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小整薯播种是未来马铃薯机械化生产的趋势。试验以马铃薯新品种‘垦薯1号’为研究对象,110 cm大垄垄上双行种植,采用切块播种和整薯播种2种种植模式,每种模式下设9个处理,分别为3个行距(垄上2行之间的间距):15,20和25 cm,3个株距:15,20和25 cm。经过试验发现整薯播种与切块播种相比出苗期提前1~3 d;株高、茎粗小于切块播种,但是单位面积内主茎数增多;植株鲜重和干重都小于切块播种,植株的干鲜重比高于切块播种;单株结薯数整薯播种平均比切块播种增多18.34%;整薯播种的商品薯率都低于切块播种,产量除处理15×20外都高于切块播种,处理25×25、25×20、20×20的整薯播种比切块播种产量分别高出43.00%,31.73%,40.59%,且差异显著,处理15×25产量高出48.36%,差异极显著。整薯播种和切块播种产量最高处理分别为36 473和29 263 kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

以‘大西洋’、‘荷兰15’、‘夏坡蒂’3个加工型马铃薯为供试材料,探讨整薯与切块播种对河西走廊加工型马铃薯品种生长发育及品质和产量的影响。结果表明,整薯播种较切块播种生长优势明显,出苗率高5~7个百分点,单株根数多2.0~3.2条,芽长长0.5~0.8cm,株高高2.3~2.7cm;整薯播种经济性状优于切块播种,平均单株结薯数多0.8~1.8个,单株主茎数多0.7~1.6个,平均单薯重高15.5~16.0g,大薯率高12.9~19.9个百分点,商品薯率高20.3~22.9个百分点,增产率18.17%~26.00%;整薯播种干物质、可溶性总糖、淀粉含量显著高于切块播种,分别高1.59~3.87,0.17~0.21和2.10~3.07个百分点。该研究结果为推广整薯播种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

1980~1982年,通过田间试验,对马铃薯不同大小整薯播种的产量变异规律及其经济效益进行了研究。结果表明,生产单位块薯产量所需种薯数量与种薯大小呈极显著的线性关系;马铃薯产量与种薯大小呈渐近状曲线相关;净产量与种薯大小呈抛物线性曲线相关。求得其极大值,3年平均为50.4±3.5克。马铃薯繁殖倍数与种薯大小两者的关系具有双曲线的性质,它在第一象限随种薯大小的增大而递次降低。不同大小种薯所产块茎的商品率3年平均,以111.2克为准时,种薯大小为10,30,50,80和150克,各处理所产块茎商品率依次为88.1,77.6,69.7,62.8和48.7%,以50克为准时,各处理所产块茎商品率依次为99.2,98.4,97.6,96.9和94.0%,都在90%以上。  相似文献   

冀中南地区马铃薯种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验以5~35 g大小的费乌瑞它脱毒马铃薯种薯为材料,研究了冀中南地区不同种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响。结果表明:不同重量的种薯播种产量之间存在显著差异,以种薯重量为20~25 g的小型种薯株高平均值最大,产量最高;整薯播种比切块播种产量增加,增产幅度为1.2%~26.7%。冀中南地区生产商品马铃薯,应采用重量为20~25 g左右的小整薯作为种薯,可以获得较高的产量。  相似文献   

李万先 《中国马铃薯》1989,3(3):174-175
<正> 种薯带病是马铃薯青枯病的主要传播途径,本文专谈谈整薯播种防效和技术。 1 整薯播种防效马铃薯青枯病菌为害维管束部位。薯皮具有保护、防病的性能。切块可传病,整薯直播具有顶端优势。故出苗整齐粗壮,有防治青枯病的效益,我所1959~1984年,共进行9次整薯直播和切块播种对比试验。供试  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言在长期的生产过程中,我们逐步对马铃薯小薯的种用价值有了新的认识.本试验研究了利用小薯作为种薯,以解决种薯不足,有利保种,加速扩繁,并通过一定的补助措施,达到增产增收的目的. 为摸索小薯作种,探讨50克以下小整薯的实用效果,我们从1979~1981年在海城县腾鳌镇永安科研队做了不同小薯对比及其有关主要因素的栽培试验,获得很好的经济效果.三年来试验结果表明:10~40克的无病小薯作种经济效果好,可以省种50~70%,提高产量9.7~39%,其中以10克小薯最经济,比切块增产21.4%.  相似文献   

姚卫华 《杂粮作物》2008,28(4):265-266
通过3年马铃薯小薯整播与切块播种对比试验,发现小薯整播表现出抗旱保苗、长势旺盛、抗病性强、增产显著的四大优点,为进一步提高马铃薯产量提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

在马铃薯栽培中种子的投入最昂贵。由于马铃薯是无性繁殖,为获得丰收需要投放大量的种薯(2.0~4.0吨/公顷)。尤其对大薯块品种情况就更严重。对这类品种可以采用种薯切块并保持单位面积种植密度比整薯高一些的方法来减少种薯的资金投入。 Shilma(1963)于秋季将种薯切块,并用0.2~0.3%的代森锰锌溶液处理几分钟后种植曾获得丰收。但他于1957~1960年间用旧品种试验表明整薯比切块的收成更好。只是对块茎  相似文献   

多年的生产实践证明,施用磷肥和采用整薯播种都可以提高马铃薯产量。本试验选用同等大小的马铃薯品种‘夏波蒂’脱毒二级原种小整薯和切块作为种薯播种,研究在不同施磷条件下马铃薯产量情况。结果发现,高磷整薯的平均单株结薯数显著高于其他处理,50 g以上块茎高磷整薯的产量显著高于其他处理,而低磷整薯的产量则显著低于低磷切块。  相似文献   

历年来,我国马铃薯秋播,通常采用切块催芽。由于切块创伤,易引起病菌感染,烂种、缺蔸严重,而低产。针对这一问题,怀化地区农科所李万先等人,从1959年开始,进行马铃薯健壮整薯秋播研究。经8年11次试验,结果表明:健壮整薯秋播出苗率94.9%,比对照(切块催穿秋播)提高27.5个百分点;青枯病株率为3.9%,比对照降低17.2个百分点:疮痂病薯率为21.9%,比对照低11.6个百分点;亩产859.7公斤,比对照增产60.4%。经省内  相似文献   

Growth and yield of potato plants grown from several weight classes of whole “B” seed, unsorted “B” seed, and 56 g cut seed pieces were compared in Ohio in 1988 and 1989. Whole “B” seed classes were 8 g ranges with means of 35 g, 43 g, 51 g, and 58 g. Unsorted “B” seed was used as an experimental control. Treatment responses were inconsistent. Few significant differences were evident at bloom in leaf area, number of main stems, and total plant dry weight (without tubers) per hill. However, the number of tubers greater than 1 cm in diameter per hill at bloom was less for cut seed as compared with several whole seed treatments. Percent stand at four weeks was also less for cut seed compared with 51 g and 58 g whole tuber treatments. Significant differences in total and U.S. No. 1 yields were absent despite differences in several plant growth variables early in the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons.  相似文献   

Small seed pieces decreased yield and number of tubers. Both seed tuber and seed piece size affected the percentage of tubers with hollow heart. Hollow heart increased from 14 to 22% as the seed tuber size increased from 57 to 228 g and decreased from 27 to 19% as the seed piece size increased from 28 to 57 g. The least hollow heart (11%) occurred in tubers of plants grown from 57 g whole seed pieces and the most (26%) in tubers of plants grown from 228 g seed tubers cut into 28 g seed pieces. Hollow heart was positively correlated with the mean tuber size and negatively correlated with the number of mainstems per hill, total yield, and total number of tubers.  相似文献   

1984~1985年,作者在北京延庆县田间观察马铃薯脱毒种薯早收对减少种薯感染病毒的效果。在桃蚜迁飞高峰后10~15天割秧的(以下简称割秧)病毒感染率很低:1984年0.08~0.25%;1985年1.17~1.50%。不割秧的病毒感染率很高:1984年0.83%;1985年3.30%。翌年挖取芽眼经病毒提取作PVX、PVY和TMA血清鉴定,割秧者呈阴性反应,不割秧者呈阳性。翌年将所得种薯栽种田间目测病毒症状,割秧者未见症状,不割秧者病毒株率5.5%。割秧每亩8000穴的亩产10克以上的种薯块数达32240~37600块,而不割秧正常密度的亩产10克以上种薯块数只16400~26800块。因此,早割秧密植不仅可以减少病毒感染,而且利于加大种薯繁殖系数。  相似文献   

云南马铃薯贮存损失的调查和评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
调查了云南马铃薯主产区 17个农户家庭贮存马铃薯的现状和损失。作为商品薯贮存失去商品价值的损失率达到 4 7 4 % ,其中发芽薯占 35 4 % ,损失最大 ,贮存时间 12 0d块茎发芽率仅1 5 % ,但 15 0d迅速增加到 5 6 88% ;破损块茎占 7 2 % ;病害烂薯占 4 8%。马铃薯种薯与商品薯同仓混贮 ,在同样无光照的条件下 ,造成种薯过早发芽 ,而且芽细弱 ,降低了种薯的质量。马铃薯疮痂病 (S .scabies)发生普遍 ,在一些地方发病率高达 10 0 % ,应当引起重视。讨论了马铃薯贮存中存在的问题 ,提出了马铃薯贮存技术发展的意见。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1995, 1996, and 1997 at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Harrington Research Farm to assess the effect of whole seed tuber size and pre-plant seed storage conditions on processing yield (> 51 mm dia.) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Russet Burbank). Following commercial storage, seed tubers were stored at 4.4 C then subjected to one of three pre-plant treatments: (1) planted directly from storage, (2) held at 10 C for 3 wk before planting, or (3) green-sprouted for 3 wk before planting. Five sizes of whole seed were used (28, 42, 56, 70, and 84 g) with a variable size cut seed treatment added for comparison. Plots were harvested 138,134, and 131 days after planting in 1995, 1996, and 1997, respectively. Cut seed produced a higher yield of tubers > 51 mm diameter in comparison to all whole tuber seed sizes, with the exception of the 28 and 56 g sizes. In terms of total yield, the 28and 42-g whole seed tubers yielded significantly less than all other seed sizes examined. Warming or greensprouting seed tubers prior to planting did not increase tuber yield. The larger whole seed tuber sizes tended to result in greater numbers of stems and tubers per plant. To maximize marketable yield of Russet Burbank planted from whole seed tubers, it is recommended that the seed be between 28 and 42 g in size. Accepted for publication 25 May 2004.  相似文献   

The growth and yield of plants from different-sized seed tubers derived from true potato seed were evaluated on a per stem, per plant, and per unit area basis using either single or multiple-sprout tubers. In single-sprout tubers, haulm dry weight per stem 47 days after planting was greater in the 40–60 g tubers when compared with that in the 5–10 g or the 10–20 g tubers. This resulted in greater tuber weight per stem in the 40–60 g tubers throughout the growing season. The number of tubers per stem was not affected by seed tuber size. In multiple-sprout seed tubers of increasing size, total tuber number and total tuber weight, as well as weight of those tubers larger than 45 mm, increased on a per plant basis but decreased on a per stem basis. At different rates of planting, 1–5 g seed tubers produced smaller tubers than 5–10 g or 10–20 g seed tubers. Increased rate of planting resulted in non-significant yield increases per unit area in plots planted with 1–5 g seed tubers. The yield increases were significant when 5–10 g and 10–20 g seed tubers were planted at higher rates. The number of main stems per unit of seed tuber weight was five times greater in 1–5 g tubers compared with that in 40–60 g tubers. This resulted in low seed weights per hectare when small tubers were planted and in a high ratio of harvested to planted tuber weight.  相似文献   

Freshly-cut seed pieces of the potato cultivars Ranger Russet and Shepody were dipped in 0, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/1 Gibberellic Acid (GA3) prior to planting. GA3 treatments increased stem and tuber numbers per hill of both cultivars and shifted tuber size profile toward the production of more seed-sized (up to 226 g) tubers and fewer large (greater than 340 g) tubers. The effect of GA3 on reducing average tuber size was similar for the two cultivars. Total tuber yields were not affected. A 2 mg GA3/1 seed piece dip decreased the yield of US#1 tubers in Ranger Russet primarily due to a significant increase in yield of tubers less than 226 g. Also, yields of culls were greater after a 1 mg GA3/1 seed piece treatment, suggesting Ranger Russet is sensitive to this concentration of GA3. One and 2 mg GA3/1 seed piece dips to Shepody increased yields of tubers less than 113 g by 93% and reduced the yield of tubers greater than 340 g by 25% to 50%. GA3 at 1 to 2 mg/1 may be useful in the production of seed potatoes with the cultivar Shepody which tends to produce many large tubers.  相似文献   

The effect of seed piece population on tuber yield, size distribution and processing quality of Russet Burbank potatoes grown under nonirrigated conditions in southern Manitoba from 1983 to 1987 was determined. Seed pieces were planted at 21.7, 26.3, 33.3 and 45.5 thousand seed pieces per hectare, and plant emergence generally exceeded 90% of the seed piece population. Marketable tuber (greater than 5 cm in diameter) yields were not affected by seed piece population. As population increased, however, the number of harvested tubers increased and average tuber size decreased, which resulted in a decreased yield of premium tubers (greater than 284 g) and an increased yield of small tubers (less than 5.0 cm in diameter). Specific gravity, the incidence of hollow heart in maingrade (5 cm in diameter to 284 g in weight) and premium tubers, and fry color were not significantly affected by seed piece population. In the one trial tested, sucrose content decreased as population increased, however, this was not reflected in improved fry color after storage.  相似文献   

Several of the recently released early-potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars used in Ontario have produced uneven stands which have been shown to be a result of delayed emergence from basal end seed pieces. A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of seed portions on the yield of three early potato cultivars, Jemseg, Superior and Yukon Gold. Yield of plants from basal seed pieces was lower than that from apical seed pieces or whole tubers for Jemseg and Yukon Gold during several sequential harvests. With Superior, cut seed portions yielded less than whole seed. Number of stems per plant was lower for basal plants of Jemseg. Tubers with strong apical dominance or dormancy such as Jemseg and Yukon Gold are prone to differences in yield among seed portions.  相似文献   

Common scab (CS), caused primarily by the filamentous, soilborne bacterium Streptomyces scabies, creates significant challenges in the production of quality potato tubers in global growing regions. Over the past several decades, numerous studies been conducted to improve our understanding of the impact of cultural and pesticide treatments for managing the health of progeny daughter tubers. None of the previous studies, however, have addressed differences between the impacts of CS from whole seed vs. cut seed pieces on resulting disease on daughter tubers. A greenhouse trial was conducted during 2013–2014 to assess the impact of seed type and CS severity on plant health and CS on daughter tubers. Cut and suberized ‘Snowden’ seed pieces (~2 oz.) exhibiting 0, 5, and ≥50% CS severity were sown in 3-gal pots containing a 50:50 mix of sterilized sand and field soil. Whole ‘Snowden’ seed tubers (~2 oz.) with the same three levels of CS severity were sown under the same conditions. At harvest, approximately 20% of daughter tubers from asymptomatic seed pieces (both cut and whole) exhibited symptoms of CS. Disease incidence and severity significantly increased for pieces that had 5 and ≥50% CS across both experiments. Plants grown from whole seed had significantly higher yield, on average, when compared to cut seed. Daughter tubers produced from whole seed resulted in higher CS incidence than those from cut seed in one of our two experimental trials. Our results indicated a clear advantage to plant common scab-free seed potatoes with the aim of producing healthier daughter tubers.  相似文献   

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