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Fusarium mycotoxins are increasingly studied agronomically, chemically, and pathologically in the context of food safety, as a means of preventing new major health crises. Reliable mycotoxin techniques and sampling procedures are required for assessment of the effects of different sources of variation on grain mycotoxin content in agronomic experiments. Analyses were performed with the aim of formulating guidelines for grain sampling to increase the reliability of grain mycotoxin measurement in agronomic experiments. Two toxins in wheat samples, deoxynivalenol and nivalenol, were targeted. With a nested linear mixed model, it was estimated that the uncertainty of nivalenol determination was low (+/-15 microg/kg), whereas that for deoxynivalenol determination was higher (+/-38 microg/kg). It was also found that grinding of the grain decreased the variability of the results. Moreover, despite the heterogeneity in grain mycotoxin content across a given field, it was shown that heads can be harvested manually for agronomic experiments provided that sampling is representative (evenly distributed over the entire plot area). Finally, delaying the assay until after harvest was found to affect the results obtained and should therefore be avoided.  相似文献   

14C-Labeled carbonyl sulfide (COS) was used to measure the amount of sorbed fumigant and alteration products on grains. Wheat, paddy rice, polished rice, mungbean, and safflower were exposed to a 60 mg L(-)(1) of (14)COS for 7 days and then aired for 5 days. Carbonyl sulfide and/or alteration products in sugars, protein, starch, amino acids, protopectines, and hemicelluloses were undetectable. The total uptakes of radioactivity determined after fractionation and also by extraction were in the range of 36-53 ng g(-)(1) COS equiv. The total radioactivity determined by autoradiography was below the detection limit of 70 ng g(-)(1) COS equiv. Radioactivity in the commodities was less than 0.003% of all the radioactivity applied. The amount of retained radiolabel was measured in three ways. First, biochemical fractions such as lipids and amino acids were separated by chromatography, and the activity was determined in each component. Second, commodities were crushed and extracted in aqueous acetone until the maximum amount of radiolabel was extracted. Third, autoradiography was carried out on commodity kernels.  相似文献   

A method developed for the determination of 1,2-dibromoethane in whole grains and grain-based products has been modified and expanded to include 8 other fumigants. Samples are stirred with water and purged with nitrogen for 0.5 h in a water bath at 100 degrees C. The fumigants are collected on a trap composed of Tenax TA and XAD-4 resin, eluted with hexane, and determined by gas chromatography (GC) using electron capture detection or Hall electrolytic conductivity detection. Flame photometric detection in the sulfur mode is used to determine carbon disulfide. Thick-film, wide-bore capillary columns were used exclusively in both the determination and confirmation of the halogenated fumigants. The higher levels of fumigants are also confirmed by full scan GC/mass spectrometry. Samples are analyzed for carbon disulfide, methylene chloride, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, 1,2-dibromoethane, and tetrachloroethylene. A total of 25 whole grains, milled grain products, and intermediate grain-based foods analyzed by this method contained fumigant levels up to 51 ppm (carbon tetrachloride in wheat). Recoveries from fortified samples ranged from 82 to 104%. Chromatograms from this purge and trap method are clean, so that low parts per billion and sub-parts per billion levels can be quantitated for the halogenated analytes. The quantitation level for carbon disulfide is 12 ppb.  相似文献   

Whole grain and legumes, milled and low-fat products, spices, citrus fruit, and dry beverage ingredients are leached with purified, acidified acetone-water solutions. Portions of these leachates are then back-extracted with purified isooctane. Liquid beverages are directly extracted with the isooctane. Six to 10 microL of each isooctane extract is then screened for 11 fumigant residues by gas chromatography (GC) using electron-capture and Hall electroconductivity detectors, and dual 20% OV-101 columns. Further confirmation of residue identity is done on 20% OV-225/20% OV-17 (2.5 + 1 mixed-bed) and 10% SP-1000 columns. The analytes determined include methyl bromide, methylene chloride, carbon disulfide, chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, chloropicrin, ethylene dibromide, and tetrachloroethylene, using mixed-component reference solutions. Average recoveries from fortified grain range from 25 to 85%; methyl bromide and chloropicrin were recovered the least. Recoveries from the other kinds of food samples range from 43 to 111%. Advantages of this procedure are (1) clean sample extracts, (2) ppb detection limits, (3) residue stability, (4) relative speed, quality control, and safety of the analysis, and (5) results which gave an accurate picture of residual fumigants in grain and food products.  相似文献   

白酒酿造行业产生的酒糟含有大量纤维素,不仅原料利用率低,而且丢弃的酒糟会对环境产生污染。为了获得酒糟纤维素降解能力强的微生物并进行应用,从酱香型酒醅、清香型酒醅、浓香型大曲、竹林里的土壤腐殖质中分离筛选酒糟纤维素降解菌,并对菌种分类、理化特征和降解酒糟的特性进行研究。pH值、温度和酒精胁迫性试验进一步确定了最佳酒糟纤维素降解菌为B2菌株,该菌株在pH值3.0、温度44 ℃、酒精含量为体积分数4%环境中生长良好。基于形态学、生理生化和分子生物学分析,鉴定B2菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。在单因素试验结果的基础上,采用Box-Benhnken响应面法进行优化,确定了B2菌株降解酒糟的最佳工艺条件为酒糟添加量71 g/L、温度37 ℃、pH值6.4、接种量8%,此时酒糟降解率为15.23%。该研究丰富了酒糟纤维素降解菌的微生物资源库,同时为酒糟的资源化利用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

An improved method has been developed for the determination of ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane) in whole grains, milled grain products, intermediate grain-based foods, and animal feeds. Samples are mixed with water and sparged with nitrogen for 1 h with stirring in a water bath at 100 degrees C. The EDB collected on the adsorbent Tenax TA is eluted with hexane and determined by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD) and confirmed with Hall electrolytic conductivity detection (HECD) using a second GC column. The highest levels of EDB were also confirmed by full scan GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A total of 24 whole grains, milled grain products, intermediate grain-based foods, and animal feeds analyzed by using this method contained EDB levels up to 840 ppb (wheat). Recoveries from fortified samples ranged from 90 to 105%. Values from this method were compared with those obtained from the acetone soak method; for all 24 samples, this purge and trap method gave equivalent or superior recoveries and detected levels of EDB. Chromatograms for this purge and trap method were clean, enabling a quantitation level of 0.5 ppb to be achieved.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity of grains   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Epidemiological studies have shown that consumption of whole grains and grain-based products is associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases. The health benefits of whole grains are attributed in part to their unique phytochemical composition. However, the phytochemical contents in grains have been commonly underestimated in the literature, because bound phytochemicals were not included. This study was designed to investigate the complete phytochemical profiles in free, soluble conjugated, and insoluble bound forms, as well as their antioxidant activities in uncooked whole grains. Corn had the highest total phenolic content (15.55 +/- 0.60 micromol of gallic acid equiv/g of grain) of the grains tested, followed by wheat (7.99 +/- 0.39 micromol of gallic acid equiv/g of grain), oats (6.53 +/- 0.19 micromol of gallic acid equiv/g of grain), and rice (5.56 +/- 0.17 micromol of gallic acid equiv/g of grain). The major portion of phenolics in grains existed in the bound form (85% in corn, 75% in oats and wheat, and 62% in rice), although free phenolics were frequently reported in the literature. Ferulic acid was the major phenolic compound in grains tested, with free, soluble-conjugated, and bound ferulic acids present in the ratio 0.1:1:100. Corn had the highest total antioxidant activity (181.42 +/- 0.86 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of grain), followed by wheat (76.70 +/- 1.38 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of grain), oats (74.67 +/- 1.49 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of grain), and rice (55.77 +/- 1.62 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of grain). Bound phytochemicals were the major contributors to the total antioxidant activity: 90% in wheat, 87% in corn, 71% in rice, and 58% in oats. Bound phytochemicals could survive stomach and intestinal digestion to reach the colon. This may partly explain the mechanism of grain consumption in the prevention of colon cancer, other digestive cancers, breast cancer, and prostate cancer, which is supported by epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

More than 20 volatile methoxybenzene compounds were found in a set of 745 corn, sorghum, soybean, and wheat samples obtained from official grain inspectors. Most samples containing methoxybenzenes were off-odor. By using an autosampler, volatiles were purged from whole grain at 80 degrees C, collected on Tenax, and then thermally desorbed and transferred to a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer for separation and identification. Use of an infrared detector aided identification of some compounds, especially isomers with similar mass spectra. Samples with insect odor had 1,4-dimethoxybenzene and its 2-methyl, 2-ethyl, and 2-methoxy derivatives that appeared to be derived from 1,4-quinones, which are known (except for 2-methoxy) defensive secretions of Tribolium insects. Samples with mostly musty, sour, and/or smoke odors commonly contained methoxybenzene and 1, 2-dimethoxybenzene along with their 4-ethyl and 4-ethenyl derivatives, 4-chloro-1-methoxybenzene, and/or 2-methoxyphenol and its 4-ethyl derivative. Other methoxybenzenes were also found, including methoxy derivatives of other phenols and N-heterocyclic compounds. Co-occurrences and correlations of levels of some compounds were also reported to indicate relationships with odors and inter-relationships among compounds.  相似文献   

Grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is a widely adaptable C4 pseudo-cereal crop that has interesting nutritional characteristics including high protein and calcium concentrations and a lack of gluten. To date, no antinutrient has been found at problematic levels in grain amaranth; however, oxalate has not been thoroughly studied. Dietary oxalate is a potential risk factor for kidney stone development, and its presence in food lowers calcium and magnesium availability. Oxalate concentration and forms and calcium and magnesium concentrations were determined in 30 field-grown grain amaranth genotypes from the species A. cruentus, A. hybrid, and A. hypochondriacus. The effects of seeding date and fertilization with calcium ammonium nitrate were evaluated in field experiments conducted in multiple environments; the effects of cooking were also evaluated. Mean total oxalate concentration in the 30 genotypes analyzed was 229 mg/100 g, with values ranging between 178 and 278 mg/100 g, the greatest proportion being insoluble (average of 80%). Calcium concentration averaged 186 mg/100 g and ranged between 134 and 370 mg/100 g, whereas magnesium averaged 280 mg/100 g and ranged between 230 and 387 mg/100 g. Fertilization only marginally increased total oxalate concentration and had no effects on other variables. Seeding date had no effects on any of the variables studied. Boiling increased the proportion of soluble oxalate but did not affect total oxalate concentration. Grain amaranth can be considered a high oxalate source, however, as most is in insoluble form, and due to its high calcium and magnesium concentrations, oxalate absorbability could be low. This should be confirmed by bioavailability studies.  相似文献   

在计算机的Excel中建立计算模板,测报人员只需将按规范调查的原始数据、各类型田代表率、各虫态历期、各类型田残虫量、各虫源田所占比例、虫源田总面积、下代防治对象田总面积等资料输入相应的计算模板中,就能迅速计算出预测三化螟发生趋势所需数据。再根据发生期和发生程度的计算公式,引用技术参数,推算出发生期和发生程度。  相似文献   

Sclerotium grains in soil contain humus-metal complexes that are probably produced from fungal metabolites. The characterization of major elements in sclerotium grains collected from volcanic ash soils in Mt Myoko was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, FT-IR spectrometry and CHN analysis, and the concentration of trace elements was determined by PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission spectrometer) analysis. The content of major elements, C, H, N, O and Al, was approximately 47.6, 3.32, 0.78, 30.2 and 1.4% by mass, respectively. Trace elements such as Ti, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Br and Pb were detected in the grains at concentrations between 10 and 100 μg g−1. Functional carbon groups for the whole grain were characterized by the dominance of O-alkyl C associated with aromatic C. The comparison between the surface and subsurface (matrix) of the grain showed that the concentrations of O, C and N were relatively greater on the surface of sclerotium grains than in the matrix. The proportion of carbon having C–O, C=O, and O–C=O bonds, O and N showed a tendency to decrease from the surface towards the matrix. The proportion of C assigned as C–C and/or C–H bonds had a tendency to increase towards the matrix associated with Al.  相似文献   

水稻子粒硒累积机制研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用溶液培养方法研究了富硒与非富硒两品种水稻(秀水48和丙9652)对硒的转运差异及其子粒硒积累机制。结果表明,水稻子粒灌浆开始后停止供硒,其根系硒浓度随着时间的推移而表现下降的趋势。秀水48根系硒含量下降幅度大于丙9652;秀水48根系中硒更加容易转运出去。剑叶是水稻的功能叶,在水稻整个生育期内剑叶中硒含量逐渐下降。秀水48剑叶硒含量下降幅度大于丙9652,两者差异显著。从硒的积累量看,秀水48剑叶硒积累量下降幅度大于丙9652,剑叶硒的转移将有助于硒在水稻子粒中的积累。  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - Phytoremediation is a cost-effective and relatively cleaner method for remediating contaminated areas using plants. Certain plants, including some sunflower...  相似文献   

One sixth of the world’s population is suffering from hidden hunger that indicates a gross malnutrition particularly among children and women of third world countries. The deficiency of micro nutrients, especially iron (Fe) causes a number of ailments such as megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects in poor population. There is a dire need to supplement iron in the diet. Current efforts implicate fortification of wheat flour and other grains with different iron formulations such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), FeSO4 and elemental iron. However, all such interventions are not sustainable due to logistic and quality assurance problems in resource-limited settings. For a long term solution, development of crop plants with increased micronutrients and iron bioavailability is essential. Therefore, biofortification of cereal grains using translational genomics approaches for enhancement of folate through genome editing in cereals is inevitable to mitigate the folate deficiency in poor remote population in a cost effective manner.  相似文献   

内衬塑料地下粮食筒仓粮堆温度场研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了研究地下仓储粮期间粮堆的温度变化,该研究以湿基含水率为23%的高水分玉米为研究对象,首先采用试验方法对内径3 m,高5 m的地下筒仓在静态储藏条件下的仓内温度场的变化进行了分析。然后基于多孔介质传热理论,使用多物理场数值模拟软件COMSOL对试验仓进行了模拟研究。数值模拟基于实际堆粮高度,充分考虑了仓内谷物颗粒呼吸作用对粮堆内温度场分布的影响,研究了不同初始粮温、粮食种类和装粮季节对仓内温度场的影响。结果表明:静态储藏阶段,粮食的呼吸作用较强,粮堆首先在底部开始升温,并逐渐形成高温热芯,随后热芯位置逐渐向粮堆中上部移动,并最终稳定于距装粮线1 m处。初始粮温为35 ℃时,仓内粮堆温升最高,为6.1 ℃,温度达到峰值后出现下降趋势;在5种不同种类(玉米、油菜籽、大豆、小麦和稻谷)粮堆中,油菜籽堆平均温升最高,为1.6 ℃,玉米堆平均温升最低,为1.2 ℃;不同季节外部环境温度的变化对仓内粮堆温度变化影响很小,仓内粮堆温度在不同季节条件下表现出一致的变化趋势。该研究对地下仓高水分粮储藏期间的温度变化进行了研究,并拓展了数值模拟,可为实际工程提供参考。  相似文献   

Grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (1.) Moench has not been fully evaluated for its variability in nitrogen efficiency. A 2‐year study using 12 hybrids was conducted and nitrogen efficiency was calculated as: 1. total dry matter (DM) per unit N uptake (NE1), 2. total grain yield per unit N uptake (NE2), and 3. the product of NE2 and the grain N:stover N ratio (NE3). NE1 values increased with plant age and were significantly different among hybrids at all stages of growth. A 20% difference in NE1 was found between the least and most efficient hybrids at maturity. A significant hybrid x year interaction showed that the environment strongly influenced hybrid ranking. Hybrids which ranked high in one year often did poorly the other year and visa versa for NE1, NE2, or NE3. Each N efficiency criterion ranked the hybrids differently, although NE1 and NE2 appeared to be the most closely related. Hybrids generally maintained satisfactory values for NE3 if one parent (either male or female) had a high NE3 value in hybrid combination. Differences were more dramatic for partitioning of N between grain and stover than for NE values among hybrids. Due to environmental influences, it appears that at least 3 or more years of data may be needed in order to establish consistent trends for N efficiency in grain sorghum.  相似文献   

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