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Lung biopsy in cattle for the diagnosis of lung diseases is rarely used or described. The clinical effects and the gross findings in lung and pleura after ultrasonic-guided percutaneous lung biopsy in the upright animal of healthy cattle were reported previously (Braun et al., 1999). This report describes the yield of attained lung tissue and the local tissue reaction in 60 healthy adult cows slaughtered 24 h (50 animals) and 10 days (10 animals) after invasion. The yield of lung tissue in the biopsies was high (85.5%) in 90 histologically examined biopsy specimens and judged 'good to excellent'. The local tissue reaction and the extent of haemorrhage in the lung parenchyma, both 24 h and 10 days after the biopsy, were minimal. In the latter group, the scar tissue had approximately the same dimensions as the tissue cylinders punched 10 days before. There were no local adhesions between the pleural surfaces. Previously published data concerning clinical reactions and complications, macroscopically examined local tissue bleeding and the histologically evaluated minimal local inflammatory reaction, following lung biopsy of cattle, indicate that this procedure is safe and satisfactory for sampling of accurate lung material. The results of this study concur and indicate that local complications in the animal were minimal to absent.  相似文献   

Marbofloxacin is a veterinary only, synthetic, broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent. In mammals, approximately 40% of the oral dose of marbofloxacin is excreted unchanged in the urine; the remaining is excreted via the bile as unchanged drug in the feces. The V d ranges from 1.1 (cattle) to 1.3 (dog, goat, swine) L/kg. Because of extra-label use of marbofloxacin in birds and reptiles, this study was designed to determine the profile of metabolites in plasma and compare the circulating metabolite profile between a reptile and an avian species. Six adult ball pythons ( Python regius ) and 10 blue and gold macaws ( Ara ararauna ) were used in this study. The macaws were dosed both i.v. and p.o. with a single 2.5 mg/kg administration where as the pythons received a single 10 mg/kg dose both i.v. and p.o. The metabolite profiles of marbofloxacin in the plasma of these species were determined using a high performance liquid chromatography system with a mass spectrometer for detection (LC/MS/MS). Mass spectra data generated from the snake and bird plasma samples were compared with previously reported LC/MS/MS mass spectral data. Evidence does not suggest differences due to route of administration (i.v. vs. p.o.) in either species. Four chromatographic peaks with resulting daughter spectrum were identified and represent 12 possible metabolite structures. All of the proposed metabolites, except for the N-oxide, appear to be unique to macaws. The potential metabolites identified in macaws appear to be very different than those reported for chickens.  相似文献   

Urine specimens were obtained from 115 dogs. Each specimen was divided into 2 aliquots; one aliquot was placed into a sterile container (non-preserved), and the other was preserved in a boric acid-glycerol-sodium formate at 4 C. Both aliquots were then transported to a laboratory, and specimens of each aliquot were bacteriologically cultured immediately upon arrival at the laboratory. Specimens of the preserved aliquot also were cultured after 24, 48, and 72 hours of preservation. In 47 specimens containing greater than or equal to 1 X 10(4) colony-forming units (CFU)/ml, the results of quantitative bacteriologic culturing of preserved urine at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours were the same as the result of the immediate quantitative bacteriologic culture of non-preserved urine. In 2 of 5 specimens containing greater than or equal to 1 X 10(3) CFU/ml but less than 1 X 10(4) CFU/ml, the results of quantitative bacteriologic culture of preserved urine differed from the corresponding immediate culture of nonpreserved urine. Bacteria were not isolated from 63 specimens (less than 1 X 10(3) CFU/ml). Bacteriologic cultures of preserved urine were also negative for bacterial growth at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours. Bacteriuria was detected by direct microscopic examination of gram-stained smears of uncentrifuged urine in 50 of 52 urine specimens from dogs with urinary tract infection. Bacteria were observed in 1 of 63 specimens that did not have bacterial growth when cultured.  相似文献   

Two control programs were evaluated for their efficiency in eradicating the maedi-visna (M-V) virus from a single sheep flock. In both programs, the agar gel immunodiffusion test was used for the detection of M-V infected animals at regular intervals. In program 1, the test and remove program, ewes that were serologically positive for M-V were immediately removed along with their offspring. The prevalence of infected sheep decreased gradually and a seronegative flock was obtained after 30 months of monitoring. Program 2 entailed the removal of replacement ewe lambs at birth prior to the ingestion of colostrum. Maedi-visna antibodies have not been detected in this flock. These results show that under conditions similar to the industry norms, M-V can be expelled. Although the approach of program 1 is more practical for sheep producers, program 2 is more effective because of the earlier development of a M-V seronegative flock. Because of the nature of the humoral response, a longer time period than four years is required to ensure that M-V has been completely eradicated from each flock.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare measurements of blood flow in the common femoral artery obtained by duplex Doppler ultrasonography (DDU) and a reference ultrasonic transit-time flow (TTF) method and to examine the impact of Doppler spectral waveform measurement techniques on volumetric estimates. ANIMALS: 5 healthy female pigs. PROCEDURES: Femoral arterial blood flow was measured simultaneously in anesthetized pigs by use of a TTF probe (left femoral artery) and transcutaneous DDU (right femoral artery). A range of flow states was induced pharmacologically by using xylazine, bradykinin, dobutamine, and isoflurane. Volumetric blood flow was calculated from DDU waveforms, using the product of the flow velocity integral (FVI), the cross-sectional vessel area, and heart rate. Three calculations of FVI were obtained by manually tracing the Doppler spectral envelopes at the outer envelope, the modal, and the inner envelope of the spectral dispersion pattern. Data analysis included calculation of Pearson correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman limits of agreement. RESULTS: Blood flow measured by DDU was more closely correlated with TTF measurements when the modal or inner envelope tracing method was used (r, 0.76 and 0.78; limits of agreement, -100 to 54.2 and -48.5 to 770 mL/min, respectively). Limits of agreement for the outer envelope tracing method were -238.5 to 64 mL/min. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Transcutaneous DDU is a reliable noninvasive technique for measuring blood flow in the femoral artery of pigs over a range of flow states. Tracing the inner envelope of the Doppler spectral dispersion pattern provided the best estimate of blood flow in this study.  相似文献   

The movements of cattle at 12 livestock auction markets were observed to determine the possible causes of trauma leading to carcase bruising. Design faults included right-angled bends in races, dead ends, flooring with insufficient slope or grip, and steps. Sliding gates were often misused for goading cattle. Projecting fittings and square-edged corners were potentially injurious; conversely, rounded posts and curved races assisted the flow of cattle with minimal impacts. At all the markets, some cattle were hit directly and poked with wooden sticks, and the variations in their use could partially explain the differences between the markets in the prevalence of carcase bruising. Most harder hits were directed at less valuable parts of the body, such as the spine, hips and shoulders, and a survey of bruising at the abattoir showed that these were the areas with most bruising. In this survey of 48,926 carcases, the overall level of commercially significant bruising of 4.1 per cent was lower than the 6.5 per cent found in a previous survey. Carcases of cattle from markets had a greater incidence and severity of bruising (P<0.001) than those arriving directly from farms or dealers. Carcase bruising in young bulls was less (P<0.001) than in heifers and steers.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A cold complement fixation test for ovine brucellosis in which fixation of complement occurs for 16 h at 4°C was compared with the conventional warm complement fixation test in which fixation takes place for 40 minutes at 37°C. The cold complement fixation test detected experimentally infected animals up to one week sooner than the warm complement fixation test and the titres were approximately one twofold dilution higher. Similar results were obtained when the 2 tests were compared using 11,922 serum samples collected from 700 ram flocks over a 2-year period. False positive reactions were observed in less than 0.1% of cases.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic direction of renal biopsy was evaluated in 37 dogs and 1 cat suspected of having renal disease. Specimens adequate for morphologic diagnosis were obtained in 37 cases (97%). Eleven of the 38 animals were necropsied and the biopsy diagnosis was confirmed in 10 of the cases (91%). Excessive pericapsular hemorrhage and severe hematuria developed in 1 dog. Three dogs (8%) had macroscopic hematuria for 24 hours after biopsy.  相似文献   

The effects of vitamins on important production and performance traits have been evaluated from the present knowledge of the functions of vitamins in the organism and the effects of deficient and excess supplies.It is concluded that there is a lack of current knowledge on almost all aspects of quantitative metabolism of vitamins. Stress is laid on our need to understand problems of availability and sensitive parameters indicating the vitamin status of the organism.A clear distinction between the scientific determination of requirements, and the allowances recommended by advisers is emphasized. A safety margin has to be added to estimates of requirements to cover farm conditions.  相似文献   

Eight Indian pythons (Python molurus) with clinical and microbiological evidence of pneumonia were examined by computed tomography (ct) before and after treatment. The results were assessed subjectively and measurements were taken following a standard protocol. Changes in the lung tissue of all the pythons were diagnosed, and the extent of the disease could be assessed. ct examinations after treatment showed an improvement in the six pythons whose clinical condition had improved, but in the other two pythons they demonstrated the severity of the disease. The subjective assessments were superior to the evaluation of measurements of attenuation in regions of interest. However, the average and the maximum attenuation provided additional information on the extent of the disease. Except for one python with only mild clinical signs, the attenuation after successful treatment was still higher than in healthy pythons.  相似文献   

The oral cavities of 65 rabbits, 35 chinchillas, 38 guinea pigs, 19 degus and 13 prairie dogs suffering from a lack of appetite, hypersalivation, moist dermatitis, swelling of the lower jaw or mild exophthalmos were examined with a paediatric laryngoscope and rigid endoscope. The laryngoscope was safe and satisfactory for a preliminary examination, but changes in the less accessible caudal parts of the cavity could not be identified precisely. A rigid endoscope with 30 degrees optics made it possible to examine all parts of the oral cavity and oropharynx, and make detailed observations of surface lesions on the premolar and molar teeth and the mucosal surface of the gingiva, tongue and hard palate; endoscopy with 70 degrees optics provided an excellent view of the occlusal tooth surfaces, tooth crowns, and buccal mucosa. The collection of biopsy samples, the removal of foreign objects and the correction of malocclusions were greatly simplified by the use of the endoscope owing to the clear visualisation of the procedures, and the risk of injury was minimised. The examinations with a laryngoscope were made effectively on animals that were manually restrained, but a thorough examination with a rigid endoscope required the animals to be anaesthetised.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定磺胺间甲氧嘧啶含量的不确定度评定   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以磺胺间甲氧嘧啶为例,阐述高效液相色谱外标法含量测定结果的不确定评定。通过建立数学模型,分析不确定度的来源、因素及过程,对各个不确定度分量进行评估,最终给出了磺胺间甲氧嘧啶的扩展不确定度和置信水平。测量不确定度可用于磺胺间甲氧嘧啶标定结果的评估。  相似文献   

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