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Propofol anesthesia.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although questions may still remain regarding the use of this unique sedative-hypnotic drug with anesthetic properties in high-risk patients, our studies have provided cardiopulmonary and neurological evidence of the efficacy and safety of propofol when used as an anesthetic under normal and selected impaired conditions in the dog. 1. Propofol can be safely and effectively used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia in normal healthy dogs. Propofol is also a reliable and safe anesthetic agent when used during induced cardiovascular and pulmonary-impaired conditions without surgery. The propofol requirements to induce the safe and prompt induction of anesthesia prior to inhalant anesthesia with and without surgery have been determined. 2. The favorable recovery profile associated with propofol offers advantages over traditional anesthetics in clinical situations in which rapid recovery is important. Also, propofol compatibility with a large variety of preanesthetics may increase its use as a safe and reliable i.v. anesthetic for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia and sedation in small animal veterinary practice. Although propofol has proven to be a valuable adjuvant during short ambulatory procedures, its use for the maintenance of general anesthesia has been questioned for surgery lasting more than 1 hour because of increased cost and marginal differences in recovery times compared with those of standard inhalant or balanced anesthetic techniques. When propofol is used for the maintenance of anesthesia in combination with a sedative/analgesic, the quality of anesthesia is improved as well as the ease with which the practitioner can titrate propofol; therefore, practitioners are able to use i.v. anesthetic techniques more effectively in their clinical practices. 3. Propofol can induce significant depression of respiratory function, characterized by a reduction in the rate of respiration. Potent alpha 2 sedative/analgesics (e.g., xylazine, medetomidine) or opioids (e.g., oxymorphone, butorphanol) increase the probability of respiratory depression during anesthesia. Appropriate consideration of dose reduction and speed of administration of propofol reduces the degree of depression. Cardiovascular changes induced by propofol administration consist of a slight decrease in arterial blood pressures (systolic, mean, diastolic) without a compensatory increase in heart rate. Selective premedicants markedly modify this characteristic response. 4. When coupled with subjective responses to painful stimuli, EEG responses during propofol anesthesia provide clear evidence that satisfactory anesthesia has been achieved in experimental dogs. When propofol is used as the only anesthetic agent, a higher dose is required to induce an equipotent level of CNS depression compared with the situation when dogs are premedicated. 5. The propofol induction dose requirement should be appropriately decreased by 20% to 80% when propofol is administered in combination with sedative or analgesic agents as part of a balanced technique as well as in elderly and debilitated patients. As a general recommendation, the dose of propofol should always be carefully titrated against the needs and responses of the individual patient, as there is considerable variability in anesthetic requirements among patients. Because propofol does not have marked analgesic effects and its metabolism is rapid, the use of local anesthetics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and opioids to provide postoperative analgesia improves the quality of recovery after propofol anesthesia. 6. The cardiovascular depressant effects of propofol are well tolerated in healthy animals, but these effects may be more problematic in high-risk patients with intrinsic cardiac disease as well as in those with systemic disease. In hypovolemic patients and those with limited cardiac reserve, even small induction doses of propofol (0.75-1.5 mg/kg i.v.) can produce profound hypotens  相似文献   

A 3-week-old Thoroughbred colt was presented for weakness and cyanosis. A pansystolic regurgitant murmur and other physical findings suggested that the foal developed pulmonary oedema as a consequence of congenital heart disease. A large atria1 septal defect, a high ventricular septal defect and dysplasia of the atrioventricular valves were visualised echocardiographically. A persistent common atrioventricular canal was observed at necropsy.  相似文献   

大环内酯类抗生素应用在兽医临床上已有十几年的历史,在治疗畜禽呼吸道及消化道疾病方面起到了极大的作用,特别是红霉素、泰乐菌素对家禽呼吸道疾病的治疗,为养殖业带来了很好的经济效益。为了更好的开发应用大环内酯类抗生素,特将一些较为新颖的产品作以下介绍,以飨读者。大环内酯类抗生素是一类具有12~16碳内酯环共同化学结构的抗感染药物,因都具有大环内酯的基本结构而命名。1952年由美国Elililly公司首先开发了第一个大环内酯类抗生素———红霉素。近年来,又相继开发了许多红霉素的衍生物和新型大环内酯类抗生素,如罗红霉素、阿奇霉素…  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo quantify and explore risk factors in dogs seen at primary care UK veterinary clinics for general anaesthetic (GA)/sedative-related death overall, in addition to neuter-specific procedures.Study designA nested case-control study within UK primary care veterinary electronic patient record surveillance programme, VetCompass, including over 300 UK veterinary practices.AnimalsA total of 157,318 dogs undergoing GA/sedative events.MethodsCases included dogs undergoing GA/sedative events between January 2010 and December 2013 with GA/sedative-related death recorded within 48 hours or 2 weeks of the event. Controls were randomly selected from dogs undergoing GA/sedation that did not die within these time periods. Risks of GA/sedative-related death for all surgeries and neuter-specific surgeries were estimated. Demographic and clinical associations with GA/sedative-related death were reported as odds ratios following multivariable logistic regression modelling. Statistical significance was set at 5%.ResultsFrom 157,318 dogs with a GA/sedative event, there were 159 (0.10%) within 48 hours and 219 (0.14%) GA/sedative-related deaths within 2 weeks. Within 89,852 dogs that underwent a neuter surgery, there were eight GA/sedative related (0.009%). Greater age, poorer American Society of Anaesthesiologists health status scores and more urgent procedures were associated with greater odds of death. Compared with mixed breeds, Rottweilers and West Highland White Terriers had greater odds and Cocker Spaniels had lower odds of GA/sedative-related death.Conclusions and clinical relevanceThe overall risk for GA/sedative related death was relatively low, particularly among the subset of dogs undergoing castration or ovariohysterectomy surgery. Associations and risk estimates may assist shared decision-making in clinical practice and provide benchmarks for audit.  相似文献   

兽用中草药是指天然的植物、动物和矿物类药物,它是我国的独特药物,在我国尤其是我省其资源丰富、品种繁多.长期以来,它是我国人民用以和畜禽疾病作斗争的重要武器.西兽药尤其是抗感染类西药,是一类作用强、见效快的药物,它被广泛用于兽医临床.  相似文献   

1974年,瑞典免疫学家Jerne提出免疫网络学说,认为,机体免疫系统内的各个细胞克隆,通过自我识别,相互刺激,或相互制约,构成一个动态平衡的网络结构.构成网络结构的物质基础,就是位于抗体分子上的独特型和抗独特型.此后一系列实验证明了其理论的正确性和科学性,独特型抗体成为了一个新的研究热点,开辟了疾病预防、诊断、治疗的新方向,如今抗独特型抗体不仅在人类疾病的受体寻找、肿瘤癌症治疗、免疫、诊断等方面得到广泛应用,而且在兽医领域也得到同样的发展.本文综述了抗独特型抗体的产生原理、制备和检测、模拟抗原的分子基础、在动物疫病中的应用以及存在的问题.  相似文献   

朗德鹅,原产于法国西南的朗德地区,朗德鹅体型中等,羽毛灰褐色,颈部接近黑色,而在腹部毛色较浅呈雏灰色,其羽绒产量每只可达350~450g,体重7~8kg,是当今世界上最适于生产鹅肥肝的鹅种。出生70d左右即可做为商品鹅出售,90~120d即可获得多种产品。朗德鹅耐粗饲,适应性强,成活率高,雏鹅成活率高达90%以上,饲养周期短,肥肝质量好,是其它家禽所不具备的。  相似文献   

1抗蕾药物应用不当原因分析 抗感染药是兽医临床应用最广的药物。抗感染药的不合理应用或滥用,可造成:(1)动物机体产生耐药菌和正常菌群的失调;(2)增加养殖成本:(3)影响畜产品安全;(4)影响人类健康。  相似文献   

根据农业部第202号公告的规定:截止2005年12月31日,没有取得《兽药GMP证书》的企业将被取消兽药生产资格。随着这一最后期限的日益迫近,全国各地掀起了实行兽药GMP改造的热潮。据统计,目前全国通过农业部兽药GMP检查验收的兽药生产企业已达到了200多家,估计到今年年底,可能会有400家左右的兽药生产企业可通过兽药GMP检查验收。  相似文献   

: Extremophiles are organisms that can grow and thrive in harsh conditions, e.g., extremes of temperature, pH, salinity, radiation, pressure and oxygen tension. Thermophilic, halophilic and radiation-resistant organisms are all microbes, some of which are able to withstand multiple extremes. Psychrophiles, or cold-loving organisms, include not only microbes, but fish that live in polar waters and animals that can withstand freezing. Extremophiles are structurally adapted at a molecular level to withstand these conditions. Thermophiles have particularly stable proteins and cell membranes, psychrophiles have flexible cellular proteins and membranes and/or antifreeze proteins, salt-resistant halophiles contain compatible solutes or high concentrations of inorganic ions, and acidophiles and alkaliphiles are able to pump ions to keep their internal pH close to neutrality. Their interest to veterinary medicine resides in their capacity to be pathogenic, and as sources of enzymes and other molecules for diagnostic and pharmaceutical purposes. In particular, thermostable DNA polymerases are a mainstay of PCR-based diagnostics.  相似文献   

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