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育成鸡沙门氏菌的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种鸡舍、孵化场和肉鸡场需要采用相应的措施以控制肉鸡沙门氏菌. 每当肉鸡胴体的沙门氏菌数超过了官方规定的最高标准时,养禽公司第一个反应是指责肉鸡屠宰加工厂.许多养禽公司花了大量的时间和金钱通过改造家禽屠宰加工厂,试图减少肉鸡胴体成品中的沙门氏菌数量,但是这种措施未必一定奏效,因为肉鸡胴体成品中的沙门氏菌污染水平取决于鸡肉生产链的每一个环节.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the persistent Salmonella Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) isolates in two integrated broiler chicken operations, with attention focused mainly on the epidemiological approach. In the distribution of virulence genes, Salmonella enterotoxin (stn), invading host cell (invA), and Salmonella plasmid virulence (spvC) genes were widely distributed among the S. Enteritidis irrespective of their source of isolation, and Salmonella fimbrial (sefC) and plasmid encoded fimbrial (pef) genes were present in 28 and 20 S. Enteritidis strains, respectively. A total of 5 different XbaI-PFGE types were obtained from 31 S. Enteritidis isolates. Twenty-one types were divided on the basis their PFGE pattern, phage type and antimicrobial resistance pattern determined. There was a significant difference in phenotypic and genotypic characterization by two integrated broiler operations. Also, 8 isolates shown susceptible to all antimicrobials and 11 isolates with resistance to nalidixic acid were partly classified by XbaI PFGE pattern and by the phage type.  相似文献   

Controlling Salmonella in integrated broiler operation is complicated because there are numerous potential sources of Salmonella contamination, including chicks, feed, rodents, wild poultry operations, and the processing plant. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution of Salmonella through all phases of two integrated broiler operations and to determine the key areas related to the control of all known sources of infection. Two different Salmonella serotypes were observed at integrated broiler chicken company A. S. enteritidis, the predominant company A isolate, was consistently found in the breeder farm, hatcheries, broiler farms, and chicken slaughterhouse. At company B, a total of six different serotypes, S. heidelberg, S. senftenberg, S. enteritidis, S. blockley, S. gallinarum, and S. virchow, were detected. Although S. heidelberg was not found in the broiler farms, it was consistently found in the breeder farm, hatcheries, and chicken slaughterhouse. In addition, S. enteritidis was found in the hatcheries, broiler farm, and chicken slaughterhouse. In order to obtain the genetic clonality, 22 S. enteritidis isolates were digested with XbaI and analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrohporesis (PFGE). A difference in the PFGE pattern was found to be related to the origin of the integrated broiler operation. These data support the critical need to control Salmonella in breeder farms and hatcheries, and demonstrate important points related to the control of infection in large-scale poultry operations of Korea.  相似文献   

Chickens on 14 broiler breeder farms were examined at various times throughout their laying cycle. Antibodies to the turkey rhinotracheitis virus were common although they were not always accompanied by clinical signs of the swollen head syndrome. Ninety-nine broiler flocks were tested of which only 20 were serologically positive to the virus. Some of these infections were subclinical. On nine farms where swollen head syndrome occurred several successive flocks were sampled; the syndrome occurred intermittently.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the species composition and salinomycin sensitivity of Eimeria oocysts isolated from commercial broiler farms that differed by means of coccidiosis control (anticoccidial drugs [ACD] vs. live oocyst vaccines [VAC]). A comparison of Eimeria species composition and salinomycin sensitivity was also made before and after a producer switched from salinomycin to live oocyst vaccines. In general, no significant difference was observed in the concentration of Eimeria spp. oocysts in litter from VAC-utilizing farms compared to litter from ACD-utilizing farms. Application of PCR-based methods to detect coccidia found that Eimeria species distribution in litter from VAC operations more closely resembled the species composition in the live oocyst vaccines. Drug sensitivity testing found that Eimeria oocysts from VAC operations displayed greater salinomycin sensitivity as measured by weight gain and feed conversion efficiency compared to oocysts from ACD farms. These findings provide additional evidence for the usefulness of live oocyst vaccines to restore ionophore sensitivity in poultry operations that contain an ionophore-resistant population of Eimeria spp. oocysts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological and genetic characterization of persistent Salmonella isolates in an integrated broiler chicken operation, in an attempt to elucidate the source of contamination. From the breeder farm, the hatchery, the broiler farm and the chicken slaughter house of an integrated broiler chicken operation, a total of 6 serotypes were observed. Although S. Heidelberg was not detected in the broiler farm, it was consistently found in the breeder farm, the hatchery and the chicken slaughter house. Also, S. Enteritidis and S. Senftenberg were found in the hatchery and the chicken slaughter house, and the hatchery and the broiler farm, respectively. S. Gallinarum and S. Blockley were found only in the broiler farm, and S. Virchow was only recovered in the chicken slaughter house. Isolated S. Heidelberg, S. Enteritidis and S. Senftenberg strains were divided into 3, 5 and 7 types, respectively, on the basis of all properties. Especially, S. Senftenberg isolates, divided into four types by their antimicrobial resistance patterns, were all obviously the XbaI PFGE pattern. Also, four S. Enteritidis isolates resistant to nalidixic acid showed a difference in phage type and PFGE pattern. Such a different pattern was shown despite Salmonella isolates originating from an integrated broiler operation, suggesting that further epidemiological studies on many integrated chicken companies in Korea are needed.  相似文献   

In 1990, Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 was recovered from two young (less than 20-week-old) lilac-crowned Amazon parrots (Amazona finschi Schlater), one in Tennessee and one in Kansas. The parrot from Tennessee was treated for a plugged naris and anorexia before the S. enteritidis infection was discovered. The parrot from Kansas exhibited signs of septicemia and died within 24 hours of examination. An apparently healthy green-cheeked conure (Pyrrhura molinae) on the same premises as the parrot from Tennessee was positive for S. enteritidis phage type 4 on a cloacal swab. These are the first reported cases of avian infection with S. enteritidis phage type 4 in the United States. Because several infectious agents were present simultaneously in the Amazon parrots, it was difficult to determine the precise role of S. enteritidis phage type 4 in the clinical presentations.  相似文献   

Competitive exclusion (CE) cultures, given as a single dose on the day of hatch, together with good hygienic practices has been shown to be a novel approach to control Salmonella in poultry. The ability of the CE product Broilact and 2 probiotics, FloraMax-B11 and Colostrum, to prevent Salmonella colonization in newly hatched chickens was evaluated employing a slightly modified Mead-model chicken assay. In a parallel study the effect of the 3 treatments on the production of volatile fatty acids in the ceca were determined. In the Salmonella study 2 separate experiments were done. In the first experiment all 3 treatment materials were given as a single dose on d 1. In the second experiment, which consisted only of Broilact and FloraMax-B11, the latter was given in the drinking water during the 3 first d after hatch. In both experiments the chicks were challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis on d 2. The results of the present study show that Broilact was superior to the 2 other treatment materials in protecting the newly hatched chickens against Salmonella colonization. The parallel study showed only minor differences among the different treatments. Based on the results of the Salmonella challenge study, it was concluded that Broilact was the only treatment material that was established in the gut of the newly hatched chickens in such a way that the colonization of Salmonella was prohibited.  相似文献   



Lighting is used during conventional broiler grow-out to modify bird behaviour to reach the goals of production and improve bird welfare. The protocols for lighting intensity vary. In a field study, we evaluated if the lighting practices impact the burden of Salmonella in broiler flocks.


Conventional grow-out flocks reared in the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Texas, USA in 2003 to 2006 were sampled 1 week before harvest (n = 58) and upon arrival for processing (n = 56) by collecting feathered carcass rinsate, crop and one cecum from each of 30 birds, and during processing by collecting rinsate of 30 carcasses at pre-chilling (n = 56) and post-chilling points (n = 54). Litter samples and drag swabs of litter were collected from the grow-out houses after bird harvest (n = 56). Lighting practices for these flocks were obtained with a questionnaire completed by the growers. Associations between the lighting practices and the burden of Salmonella in the flocks were tested while accounting for variation between the grow-out farms, their production complexes and companies.


Longer relative duration of reduced lights during the grow-out period was associated with reduced detection of Salmonella on the exterior of birds 1 week before harvest and on the broiler carcasses at the post-chilling point of processing. In addition, starting reduced lights for ≥18 hours per day later in the grow-out period was associated with decreased detection of Salmonella on the exterior of broilers arriving for processing and in the post-harvest drag swabs of litter from the grow-out house.


The results of this field study show that lighting practices implemented during broiler rearing can impact the burden of Salmonella in the flock. The underlying mechanisms are likely to be interactive.  相似文献   

Salmonella enteritidis was identified by serological and bacteriological techniques in two clinically normal breeder flocks in an integrated broiler organisation in Northern Ireland. The organism was transmitted vertically to clinically affected progeny flocks. The infected breeder flocks were slaughtered and the infection throughout the organisation controlled and subsequently eradicated. A working group, consisting of the senior management of the broiler organisation and veterinary staff from the Veterinary Research Laboratories at Stormont, was formed to establish procedures to minimise the risk of the reintroduction of salmonella infection, by preventing vertical transmission from grandparent flocks, or lateral transmission from personnel, other animal species and fomites, or transmission through the feed. All feed was heated to a minimum of 70 degrees C for 12 minutes immediately before it was pelleted and subsequently transported to the flocks through a dedicated system of conveyor belts, bins and lorries. A comprehensive system for monitoring the efficacy of the preventive procedures was established and is now used throughout the poultry industry of Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Inclusion of lactose in the diets of chickens has been determined to reduce cecal colonization with Salmonella typhimurium. We hypothesized, therefore, that dietary lactose may be a practical means for reducing the prevalence of Salmonella contamination of chicken products. Because some strains of Salmonella are atypical and ferment lactose, we investigated the effects of dietary lactose on cecal colonization with lactose-fermenting S typhimurium. Broiler chicks were inoculated intracloacally with Lac+ S typhimurium selected for resistance to novobiocin and rifampicin. The chicks also were inoculated orally with certain anaerobes that do not effectively inhibit colonization by S typhimurium, but do appear essential for lactose mediated inhibition of cecal colonization. Control chicks were not given dietary lactose, and chicks in the experimental group were fed a diet containing 7% lactose. Enumeration of Lac+ S typhimurium in cecal contents revealed dietary lactose to be effective at controlling this organism. Control was correlated with changes in cecal pH and increases in undissociated volatile fatty acids, especially propionic acid.  相似文献   

The effect of carbohydrates in the drinking water of broiler chickens on Salmonella typhimurium colonization was evaluated. Results indicate that mannose and lactose (2.5%) significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced intestinal colonization of S. typhimurium by at least one-half, as compared with dextrose, maltose, and sucrose. Lactose and mannose also significantly reduced (P less than 0.01) the mean log10 number of S. typhimurium in the cecal contents. Although mannose was the most effective sugar at blocking colonization, lactose may be more practical because it is effective and costs much less than mannose. Provision of carbohydrates in the drinking water had no significant effect on weight gain.  相似文献   

本试验目的是研究调质温度、时间和水分对杀灭肉鸡饲料中沙门氏菌数量级的影响,建立调质工艺杀灭饲料中沙门氏菌的数量级与温度、时间和水分等工艺参数间关系的数学模型,优化出杀灭饲料中4个数量级沙门氏菌的调质工艺参数。在实验室条件下,采用3因子3水平Box-Behnken模型的响应面设计。温度水平为60、80、100℃;时间水平为20、160、300s;水分水平为5%、10%、15%。温度越高,时间越久,水分越大,调质工艺杀灭饲料中的沙门氏菌的数量级越大。最大效应值为6.51,最小效应值为0.38,获得了相应的数学模型,研究还得到10组可以杀灭4个数量级沙门氏菌的调质工艺参数。这说明响应面设计可以应用于颗粒饲料加工过程中调质工艺参数的优化。试验结果表明,当调质温度为100℃,时间20s时,水分最少为13.78%;调质时间20s,水分15%时,温度最少应为95.2℃,这在实际肉鸡颗粒饲料加工中是可行的。  相似文献   

1. Observations were made on the use of food pans and food trays by commercially grown broiler chickens.

2. Birds fed by going inside the feeders on top of the food or from standing around the outside of the feeders. The feeding times of birds inside feeders were significantly longer than those of birds outside. Different reasons to account for this are proposed for the 2 types of feeder.

3. The total number of birds able to feed together from a tray or pan changed as the birds grew. With trays this change in the number of birds was a steady decline. With pans the change was non‐linear and reflected a changing ratio of birds eating in to birds eating out. This ratio was influenced by pan design features and by competition for feeding space.

4. The data suggest that a linear measure of feeding space, as used in research trials and Codes of Practice for Welfare, does not adequately describe birds’ access to and use of feeding space. Implications for both research and the commercial industry are discussed.  相似文献   

Prevalence and persistence of Salmonella in broiler chicken flocks.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cecal contents of 2,345 broiler chickens consisting of 28 flocks originated from 12 farms were examined for the prevalence of Salmonella to know the actual status of infection with Salmonella in the chicken flocks. Salmonella was isolated from 336 (14.3%) samples. From these isolates, eight serovars were identified. Of the 336 Salmonella isolates, 242 (72.0%) were serotyped as S. Blockley, 60 (17.9%) S. Hadar, 15 (4.5%) S. Bredeney, nine (2.7%) S. Schwarzengrund, four (1.2%) S. Anatum, three (0.9%) S. Enteritidis, two (0.6%) S. Ohio, and one (0.3%) S. Livingstone. The same serovars of Salmonella were repeatedly found in the chickens from the same farms. S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis were detected in pooled broken eggshell samples collected from the hatchery. Analysis of plasmid profiles revealed 11 patterns of S. Blockley and seven patterns of S. Hadar. Strains of the same plasmid profiles of S. Blockley were isolated repeatedly from the same farm over one year after the first isolation.  相似文献   

The effects of probiotics and maternal vaccination with an inactivated Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vaccine on day-old chicks challenged with SE were evaluated. A 2 X 3 factorial arrangement was used (with or without probiotics; breeders nonvaccinated, vaccinated intramuscularly, or vaccinated intraperitoneally). Three trials were conducted in isolation cabinets and SE challenge was different between trials. The number of SE organisms per chick and the time interval between housing and introduction of seeder birds (hereafter called challenge) were 1.6 X 10(8) and 1 hr (Trial I), 1.8 X 10(6) and 12 hr (Trial II), and 1.2 X 10(4) and 24 hr (Trial III). SE recovery was assessed in ceca and liver at 3, 5, and 7 days postchallenge, and the number of colony-forming units (CFU) in ceca was evaluated at 5 and 7 days postchallenge. The number of SE (log CFU) in the ceca reduced 0.56 log (from 7.59 to 7.03) and 1.45 log (7.62 to 6.17) because of the treatment with probiotics in Trials II and III, respectively. The greater reduction in Trial III indicates the importance of the early use of probiotics on the prevention of SE infection. Treatment with probiotics resulted in a smaller number of SE-positive livers after 5 days postchallenge on Trial III. Although there was no significant effect of maternal vaccination on the number of SE CFU in the ceca, a significant effect of maternal vaccination on the SE CFU was observed in the liver, but not in the ceca at 5 days after challenge.  相似文献   

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