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Review of medical records of 78 horses admitted to the George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals with dorsal displacement of the soft palate revealed 94% of these horses to have evidence of an intermittent abnormal "gurgling" respiratory noise at the time of exercise. Sternothyrohyoideus myectomy was used as a primary treatment for 17 of these horses, with a success rate of 58%. Anatomic dissection of 30 horses indicated that the midcervical region is the optimal site for sternothyrohyoideus myectomy to alleviate dorsal displacement of the soft palate.  相似文献   

The pleura and lungs were evaluated by means of sonography in 55 bovine patients with diseases of the thoracic cavity. For these ultrasound examinations, a range of transducers was used. As the lung surface was most often involved in cases of pulmonary disease, it was possible to detect ultrasonographically bronchopneumonia, consolidation, pleural effusion, pulmonary emphysema and pleuritis. Determination of the amount of lung tissue affected provided prognostic information. It was not possible to visualise lesions located deeper within the lungs where peripheral tissue was not affected. A diagnosis of thoracic disease was made on the basis of clinical and ultrasonographic findings and confirmed in 33 cases at necropsy.  相似文献   

Medical records of 46 horses with jugular vein thrombophlebitis that were evaluated ultrasonographically were reviewed. The ultrasonographic appearance of the thrombus within the jugular vein was classified as noncavitating if it had uniform low to medium amplitude echoes, or as cavitating if it was heterogenous with anechoic to hypoechoic areas representing fluid or necrotic areas within the thrombus, and/or hyperechoic areas representing gas. Signs of pain on palpation of the affected vein (P less than 0.001), heat over the vein (P = 0.001), and swelling of the vein (P less than 0.05) were significantly associated with the ultrasonographic detection of a cavitating lesion. Ultrasonography also was useful for selecting a site for aspiration of a specimen for bacteriologic culturing and susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

The clinical features of 19 horses with pelvic fractures were reviewed. The most common problem was a grade III or IV unilateral hind limb lameness. The prevalence of fractures was greater in females and horses less than 4 years old. All horses were treated with a combination of analgesic administration and stall rest for 2 to 6 months. Seven of 11 horses (64%) available for long-term follow-up evaluation recovered and 4 of 11 (36%) had no lameness when being ridden. Five of seven (71%) horses with fractures that involved the acetabulum recovered, and 4 (57%) had complete resolution of lameness. No correlation was found between the long-term outcome of the horses and the bone fractured, age of horse, or duration of injury before admission.  相似文献   

The medical records of 19 horses with cutaneous vasculitis were reviewed. Most (73.7%) affected horses were between 3 and 10 years old, and there were significantly more mares (14) than stallions or geldings (5) (P less than 0.01). Subcutaneous edema of the limbs, body, and/or head was the predominant clinical sign (18/19 horses; 94.7%). The single most prevalent laboratory abnormality was neutrophilia (greater than 7,000 neutrophils/microliter), which was detected in 10 horses (52.6%). Leukocytoclastic vasculitis was evident in skin biopsy specimens from 12 of 14 horses (85.7%). All horses were treated with corticosteroids and supportive care, and the overall survival rate was 63.1% (12/19). The mean duration of treatment with corticosteroids in surviving horses was 14 (+/- 5.3) days. Of the 7 horses that died, 5 failed to respond to treatment (4 were euthanatized, 1 died), and 2 others had persistent debilitating sequelae (euthanatized). The only significant clinical or laboratory abnormality predictive of poor prognosis was fever (odds ratio, 17.81; P less than 0.05). Seven horses had history of, or were exposed to horses with, abscessed peripheral lymph nodes and likely were suffering from equine purpura hemorrhagica. In spite of histopathologic evidence of hypersensitivity-vasculitis and/or the clinical suspicion that the cause for vasculitis was immune mediated, 7 of 19 horses (36.8%) had no history of bacterial or viral infection nor a history of current drug administration.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal cicatrices were observed endoscopically in 47 horses examined because of abnormal respiratory noises and/or exercise intolerance. A review of these cases revealed a correlation between cicatrization and age, sex, and the presence of other upper airway abnormalities. The age of affected horses ranged from 6 to 21 years, with a mean age of 12.7 +/- 7.8 (+/- 2 SD) years. Females were affected 2.7 times more frequently than males. Abnormalities commonly observed with a nasopharyngeal cicatrix included chondritis of the arytenoid cartilage, epiglottic deformity, and deformity of the guttural pouch openings. The nasopharyngeal cicatrix was responsible for respiratory obstruction in only 3 horses. Treatment for the cicatrix was not performed on any horse in this series. Generalized nasopharyngeal and laryngeal inflammation were postulated as causes of the cicatrices and associated abnormalities.  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis and/or obstructive biliary tract disease was diagnosed ultrasonographically in 8 horses, 5 to 15 years old. Ultrasonographic findings revealed greater than normal amount of hepatic parenchyma in the right side of the abdomen in 8 horses and in the left side in 3 horses. The echogenicity of the liver was greater than normal, and thick distended bile ducts were seen in all horses. Choleliths were imaged ultrasonographically in 6 horses. Subsequently, postmortem findings in 6 horses revealed periportal and intralobular fibrosis, moderate bile duct dilatation, proliferation, and cholestasis. One or more choleliths were found in all horses. Ultrasonographic findings accurately depicted the histologic changes in the hepatic parenchyma in horses with cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

Traumatic, unilateral coxofemoral luxation was diagnosed in 22 female dairy cattle (12 calves less than or equal to 13 months old, 10 adults). Physical examination differentiated between dorsal and ventral luxations, but could not distinguish luxations from fractures of the proximal aspect of the femur that occurred in 2 additional adults. Luxations were confirmed by radiography in 5 animals. Closed reduction was accomplished in only 1 calf. A craniolateral surgical approach to the hip, using mechanically assisted traction, was successful in reducing 95% (20/21) of the luxations. Craniodorsal luxations (16) were most common. Ninety-four percent of the animals were ambulatory before surgery. None had concomitant musculoskeletal injuries and 75% (12/16) survived for a long period. Five of 6 animals with ventral luxations arrived recumbent, with serious complicating musculoskeletal injuries, and only 2 of these animals survived for a long period. Calves had a better long-term survival rate (75% vs 50%) and a lower reluxation rate (17% vs 40%), compared with adults.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous reports of clostridial myonecrosis have either focused on individual case reports or have been small retrospective studies reporting very high mortality rates. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to describe the outcome of cases of clostridial myonecrosis submitted to 2 referral equine hospitals in the United States over a 15 year period. METHODS: A retrospective study of case material selected on the basis of positive Clostridium spp. culture or the identification of Clostridium spp. by specific fluorescent antibody testing from soft tissue wounds was performed at Cornell and Wisconsin. RESULTS: 37 cases of clostridial myonecrosis were documented. Twenty-seven horses survived, 8 were subjected to euthanasia and 2 died during treatment for an overall survival rate of 73%. Twenty-five cases (68%) were associated with Clostridium perfringens alone, 6 cases (16%) with Cl. septicum alone, 4 cases with mixed clostridial infections (11%), 1 case with Cl. sporogenes and 1 with an unspeciated Clostridium spp. The highest survival rate of 81% was documented for those cases from which Cl. perfringens alone was isolated. The most common antecedent condition prior to referral was colic. The myonecrotic lesion occurred within 6-72 h of a soft tissue injection in 34 cases but was associated with a wound or laceration in the remaining 3 cases. Of the 34 cases associated with recent injections, 24 were associated with i.m. injections in the cervical region, 4 in the semimembranosus/semitendinosus region, 3 in the gluteal region, 2 with perivascular leakage of drugs administered into the jugular vein and 1 case developed simultaneously in the gluteal and neck region following injections at both sites. CONCLUSIONS: Clostridial myonecrosis can occur following the i.m. or inadvertent perivascular administration of a wide variety of commonly administered drugs. It is most common in the neck musculature. Aggressive treatment can be associated with survival rates of up to 81% for cases due to Cl. perfringens alone. Survival rates for other Clostridial spp. tend to be lower. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: A combination of high dose i.v. antibiotic therapy and surgical fenestration/debridement is the best approach to cases of clostridial myonecrosis. With rapid diagnosis and therapeutic intervention, horses may have up to an 81% chance of survival.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical signs, underlying cardiac conditions, echocardiographic findings, and prognosis for horses with congestive heart failure. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 14 horses. PROCEDURE: Signalment; history; clinical signs; clinicopathologic, echocardiographic, and radiographic findings; treatment; and outcome were determined by reviewing medical records. RESULTS: All 14 horses were examined because of a heart murmur; tachycardia was identified in all 14. Twelve horses had echocardiographic evidence of enlargement of 1 or more chambers of the heart. Other common clinical findings included jugular distention or pulsation, crackles, cough, tachypnea, and ventral edema. Nine horses had signs consistent with heart failure for > 6 days. Underlying causes for heart failure included congenital defects, traumatic vascular rupture, pericarditis, pulmonary hypertension secondary to heaves, and valvular dysplasia. Seven horses were euthanatized after diagnosis of heart failure; 5 were discharged but were euthanatized or died of complications of heart disease within 1 year after discharge. The remaining 2 horses were discharged but lost to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that congestive heart failure is rare in horses. A loud heart murmur accompanied by either jugular distention or pulsation, tachycardia, respiratory abnormalities (crackles, cough, tachypnea), and ventral edema were the most common clinical signs. Echocardiography was useful in determining the underlying cause in affected horses. The long-term prognosis for horses with congestive heart failure was grave.  相似文献   

Strangulated umbilical hernias in horses: 13 cases (1974-1985)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The medical records of 13 horses with strangulated umbilical hernias were reviewed. Typical history included increased swelling, warmth, and firmness of the hernial sac. Enterocutaneous fistulas had developed in 2 horses. Four horses had signs of abdominal pain. Surgery was performed on all horses, and the hernia was reduced by an open reduction technique. Incarcerated tissue included omentum (1 horse), jejunum (5), ileum (4), cecum (1), and ventral colon (2). All horses survived and were discharged from the hospital. Follow-up information on 9 horses (5 to 52 months after discharge) revealed no complications in 6 horses. Of the remaining 3 horses, one horse was euthanatized 5 months after discharge because of laminitis. One horse had persistent drainage from the skin incision requiring removal of nonabsorbable suture material 8 months after discharge. One foal required a second surgery because of signs of abdominal pain 17 days after the initial surgery. The foal was euthanatized during surgery because of severe peritonitis secondary to anastomotic leakage.  相似文献   

Case records of 200 horses treated with metronidazole were reviewed. Horses were treated for respiratory tract infections (90 cases), peritonitis or abdominal abscess (39 cases), celiotomy (49 cases), orthopedic infections (6 cases), and miscellaneous soft tissue infections (16 cases). Bacteria of the genus Bacteroides were most prevalent (55 of 167 anaerobic isolates). Metronidazole was always used in combination with other antimicrobial drugs. Only 4 of the 200 horses had signs of adverse effects associated with metronidazole treatment. Those 4 horses had poor appetite that resolved when metronidazole treatment was discontinued.  相似文献   

Fifteen confirmed cases of equine coccidioidomycosis that originated in California and Arizona were studied retrospectively. Age, breed, and sex varied among affected horses. The most common historical problems were chronic weight loss (53% of cases) and persistent cough (33% of cases). The most frequent physical examination abnormalities were related to the respiratory tract (60% of cases). In 27% of cases, horses had signs of musculoskeletal pain. Horses consistently had hyperproteinemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, leukocytosis, and neutrophilia. An antemortem etiologic diagnosis was made for 11 (73%) horses, all of which had positive serologic tests for coccidioidomycosis. Of the seropositive horses, 5 (46%) also had positive cultures for Coccidioides immitis. One horse died naturally. The other 14 were euthanatized. Prolonged treatment with specific antifungal agents was attempted in 4 horses without apparent benefit. Postmortem abnormalities included pulmonary parenchymal lesions (64% of cases), thoracic lymphadenopathy (57% of cases), hepatic parenchymal involvement (43% of cases), and osteomyelitis (29% of cases). The lesions were granulomatous or pyogranulomatous and C immitis was observed microscopically in 83% of cases.  相似文献   

The CSF creatine kinase (CK) activity was determined in 70 CSF samples from 69 horses with CNS disease. Abnormal values (greater than or equal to 1 IU/L) were determined from 32 CSF samples, and normal values (less than 1 IU/L) were found in 38 samples. Increased CK activity was most frequently associated with a diagnosis of equine protozoal myelitis; CK activity was not increased in 11 horses with cervical compressive myelopathy. Other diagnoses, in which CSF CK activity was increased included trauma (n = 1), idiopathic epilepsy (n = 2), botulism (n = 2), articular facet fracture (n = 1), intervertebral disk protrusion (n = 1), and toxemia (n = 1).  相似文献   

Sixty-eight horses with colic caused by small intestinal disease were allotted into 2 groups of 34 on the basis of recorded findings during exploratory celiotomy, necropsy, or response to medical treatment alone. Signalment, history, physical examination findings, and laboratory findings were compared between the group of horses with small intestinal obstruction and the group with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis. A significantly greater proportion of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis were older than 2 years old (P less than 0.05). Differences in sex or breed distribution, or in seasonality of the 2 disease syndromes were not observed. Horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis had significantly greater signs of depression than those with small intestinal obstruction (P less than 0.01), and horses with small intestinal obstruction had significantly greater signs of abdominal pain (P less than 0.05). The mean heart and respiratory rates were significantly lower (P less than 0.01) and the volume of nasogastric reflux was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) in the group of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis. Sections of small intestine that were palpable per rectum were less distended and there were more auscultable borborygmi in horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis, compared with those with small intestinal obstruction (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01). The group of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis had lower mean plasma potassium and higher mean plasma bicarbonate concentrations (P less than 0.05) than the group with small intestinal obstruction. The mean nucleated cell count and total protein concentration of peritoneal fluid specimens were significantly less in the group with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis (P less than 0.01); however, these values were greater than normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare results of thoracic radiography, cytologic evaluation of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and histologic evaluation of biopsy and necropsy specimens in dogs with respiratory tract disease and to determine whether histologic evaluation provides important diagnostic information not attainable by the other methods. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 16 dogs. PROCEDURE: BAL fluid was classified as normal, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, mononuclear, mixed, neoplastic, or nondiagnostic. Radiographic abnormalities were classified as interstitial, bronchial, bronchointerstitial, or alveolar. Histologic lesions were classified as inflammatory, fibrotic, or neoplastic, and the predominant site of histologic lesions was classified as the alveoli, interstitium, or airway. RESULTS: The predominant radiographic location of lesions correlated with the histologic location in 8 dogs. Of 11 dogs with histologic evidence of inflammatory disease, 8 had inflammatory BAL fluid. Of the 2 dogs with histologic evidence of neoplasia, 1 had BAL fluid suggestive of neoplasia, and the other had BAL fluid consistent with septic purulent inflammation. Two dogs without any histologic abnormalities had mononuclear or nondiagnostic BAL fluid. Two dogs with histologic evidence of fibrosis had mononuclear or mixed inflammatory BAL fluid. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that although thoracic radiography, cytologic evaluation of BAL fluid, and histologic evaluation of lung specimens are complementary, each method has limitations in regard to how well results reflect the underlying disease process in dogs with respiratory tract disease. Lung biopsy should be considered in cases where results of radiography and cytology are nondiagnostic.  相似文献   

Gray-scale ultrasonography was utilized in addition to radiography in the diagnosis of reproductive disease in 18 bitches. In 72% of the cases, ultrasonography was considered diagnostic because it revealed information on organ architecture, relationships of radiographically silhouetting soft tissue structures, and fetal viability that was unobtainable by radiography alone. In the remainder of the cases, ultrasonography was contributory to the diagnostic process by supporting the clinical and radiographic diagnoses. The benefits of ultrasonography are discussed, as is the ultrasonographic appearance of a variety of reproductive tract diseases.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1989, 33 horses were diagnosed with renosplenic entrapment of the large colon. Duration of colic, signalment, physical findings, and laboratory values were determined, and treatment methods were evaluated. Nonsurgical correction was attempted in 22 of the horses with suspected renosplenic entrapment of the large colon and was successful in 11 cases. Survival and complication rates also were determined. Nonsurgical correction is a viable alternative to immediate surgery for renosplenic entrapment of the large colon, if cases are selected properly.  相似文献   

The medical records of 83 horses with pleuropneumonia and/or pulmonary abscessation, in which thoracic sonography was used, were reviewed. The sonograms of these horses were reviewed retrospectively for free gas echoes within pleural or abscess fluid. Anaerobic infection was confirmed in 27 horses, and gas echoes were observed in 21 horses. There was a significant (P less than 0.001) correlation between the observation of gas echoes and anaerobic infection in horses with pleuropneumonia and/or pulmonary abscessation. A foul odor to the breath or pleural fluid was significantly (P less than 0.001) associated with anaerobic infection. Poor survival rates were associated with gas echoes or a foul odor to the breath or pleural fluid, both of which were associated with anaerobic infection. Gas echoes within pleural or abscess fluid were found to be a sensitive and specific indicator of anaerobic infection, as was a putrid odor to the breath or pleural fluid. Evaluation for gas echoes and foul odor had better predictive value than did evaluation for gas echoes or foul odor alone. Gas echoes within pleural or abscess fluid is highly suggestive of anaerobic infection. Ultrasonography should be performed repeatedly in horses with pleuropneumonia to assess the progression or resolution of pleural and parenchymal disease. The detection of gas echoes on subsequent ultrasonograms may indicate the development of anaerobic infection.  相似文献   

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