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Microbial activity and nutrient dynamics in earthworm casts (Lumbricidae)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Microbial respiration, microbial biomass and nutrient requirements of the microflora (C, N, P) were studied in the food substrate (soil taken from the upper 3 cm of the mineral soil of a beech wood on limestone), the burrow walls and the casts of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny). The passage of the soil through the gut caused an increase in soil microbial respiration of about 90% over a 4-week period. Microbial biomass was increased only in freshly deposited casts and decreased in aging faeces to a level about 10% lower than in soil. Microbial respiration of the burrow walls was only increased over a shorter period (about 2 weeks). The microflora of the soil and the burrow walls was limited by P, whereas in earthworm casts, microbial growth was limited by the amount of available C. In aging faeces the P requirement of the microflora increased and approached that of the soil. Immobilization of phosphate in earthworm casts is probably caused by mainly abiotic processes. C mineralization by soil microflora fertilized with glucose and P was limited by N, except in freshly deposited casts. Ammonium, not nitrate, was responsible for this process. N dynamics in earthworm casts are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The protein-synthesizing capacity of 3-day-old seedlings of radish and lettuce grown in the presence of earthworm casts was investigated using L-14-C-leucine incorporation. The results showed that earthworm casts increased protein synthesis by 24% for lettuce and 32% for radish, althought no significant differences in protein content were evident.  相似文献   

Summary Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) were cultured in the laboratory and fed on lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Denitrification rates in the surface casts and the surrounding soil were quantified using C2H2-inhibition of nitrous oxide reductase. The investigation also included determination of the N2O-formation by nitrification as well as CO2-formation as a measure of respiration. The denitrification rates of wet earthworm casts were found to be significantly higher than those occurring in wet samples from the soil. The low N2O-formation observed seemed to be due to denitrification. Respiration was higher in casts, indicating higher oxygen demand which resulted in more anaerobic conditions. The energy supply was probably better in casts compared with the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

The conversion of montane cloud forests into pastures for grazing cattle is the main cause of important impacts on rivers and streams in most of the Andes. In order to evaluate the effects of vegetation changes we need to understand water fluxes, particularly canopy interception. We measured net precipitation responses by the canopies of Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov. and Melinis minutiflora Beauv. under simulated rainfall. The samples were taken from grazed pastures during 1 year, digging out round mats of grass, placing them on wire-mesh devices after eliminating soil and underground biomass, and irrigating with different water amounts. The resulting data allow us to present a validated model for each species that predicts percentage of interception at different precipitation intensities taking into account previous canopy wetness within determined biomass ranges. We use these models to estimate 2 years of interception values for pastures of both species in the upper watershed of El Cañadón, Capaz River, Venezuelan Andes. Mean annual precipitation of El Cañadón is 1244 mm and the estimate of pasture interception was 36.5% and 31.8% for P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora, respectively. Interception models, such as the ones derived in this study, provide a basis for quantifying interception rates as a function of previous wetness of canopies and grass species.  相似文献   

Low phosphorus (P) availability in Ferralsols of the Malagasy Highlands is a major limitation to crop growth. Direct seeding mulch-based cropping practices which were adopted in the region to improve and sustain soil fertility are known to favour earthworms’ presence. The mesocosm study aims to analyse the effect of an endogeic geophageous earthworm species on the soil P status. Total P content (P t), NaOH-extractable P content, P ions (Pi) concentration (C p) in solution and rapid and slow reactions of Pi in solution with solid phase were determined in two Malagasy Ferralsols. Both C p and reactions rates were assessed in laboratory batch experiments using 32Pi labelling and isotopic exchange kinetics (IEK). The P t values were 836 and 349 mg P g−1 in a clayey soil and a sandy–clayey soil, respectively. For both soils, NaOH-extractable organic P was significantly higher in earthworm casts than in parent soils, whereas Pt was unchanged. Also, the effect of earthworm ingestion significantly changed parameters of the IEK. In casts compared with the soil from which they were derived, the immediate isotopically exchangeable Pi (E 1 min) increased by 116%, whereas relative rates of Pi release at the solid-to-solution with time were slightly lowered. The effect of earthworm ingestion on IEK corresponded to a transfer of slowly exchangeable Pi towards quicker Pi pools of exchange. However, according to the literature, the increase in E 1 min remained below the critical level for optimal growth, stating that the soils remained P-deficient even in the presence of active and numerous earthworms.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effects of matric potentials between -25.4 and-2.0 kPa on the mechanical dispersion of fresh and aged casts produced by Aporrectodea caliginosa, A. rosea, and A. trapezoides. We also examined the effects on dispersion of the matric potential at which the air-dried casts were rewetted. Dispersion from subsurface casts up to 6 days old and uningested aggregates was influenced, but dispersion from fresh casts was not influenced, by the matric potential of the soil core from which the samples were collected. Dispersion from subsurface casts and uningested aggregates increased as the matric potential of the soil core increased from -25.4 to -2.0 kPa. Cast dispersion was not influenced by the earthworm species which produced the cast. Little or no clay was mechanically dispersed after the casts had been air-dried and rewetted, and the matric potential at which casts were rewetted had little influence on dispersion.  相似文献   

Summary Mineral N concentrations ranged from 133.1 to 167.8 g g-1 dry soil in fresh casts of the endogeic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus fed on an Amazonian Ultisol; this was approximately five times the concentration in non-ingested soil. Most of this N was in the form of NH inf4 sup+ . N also accumulated in microbial biomass, which increased from a control value of 10.5–11.3 to 67.5–74.1 g g-1 in fresh casts. During a 16-day incubation, part of the NH inf4 sup+ -N was nitrified and/or transferred to the microbial biomass. Total labile N (i.e., mineral+biomas N) decreased sharply at first (ca. 50% in the first 12 h), and then more slowly. The exact fate of this N (microbial metabolites, denitrification, or volatilization) is not known. After 16 days, the overall N content of the casts was still 28% higher than that of the control soil. Incubation of the soil before ingestion by the earthworms significantly increased the production of NH inf4 sup+ in casts. We calculate that in a humid tropical pasture, 50–100 kg mineral N may be produced annually in earthworm casts. Part of this N may be conserved in the compact structure of the cast where the cast is not in close contact with plant roots.  相似文献   

Dendrobaena octaedra (Lumbricidae) and Cognettia sphagnetorum (Enchytraeidae) are the two most dominating soil invertebrates in terms of biomass in boreal coniferous forest soils. A microcosm experiment was set up in order to study the influence of pH, moisture and resource addition on D. octaedra and C. sphagnetorum when both species are simultaneously present. Two kinds of coniferous forest humus were used as substrate, pine stand humus (pH 4.2), and spruce stand humus (pH 4.6); in the third treatment the pine stand humus was adjusted with slaked lime (CaOH2) to the same initial pH as the spruce stand humus. Each substrate was adjusted to water contents of 25%, 42.5% and 60% of WHC (referred to as ‘dry’, ‘moist’ and ‘wet’). In the second part of the experiment, spruce needle litter and birch leaf litter were separately added into the pine stand humus (‘moist’, unlimed) and compared with a control without litter. The microcosms were plastic jars with 75 g (d.m.) of humus, into which 4 specimens of D. octaedra and 70 specimens of C. sphagnetorum were added. D. octaedra showed the highest biomass and C. sphagnetorum the lowest biomass in the spruce stand humus with higher pH. Moisture did not affect earthworms, while C. sphagnetorum thrived best at the highest moisture. Addition of both kinds of litter increased the numbers and biomass of D. octaedra, while on C. sphagnetorum resource addition had little effect. The results help to explain the abundance of these two species in coniferous forests differing in soil acidity, moisture and fertility.  相似文献   

Ralf Kautenburger   《Pedobiologia》2006,50(3):257-266
Earthworms are being used as bio-indicators to assess terrestrial pollution. However, it is often not known whether their populations possess a uniform genetic structure, which would allow comparison of residues or biological properties of earthworms from different sampling locations. In order to investigate this point, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation was surveyed in earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) from five different sampling sites in Germany. Forty oligonucleotide RAPD primers (10 base pairs in length) were screened, three of which produced high polymorphic band patterns. A total of 61 DNA fragments were detected in 90 individuals of L. terrestris from five sampling sites with 49 (80.3%) RAPD markers being polymorphic. The genetic similarities within (band sharing rates between 0.756 and 0.795) and among the L. terrestris populations (0.635) were similar even at widely separate locations. Inter-population variation in the RAPD pattern for all five earthworm populations accounted for 37.9% of the total variation, while intra-population variation for three adjacent Saarland populations accounted for only 18.0% of the total variation. Principal component analysis (PCA) and the genetic distances of the populations confirm these results. Twenty-four percent of the genetic distance is caused by geographical isolation as shown by a test for isolation by distance. These results show that L. terrestris fulfils the genetic qualifications for a bio-indicator particularly at closely located sampling sites. However, the results also suggest that earthworm studies of widely separated locations should include genetic characterisation of the earthworm samples.  相似文献   

[目的] 对比分析西鄂尔多斯地区四合木与红砂灌丛的阻沙能力,为原生草原与荒漠过渡带植物的多样性保护和珍稀濒危物种保育提供理论依据与数据支持。 [方法] 以西鄂尔多斯国家级自然保护区内四合木(Tetraena mongolica)、红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)灌丛沙堆为研究对象,运用典型样方法对四合木和红砂灌丛沙堆形态与生长状况进行系统测定,探讨沙堆形态发育及阻沙能力与四合木和红砂灌丛形态的关系。 [结果] ①四合木和红砂灌丛沙堆均呈半椭球型发育,四合木灌丛沙堆形态参数显著大于红砂灌丛沙堆(p<0.05); ②四合木、红砂灌丛与沙堆形态参数间(灌丛高度除外)具有显著相关性(p<0.01)。四合木灌丛沙堆长轴、短轴、半径与高度之间均呈二次函数关系,表明四合木灌丛可能进入衰退阶段,而红砂灌丛沙堆长轴、短轴、半径与高度之间均呈线性关系,表明红砂灌丛沙堆仍在发育; ③当冠幅面积(Sp)≤1.44 m2时,红砂灌丛沙堆的体积大于四合木灌丛沙堆,当Sp>1.44 m2时,四合木灌丛沙堆的体积一直大于红砂灌丛沙堆。四合木和红砂灌丛单位冠幅面积所拦截的沙物质体积分别为0.13和0.06 m3。 [结论] 可以初步判断四合木的阻沙能力大于红砂。整体来看,四合木对风沙环境的适应性较红砂强,随着冠幅面积的增长四合木灌丛拦截沙物质的能力更强。  相似文献   

山杨和油松是晋西地区重要的建群树种,采用整株收获法分析了山杨和油松各器官生物量以及地上地下生物量分配格局.采用胸径(DBH)、树高(H)、树木因子(D2H)、平均冠幅(CW)和冠长(CL)等变量建立了叶、枝、干、根、地上部分及整株生物量模型,并选取了最优模型.结果表明:(1)山杨的叶、枝、干、根生物量分配比例分别为3.42%,11.23%,64.30%和21.06%,油松的叶、枝、干、根生物量分配比例分别为13.44%,19.86%,47.52%和19.18%;山杨和油松地上生物量和地下生物量比值分别为3.32∶1和3.99∶1.(2)山杨和油松的地上生物量与地下生物量之间呈极显著线性相关(p<0.001).(3)山杨和油松各器官生物量拟合的最优模型形式均为CAR类型,模型解释量均超过92%.(4)基于树木胸径D的山杨和油松各器官单变量模型可解释量除叶(解释量>83%)外均达到或超过了90%,树高不宜单独对各器官生物量进行预测.综合考虑模型的可解释量和生产实践中的需要,胸径是预测山杨和油松不同器官生物量的可靠变量.  相似文献   

The effects of bacterial inoculants on the growth of winter wheat were studied in a growth chamber. Azospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus polymyxa, Enterobacter cloacae, or a mixture of the four rhizobacteria were the inoculants tested. Inoculation effects on yield, yield components, and N-derived from fertilizer (Ndff) were assessed. The response of plants inoculated with individual bacteria was inconsistent and varied with treatment. At the first harvest (58 days after planting-DAP) plants inoculated with the mixture exhibited increases in plant dry weight, total-N and Ndff. At the second harvest (105 DAP), plants inoculated with A. brasilense and the mixture exhibited increases in shoot biomass, whereas at maturity (170 DAP), the inoculated plants showed no differences in total-N or shoot dry matter yield, as compared to the uninoculated controls. Inoculation with A. brasilense, however, increased the Ndff in the shoots, and B. polymyxa tended to enhance grain yield. Practical use of these rhizobacteria as inoculants for winter wheat may have limited value until such time as we better understand factors which influence rhizosphere competence of bacterial inoculants.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogenase activity associated with earthworms, their faeces and activity in soil was measured by the acetylene reduction technique. A clear increase in nitrogenase activity was found in field-deposited casts of Aporrectodea caliginosa in comparison with surrounding soil, although potential nitrogenase activity was significantly higher in soil than in casts. Nitrogenase activity associated directly with earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus ) was detected, indicating the presence of active N2-fixing bacteria on the body surface and/or in the gut. Laboratory experiments showed that nitrogenase activity in the casts of L. rubellus was higher than in unmodified soil, and that nitrogenase activity in soil was significantly increased by the burrowing and feeding activity of these worms. This paper discusses the possible causes of these earthworm effects on soil nitrogenase activity and some methodological problems of determining the nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

The possible ameliorative effects of selenium (Se) addition to soil on the detrimental effects of enhanced UV-B radiation were tested on strawberry and barley during 4 months of field experiment in Kuopio, Central Finland. Control plants were exposed to ambient levels of UV radiation, using arrays of unenergized lamps. A control for UV-A radiation was also included in the experiment. Added Se, applied as H2SeO4, at the level of 0.1 mg kg−1 soil (low dosage) and 1 mg kg−1 soil (high dosage) increased Se concentrations in plants more than 10 and 100 times, respectively. After 4 months of exposure, strawberry and barley plants were harvested for biomass analysis. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured using the Hansatech FMS2 fluorescence monitoring system. Leaf anatomy and ultrastructure were observed by light and transmission electron microscope. Several effects of UV and Se as well as their interaction were found, mostly for strawberry, but not for barley, indicating species-specific responses. Our results provided evidence that the high Se concentration in soil had no ameliorative effect but increased the sensitivity of strawberry to enhanced UV-B radiation in the field. Under ambient radiation, Se did not alter leaf growth of strawberry, whereas under UV-B radiation, the high Se addition significantly decreased leaf growth. Strawberry runner biomass was affected by the interaction of Se and UV. Under ambient radiation Se did not change dry weight of runners, but in combination with UV-A or UV-B radiation the high Se dosage decreased dry weight of runners by about 30%. Although the high Se concentration positively influenced on quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) in strawberry leaves, it reduced runner biomass, leaf number and ratio of starch to chloroplast area. This suggests that the harmful effects of the high Se dosage on photosynthetic processes occurred as a result of changes in activity or/and biosynthesis of enzymes, rather than alteration of PSII. At the low concentration, Se effects were slight and variable.Although barley leaves accumulated higher Se concentrations than strawberry, there were no apparent changes in their growth, biomass or chlorophyll fluorescence due to Se effect either alone or in combination with UV-B. However, at the ultrastructural level, an enlargement in the peroxisome area was found due to combination of UV radiation with Se, suggesting the activation of antioxidative enzymes, possibly catalase. Decrease in mitochondrial density in barley cells in response to Se might be attributed to alteration of mitochondrial division. Increase in the proportion of cells with cytoplasmic lipid bodies due to combined effect of UV-B and Se indicated the alteration of lipid metabolism and the acceleration of cell senescence in barley. Main UV-B effects were found, mostly at the tissue and ultrastructural level in strawberry, but not in barley, indicating species-specific susceptibility to enhanced UV-B radiation. UV-B-treated strawberry plants developed marginally thinner leaves with reduced ratio of starch to chloroplast area in their cells, suggesting negative influence of UV-B on photosynthetic processes.  相似文献   

为了探讨混交林与纯林养分状况和固碳能力的差异,以黄土丘陵沟壑区刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)纯林、油松(Pinus tabuliformis)纯林以及刺槐+油松(Robinia pseudoacacia+Pinus tabuliformis)混交林、刺槐+山杨(Robinia pseudoacacia+Populus davidiana)混交林为对象,通过野外调查和室内分析相结合的方式,研究混交林与纯林生态系统的生态化学计量特征与碳储量。结果表明:(1)刺槐+油松混交林显著增加刺槐枝和根的C含量和叶、干的P含量及枝的C:P与N:P,并显著增加油松叶、枝和根的N含量和枝、干、根的N:P,但显著降低油松各器官的C:N,而刺槐+山杨混交林仅显著增加刺槐枝的P含量。(2)刺槐+油松混交林的土壤C含量显著高于刺槐纯林,土壤P含量显著低于油松纯林;刺槐+山杨混交林与刺槐纯林土壤P含量差异不显著。(3)总体纯林中乔木叶片与凋落物的C含量显著相关,C:N、C:P在乔叶-凋落物-土壤中均显著相关;但在总体混交林中仅有凋落物与土壤中的P含量与C:P显著相关。(4)刺槐+山杨混交林乔木层碳储量显著高于刺槐纯林,刺槐+油松混交林林下植被层与土壤层碳储量显著高于刺槐纯林。研究结果为深入了解黄土高原养分循环机制奠定基础,同时也为黄土高原人工林的经营管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The determinants of saprotrophic or predatory modes of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora were investigated in soil microcosms and on solid nutrient media. A sterilized soil amended with 1% w/w alfalfa meal (C:N=32) and inoculated with conidia of A. oligospora, showed lower mycelium biomass and higher specific rate of conidia production in the presence of the bacterivorous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans than in its absence. As few as 10 nematodes g−1 soil were sufficient to enhance spore formation by the vegetative mycelium. Given that the fungus was not limited by available carbon and nitrogen, this indicates that nematodes provide essential growth factors regulating the development of A. oligospora. Carbon mineralisation by A. oligospora, measured as the rate of CO2 production, was found to be 25–35% lower in the presence of 20–60 C. elegans g−1 soil compared to soil without nematodes. This showed that A. oligospora had lower saprotrophic activity in the predaceous phase. Trap formation and nematophagous activity of A. oligospora were observed only where conidia were inoculated on nutrient poor medium (water agar), on low-nitrogen medium (Yeast Carbon Base agar) or on medium containing no amino-acids or vitamins (Czapek-Dox agar). A. oligospora did not form trapping structures when grown on nutrient-rich media containing three amino-acids (l-histidine monohydrocloride, dl-methionine and dl-tryptophan) and vitamins (biotin, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, inositol, niacin, p-aminobenzoic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavine, thiamine hydrochloride). It is concluded that predaceous behaviour of A. oligospora can be regulated either by nitrogen sources or by physiologically active compounds (amino-acids or vitamins) present in nematodes.  相似文献   

化学农药过量施用不仅杀死了害虫和自然天敌,也影响天敌与害虫之间的空间关系。桃园生态系统中草间钻头蛛(Hylyphantes graminicola)是桃蚜(Myzus persicae)的重要捕食性天敌,本文系统调查了化学农药长期胁迫下不同时期(4月中旬至9月上旬)桃树桃蚜和草间钻头蛛种群数量,并运用地统计学方法和地理信息系统(GIS)分析了桃树桃蚜和草间钻头蛛种群的空间结构,并采用基于高斯模型、指数模型、球型模型和圆型模型的普通克立格插值法模拟了其种群空间分布格局。结果表明,桃蚜和草间钻头蛛种群在10次调查期间均呈随机分布格局;桃蚜和草间钻头蛛空间分布距离相关性较弱,其变动范围均为6.863 0~43.174 1 m;桃蚜和草间钻头蛛的空间结构比例分别为0.788 8~0.983 9和0.811 6~0.980 6,块金值分别为0.254 2~4.896 3和0.218 4~0.749 9,偏基台值分别为0.010 5~0.250 0和0.004 8~0.075 7。本研究结果显示,长期使用化学农药致使桃树桃蚜和草间钻头蛛种群的空间结构比例值均大于0.7500,这表明化学农药胁迫下桃蚜和草间钻头蛛种群之间的跟随效应不明显,草间钻头蛛对桃蚜的捕食作用不强。  相似文献   

不同密度马尾松人工林枯落物输入对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同密度马尾松人工林枯落物输入对土壤理化性质和林分生长影响,选择适宜的人工林经营措施提供参考.以2 500,3 300,4 500,6 000株/hm2(分别记为M1、M2、M3和M4)4种造林密度的马尾松人工林为研究对象,利用结构方程探究不同密度马尾松林枯落物输入对土壤性质的影响.结果表明:林分密度对枯落物和土...  相似文献   

Studies were conducted during the period May 1993 to April 1994 on the density, biomass and vertical distribution ofAporrectodea caliginosa, a common species of earthworm found in the Benena farms in Benghazi, Libya. The soil of the farm was a clay loam, pH 7.3, and the organic matter averaged 4.2%. Maximum density and biomass ofA. caliginosa were recorded from October to December 1993 and again during March and April 1994, and minimum values were recorded from May to July 1993. A juvenile dominant population was observed during the summer. This was followed by an increase in subadults and adults during the autumn, winter and spring seasons. A positive correlation of the moisture and an inverse correlation of soil temperature on the density and biomass of these animals were discernible. A. caliginosa mainly confined their activities to the surface organic zone (0–10 cm depth) of the soil for most of the months studied.  相似文献   

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