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马尾松水保林的最适经营密度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过研究长江中上游马尾松水保林的枝叶生物量、林下植被生物量及枯落物重量与林分密度的相关关系,提出了马尾松水保林的最适经营密度,编制了马尾松水保林的最适经营密度表。  相似文献   

本文阐述了水保林模式林分的内涵,并以湘中丘陵立地类型亚区为例,分别好、中、差三种立地质量综合等级区制表单元,编制了马尾松水保林模式林分生物量生长过程表,以期为水保林的经营提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对马尾松4种造林密度的定位观测分析结果表明,不同造林密度对胸径、单株村积生长的影响达到显著性差异,对树高生长影响差异不显著,不同密度林分径级分布差异明显,密度为2500株/hm2和1250株/hm2的林分,其胸径≤6cm径阶的株数占57.2%和45.9%,≥8cm径阶的株数占42.8%和54.1%;而密度为10000株/hm2和5000株/hm2的林分,其胸径≤6cm径阶的株数占89.6%和76%,≥8cm径阶的株数占10.4%和24%;不同径级林分的合理密度通过胸径与树冠面积的相关关系,用回归直线方程y=a+bx分别求得各胸径最低保留株数,作为间伐强度、间伐开始期和间伐重复期的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对马尾松 (桐棉种源 ) (Pinusmassoniana)造林密度试验定位观测表明 ,密度效应明显 ,不同造林密度胸径、蓄积、冠幅、枝下高生长有显著差异 ,但对林分树高生长影响不大。  相似文献   

密度管理图是科学经营森林的工具。本文在全省统一编制马尾松人工林密度管理图的基础上,再结合立地指数,分产区分别编制,以提高使用这一工具的效果。  相似文献   

马尾松造林密度效应研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
用造林密度试验林的 11a逐年观测资料 ,分析了造林密度对生长和经济效益的影响 ,结果表明 :A、B、C、D(16 6 7、3333、5 0 0 0、6 6 6 7株·hm- 2 ) 4种不同造林密度对林分生长、林分结构及出材量均有显著影响 ,其中林分胸径、单株材积 ,冠幅、冠高比随密度增大而减小 ,蓄积、高径比、自然稀疏强度随密度增大而增大 ,初始间伐期随密度增大而提前 ,造林密度对树高生长无显著影响 ;随着密度增大 ,林分总出材量、小径阶株数百分比及小径材出材量所占的比例增大 ,11年生林分C、D密度总出材量比A密度分别高 34 0 %、4 3 0 % ;经出材量、生产成本与产值核算 ,培育短周期工业用材林宜采用B~C间的密度 (3333~ 5 0 0 0株·hm- 2 ) ,培育大、中径材宜采用A~B(16 6 7~ 3333株·hm- 2 )间的密度。  相似文献   

针对本地区马尾松林分由于受诸多因素影响而分化严重的现象,为提高马尾松林分的质量,开展马尾松林合理的经营密度研究.试验结果表明,马尾松林分其冠幅与胸径生长呈显著正相关,运用冠幅与胸径的相关规律,推算马尾松林不同生长发育阶段适宜的密度指标,并以此指导适时进行抚育间伐,调整林分密度,改善林分生境条件,促进林木生长.  相似文献   

马尾松和杉木生长过程经营密度研究范小红,徐东(忠县林业局)马尾松和杉木是忠县人工营造的主要树种,其林木资源比重大、分布区域范围广,现已大面积进入中、近熟龄生长抚育阶段。为了科学合理地开展抚育间伐工作,把握好抚育间伐的各项技术标准,使抚育间伐真正起到促...  相似文献   

以河南省薄山林场马尾松林分为研究对象,设计了4种不同的林分保留密度,每种密度林分设计3块样地。研究分析了不同间伐保留密度对马尾松林分平均胸径、林分平均高度、平均单株材积及林分蓄积量的影响,并用方差分析做显著性比较。研究结果及方差分析表明:间伐能促进林分生长,随着间伐保留密度的减小,林分胸径、单株材积增大显著;间伐能促进林分平均高、林分蓄积量增加,但影响并不显著;马尾松中龄林适合的保留密度为1750株/hm2。  相似文献   

在明确水土保持林定义及功能的基础上,分析了水土保持林密度对林分成活率、郁闭度、高生长、直径、单株材积、干材产量、生物量、干材质量、根系等的影响,详细介绍了常见的几种林分密度控制的测算方法。针对山西省的实际情况,提出了在山西省要利用密度调控实现经营目标所需注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Water relation parameters of bare-root seedlings of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.)and Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.)were measured and changes of root growth potential as well as field survival rate of both species were studied after the bare-root seedlings were exposed in a sunny field condition.the results showed that masson pine had a lower osmotic potential(-2.07Mpa) at turgor loss point and at full turgor(-1.29Mpa),compared with Chinese fir(-1.80Mpa and -1.08Mpa respectively).The parameter Vp/Vo(63.27%) of Masson pine was higher than that of chinese fir (58.03%).This means that Masson pine has a stronger ability to tolerate desiccation,compared to Chinese fir according to analysis of above water relation parameters.Root growth potential and field survival rate decreased with prolonging duration of exposure.The field survival rate of both species was reduced to less than 40% after the seedling being exposed only two hours.Water potentials of -1.60 Mpa and -1.70 Mpa were suggested to be critical values for Chinese fir and Masson pine respectively in successful reforestation.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effects of the temperature gradient on moisture movement during the highly intensive microwave-vacuum drying, thermal diffusion of Masson pine wood was studied. Internal distribution of temperature and moisture in Masson pine samples sealed by epoxy resin and aluminum foil was measured, the magnitude of thermal diffusion was calculated and the influencing factors of thermal diffusion were discussed. Results showed that with the transfer of moisture toward the low temperature in wood, opposite temperature and moisture gradient occurred. The initial moisture content (MC), temperature and time are important factors affecting this process; the thermal diffusion is in proportion to wood temperature, its initial moisture and time. The temperature and distance from hot surface is strongly linearly correlated, and the relationship between MCs at different locations and distance from the hot end surface changes from logarithmically form to exponentially form with the increase in experimental time.  相似文献   

Stand Density Control Diagram (SDCD) is a stand-level mathematical model, which describes the relationships between yield, density and mortality throughout all stages of stand development. The SDCD is primarily used to derive density control schedules by management objectives. The main objectives of the present study are to define a modified model of SDCD for application to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) plantations in Bulgaria, to examine the fitness of the model with representative experimental data sets from plantations of both species and to present a way of direct application of the SDCDs for practical purposes. The constructed SDCDs characterize the spatial-temporal dynamics of the pine plantations in a broad range of densities, forest sites and growth stages from 4 to 26 (28) m of dominant height class. The full density lines were fixed with self-thinning exponents α = 1.69 and α = 1.75 for Scots pine and Austrian black pine, respectively, and the trajectories of natural thinning for 23 initial densities (444-40000/ha) were determined. A direct way for application of the SDCDs to the plantation management was designed to estimate the optimal initial densities for the maximum attainable final yield and large-size wood production by self-thinning stands.  相似文献   

侧柏水土保持林密度调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据侧柏人工林胸径和冠幅的相关关系 ,编制了适宜经营密度表。通过 10年观测 ,侵蚀模数与植被覆盖率的定量关系 ,石灰岩低山区土壤允许流失量 6 0t/km2 .a作为无明显侵蚀的界限。当水土保持林覆盖率为 4 9.3%时 ,土壤流失量等于允许流失量 ,此时径阶 4、6、8、10、12、14、16、18、2 0cm的侧柏每 6 6 6 .7m2 保留株数分别为 2 95、186、12 1、87、6 2、5 1、4 1、34、2 8株。  相似文献   

马尾松阔叶树混交林涵水固土功能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究者在湖南、湖北、四川、重庆4省(市)调查收集了8种马尾松阔叶树混交林林分类型的科研标准地95块,并在典型标准地内设置了10个简易径流场,进行了为期3-8a的定位观测;在研究探讨了马尾松阔叶树混交林林分结构规律的基础上,进一步就其涵养水源、固持土壤功能进行了研究,以期为长江中上游防护林体系建设、马尾松阔叶树混交林的科学经营提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Masson pine(Pinus massoniana) is one of the main pine species in China.It is the most extensively distributed,it is the largest in number,and its use is extensive.This paper deals with the study situation of the property variation of the tree and the effect of external conditions on its properties in China,including pine wood modification(degreasing,mould prevention and improvement of dimensional stability).  相似文献   

马尾松间伐的密度效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用20年生马尾松间伐密度试验林的10年观测资料,分析不同间伐保存密度对林分生长和经济效益的影响。结果表明:不同间伐保存密度(1200,2000,2800和3400株·hm-2)对林分生长、林分结构及材种规格均有显著影响,其中林分胸径、单株材积、冠幅、冠高比随密度增大而减小,高径比、自然稀疏强度随密度增大而增大,密度对树高生长无显著影响;不同密度的林分蓄积量与出材量随林龄增长而差异变小;随着密度增大,小径阶株数率及小径材出材量所占的比例增大,而大径阶株数率与大径材出材量减少。综合效益核算、材种出材量及马尾松人工林生长规律,马尾松人工林进入中龄林期后培育纤维材与中小径材保存密度控制在B~D(约2000~3400株·hm-2)并在15~17年生时采伐效益较好,培育大、中径材林分保存在A~B(约1200~2000株·hm-2)间的密度效益较好。  相似文献   

以吉林省金沟岭林场落叶松人工林为研究对象,利用近30年间10余次落叶松人工林固定样地和71株树干解析等数据,研究不同立地条件下的落叶松水源涵养量密度控制图编制方法与技术,运用SPSS软件,分立地条件拟合落叶松水源涵养量生长模型及其参数,编制密度控制图,并在实际生产中进行了应用。  相似文献   

Afforestation and ecological restoration have often been carried out with fast-growing exotic tree species because of their high apparent growth and yield. Moreover, fast-growing forest plantations have become an important component of mitigation measures to offset greenhouse gas emissions. However, information on the long-term performance of exotic and fast-growing species is often lacking especially with respect to their vulnerability to disturbance compared to native species. We compared carbon (C) storage and C accumulation rates in vegetation (above- and belowground) and soil in 21-year-old exotic slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and native Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) plantations, as well as their responses to a severe ice storm in 2008. Our results showed that mean C storage was 116.77 ± 7.49 t C ha?1 in slash pine plantation and 117.89 ± 8.27 t C ha?1 in Masson pine plantation. The aboveground C increased at a rate of 2.18 t C ha?1 year?1 in Masson pine and 2.23 t C ha?1 year?1 in slash pine plantation, and there was no significant difference in C storage accumulation between the two plantation types. However, we observed significant differences in ice storm damage with nearly 7.5 % of aboveground biomass loss in slash pine plantation compared with only 0.3 % loss in Masson pine plantation. Our findings indicated that the native pine species was more resistant to ice storm because of their adaptive biological traits (tree shape, crown structure, and leaf surface area). Overall, the native pine species might be a safer choice for both afforestation and ecological restoration in our study region.  相似文献   

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