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Nine cats were available for the present trial. Six thoracic limbs were dissected without any previous treatment. In the remaining twelve thoracic limbs, each articular space was injected with silicone and then fixed with a 5% formalin solution before being submitted to dissection. For the radiological examination ten adult cats were available and arthrographs were taken in two axial planes of each joint. The elbow-joints of six additional cats were injected with six differently formulated contrast media. Radiographs were taken at different time intervals: instantly, five and ten minutes after intraarticular injection. The quality of the contrast and clarity of the structures are discussed. A lateral and a cranial location for injection are described for shoulder-joint, as well as a caudolateral and a craniolateral location for the elbow. A dorsal injection location is recommended for the antebrachiocarpal articulation and the middle carpal articulation. The injection sides described are discussed comparing them with those taken from the literature on dogs and cats. The results obtained from arthrograms are compared with data from literature on dogs. The radiographs of the elbow show clear differences in quality depending on the contrast medium used and on time between injection and exposure. As a result, recommendations can be made for suitable contrast media for arthrograms of the shoulder-, elbow- and carpal-joint in cats. Further, it is recommended that radiographs should be taken not later than five minutes after injection of the contrast media.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis, a failure of normal endochondral ossification, represents a significant cause of forelimb lameness in medium to large dogs. This paper describes a series of 58 cases of osteochondrosis of the shoulder and elbow diagnosed at a referral centre over a 30-month period. Affected joints which were persistently painful were treated surgically while the non-painful joints were treated conservatively. Details of the radiographic findings are recorded and a grading system is described to enable comparison between the surgically and conservatively treated joints. The progress of the cases was followed over a minimum period of 6 months and the majority of the dogs were re-examined clinically and radiographically.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas were isolated from yak calves in Mongolia, the 1st experience worldwide with this species. They were also isolated from pathologically affected sheep and goat lambs. The disease was experimentally reproduced in yak calves as well as in sheep and goat lambs. Clinical manifestations were identical with those recordable from animals with spontaneous outbreak of the disease. This had been for the 1 time ever that a therapy was tested on animals with mycoplasmosis, using water with addition of oligodynamic silver. Something between 95 and 100% of all patients were clinically cured. The experimental vaccine involved was found to offer protection against mycoplasmosis to sheep and goat lambs. Damage association with mycoplasmosis was found to occur 1st in liver, spleen, and lymph nodes and to be subsequently proliferated to lung and other organs. Respiratory mycoplasmosis is the common definition used at present but is not in conformity with the pathological processes involved, as the major role is played by liver damage. Mycoplasmosis in these 3 species, therefore, should better be named mycoplasmosis bovi hepatica.  相似文献   

In order to establish the incidence of vacuum phenomenon in horses' carpal, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints, stress-flexed radiographs were made of normal joints, joints with known pathology and in anaesthetised horses with joints under traction. Focal intra-articular radiolucencies were identified in normal stress-flexed carpal, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints. These radiolucencies can be confused with those associated with pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of pulmonary auscultation for the clinician. It suggests a clarification and simplification of the terminology to be used which would be helpful to veterinary students and allow better communications between veterinarians. The interpretation of these sounds and the relationships to conditions and diseases of the lungs in cattle, horses, sheep and goats are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to study factors affecting digestibility of forages in cattle, sheep, goats and white-tailed deer. In a series of digestion trials (Exp. 1), the dry matter digestibility of a moderately high fiber diet was greater in cattle than in deer. Digestibilities of the diet in sheep and goats were intermediate and not different from either extreme. In a second series of trials (Exp. 2), relative organic matter digestibilities were for goats more than sheep more than deer. However, in Exp. 2, intake in goats was very low and digestibility appeared to be positively related to retention time and inversely related to turnover rate. Results of three trials (Exp. 3) suggested that rate of digestion was related more to diet than to the animal species consuming the diet. In grazing animals (Exp. 4), goats digested a smaller percentage of consumed material than either cows or sheep during three of four seasons even though diets were of similar in vitro digestibility. This difference was related to a faster turnover and shorter retention time in goats. These data support the concept that there are species differences in gastrointestinal dynamics which may be which may be important determinants of adaptability to grazing conditions.  相似文献   

In this article, diseases will be discussed by system. Common differential diagnoses that may be associated with gross lesions are pointed out, and practical laboratory tests are presented that may help establish a specific diagnosis.  相似文献   

Comparison of pepsinogen forms in cattle, sheep and goats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Different types and subtypes of pepsinogen extracted from bovine, ovine and caprine abomasa were found to differ according to their phosphate content and relative molecular mass (Mr). Bovine pepsinogens had organic phosphate contents ranging from 1.65 to 2.22 mol of phosphate mol-1 of pepsinogen. Ovine pepsinogens were in the range 1.50 to 2.36 and caprine pepsinogens were in the range 1.42 to 2.00. The major types of pepsinogen from each species were different in size. Bovine pepsinogen had an Mr of 39,000, ovine had an Mr of 43,000 and caprine pepsinogen had an Mr of 42,000.  相似文献   

Anesthesia techniques in sheep and goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of techniques can be used to anesthetize and restrain sheep and goats safely and humanely both in the clinic and in the field. The use of inhalational, injectable, and local anesthetic agents is discussed. Nontraditional agents (opioids and alpha-2 adrenergic agonists) for epidural analgesia also are reviewed because of their promising clinical application.  相似文献   

In a seroepidemiological survey using an indirect haemagglutination assay, the prevalence rate of toxoplasmosis in central Ethiopia was 22.9% of 899 sheep, 11.6% of 753 goats and 6.6% of 785 cattle. There were high titres of 1:256 or more which suggest current infections. These results indicate that toxoplasmosis may be an important cause of reproductive wastage in small ruminants. The public health significance of this disease is discussed. Improved hygiene and management could reduce the prevalence of the disease.  相似文献   

In September 1984 some sheep in a flock of 250 suffered depression, anorexia, incoordination and difficulty in rising; 50 ewes and weaners died. Post mortem examination revealed petechial bleeding, massive acute liver necrosis and in some animals degeneration of the kidney tubules. The rumen and gut contained many larvae of the blue-black birch sawfly (Arge pullata). Laboratory and field observations indicated that these were the cause of the illness.  相似文献   

South African Angora goats (Capra aegagrus) are susceptible to stress conditions, possibly due to adrenal cortex malfunction. Selection for mohair production may reduce adrenal function and decrease cortisol production. Secretion of cortisol by the adrenal cortex is essential for the induction of several gluconeogenic enzymes that enable animals to survive stressful conditions, and adrenocortical insufficiency, therefore, precipitates a vulnerability to stress. In this study, Angora goats were compared with two breeds generally accepted as hardy, Boer goats (Capra hircus) and Merino sheep (Ovis aries). Adrenal steroidogenesis was studied using subcellular fractions prepared from the adrenal glands of freshly slaughtered animals. Adrenal microsomes and mitochondria were incubated with the relevant steroid substrates, and products were analyzed and quantified with TLC, HPLC, or RIA. Subsequently, the activity of individual enzymes involved in this pathway were further investigated. The cytochrome P450 content in the preparations was also compared. The results from these studies indicated that the activity of the cytochrome P450c17 enzyme in Angora goats differed (P < .01) from that of the other species investigated. This difference may contribute to the cause of the observed hypoadrenocorticism in Angora goats.  相似文献   

羊球虫病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羊球虫病是由艾美耳属球虫引起的一种呈世界性分布的肠道原虫病,能引起羊腹泻、渐进性消瘦、贫血、发育不良,甚至发生死亡,羔羊发病率和死亡率较高,给山羊生产业和绵羊生产业造成巨大的经济损失。本文就羊球虫病的病原种类、流行病学特点、临床症状和病理变化、诊断、防治等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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