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Adequate understanding of the factors that determine the establishment and survival of dead-wood-dependent species in natural forests is a prerequisite to the successful maintenance of these species in managed forests. This study investigated the factors affecting the occurrence of five wood-inhabiting polypores in old-growth timberline spruce forests in northern Finland, including the substrate availability and the spatial arrangement of large-diameter logs. The volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) varied significantly between the sites (range 15–30 m3 ha?1), large-diameter logs comprising on average 35% of the total CWD volume. However, the within-site variation in CWD volume was 10–15 times larger than the between-site variation. The spatial distribution of large-diameter logs was aggregated or initially aggregated on four sites and random on one site, creating local patches of high CWD volume. An individual target species occurred on average on 8% of all large-diameter logs, and on 11% of optimal logs (as determined by the decay stage). The characteristics of the logs and stand variables explained partly the occurrence of the target species; furthermore, the mortality pattern of trees (stem breakage versus uprooting) and the presence of primary decomposers also significantly affected the occurrence of the target species. The results indicate that besides substrate availability and quality, local habitat factors and species interactions also play a role in the occurrence of wood-inhabiting fungi in boreal timberline forests.  相似文献   

New Forests - Cut stumps are the legacy of forest harvesting and allow for the estimation of carbon loss from the ecosystem. The objective of this study was to estimate aboveground carbon storage...  相似文献   

Dead wood is an important component of forest ecosystems and volumes vary depending on forest age, management intensity and productivity. This is the first large-scale study to quantify dead wood in Irish forests and to compare them to forests in other locations. We measured the volume and size distribution of logs, the density and size distribution of snags and the volume of dead wood contained in stumps in Oak (Quercus spp.) and Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) forests and in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations throughout Ireland. We also assigned each log, snag and stump to one of three decay classes (intact, part-rotted and well-rotted). We found no significant difference in log volume between any of the forest types. The majority (>90%) of logs were less than 20 cm in diameter, and large logs (>40 cm diameter) were scarce. We found a relatively high density of snags in all forest types but, as in the case of logs, over 90% of snags were <20 cm DBH and large snags (>40 cm DBH) were rare. The volume of dead wood contained in stumps was significantly higher in plantations than in Oak or Ash forests as a result of thinning and harvesting. Most logs and snags were moderately decayed but, in plantations, most stumps were intact. Log volume and the size of logs and snags were considerably lower than in old-growth forests in other regions. These patterns may reflect historical use of Irish forests for coppice and timber production. Management for biodiversity should aim to accelerate dead wood accumulation to increase the frequency of large-diameter logs and snags. Although management seeking to replicate the dead wood volumes of old-growth forests is ideal, it may be unrealistic in the short term.  相似文献   

There has been little examination of the relationship between the stocking of live trees in forests and the associated attributes of dead tree resources which could inform large-scale efforts to estimate and manage deadwood resources. The goal of this study was to examine the relationships between the stocking of standing live trees and attributes of standing dead and downed dead trees using a national inventory of forests in the United States. Results indicated that from the lowest to the highest class of live tree relative stand density, the mean biomass/ha of live trees increased over 2000% while standing dead and downed dead trees biomass/ha increased 295 and 75%, respectively. Correlations between downed deadwood biomass and stand/site attributes increased as live tree stocking increased. The size/density attributes of standing and downed deadwood exhibited no relationship with standing live stocking possibly due to the confounding factors of decay and breakage. This study proposes a conceptual deadwood stocking model with standing live tree stocking as an axis along which deadwood accretion factors (e.g., disturbance, self-thinning, and senescence) and depletion factors (e.g., decay, harvest, and stagnation) ultimately determine deadwood stocking.  相似文献   

洪泽湖大堤水土保持林营造浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪泽湖大堤是土石结构的堤坝。在考虑到堤坝工程的防护和安全的前提下,营造水土保持林,十分必要。为了凸现水土保持林生物防护保持水土、防止水土流失、巩固大堤的功能,对堤坝土堤隙地应施以宜林树种(草种)的选择、营造模式、营造技术等必要的科学措施,从而使生物防护与工程防护相结合,进而使堤坝更加坚固、安全,更大地发挥堤坝的工程效益,确保堤坝的安全度汛。  相似文献   

In contemporary forest management, also of commercial forests, threshold values are widely used for consideration of biodiversity conservation. Here, we present various aspects of dead-wood threshold values. We review published and unpublished dead-wood threshold data from European lowland beech–oak, mixed-montane, and boreo-alpine spruce–pine forests separately to provide managers of European forests with a baseline for management decisions for their specific forest type. Our review of dead-wood threshold data from European forests revealed 36 critical values with ranges of 10–80 m3 ha−1 for boreal and lowland forests and 10–150 m3 ha−1 for mixed-montane forests, with peak values at 20–30 m3 ha−1 for boreal coniferous forests, 30–40 m3 ha−1 for mixed-montane forests, and 30–50 m3 ha−1 for lowland oak–beech forests. We then expand the focus of dead-wood threshold analyses to community composition. We exemplify the two major statistical methods applied in ecological threshold analysis to stimulate forest researchers to analyze more of their own data with a focus on thresholds. Finally, we discuss further directions of dead-wood threshold analysis. We anticipate that further investigations of threshold values will provide a more comprehensive picture of critical ranges for dead wood, which is urgently needed for an ecological and sustainable forestry.  相似文献   

Currently, there is much debate about what strategy is most suitable for increasing old-growth attributes in forests that have been managed intensively for wood production in the past. Passive restoration, i.e. cessation of forestry interventions, should be considered when the old-growth attributes desired can be restored within a feasible period of time.Our study focuses on standing and lying coarse dead wood (≥20 cm diameter) in beech-dominated forests in northwestern Germany. We analyzed monitoring data of 545 sample plots (sized 500-1000 m2) from 12 strict forest reserves (SFRs). The SFRs had been without forestry intervention for up to 28 years.Both, number of dead objects and volume of dead wood (m3 ha−1) increased significantly with ongoing time since abandonment from forestry interventions. The mean amount doubled from 9 to 18 m3 ha−1 within 10 years. The proportion of standing dead wood was about 40% of the total dead wood pool ≥20 cm diameter.With mixed linear modeling we showed that dead wood increased by a mean net rate of about 1 m3 ha−1 a−1. Therefore, after three decades critical values for restoring the dead wood pool could be reached. We hypothesized that the rate of dead wood input is mainly determined by disturbance driven tree mortality such as oak decline, bark beetle infestations and storms.A comparison with primeval forests or reserves abandoned more than 100 years ago showed that the SFRs studied are at the beginning of a long process of dead wood accumulation.Based on our results, the abandonment of forest activities in harvestable pure and mixed beech stands is an effective strategy for restoring the dead wood pool.  相似文献   

Interest in the use of bioenergy is increasing because of the need to mitigate climate change, the increasing costs and finite supply of fossil fuels, and the declining price of lumber and paper. Sound bioenergy policies must be informed by accurate estimates of potential feedstock production, rights to the production, social values and economics. Two of the main sources of bioenergy feedstock from forests are (i) harvesting residue and (ii) dead wood resulting from natural disturbances (i.e. standing dead timber). We modeled the production of bioenergy feedstock from these two sources from 2005 to 2020 for Canada's managed forest south of 60° N so that this information can be used in provincial and national strategic planning. Published estimates of harvesting residue vary widely, and our objective was to provide more precise estimates based on new forest inventory data and regional modeling. Natural disturbances result in very large quantities of dead wood on the landscape, but estimates of future stocks and annual production have not previously been made. Our estimates included a 50% discount factor to net-down theoretically available quantities to a more realistic estimate of potential ecologically sustainable bioenergy feedstock. The total future annual production averaged 51 ± 17 Tg year−1 from natural disturbances and 20 ± 0.6 Tg year−1 from clearcut harvesting residues. Harvesting residue for the area logged varied spatially from a low of 1.0 ± 0.77 kg m−2 year−1 to a high of 6.7 ± 0.1 kg m−2 year−1. Dead wood production due to insects was forecast to peak in the Montane Cordillera of British Columbia (BC) at 16.7 Tg year−1 due to the current mountain pine beetle outbreak. Total dead wood production due to fire was highest in the western portion of the boreal forest (3.6 Tg year−1 in the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan), in part due to the high frequency of fires in these ecosystems and the large area of western boreal forest, but the highest density production was in BC: >9 kg m−2 year−1 in the burned area. Our results showed that the dead wood stocks of 331 Tg oven-dry matter potentially available for bioenergy in 2020 are much smaller than the 3100 ± 84 Tg of dead wood stocks estimated based on ecosystem dynamics. While bioenergy use will accelerate the release of greenhouse gases compared to on-site decay, the energy is renewable and can be used as a substitute for fossil fuels. The net benefit to the atmosphere of forest bioenergy use is affected by many factors, and future research should further assess which sustainable wood-based bioenergy strategies yield the greatest net greenhouse gas benefits over the different time scales needed for post-disturbance forest recovery.  相似文献   

Invasion of natural habitats by conifer species is a well-known phenomenon worldwide. Here, we describe naturalization by the American Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) in Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, NE Spain). Establishment of seedlings started 15 years after plantation. Seedling density was positively associated to low tree density, small plantation area, grazing and the presence of a shrubland understorey of intermediate cover. Seedling recruitment outside the plantations occurred at high altitudes (>1000 m). In less than 30 years after plantation, P. menziesii invaded adjacent areas 100 m far from the plantation. We conclude that at high altitudes, under disturbance, seedling establishment can take place as soon as planted trees produce cones. Therefore, the time-lag appears to be primarily related to propagule availability.  相似文献   

IntroductionGaPSinforestSwereoftenfomledduetobigtreesfalldown.Regenerationandgrowtl1inthegapsincreasebe-causeofIheAnprovementoflightcondition-Thegapwillbefilledwithnewregeneratedtrees.Wattnamedtl1isforesIdynamicsastheforestgrowtllcycle.SinceD.Bot-kindevelopedthefirstGapmo`Iel(JANOWAnlodel)basedontheforestgrowthcycletheory,dleresearchongapmodelbecameoneofthemostactivedirectio11slilecologybecauseofJANoWAnlodeI'ssuccess.H.Sl1ug-artandhisstUdentSmadegreatc()ntributio11stogapmodeI'sdeve…  相似文献   

We compared the dead wood (DW) conditions of Cheshmeh-sar forest and Sardab forest with different management history,including reserve forest and harvested forest. The First forest took 100% inventory from all the available DW. Also dead trees were compared interms of species, shape, location and quality of fracture in both forests.Volumes of dead wood in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forests were 207.47and 142.74 m3, respectively. Due to this significant difference, impact onthe management level was determined. In Cheshmeh-sar forest, 42% ofdead trees were standing and 58% were fallen type while in Sardab forest 38.6% were standing and 61.4% fallen. But the difference was not statistically significant between them (p = 0.0587). In terms of quality, dead trees of hard, soft and hollow had the highest frequency, respectively.However, 71.5% of DW was seen as hard dead in Cheshmeh-sar forestwhile hard dead trees in Sardab forests were 54.2%. Soft quality degree ofdead trees which formed in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forest were calculated as 26.6% and 43.4% respectively. Also 30% of the dead trees of Sardab forest were eradicated while in Cheshmeh-sar this amount was reduced to 12%. Due to this significant difference ((Р=0/018), it is concluded that the type of management and human interference are affecting the quality of dead trees and makes us to think the human interferences could effect on the ecosystem of touched forests.  相似文献   

王华章 《森林工程》2002,18(5):3-3,2
本文结合世界人工林发展的趋势,阐述了发展人工林对缓解林产品需求及环境保护的重要性,论述发展人工林带来的经济、社会效益。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of forest patch size on woody tree species richness and abundance in tropical montane evergreen forest patches of the Nilgiri region,south India. We sampled woody trees(1 cm dbh) from 21 forest patches in the upper Nilgiri hills( 2000 m elevation) and recorded a total of 35,146 individuals of 61 species, 45 genera and 30 families. Species richness and abundance of sapling/shrubs(≥ 1 to 10 cm dbh)increased significantly with increasing patch size, but the species richness and abundance of small, medium and larger trees(≥ 10 to 30, ≥ 30 to 60 and ≥ 60 cm dbh,respectively) did not. Overall, forest interior species richness and abundance increased significantly with increasing patch size but edge species richness did not. Species richness and abundance of shade-tolerant and shade-demanding tree species also increased with increasing patch size. The abundance of zoochory dispersed tree species was significantly related to increasing patch size, but those dispersed by autochory did not display any clear relationship between patch size and species richness or abundance.Our findings suggest that with increasing forest patch area,tree compositional patterns may be driven by species specific shade-tolerance adaptations and dispersal patterns.Differential responses in these traits by the plant community within the individual habitat zones of forest edge and interiors likely plays a major role in determining the inherent plant community and thus the subsequent ecological processes of forest patches, including their responses to increasing patch area.  相似文献   


Nutrient content [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)] in needles, branches and stems before (P0, not thinned) and after thinning (P20 and P30, 20% and 30% of basal area removed, respectively) was studied in 37- and 32-year-old Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the western Pyrenees: Garde and Aspurz. Thinning significantly decreased all nutrient pools in P20 and P30 relative to P0 on both sites, but no significant differences were found between P20 and P30 owing to low statistical power. Thinning increased the differences between the two forests for total above-ground content of P and Mg, and for the content of N, P and K in the 1999 needles cohort. The former result was due in part to the higher concentration of P (needles and branches) and Mg (needles) in Garde. Therefore, the importance of needles relative to the other nutrient pools increased for N and P after thinning. This may have resulted from the fact that the removal of dead trees with low needle biomass was greater in Garde than in Aspurz. Based on the percentage of basal area removed, nutrient removal in Garde for P30 was higher than expected, apparently owing to an increase in branch removal relative to P20. These results indicate that effects of thinning on nutrient pools were influenced by differences in stand structure and nutrient tissue concentrations between sites.  相似文献   

Many aquatic habitats in coastal Oregon have been impacted by historic land use practices that led to losses of in-stream wood and associated degraded fish habitats. Many of these streams are now bordered by stands of dense second growth forests(30–80 years) that are incorporated into riparian buffer zones with low wood recruitment and storage. Thinning in riparian zones is one management option to increase the rate of large tree growth and eventually larger in-stream wood, however, it raises concern about impacts on current wood recruitment, among other issues. Using a forest growth simulation model coupled to a model of in-stream wood recruitment, we explore riparian management alternatives in a Douglas-fir plantation in coastal Oregon. Alternatives included:(1) no treatment,(2) single and double entry thinning, without and with a 10-m buffer, and(3) thinning combined with mechanical introduction of some portion of the thinned trees into the stream(tree tipping). Compared to no treatment, single and double entry thinning on one side of a channel, without a 10-m buffer, reduce cumulative instream wood volume by 33 and 42 %, respectively, after100 years(includes decay). Maintaining a 10-m buffer reduces the in-stream wood loss to 7 %(single entry thin)and 11 %(double entry). To completely offset the losses of in-stream wood in a single entry thin(on one or both sides of the stream), in the absence or presence of a 10-m buffer,requires a 12–14 % rate of tree tipping. Relative to the notreatment alternative, cumulative in-stream wood storage can be increased up to 24 % in a double-entry thin with no buffer by tipping 15–20 % of the thinned trees(increased to 48 % if thinning and tipping simultaneously on both sides of the stream). The predicted increases in in-stream wood that can occur during a thin with tree tipping may be effective for restoring fish habitat, particularly in aquatic systems that have poor habitat conditions and low levels of in-stream wood due to historic land use activities.  相似文献   

Mixed montane forests cover large tracts of the low mountain ranges that dominate Central Europe and also contain much of the area that is important to forest related nature conservation. However, beyond general patterns little is known about ecologically effective driving factors in this habitat. This results in a lack of precise values that can be used to formulate guidelines for nature conservation oriented management strategies. To improve this situation, we used birds as indicators for forest habitat qualities.  相似文献   

Semi-natural forests, which naturally regenerate after timber harvesting, provide distinct opportunities for dead wood (DW) management for biodiversity. We described DW pool and sources of its variation during the first decade after final felling in Estonia, hemiboreal Europe. Depending on forest type, the mean post-harvest volumes of above-ground DW ranged from 70 to 119 m3 ha?1. Final felling generally did not reduce downed coarse woody debris (CWD) because many sawn logs were left on-site, and soil scarification was rarely used. However, subsequent decay of downed CWD appears to be accelerated due to the increased ground contact of logs, so that even the relatively small inputs from live retention trees observed (5 m3 ha?1 per decade) can be ecologically significant. While final felling greatly reduced snag abundance, the mortality of retained live trees generally balanced their later losses. The volumes of downed fine woody debris in conventional cutover sites were roughly double that of pre-harvest forests. Slash harvest caused an approximately twofold reduction in downed DW and resulted in CWD volumes that were below mature-forest levels. The results indicate that the habitat quality of cutovers critically depends both on the retention and on the post-harvest management of biological legacies. In Estonia, the necessary improvements include more careful retention of snags in final felling, selecting larger retention trees, focusing slash harvest on the fine debris of common tree species, and providing snags of late-successional tree species.  相似文献   

The role of deadwood on biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems is widely recognised. Interest on deadwood has increased in the last years, and forest management policy regards deadwood as indicator of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

The present research examines the joint effects of climate change and management on the dead wood dynamics of the main tree species of the Finnish boreal forests via a forest ecosystem simulator. Tree processes are analyzed in stands subject to multiple biotic and abiotic environmental factors. A special focus is on the implications for biodiversity conservation thereof. Our results predict that in boreal forests, climate change will speed up tree growth and accumulation ending up in a higher stock of dead wood available as habitat for forest-dwelling species, but the accumulation processes will be much smaller in the working landscape than in set-asides. Increased decomposition rates driven by climate change for silver birch and Norway spruce will likely reduce the time the dead wood stock is available for dead wood-associated species. While for silver birch, the decomposition rate will be further increased in set-aside in relation to stands under ordinary management, for Norway spruce, set-asides can counterbalance the enhanced decomposition rate due to climate change thereby permitting a longer persistence of different decay stages of dead wood.  相似文献   

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