magnetopause similar to the case at Earth but much larger in spatial extent. In contrast to Earth, Jupiter's outer magnetosphere appears to be highly inflated by thermal plasma and therefore highly responsive in size to changes in solar wind dynamic pressure.  相似文献   

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