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The scale at which plants utilize spatially distributed resources may be determined by their ability to locate sites that can sustain population growth. We developed a spatially-explicit model of the dispersal of annual plants in landscapes which were hierarchically structured, i.e., the spatial pattern of suitable sites was nested and scale-dependent. Results show that colonizing ability and extinction probability are most sensitive to the mean dispersal distance of the species. Dispersal out of the parental site, but within the immediate neighborhood, was the most efficient means for population expansion. When landscape patterns change with scale then dispersal distances determine the spatial scales of habitat utilization. As a complicating factor, the type of statistical distribution of dispersal distances also influences the colonizing ability. However, the importance of dispersal distance mean and distribution decreased as the number and connectance of suitable sites increased. The results suggest that landscape models which consider the interaction between scale dependent changes in landscape pattern and species dispersal and establishment characteristics are relevant to many issues in community ecology, invasion biology, and conservation biology.  相似文献   

Dispersal has been shown to be a key determinant of spatially structured populations. One crucial aspect is predicting patch accessibility: the probability rij of a certain patch j being reached by individuals starting at another patch i. Patch accessibility rij depends on both the landscape structure and the individuals’ dispersal behaviour. To investigate the effects of these factors on rij, we developed a simulation model focusing on animal dispersal. Our model analyses show that there is an important intrinsic effect of the interplay between landscape structure and dispersal behaviour on patch accessibility: the competition between patches for migrants. We derive a formula for patch accessibility. This formula is very simple because it just takes distances into account: not only the distance between start patch and target patch, but also between the start patch and all the other patches in the landscape. Despite its simplicity, the formula is able to cover effects such as the competition for migrants. The formula was found to have high predictive power for a variety of movement behaviours (random walk with various degrees of correlation, Archimedean spirals and loops) in any given landscape. The formula can be interpreted as a generic function for patch accessibility for further population dynamics analyses. It also delivers insights into the consequences of dispersal in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of matrix structure and movement responses of organisms on the relationships between 7 patch isolation metrics and patch immigration. Our analysis was based on simulating movement behaviour of two generic disperser types (specialist and generalist) across mosaic landscapes containing three landcover types: habitat, hospitable matrix and inhospitable matrix. Movement, mortality and boundary crossing probabilities of simulated individuals were linked to the landcover and boundary types in the landscapes. The results indicated that area-based isolation metrics generally predict patch immigration more reliably than distance-based isolation metrics. Relationships between patch isolation metrics and patch immigration varied between the two generic disperser types and were affected by matrix composition or matrix fragmentation. Patch immigration was always affected by matrix composition but not by matrix fragmentation. Our results do not encourage the generic use of patch isolation metrics as a substitute for patch immigration, in particular in metapopulation models where generic use may result in wrong projections of the survival probability of metapopulations. However, our examination of the factors affecting the predictive potential of patch isolation metrics should facilitate interpretation and comparison of existing patch isolation studies. Future patch isolation studies should include information about landscape structure and the dispersal distance and dispersal behaviour of the organism of interest.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The application of landscape patch shape complexity as a predictor ofvascularplant and bryophyte species richness is analysed. Several common complexityindices (shape index, fractal dimension, comparison to the area of the minimumbounding rectangle) are tested for their predictive power for plant speciesrichness. One new robust measure for shape complexity is presented whichovercomes some disadvantages of common complexity measures applied to highresolution analysis of agricultural landscapes based on aerial photographs. Thenew index is based on the number of shape characterising points along apolygons boundary. This new measure shows promising predictive capabilitiesforspecies richness of vascular plants and bryophytes (correlation coefficient:0.85 for vascular plants, 0.74 for bryophytes).This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The size, shape, and isolation of habitat patches can affect organism behavior and population dynamics, but little is known about the relative role of shape and connectivity in affecting ecological communities at large spatial scales. Using six sampling sessions from July 2001 until August 2002, we collected 33,685 arthropods throughout seven 12-ha experimental landscapes consisting of clear-cut patches surrounded by a matrix of mature pine forest. Patches were explicitly designed to manipulate connectivity (via habitat corridors) independently of area and edge effects. We found that patch shape, rather than connectivity, affected ground-dwelling arthropod richness and beta diversity (i.e. turnover of genera among patches). Arthropod communities contained fewer genera and exhibited less turnover in high-edge connected and high-edge unconnected patches relative to low-edge unconnected patches of similar area. Connectivity, rather than patch shape, affected the evenness of ground-dwelling arthropod communities; regardless of patch shape, high-edge connected patches had lower evenness than low- or high-edge unconnected patches. Among the most abundant arthropod orders, increased richness in low-edge unconnected patches was largely due to increased richness of Coleoptera, whereas Hymenoptera played an important role in the lower evenness in connected patches and patterns of turnover. These findings suggest that anthropogenic habitat alteration can have distinct effects on ground-dwelling arthropod communities that arise due to changes in shape and connectivity. Moreover, this work suggests that corridors, which are common conservation tools that change both patch shape and connectivity, can have multiple effects on arthropod communities via different mechanisms, and each effect may alter components of community structure.  相似文献   



When modeling a species’ distribution, landscapes can alternatively be conceptualized following patch- or gradient-based approaches. However, choosing the most suitable conceptualization is difficult and methods for empirical validation are still lacking.


To address the conditions under which a given conceptual model is more suitable, taking into account landscape context and species trait dependency effects. Patch- and gradient-based conceptualizations were built based on two structurally different landscapes: variegated and mosaic. We hypothesize that: (H1) gradient-based models better describe variegated landscapes while patch-based models perform better in mosaic landscapes; and (H2) gradient-based models will fit generalist species better while patch-based models will suit specialists better.


We modeled the distribution of eleven bird species in each landscape using each conceptualization. We determined the suitability of each conceptual model to fit statistical models by looking for cross-species responses and deviations from best models.


We found no clear support for our hypotheses. Although patch-based models performed better in mosaic landscapes (H1), they also provided useful conceptualizations in variegated landscapes. However, when patches showed high heterogeneity, gradient-based approaches better fit specialist species (H2).


The suitability of a given conceptual model depends on the interaction between species habitat specialization, and the intrinsic spatial heterogeneity of the landscape and the ability of each conceptualization to capture it. Gradient-based models provide better information on resource allocation, while patch-based models offer a simplified perspective on landscape attributes. Future research should consider the nature of both species and landscapes in order to avoid bias from inadequate landscape conceptualizations.

Studies on the distribution of mammalian carnivores in fragmented landscapes have focused mainly on structural aspects such as patch and landscape features; similarly, habitat connectivity is usually associated with landscape structure. The influence of food resources on carnivore patch use and the important effect on habitat connectivity have been overlooked. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relative importance of food resources on patch use patterns and to test if food availability can overcome structural constraints on patch use. We carried out a patch-use survey of two carnivores: the beech marten (Martes foina) and the badger (Meles meles) in a sample of 39 woodland patches in a fragmented landscape in central Italy. We used the logistic model to investigate the relative effects on carnivore distribution of patch, patch neighbourhood and landscape scale variables as well as the relative abundance of food resources. Our results show how carnivore movements in fragmented landscapes are determined not only by patch/landscape structure but also by the relative abundance of food resources. The important take-home message of our research is that, within certain structural limits (e.g. within certain limits of patch isolation), by modifying the relative amount of resources and their distribution, it is possible to increase suitability in smaller/relatively isolated patches. Conversely, however, there are certain thresholds above which an increase in resources will not achieve high probability of presence. Our findings have important and generalizable consequences for highly fragmented landscapes in areas where it may not be possible to increase patch sizes and/or reduce isolation so, for instance, forest regimes that will increase resource availability could be implemented. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

An individual-based simulation model was used to study the effect of the relative location of food and nest sites in the landscape on the relationship between the breeding habitat patch size and bird population density. The model predicted that when both food and nest sites are located exclusively in the breeding habitat patches, larger patches tend to harbor higher population densities. But when food starts to be added to the `matrix' habitat and taken out of the breeding habitat the advantageous effect of larger patches diminishes and eventually the trend reverses, with small patches having higher population densities. This pattern arises from the combined effect of the existence of an extended foraging area around patches and an intrinsic advantage of large habitat patches associated with the concentration of food resources and potential colonizers. The effects of interspecific interactions and the management implications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Dale  Svein 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(12):2823-2836
Landscape Ecology - Theory predicts that species diversity of isolated habitat patches depends on patch size and isolation. However, there are few previous studies of how patch size and isolation...  相似文献   

自上个世纪 90年代初期上海农学院(现上海交通大学农学院 )李向东试行欧亚种避雨栽培技术以来 ,南方地区发展欧亚种葡萄的势头很旺 ,掀起了一轮“提子”热。我们于 1 987年开始栽植巨峰葡萄 ,1 999年开始进行大棚避雨栽培 ,最近 3年又调查了南方不少地方 ,切身感受到南方发展欧亚种葡萄还存在很多问题 ,值得认真思考。1 存在的问题1 1 栽培方面舍不得投入 ,不搞避雨大棚栽培 在南方露地种植欧亚种风险很大 ,最主要是病害严重 ,造成减产甚至绝产。苏州蠡口有一户人家 ,1 998年春从东北引进了红提、黑提 ,投资 1 0万元建立了 2hm2 葡萄…  相似文献   

为研究不同株数目标树经营(标准地设置为600 m2,每块标准地5株目标树记为T5、每块标准地8株目标树记为T8)对林分生长及林下草本层植物多样性的影响,以河北省木兰围场国有林场山湾子分场21年生华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用样地调查法,对目标树经营5年后的华北落叶松人工林生长及植物多样性变化进行比较分析。结果表明,目标树经营林分胸径年均生长量、平均单株材积年均生长量、蓄积年均生长量均高于CK,T8、T5胸径年均生长量分别是CK的1.7倍、1.5倍,T8、T5平均单株材积年均生长量分别是CK的1.5倍、1.2倍,T8、T5蓄积年均生长量分别是CK的1.3倍、1.1倍。用Forstat对径阶分布拟合,T8径阶分布为正态分布拟合效果最好,呈现右偏,T5径阶分布为Gamma分布拟合效果最好,呈现左偏;CK径阶分布为正态分布拟合效果最好,呈现左偏。T5、T8林分12 cm及以上径阶林木株数百分比分别比CK高9.02%、20.17%;目标树经营改变了草本层群落物种组成,促进草本层植物多样性提高。T8草本层优势度、均匀度、丰富度较好,Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数均表现为T8>T5>CK,而Margalef指数为T8>CK>T5。综合来看,目标树经营促进华北落叶松人工林林分生长并提高了草本层植物多样性,T8经营效果更好。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of anthropogenic edges on predation and parasitism of forest bird nests in an agriculturally fragmented landscape and a continuously forested landscape in Ontario, Canada. Nesting data were collected at 1937 nests across 10 species in the fragmented landscape from 2002–2008, and 464 nests across 4 species in the continuously forested landscape from 2006–2008. Brood parasitism only occurred in the fragmented landscape, and was positively related to the proportion of rural grassland and row crop habitats within 500-m of nests. Daily nest survival was negatively related to the density of roads within 500-m of nests in the fragmented landscape, but was not influenced by distance to anthropogenic edge in either landscape. Predation rates were higher in the fragmented landscape for Ovenbird and Rose-breasted Grosbeak nests, but did not differ between landscapes for Veery and American Redstart nests. Uniformly high predation in the fragmented landscape may be a result of (1) matrix predators that penetrate deep (>300 m) into the forest interior, or (2) the additive effect of forest-dependent and matrix-associated predators that results in high predation pressure in both edge and interior habitats. Further research focused on the identification of nest predators, their population dynamics, and habitat use is required to understand the underlying mechanisms leading to uniformly high nest predation in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Various jurisdictions in Canada are currently undertaking, or have recently completed, planning exercises as part of implementation and expansion of representative reserve networks (networks of provincial parks, national parks, ecological reserves, etc.). These exercises have resulted in recommendations to governments about which areas of land should be set aside as protected areas, and different levels of government have been involved in the process of land acquisition. In some cases, planning exercises have included implementation of new protected areas to complement existing reserve networks. Many of these exercises have applied principles such as complementarity, using heuristic algorithms that are well-described in the literature. These planning exercises may be conducted within politically or ecologically bounded target regions of varying extents. Here, I develop candidate locations for representative reserve areas for disturbance-sensitive mammals across Canada. I use ecologically bounded regions (within the national boundaries of Canada) at three different levels of spatial hierarchy: mammal provinces, ecozones, and ecoregions. I show that the extent of the target region has an effect on the minimum number of protected areas required to achieve representation; a larger region requires fewer protected areas than the sum of the protected areas required to represent its component regions at a lower level of spatial hierarchy. The results illustrate that selection of sites for inclusion in a reserve network is highly scale-dependent, and different spatial extents in the target regions may introduce inefficiencies or redundancies in selecting representative protected areas.  相似文献   

Subalpine ecosystems are centres of endemism that are important for biodiversity. However, these areas are under threat from the creation, expansion and continued modification of ski runs, activities that have largely negative effects on wildlife. Despite this threat, research on the impacts of ski runs is limited for reptiles—particularly regarding the value of remnant vegetation retained on ski runs. Here we quantify the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation (i.e., patch size, patch isolation and edge effects) on the abundance of a common subalpine lizard and on thermal regimes (a key determinant of lizard distribution) in an Australian ski resort. The number of lizards observed differed significantly with habitat type (ski runs vs. forested areas) and patch isolation, but not patch size. In addition, the edges of patches supported more lizards than any other habitat type. These patterns of lizard distribution can be explained, in part, by the differing thermal regimes in each habitat. Ski runs had significantly higher ground surface temperatures than any other habitat type, precluding their use for a considerable proportion of the activity period of a lizard. In comparison, edges were characterised by lower temperatures than ski runs, but higher temperatures than the core of forested areas, potentially providing a favourable environment for thermoregulation. Based on our results, we conclude that although modified ski runs have a negative effect on lizards, patches of remnant vegetation retained on ski runs are of value for reptiles and their conservation could help mitigate the negative effects of habitat loss caused by ski run creation.  相似文献   

Plant spatial pattern has been considered as one of the most important factors influencing forage selection of herbivores in natural grasslands. Previous work has emphasized the effects of spatial distribution patterns of food resource at the scale of whole plant communities. Our objective was to explore whether changes in spatial patterns of food within a patchy site affected forage selection of sheep within and among patches. We conducted a manipulative experiment using three native plant species of different palatability and abundance to artificially create three different quality patches in each treatment. We compared the effects of aggregated and randomly dispersed patterns, within high, medium, and low quality patches respectively, on sheep forage selection. Effects of plant spatial patterns within a patch on sheep forage selection of the patch itself strongly depended on the patch quality. For high quality patches, random dispersion of food resources significantly decreased sheep consumption of the palatable plant within the patch. This effect was reversed in low quality patches, and was not significant in medium quality patches. Changes in plant spatial patterns within high quality patches greatly influenced sheep forage selection of other patches. However, changes in plant spatial patterns within medium or low quality patches significantly influenced foraging responses of sheep only for high quality patches. We therefore conclude that high quality resource sites are the most influential and susceptible foraging areas. Our results highlight the importance of high quality resource sites when considering grazing grassland conservation and management.  相似文献   

Gu  Weidong  Heikkilä  Raimo  Hanski  Ilkka 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(8):699-710
Analyzing the population dynamic consequences of spatio-temporal changes in landscape structure is a formidable challenge for spatial ecology. One key population dynamic process in fragmented landscapes is the influence of isolation on colonization rate and thereby on the occurrence of species in habitat fragments, but it is not obvious how isolation should be measured in landscapes that are affected by on-going habitat loss and fragmentation. We suggest the following procedure for the measurement of spatio-temporal isolation. First, a historical record of habitat loss and fragmentation in the landscape is prepared based on snapshots of the extent of the suitable habitat for the focal species. Second, a metapopulation model is used to simulate the occurrence of the species in this landscape, assuming the empirically observed landscape change. The model-predicted pattern of habitat occupancy at a particular point in time (usually the present time) is then compared with empirical observations on the occurrence of the species. We describe a metapopulation model that has been constructed for this purpose, and we apply it to a changing landscape of boreal forests in eastern Finland. We give an example on the occurrence of four threatened polyporous fungi in 18 small fragments of old-growth forest. In none of the species does the current isolation of the fragments nor the time since their isolation explain the occurrence of the species in the study fragments, but in three species the model-predicted occupancy probability had a significant effect on the observed abundance of the species. The model-predicted occupancy probabilities were also calculated by ignoring past landscape changes, that is, by assuming that the landscape had remained in the present configuration for a long time. These probabilities had a significant effect on the abundance of only one of the four species, suggesting that the occurrence of the species tracks landscapes changes with a noticable time lag.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - While the concept of ecosystem services (ES) is well established in the scientific and policy arenas, its operationalization faces many challenges. Indeed, ES supply, demand and...  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between landscape pattern metrics and agricultural biodiversity at the Temperate European scale, exploring the role of thematic resolution and a suite of biological and functional groups. Factor analyses to select landscape-level metrics were undertaken on 25 landscapes classified at four levels of thematic resolution. The landscapes were located within seven countries. The different resolutions were considered appropriate to taxonomic and functional group diversity. As class-level metrics are often better correlated to ecological response, the landscape-level metric subsets gained through exploratory analysis were additionally used to guide the selection of class-level metric subsets. Linear mixed models were then used to detect correlations between landscape- and class-level metrics and species richness values. Taxonomic groups with differing requirements (plants, birds, different arthropod groups) and also functional arthropod groups were examined. At the coarse scale of thematic resolution grain metrics (patch density, largest patch index) emerged as rough indicators for the different biological groups whilst at the fine scale a diversity metric (e.g. Simpson’s diversity index) was appropriate. The intermediate thematic resolution offered most promise for biodiversity monitoring. Metrics included largest patch index, edge density, nearest neighbour, the proximity index, circle and Simpson’s diversity index. We suggest two possible applications of these metrics in the context of biodiversity monitoring and the identification of biodiversity hot spots in European agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Effects of patch shape on the number of organisms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examined effects of habitat patch shape on the abundance of organisms. The effects of patch shape were considered in terms of (1) immigration and emigration of organisms. (2) the amount of available resources in a patch and (3) spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the organisms and environment. I hypothesized that (1) the number of organisms would increase as patch shape elongates because organisms are more likely to encounter an elongated patch, (2) the number of organisms in a patch would remain constant for all patch shapes where the number of organisms in a patch was limited by the amount of resources, because patch shape does not change the patch area that is directly associated with the amount of patch resources, and (3) spatial and temporal variation of the abundance of organisms would increase as patch shape elongates because an elongated patch is more likely to interact with the variable surrounding matrix.Common millipedes,Oxidus gracilis, and their habitat, plywood boards of five shapes (width:length ratio; 11, 14, 19, 136, 1144) with an area of 900 cm2 were placed in forest and old field and the number of millipedes appearing under the boards was monitored. Significantly higher mean number of millipedes under the boards was observed at a patch with an elongated shape in the forest and the old field. A significant positive correlation was observed between perimeter length of a patch and the number of millipedes in the old field. The temporal and spatial variation of the number of millipedes was high in the old field. The spatial and temporal variation was higher for boards with elongated shape.  相似文献   

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