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Application of four forms of nitrogen fertilizer each at threerates produced significant positive responses in shoot growthin a seven-year-old Pinus contorta, Dougl. stand on a deep,infertile peat in south Scotland. The response was shortlived(4 years) and was followed by a period (12 years) whenshoot growth fell below the control level. Form of N did notaffect the result but rate of N did and these effects are discussedwith respect to annual shoot growth, foliar N levels and shootgrowth:foliar N correlations. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(4):410-423
The effect of site fertility, spacing and mode of regeneration on the survival and stand development of lodgepole pine, Scots pine and Norway spruce was studied in a series of experiments comprising 22 study areas in Finland. After 13-14 yrs, lodgepole pine had a mean survival of 68% in planted and 61% in seeded plots, while Norway spruce had the highest (92%) and Scots pine the second highest survival (82%). The survival of planted lodgepole pine was better the wider the spacing. Best survival was achieved on subdry and dry sites, both with planting and with direct seeding. Dominant height was not affected by spacing, but both basal area and volume at the age of 13-14 yrs were significantly higher the denser the spacing. The average difference in the value of the estimated site index H 50 was slightly under 3 m for the superiority of lodgepole compared with Scots pine. Seeding resulted in site indices almost as high as those of lodgepole planting. 相似文献
An experiment in Helmsdale Forest (Highland Region, Scotland)examined the effects of shelter and weed competition on Sitkaspruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Can.) and lodgepole pine (Pinuscontorta Douglas ex Loudon). Different levels of shelter fromwind were achieved by using netting and were measured usingtatter flags. Three treatments compared weed competition byremoving no vegetation, heather (Calluna vulgaris L.) only orall ground vegetation respectively. Results indicate a definiterelationship between material lost from tatter flags and treedry weight at five years. Even the smallest increase in shelterresulted in increased growth of Sitka spruce and the beneficialeffect of shelter became most apparent 4 to 5 years after planting.Tree dry weight was found to be correlated with root collardiameter and height but not fifth year height increment. Resultsfrom weeding treatments were unclear and differed between species.This was because bird damage interacted with weeding, the completelyweeded plots being most heavily damaged; and because the methodof hand weeding (pulling out the whole plant including roots)damaged fine tree roots. Bird damage was prevented by nettingbut in unnetted plots it was found impossible to separate birddamage from other factors although it was clearly more seriouson lodgepole pine. 相似文献
通过在1年生、2年生辽育1号杨树幼林内间种玉米、大豆、西瓜、向日葵4种作物,研究了这些作物对杨树幼林生长量的影响。结果表明:间种不同作物对辽育1号杨树幼林生长量的影响差异较大,其中间种西瓜、大豆等矮棵作物优势更为明显,间种玉米、向日葵等高棵作物效果不如间种西瓜、大豆等矮棵作物。建议在辽西地区杨树人工林内多选择对水分需求较多的作物间种,以解决杨树生产中对水分的需求,为其丰产创造条件。 相似文献
Rates of mineral nitrogen production and carbon dioxide evolutionin incubated samples from the upper 300mm of peat beneath lodgepolepine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) have been compared with those foradjacent unplanted areas at each of six sites in the North ofScotland. Under both aerobic (moist) and anaerobic (water logged)conditions, rates of mineral nitrogen production at 30°Care strongly influenced by peatland type, sampling depth andafforestation. During the early stages of the incubation underaerobic conditions, samples of planted peat showed a more rapidaccumulation of mineral nitrogen than did samples from unplantedareas, the amounts after 17 days being 170ppm and 46ppm mineralN, respectively; after 62 days however, the difference was nolonger significant. The mean rate of CO2 production averaged446µg CO2 g1 day1 in planted as against728µg in unplanted peat. Under anaerobic conditions, amountsof mineral nitrogen accumulated were similar in planted andunplanted sites but a difference in accumulation between the0150 and 150300mm horizons in unplanted peat wassignificantly reduced beneath the trees. 相似文献
Unsterilised nursery seedbeds, prepared in a conventional mannerand sown with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud,ssp contorta) were covered with clear polythene cloches, withor without the edges buried, from the date of sowing for 0,8, 16 and 21 weeks. Germination rate and numbers of seedlingsgerminating were increased by all the cloche treatments. Deathsof seedlings under cloches with unsealed edges were greaterthan for the cloche treatments with completely buried edges.Due to increases in both stem unit number and stem unit length,the cloche treatments increased height growth in proportionwith duration of cloche cover. Seedlings covered for 16 or 21weeks were over 3 times the height of the controls and almostall were over 10 cm but they were not sufficiently sturdy forforest use. The use of polythene cloches for the productionof seedlings suitable for lining-out or forest planting is discussed. 相似文献
在黄山松林天然植被调查分析的基础上 ,大田设置 10 0 %、4 5%、37%、16 % 4种不同透光度的黄山松播种苗区 ,定期测定光合速率、呼吸速率、蒸腾速率、各器官生长量及生物量等生理和生长指标。试验结果表明 :(1)光对黄山松苗生长及生理过程有明显影响 ,以全透光苗最为粗壮。光合有效辐射 (即 4 0 0~ 76 0 nm 波段辐射能 )与光合效率的关系最为密切 ,其关系式为 y=19.510 8x0 .0 2 82 。(2 )黄山松苗木水势偏低 ,光补偿点较高 (5.2 6 W· m-2 ) ,水分利用效率高 (3.0 1×10 -3 ) ,且扎根深 ,抗旱性强 ,是亚热带中高山地区水源涵养林适宜树种。 相似文献
用16a连续测定资料,对不同密度中幼龄湿地松人工林生长情况进行了分析研究.结果表明:密度对林分平均树高生长量有一定影响,但没有明显的规律性,差异不显著;林分的平均胸径和单株材积随密度的增加而减小,其中胸径在1~4a差异不显著,5~7a差异处于显著水平,8~13a差异达到极显著水平,此后随着林冠生长的稳定,不同密度的胸径差异稳定在一定的显著水平;林分蓄积量则随密度的增加而增大,各密度间存在显著差异,8~10a差异极显著. 相似文献
A plantation of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.), whichwas established in 1973 on a ditched minerotrophic fen at plantingspacings of 1.2 m, 1.8 m, and 2.4 m, was refertilized in 1985with control, P, PK and NPK treatments consisting of 60 kg ha1phosphorus, 100 kg ha1 potassium and 200 kg ha1nitrogen. Although each seedling had been spot-fertilized in1973 with a mixture of 71 g urea, 99 g ground rock phosphateand 41 g potassium sulphate, height and needle nutrient assessmentsof the plantation in 1984 indicated poor growth, low concentrationsof needle nitrogen (1.26 per cent) and possible deficiency levelsof needle phosphorus (0.10 per cent) and potassium (0.36 percent). Between 1985 and 1991, height and diameter growth increasedsignificantly in all refertilization treatments. Growth responsewas greatest in the PK treatment and least in the P treatment.Needle weights, determined from 1987 to 1991, did not responduniformly to any of the refertilization treatments. Needle concentrationsof phosphorus increased to levels between 0.20 per cent and0.23 per cent following refertilization with P, PK, and NPK,but by 1988 had decreased to about 0.14 per cent. Needle concentrationsof potassium also increased sharply to 0.60 per cent in 1985following refertilization with PK and NPK, but by 1988 had decreasedto levels between 0.35 per cent and 0.45 per cent. Similarly,needle nitrogen concentrations increased to 1.84 per cent in1985 following refertilization with NPK, then decreased to levelsbetween 1.20 per cent and 1.33 per cent in 1986 and remainedat those levels each year thereafter. Although needle nutrientlevels fell sharply following an initial peak after refertilization,height and diameter growth did not decrease significantly, especiallyin the PK treatment, suggesting that nutrient levels remainedadequate for optimum growth. 相似文献
Experimental plots in young plantations of Sitka spruce andlodgepole pine were over-dosed with five granular herbicidesto ascertain the margin of crop safety involved in the use ofpropyzamide, chlorthiamid, dichlobenil, dichlobenil/dalaponmix and atrazine. It is concluded that if the five herbicidesare applied according to the standard rates and dates used inthe experiments, tree damage will be kept to an acceptable minimum.Better shoot growth resulted from herbicide treatment than fromhand weeding particularly where atrazine was used. 相似文献
通过研究100株原始红松林内树高小于14m的红松解析木,分析了林下红松生长类型,林下红松生长与上层结构因子的关系,林下红松的形态特征及生理特性,结果表明,林下红松生长可划分为恒定型、下降型和上升型。被自然淘汰的林下红松皆属于恒定型和下降型。林下红松的生长受上层林冠结构因子的制约,没有合适的结构条件,林下红松很难存活。研究得出了天然林冠下红松被压木能够上升到上层林冠所需胸径、树高、树冠面积、边材宽、冠长/树高等形态学指标的最低极限值。 相似文献
马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)苗根系感染彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius)菌株形成菌根后,对苗木的高、地径和侧根生长均存在显著的促进作用。但不同的接种方法,存在一定的差异,其中A处理(点穴式接种)的感染率最高,马尾松苗69.4%,湿地松苗61.7%;D处理(拌土接种式)的最低,分别是27.2%和43.1%。与对照相比,A处理马尾松和湿地松苗高分别增加20.1%和32.0%;地径分别大24.0%和29.0%;侧根数量分别多79.6%和55.8%;而D处理苗高分别增加8.0%和3.8%,地径分别大4.0%和16.1%,侧根数量分别多12.3%和29.3%。 相似文献
本文利用三种不同浓度ACQ防腐剂对扭叶松蓝变木材进行浸注处理,其浓度分别为1.2%、2.0%和2.8%.研究其抗弯弹性模量、抗弯强度、冲击韧性和顺纹剪切强度(弦面)与未处理蓝变木材相应力学性能的差异,测试标准参照GB1927~1943-91.研究结果显示,经浸注处理后的试样均达到美国AWPA标准UC4A等级规定的药剂保持量;ACQ防腐处理大约降低了20%扭叶松蓝变木材的冲击韧性,与未防腐处理试样对比,在0.01水平上有显著差异,但不同浓度间差异不显著;三种浓度ACQ处理间以及与未处理的扭叶松蓝变木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹剪切强度差异不显著;随着ACQ浓度的降低,冲击韧性、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹弦面剪切强度有所增大,但影响都很小.图4表10参6. 相似文献
整地方式对土壤肥力及菌根化松树幼林生长的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对山区3种整地方式的土壤肥力和菌根化松树幼林生长的情况进行了连续4年的对比观察。结果表明:各种不同整地方式的土壤肥力变化不大,炼山不炼山的全垦、穴垦的林木高生长彼此存在差异。对于菌根的生长,以不炼山条垦为好,其次是不炼山全垦,但单位面积以不炼山穴垦用工量最少。所以在坡高为30°左右的山地,土壤肥力一般的山区,应选择不炼山条垦整地方式造林。 相似文献