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近年来,随着我国养禽业规模化、集约化的形成,家禽品种不断增多,饲料和禽产品流动日益频繁,环境气候异常变化,加之药物和疫苗的应用不规范,使疾病变得越来越复杂化和非典型化,如何正确诊断和防制疾病是养鸡最感棘手的问题,现就目前几种主要病毒性传染病的流行特点及防制作简要概述,供参考。  相似文献   

贵州省鸡主要传染病的血清学调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1990-1994年对贵州省发生的鸡新城疫等10种主要传染病进行了血清学调查,从不同地、县17个养鸡场和个体农户散养的鸡群中采集血样、羽髓和组织匀浆,分别用血球凝集,血球凝集抑制、琼脂扩散和平板凝集试验检测,其阳性率为2.5%-54.6%。并对对新城疫、传染性法氏囊病、传染性支气管炎的病原、病理及血清学等进行了全面的调查研究。  相似文献   

近几年,遵义市养鸡业快速发展,出现了许多养鸡场和养鸡专业户。防疫工作虽得到加强,仍有疫病暴发,给养鸡业造成巨大损失。为摸清我市鸡主要传染病的分布流行情况和危害情况,我们于2001年4-8月,对我市的遵义县,红花岗区等6个县(区)的4个鸡场和120个养鸡号业户、农村散养户的鸡群进行了血清学调查,现将调查结果报道如下。  相似文献   

鸡病毒性关节血清学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢芝勋  邓显文 《中国家禽》1998,20(12):15-15

杨蕾  罗函禄 《中国家禽》1998,20(1):14-15
鸡10种传染病的血清学调查@杨蕾@葛国君@朱会斌¥江苏省句容市多种经营管理局@罗函禄@刘宇卓@张则斌¥江苏省农科院畜牧兽医研究所鸡10种传染病的血清学调查杨蕾葛国君朱会斌(江苏省句容市多种经营管理局句容212400)罗函禄刘宇卓张则斌(江苏省农科院畜牧兽医...  相似文献   

鸡新城疫 鸡新城疫是一种由病毒引起的,以呼吸困难、下痢、神经症状为主要特征的急性传染病。俗名“鸡瘟”,又称亚洲鸡瘟,各种年龄、不同品种的鸡都可发病,雏鸡抵抗力弱,比成年鸡易感性高。  相似文献   

应用血清学方法对甘肃省64个县(市、区)142个鸡场鸡的14种传染病进行了调查,结果IBD阳性率为36.34%,MD为28.47%,ND为34.82%,IB为34.82%,EDS-76为7.20%,REO为18.96%,AAI为21.06%,AL为4.44%,MGG为38.71%,FC为18.01%,PD为23.27%,IC为31.12%,AC为36.35%,表明甘肃省普遍存在着上述14种病的感染  相似文献   

<正> 为了系统地了解我区鸡传染病的种类和感染情况,为制定合理的防制措施提供依据,我们于1988年5月五~1989年1月对吉安县农村和泰和、井冈山、吉安等地三个鸡场的罗斯、红波罗、武山、三黄、AA、来航、京白和本地鸡等八个品种的不同日龄的389只鸡的同份血清进行了鸡新城疫(ND),鸡传染性性法氏囊炎(IBD)、鸡马立克氏病(MD)、鸡腺病毒(CELO)、鸡毒支原体病(MG)、减蛋综合症(EDS—76)J、  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎(Avian Infectious bronchitis,IB)是由传染性支气管炎病毒(Avian Infectious bronchitis virus,IBV)引起的鸡的一种急性高度接触性呼吸道疾病,主要以张口呼吸、咳嗽、气管罗音、腺胃肿大、出血、“花斑肾”为主要特征。自1931年Schalk等首次报道了经典的呼吸型禽传染性支气管炎(IB)并确定为病毒性疾病以来,已有肠型、腺胃型、肾型等多种病型相继报道。  相似文献   

应用正向间接血凝试验对东莞市采集的977份犬血清和126份猫血清进行了衣原体抗体检测,检测结果为犬抗体阳性28份,抗体阳性率2.87%;其中散养犬只抗体阳性数24份,抗体阳性率2.96%,三鸟批发市场肉用犬抗体阳性数3份,抗体阳性率3.61%,犬养殖抗体阳性数1份,抗体阳性率1.2%。猫抗体阳性3份,抗体阳性率2.38%。结果表明我市的犬、猫和外地输入东莞市的肉用犬都存在衣原体的感染。  相似文献   

A P Avakian  J W Dick 《Avian diseases》1985,29(4):1277-1280
Two methods for collecting blood for measuring antibody activity of Pasteurella multocida were compared. Whole blood was collected on filter-paper strips, dried for 48 hr at room temperature, and then stored in sealed plastic bags at 4 C. Blood was also collected in the usual manner with a needle and syringe, and serum was harvested and stored at -20 C until tested. Eluates of whole blood, obtained by overnight elution of two 4.8-mm discs in 200 microliters of buffered saline at 4 C, were compared with conventionally harvested serum for antibody activity by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Paired samples, taken from the same bird at the same time, showed no significant difference (P less than 0.05) in antibody activity as measured by absorbance when the disc-elution process itself was considered to be a 1:20 dilution. It was concluded that eluates of blood, derived from whole blood dried on filter-paper strips, may be used as an alternative to sera in ELISA for measuring P. multocida antibody activity.  相似文献   

Three chicken infectious anemia (CIA) virus strains were isolated from 10 different sick broiler and replacement chicken flocks with the MDCC-MSB1 cell line. One-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks were inoculated later, with the three original samples being positive in tissue culture; one induced signs and lesions, another only lesions typical for CIA. One isolate was selected for further trials and showed resistance to chloroform and heat (75 C for 5 min) and passed through a 45-nm filter membrane but did not pass through the 22-nm filter. These characteristics were similar to the Del Rose reference strain of chicken anemia virus. By electron microscopy, the diameter of particles obtained from the pellet of infected cell cultures was between 22 and 27 nm. Serology survey carried out with 580 serum samples from different poultry farms all over the country with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit gave proof of widespread seroconversion, indicating that CIA should be considered endemic to Mexico.  相似文献   

Following BCI4 (EDS'76) virus infection of brown layer hens at 33 weeks of age, production of normally shelled eggs dropped from 87 per cent to 49 per cent within 3 weeks. The production of soft shelled and shell‐less eggs attained a maximum of 33 per cent 3 weeks after infection (p.i.). Shell quality recovered completely within 5 weeks p.i.

Egg production problems in White Leghorns infected with BCI4 virus were less severe and of shorter duration than in brown layers.

Both in brown layers and in White Leghorns total egg production, mean weight of normally shelled eggs, and internal egg quality were not affected following BCI 4 virus infection at 33 and 28 weeks of age, respectively. Besides shell abnormalities no clinical disease symptoms were observed. Vaccination with a commercial EDS'76 vaccine (Nobivac EDS'76®) at 17 weeks of age had no adverse effects on laying performance and provoked adequate immunity against challenge at 33 weeks of age. The same observations were made following BCI4 virus infection at 17 weeks of age.

After infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) (H52 virus) infection of laying fowl the percentage of eggs with shell aberrations (rough, misshapen and/ or soft shells) increased to a maximum of 8 per cent, total egg production was depressed, mean egg weight was reduced I to 2 grams, and up to 10 Per cent of normally shelled eggs showed watery, not ropy thin albumen. This abnormally thin albumen was observed in a considerably higher proportion of eggs with shell defects than in normally shelled eggs. No turbidity of the thick albumen was observed and no symptoms of respiratory disease were noticed.

The severity and duration of adverse effects of IBV infection on laying performance depend very much on the stage of production in which the infection occurs. Following IBV infection at the onset of production a much severer drop in total production and in production of normally shelled eggs, a greater increase in the number of abnormally shelled eggs, and more lasting adverse effects on egg weight and internal egg quality were observed, in comparison with infection after peak production. Compared with single infections, a combined BC14 virus and IBV infection of brown layers at 33 weeks of age resulted in greatly potentiated adverse effects on total egg production, number of eggs with aberrant internal quality, and duration of production problems.

Following a combined BC14 virus and IBV infection, in a great proportion of eggs with shell defects and watery thin albumen, turbidity of the thick albumen was observed also, probably due to combined effects on the uterus of both IBV and BC14 virus.

BC14 virus infection did not reinforce the adverse influence of IBV infection on egg weight.

The same observations as described for the combined BC14 virus and IBV infection were made following BC14 virus infection of fowl previously infected with IBV.

It is concluded that changes of internal egg quality in field cases of EDS'76 are most likely due to subclinical IBV infections.

After infection of brown layers at 33 weeks of age with fowl adenovirus 66 (FA V 66) neither symptoms of clinical disease were observed nor effects on egg production, egg weight, and egg quality. Also, in a combined infection with FA V66, IBV, and BCI4 virus, no pathogenic significance could be attributed to the FAV.  相似文献   

宁夏猪场猪蓝耳病和细小病毒病的流行病学和血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome,PRRS)是由猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)引起的,以怀孕母猪繁殖障碍和仔猪呼吸困难、高死亡率及育肥猪呼吸道症状为特征的病毒病,又称蓝耳病。我国于1996年分离到该病毒,  相似文献   

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