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基于热力学第二定律,设计了热交换式漂浮育苗温室保温除湿系统。该系统主要由热交换换气机和环境监控系统组成,通过将温室大棚外新风与棚内空气强制对流交换进行换气除湿,使新风温度升高,实现温室热能回收。环境监控系统可现场和远程了解温室大棚内部环境和除湿系统工作状态,实时自动对温室湿度进行调控。将系统应用于烟草漂浮育苗温室,运行结果表明,系统具有良好的保温、除湿能力,试验大棚较对照大棚平均相对湿度降低6.7%,系统平均热回收效率为59.35%,烟苗平均茎高增加0.4 mm、茎围增加0.6 mm。 相似文献
随着日光温室管理的精细化程度越来越高,温室中作物环境因子的调控应尽可能适应植物生长的需要。用红外测温仪和温室气象站测定了日光温室内番茄植株体温及其周围气温。结果表明,日光温室番茄植株上部与下部存在温差,且有明显的日变化,差异最大值在3℃左右。植株体温与周围气温存在明显的差异,最大差值2.7℃出现在中午时段。 相似文献
以番茄为研究对象,选取影响番茄发育和产量的最关键因素———空气、温度、光照和空气相对湿度,对温室环境控制模型及决策进行研究。将番茄的生长分为发芽期、幼苗期、开花期、结果期和成熟期5个阶段,将天气条件分为晴天、阴天和夜间。通过对各个因素的计算,对作物生长模型进行决策研究。 相似文献
本文在总结分析了温室智能控制技术的基础上,设计了以8031单片机为核心,并扩展8155I/O芯片的日光温室环境机电控制系统的软件部分。该系统在初始设定的基础上,对温室内温室、湿度、光照实现自动控制。 相似文献
根据工厂化农业的要求,研制了温室环境微机测控系统.系统由一台主控机和分布于现场的多台测控机组成,通过RS-422A串行总线方式连接.测控机由89C52单片机控制,使用多个传感器测量温室中的温度、湿度、光照度、CO2浓度等环境参数.主控机完成数据的采集存储显示、数据库维护和专家决策控制.系统具有结构简单、可靠性高、扩展性能好、抗干扰能力强等特点. 相似文献
温室大棚自动控制系统的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文阐述了一个由上下微机组成的温室综合环境自动控制管理系统。它通过对温室内的温度、湿度、光照、土壤湿度等参量的采集,并根据上述参数实现对温度、湿度、光照、土壤湿度等参数的自动调节,达到了温室大棚自动控制的目的。 相似文献
本文介绍了一种使用现有GSM网络系统实现的蔬菜大棚控制系统.现有GSM网络的使用省去了通信线路的铺设,实现对温室大棚的远程控制,使测控系统投资少、建设周期短、系统构建灵活、易升级,能够很好的适应基层生产的需要. 相似文献
David L. Ehret Bernard D. Hill Tom Helmer Diane R. Edwards 《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》2011,79(1):82-89
The recent development of tools to automatically monitor important crop attributes in situ such as yield, growth and water use offers an opportunity to relate real-time crop status to current environmental conditions. In this study, continuous minute-by-minute measurements of crop yield, growth and water use averaged over weekly, daily, or hourly intervals throughout the growing season were used to determine crop response to changes in the greenhouse environment. The data were obtained from crop monitoring stations established in both commercial and research greenhouses. Crop yield measurements obtained from the monitoring system were generally in very close agreement with yields recorded over a much larger area in the commercial greenhouse. Yield was more closely related (R2 = 0.65) to radiation from the previous week than to radiation in the current week (R2 = 0.56). In addition, a neural network (NN) model of yield which included radiation as an input was better at predicting yield in the following week (R2 = 0.70) than yield in the current week (R2 = 0.57). These results indicate a lag effect of radiation on yield. Similarly, yield was more positively related to growth from the previous week (R2 = 0.32) than to growth from the current week (R2 = 0.17). Neural network models of daily growth at both sites (R2 = 0.74, 0.69) included day of the year, temperature and CO2 as inputs. A negative relationship between day of the year and daily growth indicates a decline in crop vigor through the measurement period. Neural network models of daily crop water use for the two sites were stronger (R2 = 0.91, 0.85) than those for growth, highlighting the difference in physiological complexity between the two. A model of canopy water status as affected by environmental conditions was generated using hourly measures of tomato canopy mass change. Although the rate of canopy mass gain through the day was often constant, there were days when the plant experienced periods of reduced mass gain mid-day. On those days, the amount of deviation from a constant rate was positively related to radiation, day temperature and water use, suggesting periods of water stress. With subsequent recovery of mass gain rates late afternoon, these deviations did not affect canopy growth for the day. Overall, automated monitoring provides new information on the crop which may readily be incorporated into models of crop performance. 相似文献
本文研究了黑龙江垦区奶牛生产管理决策支持系统的设计和构建方法。在此基础上,编制了系统实现的程序,为奶牛生产管理的科学决策提供技术支持。 相似文献
J. Bontsema E.J. van Henten Th.H. Gieling G.L.A.M. Swinkels 《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》2011,79(1):63-66
The accuracy of sensors used in Dutch greenhouses for climate control has been assessed and the influence of sensor errors on the energy consumption and crop production has been determined using model simulations. It is shown that currently used sensors are prone to errors exceeding current standards set for practice. The extra energy consumption, due to sensor inaccuracy, is mainly caused by the sensors for global radiation and relative humidity. Sensor errors may result in a higher crop production but at the expense of a higher energy consumption resulting in a loss in economic return of the crop production process. Results indicate that sensor maintenance is economically feasible because the resulting energy savings exceed the costs of the maintenance operation. 相似文献
笔者首次在温室内进行喀什小檗播种育苗培养并取得成功。本文较为详细地介绍了喀什小檗温室播种育苗过程中的种子采集处理、基质准备、苗期管理及病虫害防治等技术要点,以期为喀什小檗的人工繁殖及其推广提供参考。 相似文献
日光温室温度对番茄叶面积扩展的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了日光温室内温度对番茄叶面积扩展的影响.通过破坏性取样观测确定了采用长宽法计算叶面积的系数R,当叶长≤20 cm时,R=0.378 2;当叶长>20 cm时,R=0.318 4,其模拟值与实测值的相关系数达0.950 2.试验还表明:番茄叶片生长具有前期和后期扩展速度慢,中期扩展速度快的特点;随着温度升高或降低,叶面积扩展量也随之增大或减小;并且成熟叶片的叶面积也随之增大或减小;温度变化对叶面积扩展的影响存在滞后性;冬季低温可降低番茄叶片的干物质含量;温度降低,还可促使比叶面积减小,反之比叶面积增大. 相似文献
棉花裸苗移栽机自动送苗机构的设计与仿真分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为解决当前棉花裸苗移栽机缺少自动送苗机构和移栽漏苗问题,针对富来威2 ZQ4型半自动棉花裸苗移栽机,设计了一种能自动完成棉苗的横向输送和纵向输送的自动送苗机构,并在此基础上设计了空苗检测控制系统。当检测系统检测出苗盘空穴时,控制系统控制送苗机构加速运动,使取苗机构的机械手能够正常取苗,减少棉苗漏栽。通过运动仿真分析,所设计机构的运动轨迹为"弓"字型,送苗间隔时间为1.6 s,能够满足棉花裸苗移栽的要求。 相似文献
近几年蔬菜温室栽培在福建省快速发展,病害发生也日趋严重,影响蔬菜品质和产量.该文从设施降湿、农业防控、化学防控等方面总结温室大棚蔬菜病害防控技术措施. 相似文献